Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * This file is part of DITL. * * * * Copyright (C) 2011-2012 John Whitbeck <> * * * * DITL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * DITL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see <>. * *******************************************************************************/ package ditl.graphs.cli; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import ditl.cli.App; import ditl.cli.ConvertApp; import ditl.graphs.AddingReachableConverter; import ditl.graphs.ConnectedComponentsToReachableConverter; import ditl.graphs.EdgeTrace; import ditl.graphs.EdgesToReachableConverter; import ditl.graphs.GroupTrace; import ditl.graphs.ReachabilityFamily; @App.Cli(pkg = "graphs", cmd = "reachability", alias = "r") public class Reachability extends ConvertApp { final static String everyOption = "every", noDeleteOption = "no-delete", noPruneOption = "no-prune", pruneReusedOption = "prune-reused", noPruneLastOption = "no-prune-last", minDelayOption = "min-delay", verboseOption = "verbose", prefixOption = "prefix", timeFileOption = "times-file"; private double u_tau; private double u_eta; private double u_delay; private long tau; private long delay; private long eta; private Long every; private final GraphOptions.CliParser graph_options = new GraphOptions.CliParser(GraphOptions.EDGES, GraphOptions.GROUPS); private String timeFileName; private BufferedWriter time_writer; private String edgesName; private String ccsName; private String prefix; private Long min_delay; private final List<ReachabilityFamily> created_families = new ArrayList<ReachabilityFamily>(); private final Set<Long> families_to_keep = new HashSet<Long>(); private boolean delete = true; private boolean prune = true; private boolean prune_last = true; private boolean prune_reused = false; private boolean verbose = false; private long tps; private long ref_time; @Override protected String getUsageString() { return "[OPTIONS] STORE ETA TAU MAXDELAY"; } @Override protected void parseArgs(CommandLine cli, String[] args) throws ParseException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, HelpException { super.parseArgs(cli, args); graph_options.parse(cli); u_eta = Double.parseDouble(args[1]); u_tau = Double.parseDouble(args[2]); u_delay = Double.parseDouble(args[3]); edgesName = graph_options.get(GraphOptions.EDGES); ccsName = graph_options.get(GraphOptions.GROUPS); if (cli.hasOption(everyOption)) every = Long.parseLong(cli.getOptionValue(everyOption)); if (cli.hasOption(minDelayOption)) min_delay = Long.parseLong(cli.getOptionValue(minDelayOption)); delete = !cli.hasOption(noDeleteOption); prune_reused = cli.hasOption(pruneReusedOption); prune = !cli.hasOption(noPruneOption); prune_last = prune && !cli.hasOption(noPruneLastOption); verbose = cli.hasOption(verboseOption); if (cli.hasOption(prefixOption)) prefix = cli.getOptionValue(prefixOption); timeFileName = cli.getOptionValue(timeFileOption); } private void clean() throws IOException { final Set<String> to_keep = new HashSet<String>(); final Set<String> to_remove = new HashSet<String>(); Collections.sort(created_families, new Comparator<ReachabilityFamily>() { @Override public int compare(ReachabilityFamily f1, ReachabilityFamily f2) { if (f1.delay() < f2.delay()) return -1; if (f1.delay() > f2.delay()) return 1; return 0; } }); final Iterator<ReachabilityFamily> i = created_families.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { final ReachabilityFamily family =; if (!i.hasNext() && prune_last) to_remove.addAll(family.prunableNames()); else if (i.hasNext() && prune) to_remove.addAll(family.prunableNames()); if (families_to_keep.contains(family.delay()) || !delete) to_keep.add(family.mainName()); else if (delete) to_remove.add(family.mainName()); } to_remove.removeAll(to_keep); for (final String name : to_remove) dest_store.deleteTrace(name); } private ReachabilityFamily getFamily(long D) { return new ReachabilityFamily(dest_store, prefix, eta, tau, D); } @Override protected void initOptions() { super.initOptions(); graph_options.setOptions(options); options.addOption(null, everyOption, true, "Keep only every <arg> graphs"); options.addOption(null, noDeleteOption, false, "Do not delete intermediate reachability families"); options.addOption(null, pruneReusedOption, false, "Consider reused traces for pruning"); options.addOption(null, noPruneOption, false, "Do not prune siblings from calculated reachability families"); options.addOption(null, noPruneLastOption, false, "Do not prune siblings from the last calculated reachability family"); options.addOption(null, minDelayOption, true, "Skip straight to calculating reachability traces greater than <arg>"); options.addOption(null, verboseOption, false, "Be verbose"); options.addOption(null, prefixOption, true, "Prefix for reachability traces (default: name of the 'edges' trace)"); options.addOption(null, timeFileOption, true, "Write calculation times in milliseconds to file <arg>"); } private void initTimeFile() throws IOException { if (timeFileName != null) time_writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(timeFileName)); } private void stopTimeFile() throws IOException { if (time_writer != null) time_writer.close(); } private void armTimer() { ref_time = System.currentTimeMillis(); } private void stopTimer(long delay) throws