Java tutorial
package desmoj.core.statistic; import java.util.Observable; import desmoj.core.simulator.Model; import org.apache.commons.math.MathException; import org.apache.commons.math.distribution.ChiSquaredDistributionImpl; /** * The <code>Histogram</code> class is providing a statistic analysis about * values. An interval is divided into sections with an under- * and an overflow section. When a value is updated it will be decided to which * section it belongs to and the counter for that section will be updated. In * the end the report will show how many values belong to which section. <br /> * * @version DESMO-J, Ver. 2.3.5 copyright (c) 2013 * @author Soenke Claassen * @author based on DESMO-C from Thomas Schniewind, 1998 * @author edited by Lorna Slawski (changes in implementation and added possibility of non-equidistant sections as well as the Chi-squared test) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ public class Histogram extends desmoj.core.statistic.Tally { // ****** attributes ****** /** * The array holding the lower limits of the interval sections and the upper limit as the final value. */ private double[] _range; /** * The array representing the sections of the interval. */ private long[] _table; /** * Remove unused cells on the right from report view, if set to <code>true</code>. */ private boolean _condensed; // ****** methods ****** /** * Constructor for a Histogram object with equidistant interval cells that will NOT be connected to a * <code>ValueSupplier</code>. * * @param ownerModel * Model : The model this Histogram is associated to. * @param name * java.lang.String : The name of this Histogram object. * @param lowerEnd * double : The lower end of the interval. * @param upperEnd * double : The upper end of the interval. * @param cells * int : The number of cells (sections) the given interval will * be divided into. * @param showInReport * boolean : Flag for showing the report about this Histogram. * @param showInTrace * boolean : Flag for showing the trace output of this Histogram. */ public Histogram(Model ownerModel, String name, double lowerEnd, double upperEnd, int cells, boolean showInReport, boolean showInTrace) { // call the constructor of Tally super(ownerModel, name, showInReport, showInTrace); // check the given parameters and initialize the range array checkParamAndInitRange(lowerEnd, upperEnd, cells); // initialize the table with zero for each cell initTable(); // do not condense data _condensed = false; } /** * Constructor for a Histogram object with equidistant interval cells that will be connected to a * <code>ValueSupplier</code>. * * @param ownerModel * Model : The model this Histogram is associated to. * @param name * java.lang.String : The name of this Histogram object. * @param valSup * ValueSupplier : The ValueSupplier providing the value for this * Histogram. The given ValueSupplier will be observed by this * Histogram object. * @param lowerEnd * double : The lower end of the interval. * @param upperEnd * double : The upper end of the interval. * @param cells * int : The number of cells (sections) the given interval will * be divided into. * @param showInReport * boolean : Flag for showing the report about this Histogram. * @param showInTrace * boolean : Flag for showing the trace output of this Histogram. */ public Histogram(Model ownerModel, String name, ValueSupplier valSup, double lowerEnd, double upperEnd, int cells, boolean showInReport, boolean showInTrace) { // call the constructor of Tally super(ownerModel, name, valSup, showInReport, showInTrace); // valsup is no valid ValueSupplier if (valSup == null) { sendWarning( "Attempt to produce a Histogram about a non existing " + "ValueSupplier. The command will be ignored!", "Histogram: " + this.getName() + " Constructor: Histogram" + " (Model ownerModel, String name, ValueSupplier valSup, " + "double lowerEnd, double upperEnd, int cells, " + "boolean showInReport, boolean showInTrace)", "The given ValueSupplier: valSup is only a null pointer.", "Make sure to pass a valid ValueSupplier when constructing a new " + "Histogram object."); return; // just return } // check the given parameters and initialize the range array checkParamAndInitRange(lowerEnd, upperEnd, cells); // initialize the table with zero for each cell initTable(); // do not condense data _condensed = false; } /** * Constructor for a Histogram object with user-defined