Java tutorial
/* Copyright (c) 2011 Danish Maritime Authority * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this library. If not, see <>. */ package dk.dma.msinm.legacy.msi.service; import dk.dma.msinm.common.MsiNmApp; import dk.dma.msinm.common.db.Sql; import dk.dma.msinm.common.sequence.DefaultSequence; import dk.dma.msinm.common.sequence.Sequence; import dk.dma.msinm.common.sequence.Sequences; import dk.dma.msinm.common.service.BaseService; import dk.dma.msinm.common.settings.DefaultSetting; import dk.dma.msinm.common.settings.Setting; import dk.dma.msinm.common.settings.Settings; import dk.dma.msinm.common.settings.SettingsEntity; import dk.dma.msinm.common.util.TextUtils; import dk.dma.msinm.common.util.TimeUtils; import dk.dma.msinm.legacy.msi.model.LegacyMessage; import dk.dma.msinm.model.Area; import dk.dma.msinm.model.Category; import dk.dma.msinm.model.Location; import dk.dma.msinm.model.Message; import dk.dma.msinm.model.MessageDesc; import dk.dma.msinm.model.Point; import dk.dma.msinm.model.Priority; import dk.dma.msinm.model.SeriesIdType; import dk.dma.msinm.model.SeriesIdentifier; import dk.dma.msinm.model.Status; import dk.dma.msinm.model.Type; import dk.dma.msinm.service.MessageService; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import javax.ejb.Stateless; import javax.ejb.TransactionAttribute; import javax.ejb.TransactionAttributeType; import javax.inject.Inject; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; /** * Imports data from a local db dump of the Danish MSI database */ @Stateless public class LegacyMsiImportService extends BaseService { static final int LIMIT = 1000; // Import at most 1000 MSI at a time /** * Defines whether the import is active or not. * By default, the import is not active */ public static final Setting LEGACY_MSI_ACTIVE = new DefaultSetting("legacyMsiImportActive", "false"); /** * Registers the start date of the legacy message import. * By default, pick the first day of the year */ public static final Setting LEGACY_MSI_START_DATE = new DefaultSetting("legacyMsiImportStartDate", String.valueOf(getJanFirstThisYear().getTime())); /** * Registers the last update date of the legacy messages that has been processed. * By default, pick the first day of the year */ public static final Setting LEGACY_MSI_LAST_UPDATE = new DefaultSetting("legacyMsiImportLastUpdate", String.valueOf(getJanFirstThisYear().getTime())); @Inject Logger log; @Inject LegacyDatabase legacyDatabase; @Inject MsiNmApp app; @Inject MessageService messageService; @Inject LegacyMessageService legacyMessageService; @Inject Sequences sequences; @Inject @Sql("/sql/legacy_msi_data.sql") String legacyMsiDataSql; @Inject @Sql("/sql/all_legacy_msi.sql") String allLegacyMsiSql; @Inject Settings settings; /** * Import all MSI warnings * @return the imported/updated MSI warnings */ @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW) public List<LegacyMessage> importAllMsiWarnings() { // Check if the integration is active if (!settings.getBoolean(LEGACY_MSI_ACTIVE)) { return new ArrayList<>(); } // Import the legacy MSI from the last registered update time until now // Note that at most LIMIT messages are processed Date lastRegisteredUpdateDate = settings.getDate(LEGACY_MSI_LAST_UPDATE); Date now = new Date(); List<LegacyMessage> result = new ArrayList<>(); Date lastUpdate = importMsi(result, allLegacyMsiSql, "all", lastRegisteredUpdateDate, now); // And register the last update time if (lastUpdate != null) { settings.updateSetting(new SettingsEntity(LEGACY_MSI_LAST_UPDATE.getSettingName(), String.valueOf(lastUpdate.getTime()))); } return result; } /** * Import active MSI warnings * @param sql the sql for fetching IDS * @return the last updated date */ public Date importMsi(List<LegacyMessage> result, String sql, String type, Date... dataParams) { log.debug("Start importing at most " + LIMIT + " " + type + " legacy MSI warnings from local DB"); Date lastUpdate = null; Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { conn = legacyDatabase.getConnection(); stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); // Set the parameters, which must consist of a set of data parameters, // and lastly a limit parameter for (int x = 0; x < dataParams.length; x++) { stmt.setTimestamp(x + 1, new Timestamp(dataParams[x].getTime())); } stmt.setInt(dataParams.length + 1, LIMIT); log.debug("Executing SQL\n" + sql); long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Fetch ID's of active MSI List<Integer> ids = new ArrayList<>(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { ids.add(rs.getInt("id")); } rs.close(); log.debug(String.format("Fetched %d ID's for %s legacy MSI in %d ms", ids.size(), type, System.currentTimeMillis() - t0)); // Import the MSI's if (ids.size() > 0) { lastUpdate = importMsi(ids, conn, result); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Failed fetching active legacy MSI messages from database ", ex); } finally { try { stmt.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { } try { conn.