IOException { final long dt = System.currentTimeMillis() - ref_time; if (time_writer != null) time_writer.write(delay + " " + dt + "\n"); } @Override protected void run() throws Exception { initTimeFile(); if (u_tau == 0) { tps = orig_store.getTrace(ccsName).ticsPerSecond(); if (prefix == null) prefix = ccsName; } else { tps = orig_store.getTrace(edgesName).ticsPerSecond(); if (prefix == null) prefix = edgesName; } eta = (long) (u_eta * tps); tau = (long) (u_tau * tps); delay = (long) (u_delay * tps); if (tau < eta && tau > 0) eta = tau; final long T = (tau == 0) ? eta : tau; // for tau=0 traces, use eta long q = 0; ReachabilityFamily rf_e = null, rf_m = null, rf = null, tmp = null; // first check what we already have in dest_store // and figure out the largest quotient that we will have to calculate if (every != null) { every *= tps; rf_e = getFamily(every); if (!rf_e.isComplete()) q = every / T; else { log("Reachability family " + every / tps + " is complete. Reusing."); if (prune_reused) created_families.add(rf_e); } if (min_delay != null) { min_delay *= tps; rf_m = getFamily(min_delay); if (!rf_m.isComplete()) q = Math.max(q, min_delay / T); else { log("Reachability family " + min_delay / tps + " is complete. Reusing."); if (prune_reused) created_families.add(rf_m); } } } else { rf = getFamily(delay); if (!rf.hasMain()) q = delay / T; else { log("Reachability trace " + delay / tps + " already exists."); if (prune_reused) created_families.add(rf); } } // if we have a strictly positive quotient, run the exponential // calculation if (q > 0) { if (tau == 0) tmp = fromConnectedComponents(); else tmp = fromEdges(); exponentiate(tmp, getMaxExponent(q)); } // then combine the results if (every != null) { long d = 0; if (!rf_e.isComplete()) rf_e = combine(T, every); rf = rf_e; d = rf_e.delay(); if (min_delay != null) { if (!rf_m.isComplete()) rf_m = combine(T, min_delay); rf = rf_m; d = rf_m.delay(); } families_to_keep.add(rf.delay()); while (d < delay) { tmp = add(rf, rf_e); d += rf_e.delay(); rf = tmp; families_to_keep.add(rf.delay()); } } else { if (!rf.hasMain()) rf = combine(T, delay); families_to_keep.add(rf.delay()); } clean(); stopTimeFile(); } private void log(String str) { if (verbose) System.out.println(str); } private ReachabilityFamily add(ReachabilityFamily rf1, ReachabilityFamily rf2) throws Exception { final long _delay = rf1.delay() + rf2.delay(); log("Initializing reachability family " + _delay / tps + " from " + rf1.delay() / tps + "+" + rf2.delay() / tps); final ReachabilityFamily rf = getFamily(_delay); boolean has_new = false; for (final Long d : rf.delays()) if (rf.hasMember(d)) { log("Reachability trace " + d / tps + " already exists in family. Skipping."); if (prune_reused) created_families.add(rf); } else { log("Calculating reachability trace " + d / tps); armTimer(); new AddingReachableConverter(rf.newMember(d), rf1, rf2, d).convert(); stopTimer(d); has_new = true; } separator(); if (has_new) created_families.add(rf); return rf; } private void separator() { log("---------------------------"); } private ReachabilityFamily fromEdges() throws Exception { final EdgeTrace edges = orig_store.getTrace(edgesName); log("Initializing reachability family " + tau / tps + " from edge trace '" + + "'"); final ReachabilityFamily rf = getFamily(tau); boolean has_new = false; for (final Long d : rf.delays()) if (rf.hasMember(d)) { log("Reachability trace " + d / tps + " already exists in family. Skipping."); if (prune_reused) created_families.add(rf); } else { log("Calculating reachability trace " + d / tps); armTimer(); new EdgesToReachableConverter(rf.newMember(d), edges, eta, tau, d).convert(); stopTimer(d); has_new = true; } if (has_new) created_families.add(rf); separator(); return rf; } private ReachabilityFamily fromConnectedComponents() throws Exception { final GroupTrace ccs = orig_store.getTrace(ccsName); log("Initializing reachability family " + eta / tps + " from connected components trace '" + + "'"); final ReachabilityFamily rf = getFamily(0); if (rf.hasMember(0)) { log("Reachability trace 0 already exists in family. Skipping."); if (prune_reused) created_families.add(rf); } else { log("Calculating reachability trace 0"); armTimer(); new ConnectedComponentsToReachableConverter(rf.newMember(0), ccs, eta).convert(); stopTimer(0); created_families.add(rf); } final ReachabilityFamily rf1 = getFamily(eta); if (rf1.hasMember(eta)) log("Reachability trace " + eta / tps + " already exists in family. Skipping."); else { log("Calculating reachability trace " + eta / tps); armTimer(); new AddingReachableConverter(rf1.newMember(eta), rf, rf, eta).convert(); stopTimer(eta); created_families.add(rf1); } separator(); return rf1; } private int getMaxExponent(long n) { int i = 0; while (n != 0) { n >>= 1; i++; } return i; } private void exponentiate(ReachabilityFamily rf, int e) throws Exception { ReachabilityFamily next; ReachabilityFamily cur = rf; for (int i = 1; i < e; ++i) { next = add(cur, cur); cur = next; } } private ReachabilityFamily combine(long T, long delay) throws Exception { ReachabilityFamily rf = null; long d = 1; long mul = delay / T; while (mul != 0) { if ((mul & 1) == 1) if (rf == null) rf = getFamily(d * T); else { final ReachabilityFamily o = getFamily(d * T); final ReachabilityFamily tmp = add(rf, o); rf = tmp; } mul >>= 1; d *= 2; } return rf; } }