interval cells that will NOT be connected to a * <code>ValueSupplier</code>. * * @param ownerModel * Model : The model this Histogram is associated to. * @param name * java.lang.String : The name of this Histogram object. * @param range * double[] : The interval with the lower limit of each cell and the upper limit of the interval as the final value. * @param showInReport * boolean : Flag for showing the report about this Histogram. * @param showInTrace * boolean : Flag for showing the trace output of this Histogram. */ public Histogram(Model ownerModel, String name, double[] range, boolean showInReport, boolean showInTrace) { // call the constructor of Tally super(ownerModel, name, showInReport, showInTrace); // check the given parameters and initialize the range array checkParamAndInitRange(range); // initialize the table with zero for each cell initTable(); // do not condense data _condensed = false; } /** * Constructor for a Histogram object with user-defined interval cells that will be connected to a * <code>ValueSupplier</code>. * * @param ownerModel * Model : The model this Histogram is associated to. * @param name * java.lang.String : The name of this Histogram object. * @param valSup * ValueSupplier : The ValueSupplier providing the value for this * Histogram. The given ValueSupplier will be observed by this * Histogram object. * @param range * double[] : The interval with the lower limit of each cell and the upper limit of the interval as the final value. * @param showInReport * boolean : Flag for showing the report about this Histogram. * @param showInTrace * boolean : Flag for showing the trace output of this Histogram. */ public Histogram(Model ownerModel, String name, ValueSupplier valSup, double[] range, boolean showInReport, boolean showInTrace) { // call the constructor of Tally super(ownerModel, name, valSup, showInReport, showInTrace); // valsup is no valid ValueSupplier if (valSup == null) { sendWarning( "Attempt to produce a Histogram about a non existing " + "ValueSupplier. The command will be ignored!", "Histogram: " + this.getName() + " Constructor: Histogram" + " (Model ownerModel, String name, ValueSupplier valSup, " + "double lowerEnd, double upperEnd, int cells, " + "boolean showInReport, boolean showInTrace)", "The given ValueSupplier: valSup is only a null pointer.", "Make sure to pass a valid ValueSupplier when constructing a new " + "Histogram object."); return; // just return } // check the given parameters and initialize the range array checkParamAndInitRange(range); // initialize the table with zero for each cell initTable(); // do not condense data _condensed = false; } /** * Returns whether output is condensed, i.e.\ empty cells on the right tail not shown. * * @return boolean : Not displaying unused cells in report view (<code>true</code>) or * printing all cells (<code>false</code>). */ public boolean isCondensed() { return this._condensed; } /** * Sets whether output should be condensed, i.e.\ empty cells on the right tail not shown. * * @param condensed * boolean: Not displaying unused cells in report view (<code>true</code>) or * printing all cells (<code>false</code>). */ public void setCondensed(boolean condensed) { this._condensed = condensed; } /** * Changes the parameters of the interval and its number of segments. Can * only be done after construction of a Histogram or after a reset. * * @param low * double : The lower end of the interval. * @param up * double : The upper end of the interval. * @param cel * int : The number of cells (sections) the given interval will * be divided into. */ public void changeParameters(double low, double up, int cel) { if (getObservations() > 0) // Histogram has been used already { sendWarning( "Attempt to change the parameters of a Histogram, but " + "it has been used already. The command will be ignored!", "Histogram: " + this.getName() + " Method: changeParameters( double " + "low, double up, int cel )", "The parameters of a Histogram can not be changed when the Histogram " + "has been used already.", "Make sure to reset the Histogram right before changing its " + "parameters."); return; // do nothing, just return } // check the given parameters and initialize the range array this.checkParamAndInitRange(low, up, cel); // initialize the table with zero for each cell initTable(); } /** * Changes the parameters of the interval and its number of segments. Can * only be