Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of Discord4J. * * Discord4J is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Discord4J is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with Discord4J. If not, see <>. */ package discord4j.gateway; import discord4j.common.GitProperties; import discord4j.common.ResettableInterval; import discord4j.common.SimpleBucket; import discord4j.common.close.CloseException; import discord4j.common.close.CloseStatus; import discord4j.gateway.json.GatewayPayload; import discord4j.gateway.json.Heartbeat; import discord4j.gateway.json.Opcode; import discord4j.gateway.json.dispatch.Dispatch; import discord4j.gateway.json.dispatch.Ready; import discord4j.gateway.json.dispatch.Resumed; import discord4j.gateway.payload.PayloadReader; import discord4j.gateway.payload.PayloadWriter; import discord4j.gateway.retry.GatewayStateChange; import discord4j.gateway.retry.PartialDisconnectException; import discord4j.gateway.retry.RetryContext; import discord4j.gateway.retry.RetryOptions; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import org.reactivestreams.Publisher; import reactor.core.publisher.*; import reactor.core.scheduler.Schedulers; import reactor.netty.ConnectionObserver; import reactor.netty.http.client.HttpClient; import reactor.retry.Retry; import reactor.util.Logger; import reactor.util.Loggers; import reactor.util.annotation.Nullable; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.time.Duration; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.logging.Level; import static io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpHeaderNames.USER_AGENT; /** * Represents a Discord WebSocket client, called Gateway, implementing its lifecycle. * <p> * Keeps track of a single websocket session by wrapping an instance of {@link DiscordWebSocketHandler} each time a * new WebSocket connection to Discord is made, therefore only one instance of this class is enough to * handle the lifecycle of the Gateway operations, that could span multiple WebSocket sessions over time. * <p> * Provides automatic reconnecting through a configurable retry policy, allows consumers to receive inbound events * through {@link #dispatch()}, mapped payloads through {@link #receiver()} and allows a producer to * submit events through {@link #sender()}. * <p> * Provides sending raw {@link ByteBuf} payloads through {@link #sendBuffer(Publisher)} and receiving raw * {@link ByteBuf} payloads mapped in-flight using a specified mapper using {@link #receiver(Function)}. */ public class DefaultGatewayClient implements GatewayClient { // basic properties private final Logger log; private final HttpClient httpClient; private final PayloadReader payloadReader; private final PayloadWriter payloadWriter; private final RetryOptions retryOptions; private final IdentifyOptions identifyOptions; private final String token; private final GatewayObserver initialObserver; private final PayloadTransformer identifyLimiter; // reactive pipelines private final EmitterProcessor<ByteBuf> receiver = EmitterProcessor.create(false); private final EmitterProcessor<ByteBuf> sender = EmitterProcessor.create(false); private final EmitterProcessor<Dispatch> dispatch = EmitterProcessor.create(false); private final EmitterProcessor<GatewayPayload<?>> outbound = EmitterProcessor.create(false); private final EmitterProcessor<GatewayPayload<Heartbeat>> heartbeats = EmitterProcessor.create(false); private final FluxSink<ByteBuf> receiverSink; private final FluxSink<ByteBuf> senderSink; private final FluxSink<Dispatch> dispatchSink; private final FluxSink<GatewayPayload<?>> outboundSink; private final FluxSink<GatewayPayload<Heartbeat>> heartbeatSink; // mutable state private final AtomicBoolean connected = new AtomicBoolean(false); private final AtomicBoolean resumable = new AtomicBoolean(true); private final AtomicInteger sequence = new AtomicInteger(0); private final AtomicLong lastSent = new AtomicLong(0); private final AtomicLong lastAck = new AtomicLong(0); private final AtomicLong responseTime = new AtomicLong(0); private final ResettableInterval heartbeat = new ResettableInterval(); private final AtomicReference<String> sessionId = new AtomicReference<>(""); private volatile GatewayObserver observer; private volatile MonoProcessor<Void> disconnectNotifier; private volatile MonoProcessor<CloseStatus> closeTrigger; /** * Initializes a new GatewayClient. * * @param httpClient the underlying HttpClient used to perform the connection * @param payloadReader strategy to read and decode incoming gateway messages * @param payloadWriter strategy to encode and write outgoing gateway messages * @param retryOptions reconnect policy used in this client * @param token Discord bot token * @param identifyOptions used to IDENTIFY or RESUME a gateway connection, specifying the sharding options * and to set an initial presence * @param observer consumer observing gateway and underlying websocket lifecycle changes, can be {@code null} * @param identifyLimiter rate-limiting policy used for IDENTIFY requests, allowing shard coordination */ public DefaultGatewayClient(HttpClient httpClient, PayloadReader payloadReader, PayloadWriter payloadWriter, RetryOptions retryOptions, String token, IdentifyOptions identifyOptions, @Nullable GatewayObserver observer, PayloadTransformer identifyLimiter) { this.httpClient = Objects.requireNonNull(httpClient); this.payloadReader = Objects.requireNonNull(payloadReader); this.payloadWriter = Objects.requireNonNull(payloadWriter); this.retryOptions = Objects.requireNonNull(retryOptions); this.token = Objects.requireNonNull(token); this.identifyOptions = Objects.requireNonNull(identifyOptions); this.initialObserver = observer; this.identifyLimiter = Objects.requireNonNull(identifyLimiter); this.receiverSink = receiver.sink(FluxSink.OverflowStrategy.LATEST); this.senderSink = sender.sink(FluxSink.OverflowStrategy.LATEST); this.dispatchSink = dispatch.sink(FluxSink.OverflowStrategy.LATEST); this.outboundSink = outbound.sink(FluxSink.OverflowStrategy.LATEST); this.heartbeatSink = heartbeats.sink(FluxSink.OverflowStrategy.LATEST); this.log = shardLogger(".client"); } @Override public Mono<Void> execute(String gatewayUrl) { return execute(gatewayUrl, GatewayObserver.NOOP_LISTENER); } @Override public Mono<Void> execute(String gatewayUrl, GatewayObserver additionalObserver) { return Mono.defer(() -> { disconnectNotifier = MonoProcessor.create(); closeTrigger = MonoProcessor.create(); observer = initialObserver == null ? additionalObserver : initialObserver.then(additionalObserver); lastAck.set(0); lastSent.set(0); Logger senderLog = shardLogger(".sender"); Logger receiverLog = shardLogger(".receiver"); // Setup the sending logic from multiple sources into one merged Flux Flux<ByteBuf> identifyFlux = outbound.filter(payload -> Opcode.IDENTIFY.equals(payload.getOp())) .flatMap(payload -> Flux.from(payloadWriter.write(payload))).transform(identifyLimiter); PayloadTransformer limiter = new RateLimiterTransformer( new SimpleBucket(outboundLimiterCapacity(), Duration.ofSeconds(60))); Flux<ByteBuf> payloadFlux = outbound.filter(payload -> !Opcode.IDENTIFY.equals(payload.getOp())) .log(shardLogger(".outbound"), Level.FINE, false) .flatMap(payload -> Flux.from(payloadWriter.write(payload))) .transform(buf -> Flux.merge(buf, sender)).transform(limiter); Flux<ByteBuf> heartbeatFlux = heartbeats.flatMap(payload -> Flux.from(payloadWriter.write(payload))); Flux<ByteBuf> outFlux = Flux.merge(heartbeatFlux, identifyFlux, payloadFlux) .doOnNext(buf -> trace(senderLog, buf)); int shard = identifyOptions.getShardIndex(); DiscordWebSocketHandler handler = new DiscordWebSocketHandler(receiverSink, outFlux, closeTrigger, shard); if (identifyOptions.getResumeSequence() != null) { this.sequence.set(identifyOptions.getResumeSequence()); this.sessionId.set(identifyOptions.getResumeSessionId()); } else { resumable.set(false); } Mono<Void> readyHandler = dispatch.filter(DefaultGatewayClient::isReadyOrResume).flatMap(event -> { connected.compareAndSet(false, true); RetryContext retryContext = retryOptions.getRetryContext(); ConnectionObserver.State state; if (retryContext.getResetCount() == 0) {"Connected to Gateway");; state = GatewayObserver.CONNECTED; } else {"Reconnected to Gateway");; state = GatewayObserver.RETRY_SUCCEEDED; } retryContext.reset(); identifyOptions.setResumeSessionId(sessionId.get()); resumable.set(true); notifyObserver(state, identifyOptions); return Mono.just(event); }).then().log(shardLogger(".zip.ready"), Level.FINEST, false); // Subscribe the receiver to process and transform the inbound payloads into Dispatch events Flux<GatewayPayload<?