Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2014 SINTEF <> * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Map; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl.ResourceSetImpl; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.XMIResourceImpl; import diva.BoolVariableValue; import diva.BooleanVariable; import diva.Context; import diva.ContextExpression; import diva.Dimension; import diva.DivaFactory; import diva.EnumLiteral; import diva.EnumVariable; import diva.EnumVariableValue; import diva.Priority; import diva.PriorityRule; import diva.Property; import diva.PropertyPriority; import diva.PropertyValue; import diva.Rule; import diva.Scenario; import diva.Term; import diva.VariabilityModel; import diva.Variable; import diva.VariableValue; import diva.Variant; import diva.VariantExpression; import diva.helpers.DivaHelper; import diva.parser.DivaExpressionParser; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class DivaRoot { private static final String NONE = "NoImpendingFailure"; private static final String LOW = "ImpendingFailureLow"; private static final String MEDIUM = "ImpendingFailureMedium"; private static final String HIGH = "ImpendingFailureHigh"; private static final String FAILED = "OccurredFailure"; private static final String RECOVERED = "FailureRecovered"; private int getFailureNumValue(String s) { switch (s) { case NONE: return 0; case LOW: return 1; case MEDIUM: return 2; case HIGH: return 4; case FAILED: return 0x4000; case RECOVERED: return 0; } return -1; } private DivaFactory factory = DivaFactory.eINSTANCE; private String combinedId = null; private Date timeQueried = null; public Date getTimeQueried() { return timeQueried; } public void setTimeQueried(Date timeQueried) { this.timeQueried = timeQueried; } public String getCombinedId() { return combinedId; } public void setCombinedId(String combinedId) { this.combinedId = combinedId; } ConfigurationsPool configPool = null; protected VariabilityModel root = null; protected DivaRoot(VariabilityModel root) { this.root = root; } public DivaRoot(URI uri) { ResourceSet rs = new ResourceSetImpl(); Resource res = rs.createResource(uri); try { res.load(Collections.EMPTY_MAP); this.root = (VariabilityModel) res.getContents().get(0); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public Collection<Scenario> getScenarios() { return root.getSimulation().getScenario(); } public void runSimulation() { runSimulation(false); } public void runSimulation(Boolean isAdmin) { ServiceCategory serviceCategory = ServiceCategory.INSTANCE; Map<String, String> remember = new HashMap<String, String>(); if (isAdmin) { for (Dimension dim : root.getDimension()) for (Variant variant : dim.getVariant()) { String dep = null; try { dep = variant.getDependency().getText(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { continue; } if (dep == null || dep.length() == 0) continue; List<String> group = serviceCategory.getGroup(dep.trim()); if (group != null && group.size() != 0) { String alternative = org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.join(group, " or "); alternative = "(" + alternative + ")"; remember.put(variant.getName(), dep); variant.getDependency().setText(alternative); try { Term term = DivaExpressionParser.parse(root, alternative.trim()); variant.getDependency().setTerm(term); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } } _runSimulation(); if (isAdmin) { for (Dimension dim : root.getDimension()) for (Variant variant : dim.getVariant()) { String original = remember.get(variant); if (original == null || original.length() == 0) continue; variant.getDependency().setText(original); try { Term term = DivaExpressionParser.parse(root, original.trim()); variant.getDependency().setTerm(term); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } } public void _runSimulation() { if (root.getSimulation() == null) return; root.getSimulation().populatePriorities(); root.getSimulation().populateScores(); root.getSimulation().populateVerdicts(); DivaHelper.computeSuitableConfigurations(root, 0); //root.getSimulation().getScenario().get(0).getContext().get(0). setTimeQueried(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); //root.getSimulation(). root.getSimulation().populateScores(); root.getSimulation().populateVerdicts(); configPool = new ConfigurationsPool(root.getSimulation().getScenario().get(0).getContext().get(0)); this.saveModel(URI.createPlatformResourceURI("BrokerAtCloud/model/Orbi-gen.diva")); } private void updateCategoryAndService() { List<String> cats = ServiceCategory.INSTANCE.getCategories(); for (String cat : cats) { Dimension dim = factory.createDimension(); dim.setId(cat); dim.setName(cat); dim.setLower(0); dim.setUpper(1); root.getDimension().add(dim); for (Property p : root.getProperty()) { dim.getProperty().add(p); } for (String svc : ServiceCategory.INSTANCE.getServices(cat)) { Variant var = factory.createVariant(); var.setId(svc); var.setName(svc); dim.getVariant().add(var); var.setType(dim); for (Property property : root.getProperty()) { PropertyValue value = factory.createPropertyValue(); value.setProperty(property); var.getPropertyValue().add(value); } } } } /*Before Category*/ private void updatePropertyDef() { for (String s : ServiceAttribute.INSTANCE.listCommonAttributes()) { Property p = factory.createProperty(); p.setDirection(1); p.setName(s); p.setId(s); root.getProperty().add(p); } String s = "Failure"; Property p = factory.createProperty(); p.setDirection(0); p.setName(s); p.setId(s); root.getProperty().add(p); } private void updateFixed() { AdaptRule rules = AdaptRule.INSTANCE; for (String ruleName : rules.allRuleNames()) { PriorityRule rule = factory.createPriorityRule(); rule.setId(ruleName); rule.setName(ruleName); for (Property p : root.getProperty()) { Priority priority = factory.createPriority(); priority.setProperty(p); priority.setPriority(rules.getPriority(ruleName, p.getId())); } } } private void updateAutoFullAvailability() { // for(Dimension dim : root.getDimension()) // for(Variant vrt : dim.getVariant()){ // // String name = vrt.getId(); // // BooleanVariable variable = factory.createBooleanVariable(); // variable.setName(name+"Available"); // variable.setId(name+"Available"); // // root.getContext().add(variable); // // if(vrt.getAvailable() == null){ // vrt.setAvailable(factory.createContextExpression()); // } // ContextExpression expr = vrt.getAvailable(); // expr.setText(String.format("%sAvailable", name)); // try{ // Term term = DivaExpressionParser.parse(root, expr.getText().trim()); // expr.setTerm(term); // } // catch(Exception e){ // e.printStackTrace(); // } // // // } BooleanVariable bv = factory.createBooleanVariable(); bv.setName("CpuOLoad"); bv.setId("CpuOLoad"); root.getContext().add(bv); bv = factory.createBooleanVariable(); bv.setName("RamOLoad"); bv.setId("RamOLoad"); root.getContext().add(bv); bv = factory.createBooleanVariable(); bv.setName("Normal"); bv.setId("Normal"); root.getContext().add(bv); } /** * Not used? */ private void updateAvailable() { for (Dimension dim : root.getDimension()) for (Variant vrt : dim.getVariant()) { List<String> requiredIds = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Variable var : root.getContext()) { Object val = ServiceAttribute.INSTANCE.get(vrt.getId(), var.getId()); if (val == null || !(val instanceof Boolean) || !((Boolean) val).booleanValue()) continue; requiredIds.add(var.getId()); } String res = ""; Iterator<String> it = requiredIds.iterator(); if (it.hasNext()) { res = res +; while (it.hasNext()) { res = res + " or " +; } if (vrt.getAvailable() == null) { vrt.setAvailable(factory.createContextExpression()); } ContextExpression expr = vrt.getAvailable(); expr.setText(res); try { Term term = DivaExpressionParser.parse(root, expr.getText().trim()); expr.setTerm(term); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } private void updateProperty() { for (Dimension dim : root.getDimension()) { for (Variant var : dim.getVariant()) { for (PropertyValue pv : var.getPropertyValue()) { Object res = ServiceAttribute.INSTANCE.get(var.getId(), pv.getProperty().getId()); if (res != null && res instanceof Integer) pv.setValue((Integer) res); // TODO: handle properties in other types. } } } } private void updateProfileContext(String consumer, String profile) { Context context = root.getSimulation().getScenario().get(0).getContext().get(0); context.getVariable().clear(); Map<String, Object> prf = (Map<String, Object>) ConsumerProfile.INSTANCE.getRequired(consumer, profile); if (prf != null) { for (Variable v : root.getContext()) { Object value = prf.get(v.getName()); if (v instanceof EnumVariable) { EnumLiteral el = null; if (value == null) { String pubValue = ConsumerProfileLocal.INSTANCE.publicStatus.get(v.getName()); if (pubValue == null) el = ((EnumVariable) v).getLiteral().get(0); value = pubValue; } for (EnumLiteral literal : ((EnumVariable) v).getLiteral()) { if (literal.getName().equals(value)) el = literal; } EnumVariableValue vv = factory.createEnumVariableValue(); vv.setVariable(v); vv.setLiteral(el); context.getVariable().add(vv); } else { BoolVariableValue vv = factory.createBoolVariableValue(); vv.setVariable(v); if (Boolean.valueOf(true).equals(value)) { vv.setBool(true); } else if ("true".equals(ConsumerProfileLocal.INSTANCE.publicStatus.get(v.getName()))) vv.setBool(true); else if ("false".equals(ConsumerProfileLocal.INSTANCE.publicStatus.get(v.getName()))) vv.setBool(false); else vv.setBool(false); context.getVariable().add(vv); } } for (Dimension d : root.getDimension()) { if (Boolean.valueOf(true).equals(prf.get(d.getName()))) { d.setLower(1); } } this.generateRule(); } } private