done after construction of a Histogram or after a reset. * * @param range * double[] : The array holding the lower limits of the interval sections and the upper limit as the final value. */ public void changeParameters(double[] range) { if (getObservations() > 0) // Histogram has been used already { sendWarning( "Attempt to change the parameters of a Histogram, but " + "it has been used already. The command will be ignored!", "Histogram: " + this.getName() + " Method: changeParameters( double " + "low, double up, int cel )", "The parameters of a Histogram can not be changed when the Histogram " + "has been used already.", "Make sure to reset the Histogram right before changing its " + "parameters."); return; // do nothing, just return } // check the given parameters and initialize the range array this.checkParamAndInitRange(range); // initialize the table with zero for each cell initTable(); } /** * Checks the segmentation of the given equidistant interval and then initializes the range array. */ protected void checkParamAndInitRange(double lowerLimit, double upperLimit, int cells) { if (cells <= 0) // the interval will not be divided into segments { sendWarning( "Attempt to produce a Histogram about an interval, " + "which is not divided into segments. The number of segments will be " + "set to one!", "Histogram: " + this.getName() + " Constructor: Histogram" + " (Model ownerModel, String name, ... int cells, ...) " + "or Method: changeParameters( ..., int cel ).", "The given number of cells is zero or negative.", "Make sure to pass a valid number of cells when constructing a new " + "Histogram object or changing its parameters."); cells = 1; } if (lowerLimit > upperLimit) // lowerLimit is greater than upperLimit { sendWarning("Attempt to produce a Histogram about an interval, " + "which lower end is greater than its upper end. The lower and " + "upper end are exchanged!", "Histogram: " + this.getName() + " Constructor: Histogram" + " (Model ownerModel, ... double lowerEnd, double upperEnd, ...) " + "or Method: changeParameters( double low, double up, int cel ).", "The given lower end is greater than the upper end of the interval.", "Make sure that the lower limit of the interval is smaller than the " + "upper limit when constructing a new Histogram object or changing " + "its parameters."); double temp = lowerLimit; lowerLimit = upperLimit; upperLimit = temp; } else { // there is no segmentation (all is one segment) if (lowerLimit == upperLimit && cells != 1) { sendWarning("Attempt to produce a Histogram about an interval, " + "which lower and upper limit are the same. The number of cells is " + "set to one!", "Histogram: " + this.getName() + " Constructor: Histogram" + " (Model ownerModel, ... double lowerEnd, double upperEnd, ...) " + "or Method: changeParameters( double low, double up, int cel ).", "The given lower and upper end of the interval are the same, but " + "the interval is divided into more than one segment.", "Make sure that in case the lower and upper limit of the interval " + "are the same the number of cells is one."); cells = 1; } // end inner if } // end else // Init range array this._range = new double[cells + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < this._range.length - 1; i++) this._range[i] = lowerLimit + i * (upperLimit - lowerLimit) / cells; this._range[this._range.length - 1] = upperLimit; } /** * Checks the segmentation of the given user-defined interval and then initializes the range array. */ protected void checkParamAndInitRange(double[] range) { double temp; if (range.length == 0 || range.length == 1) // the interval will not be divided into segments of length > 0 { temp = 0; sendWarning("Attempt to produce a Histogram only containing of the underflow and the overflow. " + "There will an interval of the length of 0 between these. The number of segments will be " + "set to one!", "Histogram: " + this.getName() + " Constructor: Histogram" + " (Model ownerModel, String name, double[] range, ...) " + "or Method: changeParameters( double[] range ).", "There are no given cells. ", "Make sure to pass a valid number of cells when constructing a new " + "Histogram object or changing its parameters."); // correct and initialize the range array if (range.length == 1) { temp = range[0]; } range = new double[2]; range[0] = range[1] = temp; } // check the order of the given limits boolean errorMsgAsc = false; // using