disko.flow.analyzers.hgdb.HGDBSaver.java Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for disko.flow.analyzers.hgdb.HGDBSaver.java


 * Copyright (c) 2005, Kobrix Software, Inc.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License v2.1
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
 * Contributors:
 *     Borislav Iordanov - initial API and implementation
 *     Murilo Saraiva de Queiroz - initial API and implementation
package disko.flow.analyzers.hgdb;

import java.util.concurrent.Callable;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.hypergraphdb.HGHandle;
import org.hypergraphdb.HGQuery.hg;
import org.hypergraphdb.app.dataflow.AbstractProcessor;
import org.hypergraphdb.app.dataflow.DataFlowException;
import org.hypergraphdb.app.dataflow.InputPort;
import org.hypergraphdb.app.dataflow.Ports;
import org.hypergraphdb.util.HGUtils;

import disko.AnalysisContext;
import disko.SentenceAnn;
import disko.TextDocument;
import disko.data.relex.RelOccurrence;
import disko.data.relex.SentenceInterpretation;
import disko.data.relex.SynRel;
import disko.flow.analyzers.ParseSelectAnalyzer;
import disko.flow.analyzers.SentenceAnalyzer;
import disko.flow.analyzers.ToRelOccProcessor;

public class HGDBSaver extends AbstractProcessor<AnalysisContext<TextDocument>> {
    private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(HGDBSaver.class);

    public void process(final AnalysisContext<TextDocument> context, Ports ports) throws InterruptedException {
        HGHandle docHandle = context.getGraph().getHandle(context.getDocument());
        if (docHandle == null)
            docHandle = context.getGraph().add(context.getDocument());
        if (context.getTopScope() == null)

        InputPort<SentenceAnn> sentenceInput = ports.getInput(SentenceAnalyzer.SENTENCE_CHANNEL);
        InputPort<SentenceInterpretation> parseInput = ports.getInput(ToRelOccProcessor.SENTENCE_INTERPRETATIONS);

        if (parseInput == null)
            parseInput = ports.getInput(ParseSelectAnalyzer.SELECTED_PARSE_CHANNEL);

        final int[] C = new int[] { 0 };

        for (SentenceAnn sentence = sentenceInput.take(); !sentenceInput.isEOS(sentence); sentence = sentenceInput
                .take()) {

            final SentenceInterpretation si = parseInput.take();
            /*         if (si == null)
                        log.error("SI is null");
                     else if (si.getParse() == null)
                        log.error("SI.getParse is null");
                     else if (si.getParse().getSentence() == null)
                        log.error("SI.getParse().getSEntence is null");
                     else if (si.getParse().getSentence().getSentence() == null)
                        log.error("SI.getParse().getSEntence().getSentence() is null");
                        log.debug("Sentence to save " + si.getParse().getSentence().getSentence()); */

            if (parseInput.isEOS(si))
                throw new DataFlowException("HGDBSave: missing parse on " + sentence.getSentence());
            else if (!si.getSentence().equals(sentence.getSentence()))
                throw new DataFlowException("HGDBSave: out of sync for sentence <<" + sentence.getSentence()
                        + ">>, received interpretation for <<" + si.getSentence() + ">>");
            else if (si.getRelOccs().isEmpty()) {
                log.warn("No parses found for sentence " + sentence.getSentence());

            final SentenceAnn S = sentence;

            try {
                context.getGraph().getTransactionManager().transact(new Callable<Object>() {
                    public Object call() {
                        try {
                            for (RelOccurrence occ : si.getRelOccs()) {
                                int[] positions = occ.getPositions();
                                for (int i = 0; i < positions.length; i++)
                                    positions[i] += S.getInterval().getStart();

                                // Don't end RelOccurrence instances for now because 
                                // they only pollute the data set and are not used for
                                // anything. 
                                // context.add(occ);

                                HGHandle[] targets = HGUtils.toHandleArray(occ);
                                HGHandle synRelHandle = hg.findOne(context.getGraph(),
                                        hg.and(hg.type(SynRel.class), hg.link(targets)));
                                C[0] = C[0] + 1;
                                if (synRelHandle == null)
                                    synRelHandle = context.getGraph().add(new SynRel(targets));
                        } finally {
                        return null;
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                log.error("While saving relations for '" + sentence.getSentence() + "'", t);
            } finally {
                log.debug("Total synrel lookup: " + C[0]);
        log.debug("HGDB Saver ended");
        System.out.println("HGDB Saver ended");