void updateDependency() { for (Dimension dim : root.getDimension()) { for (Variant var : dim.getVariant()) { List<String> dep = ServiceDependency.INSTANCE.getDependency(var.getId()); if (dep == null || dep.isEmpty()) continue; if (var.getDependency() == null) { VariantExpression expr = factory.createVariantExpression(); var.setDependency(expr); } Iterator<String> it = dep.iterator(); String s =; while (it.hasNext()) { s = s + " and " +; } var.getDependency().setText(s); try { Term term = DivaExpressionParser.parse(root, s.trim()); var.getDependency().setTerm(term); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } } public void updateModel() { root.getDimension().clear(); root.getContext().clear(); root.getRule().clear(); root.getProperty().clear(); updatePropertyDef(); updateCategoryAndService(); updateDependency(); updateProperty(); updateAutoFullAvailability(); updateFixed(); } public String updateFailureLikelihood(String service, String likelihood) { if ("CpuOLoad".equals(service)) { if ("recovered".equals(likelihood.toLowerCase())) ConsumerProfileLocal.INSTANCE.publicStatus.remove(service); else ConsumerProfileLocal.INSTANCE.publicStatus.put(service, "true"); return "CPU updated"; } if ("RamOLoad".equals(service)) { if ("recovered".equals(likelihood.toLowerCase())) ConsumerProfileLocal.INSTANCE.publicStatus.remove(service); else ConsumerProfileLocal.INSTANCE.publicStatus.put(service, "true"); return "Ram updated"; } // if(FAILED.toLowerCase().equals(likelihood.toLowerCase()) || RECOVERED.toLowerCase().equals(likelihood.toLowerCase())){ //// for(VariableValue v : root.getSimulation().getScenario().get(0).getContext().get(0).getVariable()){ //// if(v.getVariable().equals(service+"S")){ //// for(EnumLiteral l : ((EnumVariable)v.getVariable()).getLiteral()){ //// if(l.getName().equals(service+"F") || "Failed".equals(likelihood)) //// ((EnumVariableValue)v).setLiteral(l); //// else if(l.getName().equals(service+"A") || "Recovered".equals(likelihood)) //// ((EnumVariableValue)v).setLiteral(l); //// } //// } //// } // //TODO: Not done by updating DivaRoot... // if(FAILED.toLowerCase().equals(likelihood.toLowerCase())) // ConsumerProfileLocal.INSTANCE.publicStatus.put(service+"Available", service+"false"); // else // ConsumerProfileLocal.INSTANCE.publicStatus.remove(service+"Available"); // return "updated"; // } int nlikelihood = this.getFailureNumValue(likelihood); if (nlikelihood < 0) return "Not a valid level name"; for (Dimension d : root.getDimension()) { for (Variant v : d.getVariant()) { if (v.getName().equals(service)) { for (PropertyValue p : v.getPropertyValue()) { if ("Failure".equals(p.getProperty().getName())) { p.setValue(nlikelihood); if (FAILED.equals(likelihood)) return String.format("%s is set to be failed", v.getName()); else if (RECOVERED.equals(likelihood)) return String.format("%s is recovered from failure", v.getName()); else return String.format("Failure likelihood of %s is changed to %d", v.getName(), nlikelihood); } } } } } return "No specified service found"; } public void updateOnRequest(String consumer, String profile) { this.updateProfileContext(consumer, profile); //this.updateProperty(); } public DivaRoot fork() { VariabilityModel model = EcoreUtil.copy(root); return new DivaRoot(model); } public ConfigurationsPool getConfigurationPool() { return configPool; } public void saveModel(org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI uri) { Resource res = new XMIResourceImpl(uri); res.getContents().add(root); try {; } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } public void generateRule() { Map<String, Integer> priorities = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); AdaptRule adaptRule = AdaptRule.INSTANCE; List<String> propertyNames = ServiceAttribute.INSTANCE.listCommonAttributes(); for (String name : adaptRule.allRuleNames()) { priorities.clear(); for (String propName : propertyNames) { priorities.put(propName, adaptRule.getPriority(name, propName)); } priorities.put("Failure", 16); this.fillRule(name, adaptRule.getRule(name), priorities); } } private void fillRule(String name, String text, Map<String, Integer> priorities) { PriorityRule rule = factory.createPriorityRule(); root.getRule().add(rule); rule.setName(name); rule.setId(name); ContextExpression expr = factory.createContextExpression(); expr.setText(text); rule.setContext(expr); try { expr.setTerm(DivaExpressionParser.parse(root, expr.getText())); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } for (Property p : root.getProperty()) { PropertyPriority priority = factory.createPropertyPriority(); priority.setProperty(p); Integer pri = priorities.get(p.getName()); if (pri == null) priority.setPriority(0); else priority.setPriority(pri.intValue()); rule.getPriority().add(priority); } } }