bubblesort as we can expect the given array to be reasonably sorted for (int i = 0; i < range.length - 1; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < range.length; j++) { if (range[i] > range[j]) { errorMsgAsc = true; temp = range[i]; range[i] = range[j]; range[j] = temp; } } } if (errorMsgAsc) // the limits were not ascending { sendWarning( "Attempt to produce a Histogram about an interval, " + "which has at least one section whose upper is smaller than its lower limit. " + "The lower and upper limits are being exchanged!", "Histogram: " + this.getName() + " Constructor: Histogram" + " (Model ownerModel, ... double[] range, ...) " + "or Method: changeParameters( double[] range ).", "The given lower end is greater than the upper end of the interval.", "Make sure to have a strictly ascending order " + "when constructing a new Histogram object or changing " + "its parameters."); } // check for equal entries boolean errorMsgEq = false; double[] rangetemp = new double[range.length]; int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < range.length - 2; i++) { if (!(range[i] == range[i + 1])) { rangetemp[count] = range[i]; count++; } else { errorMsgEq = true; } } rangetemp[count] = range[range.length - 2]; count++; rangetemp[count] = range[range.length - 1]; range = new double[count + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < range.length; i++) { range[i] = rangetemp[i]; } if (errorMsgEq) { sendWarning("Attempt to produce a Histogram about an interval, " + "which has at least two sections in a row whose lower limits are the same. At least one " + "lower limit is being deleted!", "Histogram: " + this.getName() + " Constructor: Histogram" + " (Model ownerModel, ... double[] range, ...) " + "or Method: changeParameters( double[] range ).", "The given interval has at least two sections with the same lower limit. ", "Make sure to have a strictly ascending order " + "when constructing a new Histogram object or changing " + "its parameters."); } // Init range array; _range = range; } /** * Performs Pearson's Chi-square test on given frequencies, a fixed degree of freedom and desired probability. * The frequencies are given in an array either including under- and overflow cells or not. The degree of freedom is * set to 1 deducted from the number of given cells. * On an error the Chi-squared test is not performed and false is returned. * Details on errors are given out in the error message log. * The result is <code>true</code> if the null hypothesis can not be rejected. * * @param values * long[]: Array of assumed frequencies for each cell. * @param confidence * double: (1-alpha) probability level. * * @return boolean : <code>true</code> if the the null hypothesis can not be rejected. * <code>false</code> on error or if the null hypothesis has to be rejected. */ public boolean chiSquareTest(long[] values, double confidence) { // check if number of cells is valid if (!((values.length == this.getCells() + 2) || (values.length == this.getCells()) || (values.length > 1))) { sendWarning("Attempt to perform a Chi-squared test on an invalid number of cells! ", "chiSquareTest(long[], double) : ", "Too few or too many cells. ", "Make sure to have a valid number of cells " + "when calling the chiSquareTest() method. "); return false; } // check if we have a reasonable amount of observations else if (this.getObservations() < 3) { sendWarning( "Attempt to perform a Chi-squared test on an insufficient data amount, " + "there are less than three observations! ", "chiSquareTest(long[], double) : ", "Too few observations. ", "Make sure to have a sufficient amount of observations " + "when calling the chiSquareTest() method. "); return false; } // check if we have a reasonable probability else if (confidence < 0 || confidence > 1) { sendWarning("Attempt to perform a Chi-squared test with an illegal desired probability! ", "chiSquareTest(long[], double) : ", "Illegal desired probability. ", "Make sure to have a valid desired probability " + "when calling the chiSquareTest() method. "); return false; } // check for 0 as expected entry for (double val : values) { if (val == 0) { // exit on 0 to avoid zero division sendWarning("Attempt to perform a Chi-squared test with an expected value of 0! ", "chiSquareTest(long[], double) : ", "Invalid expected value. ", "Make sure to have a set of valid expected values " + "when calling the chiSquareTest() method. "); return