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { } } return lastUpdate; } /** * Import the legacy MSI with the given ID's * @param ids the ID's of the MSI to import * @param conn the DB connection * @return the result */ private Date importMsi(List<Integer> ids, Connection conn, List<LegacyMessage> result) { log.debug("Start importing at most " + LIMIT + " legacy MSI warnings from local DB"); long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis(); Date lastUpdate = null; Statement stmt = null; try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); String sql = legacyMsiDataSql.replace(":ids", StringUtils.join(ids, ",")); log.debug("Executing SQL\n" + sql); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql); Integer skipId = null; LegacyMessage legacyMessage = null; while ( { Integer id = getInt(rs, "id"); Integer messageId = getInt(rs, "messageId"); Boolean statusDraft = getBoolean(rs, "statusDraft"); String navtexNo = getString(rs, "navtexNo"); String descriptionEn = getString(rs, "description_en"); String descriptionDa = getString(rs, "description_da"); String title = getString(rs, "title"); Date validFrom = getDate(rs, "validFrom"); Date validTo = getDate(rs, "validTo"); Date created = getDate(rs, "created"); Date updated = getDate(rs, "updated"); Date deleted = getDate(rs, "deleted"); Integer version = getInt(rs, "version"); String priority = getString(rs, "priority"); String messageType = getString(rs, "messageType"); String category1En = getString(rs, "category1_en"); String category1Da = getString(rs, "category1_da"); String category2En = getString(rs, "category2_en"); String category2Da = getString(rs, "category2_da"); String area1En = getString(rs, "area1_en"); String area1Da = getString(rs, "area1_da"); String area2En = getString(rs, "area2_en"); String area2Da = getString(rs, "area2_da"); String area3En = getString(rs, "area3_en"); String area3Da = getString(rs, "area3_da"); String locationType = getString(rs, "locationType"); Integer pointIndex = getInt(rs, "pointIndex"); Double pointLatitude = getDouble(rs, "pointLatitude"); Double pointLongitude = getDouble(rs, "pointLongitude"); Integer pointRadius = getInt(rs, "pointRadius"); // Update the lastUpdate if (lastUpdate == null || lastUpdate.before(updated)) { lastUpdate = updated; } if (skipId != null && skipId.intValue() == id.intValue()) { continue; } if (legacyMessage != null && !legacyMessage.getLegacyId().equals(id)) { legacyMessageService.saveLegacyMessage(legacyMessage); legacyMessage = null; } // Handle first record of a new message if (legacyMessage == null) { // Initialize the legacy message to update. // If null is returned, the message should be skipped. legacyMessage = legacyMessageService.initLegacyMessage(id, messageId, version); if (legacyMessage == null) { // Skip the import skipId = id; continue; } result.add(legacyMessage); Message message = legacyMessage.getMessage(); // Update legacy message legacyMessage.setLegacyId(id); legacyMessage.setLegacyMessageId(messageId); legacyMessage.setNavtexNo(navtexNo); legacyMessage.setVersion(version); legacyMessage.setUpdated(updated); // Create the message series identifier SeriesIdentifier identifier = new SeriesIdentifier(); identifier.setMainType(SeriesIdType.MSI); message.setSeriesIdentifier(identifier); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(navtexNo) && navtexNo.split("-").length == 3) { // Extract the series identifier from the navtext number String[] parts = navtexNo.split("-"); identifier.setAuthority(parts[0]); identifier.setNumber(Integer.valueOf(parts[1])); identifier.setYear(2000 + Integer.valueOf(parts[2])); } else { // Some legacy MSI do not have a navtex number. // Give them a number > 1000, since these are unused Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(validFrom); int year = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR); if (!statusDraft) { Sequence sequence = new DefaultSequence( "LEGACY_MESSAGE_SERIES_ID_MSI_" + app.getOrganization() + "_" + year, 1000); identifier.setNumber((int) sequences.getNextValue(sequence)); } identifier.setAuthority(app.getOrganization()); identifier.setYear(year); } // Message data message.setCreated(created); message.setUpdated(updated); if ("Navtex".equals(messageType) || "Navwarning".equals(messageType)) { message.setType(Type.SUBAREA_WARNING); } else { message.setType(Type.COASTAL_WARNING); } Date now = new Date(); Status status = Status.PUBLISHED; if (deleted != null && statusDraft) { status = Status.DELETED; } else if (deleted != null && validTo != null && deleted.after(validTo)) { status = Status.EXPIRED; } else if (deleted != null) { status = Status.CANCELLED; } else if (statusDraft) { status = Status.DRAFT; } else if (validTo != null && now.after(validTo)) { status = Status.EXPIRED; } message.setStatus(status); message.setValidFrom(validFrom); message.setValidTo((validTo != null) ? validTo : deleted); try { message.setPriority(Priority.valueOf(priority)); } catch (Exception ex) { message.setPriority(Priority.NONE); } // Message Desc if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(title) || StringUtils.isNotBlank(descriptionEn) || StringUtils.isNotBlank(area3En)) { MessageDesc descEn = message.checkCreateDesc("en"); descEn.setTitle(StringUtils.defaultString(title, descriptionEn)); descEn.setDescription(TextUtils.txt2html(descriptionEn)); descEn.setVicinity(area3En); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(title) || StringUtils.isNotBlank(descriptionDa) || StringUtils.isNotBlank(area3Da)) { MessageDesc descDa = message.checkCreateDesc("da"); descDa.setTitle(StringUtils.defaultString(title, descriptionDa)); descDa.setDescription(TextUtils.txt2html(descriptionDa)); descDa.setVicinity(area3Da); } // Areas Area area = createAreaTemplate(area1En, area1Da, null); // Annoyingly, legacy data has Danmark as a sub-area of Danmark if (!StringUtils.equals(area1En, area2En) || !StringUtils.equals(area1Da, area2Da)) { area = createAreaTemplate(area2En, area2Da, area); } message.setArea(area); // Categories message.getCategories().clear(); // Because of changes to the category structure, categories are no longer imported /** Category category = createCategoryTemplate(category1En, category1Da, null); category = createCategoryTemplate(category2En, category2Da, category); if (category != null) { message.getCategories().add(category); } **/ // Locations message.getLocations().clear(); if (pointLatitude != null) { Location.LocationType type; switch (locationType) { case "Point": type = Location.LocationType.POINT; break; case "Polygon": type = Location.LocationType.POLYGON; break; case "Points": type = Location.LocationType.POLYLINE; break; case "Polyline": type = Location.LocationType.POLYLINE; break; default: type = Location.LocationType.POLYLINE; } Location loc1 = new Location(type); if (pointRadius != null) { loc1.setRadius(pointRadius); } message.getLocations().add(loc1); } } if (pointLatitude != null) { Location loc1 = legacyMessage.getMessage().getLocations().get(0); // If the type of the location is POINT, there must only be one point per location if (loc1.getType() == Location.LocationType.POINT && loc1.getPoints().size() > 0) { loc1 = new Location(Location.LocationType.POINT); legacyMessage.getMessage().getLocations().add(loc1); } loc1.addPoint(new Point(loc1, pointLatitude, pointLongitude, pointIndex)); } } if (legacyMessage != null) { legacyMessageService.saveLegacyMessage(legacyMessage); } if (result.size() > 0) {"Import of %d legacy messages completed in %d ms", result.size(), System.currentTimeMillis() - t0)); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); conn.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Failed fetching legacy MSI messages from database ", ex); } finally { try { stmt.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { } try { conn.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { } } return lastUpdate; } /** * Creates an Area template based on the given Danish and English name * and optionally a parent Area * @param nameEn English name * @param nameDa Danish name * @param parent parent area * @return the Area template, or null if the names are empty */ public static Area createAreaTemplate(String nameEn, String nameDa, Area parent) { Area area = null; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(nameEn) || StringUtils.isNotBlank(nameDa)) { area = new Area(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(nameEn)) { area.createDesc("en").setName(nameEn); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(nameDa)) { area.createDesc("da").setName(nameDa); } area.setParent(parent); } return area; } /** * Creates an Category template based on the given Danish and English name * and optionally a parent Category * @param nameEn English name * @param nameDa Danish name * @param parent parent area * @return the Category template, or null if the names are empty */ public static Category createCategoryTemplate(String nameEn, String nameDa, Category parent) { Category category = null; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(nameEn) || StringUtils.isNotBlank(nameDa)) { category = new Category(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(nameEn)) { category.createDesc("en").setName(nameEn); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(nameDa)) { category.createDesc("da").setName(nameDa); } category.setParent(parent); } return category; } private String getString(ResultSet rs, String key) throws SQLException { String val = rs.getString(key); return rs.wasNull() ? null : val; } private Integer getInt(ResultSet rs, String key) throws SQLException { Integer val = rs.getInt(key); return rs.wasNull() ? null : val; } private Double getDouble(ResultSet rs, String key) throws SQLException { Double val = rs.getDouble(key); return rs.wasNull() ? null : val; } private Date getDate(ResultSet rs, String key) throws SQLException { Timestamp val = rs.getTimestamp(key); return rs.wasNull() ? null : val; } private Boolean getBoolean(ResultSet rs, String key) throws SQLException { boolean val = rs.getBoolean(key); return rs.wasNull() ? null : val; } /** * Computes the first day of the current year * @return the first day of the current year */ private static Date getJanFirstThisYear() { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1); cal.set(Calendar.MONTH, 0); return TimeUtils.resetTime(cal.getTime()); } }