>> receiverFlux = receiver.doOnNext(buf -> trace(receiverLog, buf)) .flatMap(payloadReader::read); Mono<Void> receiverFuture = receiverFlux .filter(payload -> !Opcode.HEARTBEAT_ACK.equals(payload.getOp())) .log(shardLogger(".inbound"), Level.FINE, false).map(this::updateSequence) .map(payload -> new PayloadContext<>(payload, handler, this)).doOnNext(PayloadHandlers::handle) .then().log(shardLogger(".zip.receiver"), Level.FINEST, false); Mono<Void> ackFuture = receiverFlux.filter(payload -> Opcode.HEARTBEAT_ACK.equals(payload.getOp())) .map(payload -> new PayloadContext<>(payload, handler, this)).publishOn(Schedulers.elastic()) .doOnNext(PayloadHandlers::handle).then().log(shardLogger(".zip.ack"), Level.FINEST, false); // Subscribe the handler's outbound exchange with our outgoing signals // routing completion signals to close the gateway Mono<Void> senderFuture = outbound.doOnComplete(handler::close).doOnNext(payload -> { if (Opcode.RECONNECT.equals(payload.getOp())) { handler.error(new RuntimeException("Reconnecting due to user action")); } }).then().log(shardLogger(".zip.sender"), Level.FINEST, false); // Create the heartbeat loop, and subscribe it using the sender sink Mono<Void> heartbeatHandler = heartbeat.ticks().flatMap(t -> { long now = System.nanoTime(); lastAck.compareAndSet(0, now); long delay = now - lastAck.get(); if (lastSent.get() - lastAck.get() > 0) { log.warn("Missing heartbeat ACK for {}", Duration.ofNanos(delay)); handler.error(new RuntimeException("Reconnecting due to zombie or failed connection")); return Mono.empty(); } else { log.debug("Sending heartbeat {} after last ACK", Duration.ofNanos(delay)); lastSent.set(now); return Mono.just(GatewayPayload.heartbeat(new Heartbeat(sequence.get()))); } }).doOnNext(heartbeatSink::next).then().log(shardLogger(".zip.heartbeat"), Level.FINEST, false); Mono<Void> httpFuture = httpClient.headers(headers -> headers.add(USER_AGENT, initUserAgent())) .observe(getObserver()).websocket(Integer.MAX_VALUE).uri(gatewayUrl).handle(handler::handle) .doOnTerminate(heartbeat::stop).then().log(shardLogger(".zip.http"), Level.FINEST, false); return, readyHandler, receiverFuture, ackFuture, senderFuture, heartbeatHandler) .doOnError(logReconnectReason()).then(); }).retryWhen(retryFactory()).doOnCancel(() -> closeTrigger.onNext(CloseStatus.NORMAL_CLOSE)) .then(Mono.defer(() -> disconnectNotifier)); } private String initUserAgent() { final Properties properties = GitProperties.getProperties(); final String version = properties.getProperty(GitProperties.APPLICATION_VERSION, "3"); final String url = properties.getProperty(GitProperties.APPLICATION_URL, ""); return "DiscordBot(" + url + ", " + version + ")"; } private void trace(Logger log, ByteBuf buf) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(buf.toString(StandardCharsets.UTF_8).replaceAll("(\"token\": ?\")([A-Za-z0-9.-]*)(\")", "$1hunter2$3")); } } private Logger shardLogger(String gateway) { return Loggers.getLogger("discord4j.gateway" + gateway + "." + identifyOptions.getShardIndex()); } private static boolean isReadyOrResume(Dispatch d) { return Ready.class.isAssignableFrom(d.getClass()) || Resumed.class.isAssignableFrom(d.getClass()); } private GatewayPayload<?> updateSequence(GatewayPayload<?> payload) { if (payload.getSequence() != null) { sequence.set(payload.getSequence()); identifyOptions.setResumeSequence(sequence.get()); notifyObserver(GatewayObserver.SEQUENCE, identifyOptions); } return payload; } private Retry<RetryContext> retryFactory() { return Retry.<RetryContext>onlyIf(t -> isRetryable(t.exception())) .withApplicationContext(retryOptions.getRetryContext()) .withBackoffScheduler(retryOptions.getBackoffScheduler()).backoff(retryOptions.getBackoff()) .jitter(retryOptions.getJitter()).retryMax(retryOptions.getMaxRetries()).doOnRetry(context -> { connected.compareAndSet(true, false); int attempt = context.applicationContext().getAttempts(); long backoff = context.backoff().toMillis();"Retry attempt {} in {} ms", attempt, backoff); if (attempt == 1) {; if (!resumable.get() || !isResumableError(context.exception())) { resumable.compareAndSet(true, false); notifyObserver(GatewayObserver.RETRY_STARTED, identifyOptions); } else { notifyObserver(GatewayObserver.RETRY_RESUME_STARTED, identifyOptions); } } else { - 1, Duration.ofMillis(backoff))); // TODO: add attempt/backoff values to GatewayObserver notifyObserver(GatewayObserver.RETRY_FAILED, identifyOptions); resumable.set(false); } context.applicationContext().next(); }); } private boolean isRetryable(Throwable t) { if (t instanceof CloseException) { CloseException closeException = (CloseException) t; return closeException.getCode() != 4004; } return !