divconq.ctp.stream.FunnelStream.java Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for divconq.ctp.stream.FunnelStream.java


/* ************************************************************************
#  DivConq
#  http://divconq.com/
#  Copyright:
#    Copyright 2014 eTimeline, LLC. All rights reserved.
#  License:
#    See the license.txt file in the project's top-level directory for details.
#  Authors:
#    * Andy White
************************************************************************ */
package divconq.ctp.stream;

import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf;
import divconq.ctp.f.FileDescriptor;
import divconq.script.StackEntry;
import divconq.xml.XElement;

public class FunnelStream extends BaseStream implements IStreamSource {
    protected int aperture = 1;
    protected FileDescriptor current = null;
    protected ByteBuf currbuf = null;
    protected boolean relayed = false;

    // TODO currently only small Aperture is supported well because we may not get large buffers from 
    // source.  we should accumulate small buffers into a large buffer so we always pass the correct size
    // down, except at EOF of course.  see remnant in UngzipStream for an example of this sort of buffer gathering

    public void init(StackEntry stack, XElement el) {
        this.aperture = (int) stack.intFromElement(el, "Aperture", this.aperture);

    public boolean hasMore() {
        FileDescriptor curr = this.current;

        if (curr == null)
            return false;

        if (!this.relayed) // TODO what about EOF, we need to send that along, so even first is not enough?
            return true;

        ByteBuf payload = this.currbuf;

        return (payload != null) && payload.isReadable();

    public ReturnOption nextMessage() {
        FileDescriptor curr = this.current;

        if (curr == null)
            return ReturnOption.CONTINUE;

        FileDescriptor blk = new FileDescriptor();

        ByteBuf payload = this.currbuf;

        if ((payload != null) && payload.isReadable()) {
            int ramt = Math.min(this.aperture, payload.readableBytes());

            ByteBuf pslice = payload.copy(payload.readerIndex(), ramt);


            // TODO blk.payloadoffset = 0;         

            blk.setEof(!payload.isReadable() && curr.isEof());

            if (blk.isEof()) {

                this.current = null;
                this.currbuf = null;

            payload = pslice;
        } else {

            if (payload != null)

            payload = null;
            this.current = null;
            this.currbuf = null;

        // current has been sent at least once
        this.relayed = true;

        return this.downstream.handle(blk, payload);

    public ReturnOption handle(FileDescriptor file, ByteBuf data) {
        if (file == FileDescriptor.FINAL)
            return this.downstream.handle(file, data);

        this.current = file;
        this.currbuf = data;
        this.relayed = false;

        while (this.hasMore()) {
            ReturnOption ret = this.nextMessage();

            if (ret != ReturnOption.CONTINUE)
                return ret;

        return ReturnOption.CONTINUE;

    public void read() {
        while (this.hasMore()) {
            ReturnOption ret = this.nextMessage();

            if (ret != ReturnOption.CONTINUE)


    public void close() {
        ByteBuf curr = this.currbuf;

        if (curr != null)

        this.currbuf = null;
        this.current = null;