false; } } return chiSquareTest(values, values.length - 1, confidence); } /** * Performs Pearson's Chi-square test on given frequencies, degrees of freedom and desired probability. * The frequencies are given in an array either including under- and overflow cells or not. * On error the Chi-squared test is not performed and false is returned. * Details on errors are given out in the error message log. * The result is true if the null hypothesis can not be rejected. * * @param values * long[]: Array of assumed frequencies for each cell. * @param degFreedom * int: Degrees of freedom of the test. * @param confidence * double: (1-alpha) probability level. * * @return boolean : <code>true</code> if the the null hypothesis can not be rejected. * <code>false</code> on error or if the null hypothesis has to be rejected. */ public boolean chiSquareTest(long[] values, int degFreedom, double confidence) { // check if number of cells is valid if (!((values.length == this.getCells() + 2) || (values.length == this.getCells()) || (values.length > 1))) { sendWarning("Attempt to perform a Chi-squared test on an invalid number of cells! ", "chiSquareTest(long[], int, double) : ", "Too few or too many cells. ", "Make sure to have a valid number of cells " + "when calling the chiSquareTest() method. "); return false; } // check if we have a reasonable amount of observations else if (this.getObservations() < 3) { sendWarning( "Attempt to perform a Chi-squared test on an insufficient data amount, " + "there are less than three observations! ", "chiSquareTest(long[], int, double) : ", "Too few observations. ", "Make sure to have a sufficient amount of observations " + "when calling the chiSquareTest() method. "); return false; } // check if we have a reasonable probability else if (confidence < 0 || confidence > 1) { sendWarning("Attempt to perform a Chi-squared test with an illegal desired probability! ", "chiSquareTest(long[], int, double) : ", "Illegal desired probability. ", "Make sure to have a valid desired probability " + "when calling the chiSquareTest() method. "); return false; } // check if degree of freedom is valid else if (degFreedom <= 0 || degFreedom >= values.length) { sendWarning("Attempt to perform a Chi-squared test with an illegal degree of freedom! ", "chiSquareTest(long[], int, double) : ", "Illegal degree of freedom. ", "Make sure to have a valid degree of freedom " + "when calling the chiSquareTest() method. "); return false; } else { long sumValuesObserved = 0; long sumValuesExpected = 0; // summarize expected values double[] expectedEntries = new double[values.length]; for (double val : values) { if (val == 0) { // exit on 0 to avoid zero division sendWarning("Attempt to perform a Chi-squared test with an expected value of 0! ", "chiSquareTest(long[], int, double) : ", "Invalid expected value. ", "Make sure to have a set of valid expected values " + "when calling the chiSquareTest() method. "); return false; } else { sumValuesExpected += val; } } // summarize observed values int cell; if (values.length == this.getCells()) { // without under- and overflow cell = 1; } else { cell = 0; // with under- and overflow } for (int i = cell; i < values.length + cell; i++) { sumValuesObserved += this.getObservationsInCell(i); } // expected frequency for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { expectedEntries[i] = (double) (values[i]) / (double) (sumValuesExpected) * sumValuesObserved; } // calculation of chiSquared double testStat = 0; for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { testStat += Math.pow((this.getObservationsInCell(cell)) - expectedEntries[i], 2) / expectedEntries[i]; cell++; } // chiSquared for degrees of freedom and probability level ChiSquaredDistributionImpl chiSquared = new ChiSquaredDistributionImpl(degFreedom); // comparison boolean result = false; try { result = !