(t instanceof PartialDisconnectException); } private boolean isResumableError(Throwable t) { if (t instanceof CloseException) { CloseException closeException = (CloseException) t; return closeException.getCode() < 4000; } return true; } private Consumer<Throwable> logReconnectReason() { return t -> { if ((t instanceof CloseException && isResumableError(t)) || t instanceof PartialDisconnectException) { log.error("Gateway client error: {}", t.toString()); } else { log.error("Gateway client error", t); } }; } private ConnectionObserver getObserver() { return (connection, newState) -> { log.debug("{} {}", newState, connection); if (closeTrigger.isTerminated() && newState == ConnectionObserver.State.DISCONNECTING) {"Disconnected from Gateway"); retryOptions.getRetryContext().clear(); connected.compareAndSet(true, false); lastSent.set(0); lastAck.set(0); responseTime.set(0);; if (closeTrigger.isError()) { notifyObserver(GatewayObserver.DISCONNECTED_RESUME, identifyOptions); } else { resumable.set(false); sequence.set(0); sessionId.set(""); notifyObserver(GatewayObserver.DISCONNECTED, identifyOptions); } disconnectNotifier.onComplete(); } notifyObserver(newState, identifyOptions); }; } private void notifyObserver(ConnectionObserver.State state, IdentifyOptions options) { observer.onStateChange(state, options); } @Override public Mono<Void> close(boolean allowResume) { return Mono.defer(() -> { if (closeTrigger == null || disconnectNotifier == null) { return Mono.error(new IllegalStateException("Gateway client is not active!")); } if (allowResume) { closeTrigger.onError(new PartialDisconnectException()); } else { closeTrigger.onNext(CloseStatus.NORMAL_CLOSE); } return disconnectNotifier.log(shardLogger(".disconnect"), Level.FINE, false); }); } @Override public Flux<Dispatch> dispatch() { return dispatch; } @Override public Flux<GatewayPayload<?>> receiver() { return receiver.flatMap(payloadReader::read); } @Override public <T> Flux<T> receiver(Function<ByteBuf, Publisher<? extends T>> mapper) { return receiver.flatMap(mapper); } @Override public FluxSink<GatewayPayload<?>> sender() { return outboundSink; } @Override public Mono<Void> sendBuffer(Publisher<ByteBuf> publisher) { return Flux.from(publisher).doOnNext(senderSink::next).then(); } @Override public String getSessionId() { return sessionId.get(); } @Override public int getSequence() { return sequence.get(); } @Override public boolean isConnected() { return connected.get(); } @Override public long getResponseTime() { return TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(responseTime.get()); } // TODO: getResponseTime for 3.1 Duration getResponseTimeDuration() { return Duration.ofNanos(responseTime.get()); } ///////////////////////////////// // Methods for PayloadHandlers // ///////////////////////////////// void ackHeartbeat() { responseTime.set(lastAck.updateAndGet(x -> System.nanoTime()) - lastSent.get()); } //////////////////////////////// // Fields for PayloadHandlers // //////////////////////////////// /** * Obtains the FluxSink to send Dispatch events towards GatewayClient's users. * * @return a {@link FluxSink} for {@link Dispatch} * objects */ FluxSink<Dispatch> dispatchSink() { return dispatchSink; } /** * Gets the atomic reference for the current heartbeat sequence. * * @return an AtomicInteger representing the current gateway sequence */ AtomicInteger sequence() { return sequence; } /** * Gets the atomic reference for the current session ID. * * @return an AtomicReference of the String representing the current session ID */ AtomicReference<String> sessionId() { return sessionId; } /** * Gets the heartbeat manager bound to this GatewayClient. * * @return a {@link ResettableInterval} to manipulate heartbeat operations */ ResettableInterval heartbeat() { return heartbeat; } /** * Gets the token used to connect to the gateway. * * @return a token String */ String token() { return token; } /** * An boolean value indicating if this client will attempt to RESUME. * * @return an AtomicBoolean representing resume capabilities */ AtomicBoolean resumable() { return resumable; } /** * Gets the configuration object for gateway identifying procedure. * * @return an IdentifyOptions configuration object */ IdentifyOptions identifyOptions() { return identifyOptions; } /** * Gets the configuration object for gateway reconnection procedure. * * @return a RetryOptions configuration object */ RetryOptions retryOptions() { return retryOptions; } // Initializers to customize internal outbound rate-limiter /** * JVM property that allows modifying the number of outbound payloads permitted before activating the * rate-limiter and delaying every following payload for 60 seconds. Default value: 115 permits */ private static final String OUTBOUND_CAPACITY_PROPERTY = "discord4j.gateway.outbound.capacity"; private long outboundLimiterCapacity() { String capacityValue = System.getProperty(OUTBOUND_CAPACITY_PROPERTY); if (capacityValue != null) { try { long capacity = Long.valueOf(capacityValue); shardLogger("").info("Overriding default outbound limiter capacity: {}", capacity); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { shardLogger("").warn("Invalid custom outbound limiter capacity: {}", capacityValue); } } return 115; } }