(testStat > chiSquared.inverseCumulativeProbability(confidence)); } catch (MathException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // trace not does not make much sense as the test is performed after the simulation has finished. // sendTraceNote("result of chi-squared test for " + this.getQuotedName() + "is being returned. "); return result; } } /** * Returns a Reporter to produce a report about this Histogram. * * @return : The Reporter for this Histogram. * */ public createReporter() { return new; } /** * Returns the number of cells the interval is divided into. * * @return int : The number of cells the interval is divided into. */ public int getCells() { return this._range.length - 1; } /** * Returns the mean width of all cells. * * @return double : The mean width of all cells. * * @deprecated The same functionality is given by getMeanWidth(). */ @Deprecated public double getCellWidth() { return round((this.getUpperLimit() - this.getLowerLimit(1)) / this.getCells()); } /** * Returns the mean width of all cells. * * @return double : The mean width of all cells. */ public double getMeanWidth() { return round((this.getUpperLimit() - this.getLowerLimit(1)) / this.getCells()); } /** * Returns the lower limit of the given cell. If the given cell is negative, * <code>UNDEFINED</code> (-1) will be returned. * * @return double : The lower limit of the given cell. * @param cell * int : The cell for which we want to know its lower limit. * Should be zero or positive. */ public double getLowerLimit(int cell) { if (cell < 0 || cell > this.getCells() + 1) { sendWarning("Attempt to get a lower limit of a not known cell. " + "UNDEFINED (-1) will be returned!", "Histogram: " + this.getName() + " Method: getLowerLimit( int cell ).", "The passed int: cell in this method is negative or greater than " + "the largest cell number.", "Make sure to ask the lower limit only for valid cell numbers."); return UNDEFINED; // return UNDEFINED (-1) } if (cell == 0) { return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; } else { return StatisticObject.round(this._range[cell - 1]); } } /** * Returns the number of the first cell holding the maximum value. * * @return int : The number of one cell holding the maximum value. * * @deprecated Gives the same result as the first entry of the returned array of getMostFrequentedCells(). */ @Deprecated public int getMostFrequentedCell() { return this.getMostFrequentedCells()[0]; } /** * Returns the numbers of the most frequented cells, so far. * * @return int[] : An array with the numbers of the most frequented cells. */ public int[] getMostFrequentedCells() { long max = 0; // maximum value int numMaxCells = 0; int[] maxCellNo = new int[this.getCells() + 2]; for (int i = 0; i < this.getCells() + 2; i++) // go through all cells { if (max == this._table[i]) { numMaxCells++; maxCellNo[numMaxCells - 1] = i; } else if (max < this._table[i]) // new maximum frequency found? { maxCellNo = new int[this.getCells()]; numMaxCells = 1; maxCellNo[numMaxCells - 1] = i; max = this._table[i]; // set the new highest frequency } } int[] returnMaxCellNo = new int[numMaxCells]; for (int i = 0; i < numMaxCells; i++) { returnMaxCellNo[i] = maxCellNo[i]; } return returnMaxCellNo; } /** * Returns the observations made for the given cell, so far. * * @return long : The observations made for the given cell. * @param cell * int : The cell of which want to get the number of observations * made for. */ public long getObservationsInCell(int cell) { if (cell < 0 || cell > this.getCells() + 1) { // cell 0: underflow, cell this.getCells() + 1: overflow sendWarning( "Attempt to get the number of observations from a not " + "known cell. Zero (0) will be returned!", "Histogram: " + this.getName() + " Method: getObservationsInCell" + "( int cell ).", "The passed int: cell in this method is negative or greater than " + "the largest cell number.", "Make sure to ask for the number of observations only for valid " + "cell numbers."); return 0; // return zero (0) } return _table[cell]; } /** * Returns the upper limit of the whole interval. * * @return double : The upper limit of the whole interval. */ public double getUpperLimit() { return this._range[this._range.length - 1]; } /** * Initializes the table by setting each cell counter to zero. */ protected void initTable() { // make a new table; each cell is set to zero this._table = new long[this.getCells() + 2]; } /** * Resets this Histogram object by resetting the counters for each cell to * zero. That means the array of the cell counters will be reset, but the * interval and the number of sections this interval is divided into will * remain the same. The parameters of the interval can be changed with the * <code>changeParameters</code> method after the reset. */ public void reset() { super.reset(); // reset the Tally, too. // reset the array of cells #### only if the table already exists! Ruth 24/01/2008 if (_table != null) { initTable(); } } /** * Updates this <code>Histogram</code> object by fetching the actual value * of the <code>ValueSupplier</code> and processing it. The * <code>ValueSupplier</code> is passed in the constructor of this * <code>Histogram</code> object. This <code>update()</code> method * complies with the one described in DESMO, see [Page91]. */ public void update() { super.update(); // update Tally // get last value double val = getLastValue(); int n = 0; // to which cell does the value belong to? if (val < this._range[0]) { // underflow n = 0; } // changed at 6.12.2012 by Chr. Müller (TH Wildau) //else if(val > this._range[this._range.length - 1]){ // overflow else if (val >= this._range[this._range.length - 1]) { // overflow n = this.getCells() + 1; } // changed at 6.12.2012 by Chr. Müller (TH Wildau) /* else if(val >= this._range[this._range.length - 2] && val <= this._range[this._range.length - 1]) { // last segment n = this.getCells(); } */ else { for (int i = 0; i < this._range.length - 1; i++) { if (val >= this._range[i] && val < this._range[i + 1]) { n = i + 1; } } } _table[n]++; } /** * Updates this <code>Histogram</code> object with the double value given * as parameter. In some cases it might be more convenient to pass the value * this <code>Histogram</code> will be updated with directly within the * <code>update(double val)</code> method instead of going via the * <code>ValueSupplier</code>. * * @param val * double : The value with which this <code>Histogram</code> * will be updated. */ public void update(double val) { super.update(val); // update Tally int n = 0; // to which cell does the value belong to? if (val < this._range[0]) { // underflow n = 0; } // changed at 6.12.2012 by Chr. Müller (TH Wildau) //else if(val > this._range[this._range.length - 1]){ // overflow else if (val >= this._range[this._range.length - 1]) { // overflow n = this.getCells() + 1; } // changed at 6.12.2012 by Chr. Müller (TH Wildau) /* else if(val >= this._range[this._range.length - 2] && val <= this._range[this._range.length - 1]) { // last segment n = this.getCells(); } */ else { for (int i = 0; i < this._range.length - 1; i++) { if (val >= this._range[i] && val < this._range[i + 1]) { n = i + 1; } } } _table[n]++; } /** * Implementation of the virtual <code>update(Observable, Object)</code> * method of the <code>Observer</code> interface. This method will be * called automatically from an <code>Observable</code> object within its * <code>notifyObservers()</code> method. <br> * If no Object (a<code>null</code> value) is passed as arg, the actual * value of the ValueSupplier will be fetched with the <code>value()</code> * method of the ValueSupplier. Otherwise it is expected that the actual * value is passed in the Object arg. * * @param o * java.util.Observable : The Observable calling this method * within its own <code>notifyObservers()</code> method. * @param arg * Object : The Object with which this <code>Tally</code> is * updated. Normally a double number which is added to the * statistics or <code>null</code>. */ public void update(Observable o, Object arg) { if (o == null) // null was passed instead of an Observable { sendWarning( "Attempt to update a Histogram with no reference to an " + "Observable. The actual value of '" + getValueSupplier().getName() + "' will be fetched and processed anyway.", "Histogram: " + this.getName() + " Method: update (Observable " + "o, Object arg)", "The passed Observable: o in this method is only a null pointer.", "The update()-method was not called via notifyObservers() from an " + "Observable. Who was calling it? Why don't you let the Observable do" + " the work?"); } super.update(o, arg); // update Tally // get last value double val = getLastValue(); int n = 0; // to which cell does the value belong to? if (val < this._range[0]) { // underflow n = 0; } // changed at 6.12.2012 by Chr. Müller (TH Wildau) //else if(val > this._range[this._range.length - 1]){ // overflow else if (val >= this._range[this._range.length - 1]) { // overflow n = this.getCells() + 1; } // changed at 6.12.2012 by Chr. Müller (TH Wildau) /* else if(val >= this._range[this._range.length - 2] && val <= this._range[this._range.length - 1]) { // last segment n = this.getCells(); } */ else { for (int i = 0; i < this._range.length - 1; i++) { if (val >= this._range[i] && val < this._range[i + 1]) { n = i + 1; } } } _table[n]++; } } // end class Histogram