Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2016 jcastro * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package; import delfos.dataset.basic.features.Feature; import delfos.dataset.basic.features.FeatureType; import delfos.dataset.basic.item.ContentDataset; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.apache.commons.math4.util.Pair; /** * Objeto que almacena una transformacin de caractersticas y valores a un vector de ocurrencias. * * @author jcastro-inf ( ) * * @version 10-Octubre-2013 */ public class BooleanFeaturesTransformation implements Serializable, Iterable<FeatureValue> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** * Guarda la correspondencia entre el valor de cada caracterstica y su posicin en el perfil booleano. */ private final Map<Feature, Map<Object, Long>> featureValuesIndexes = new TreeMap<>(); private final int numFeatures; public BooleanFeaturesTransformation(ContentDataset contentDataset) { int index = 0; for (Feature f : contentDataset.getFeatures()) { for (Object value : contentDataset.getAllFeatureValues(f)) { addFeatureToIndex(f, value, index++); } } numFeatures = index; } private long addFeatureToIndex(Feature feature, Object value, long index) { if (featureValuesIndexes.containsKey(feature)) { if (featureValuesIndexes.get(feature).containsKey(value)) { //Todo correcto, ya estaba en su sitio. } else { featureValuesIndexes.get(feature).put(value, index++); } } else { featureValuesIndexes.put(feature, new TreeMap<>()); featureValuesIndexes.get(feature).put(value, index++); } return featureValuesIndexes.get(feature).get(value); } /** * Crea un vector para representar el perfil, que slo permite valores dentro de los definidos en esta * transformacin booleana. * * @return */ public SparseVector<Long> newProfile() { return SparseVector.create(getDomain()); } public Collection<Long> getDomain() { List<Long> ret = new ArrayList<>(numFeatures); for (long i = 0; i < numFeatures; i++) { ret.add(i); } return ret; } /** * Devuelve todos los valores que toma la caracterstica indicada. * * @param feature Caracterstica para la que se buscan sus posibles valores. * @return Valores que toman los productos. Tienen la peculiaridad de que algun tem tiene para la caracterstica * indicada el valor devuelto. */ public Iterable<Object> getAllFeatureValues(Feature feature) { ArrayList<Object> ret = new ArrayList<>(featureValuesIndexes.get(feature).keySet()); return ret; } /** * Nmero de pares (caracterstica, valor) distintos que se dan en el dataset de contenido. * * @return Nmero de pares distintos. */ public int sizeOfAllFeatureValues() { int size = 0; for (Feature feature : featureValuesIndexes.keySet()) { size += featureValuesIndexes.get(feature).size(); } return size; } /** * Transforma el vector disperso en un mapa con los valores de las caractersticas. * * @param sparseVector Vector de valores dados en el dominio de esta transformacin booleana. * @return */ public Map<Feature, Map<Object, Double>> getFeatureValueMap(SparseVector<Long> sparseVector) { Map<Feature, Map<Object, Double>> ret = new TreeMap<>(); for (Pair<Long, Double> entry : sparseVector.entrySet()) { long idFeatureValue = entry.getKey(); double value = entry.getValue(); FeatureValue featureValuePair = getFeatureValue(idFeatureValue); Feature feature = featureValuePair.feature; Object featureValue = featureValuePair.value; if (!ret.containsKey(feature)) { ret.put(feature, new TreeMap<>()); } ret.get(feature).put(featureValue, value); } return ret; } protected FeatureValue getFeatureValue(long index) { for (Feature f : featureValuesIndexes.keySet()) { if (featureValuesIndexes.get(f).containsValue(index)) { for (Map.Entry<Object, Long> entry : featureValuesIndexes.get(f).entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().equals(index)) { return new FeatureValue(f, entry.getKey()); } } } } throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("The index " + index + " is not defined"); } public long getFeatureIndex(Feature f, Object value) { if (f.getType() == FeatureType.Unary) { value = "1"; } if (featureValuesIndexes.containsKey(f)) { if (featureValuesIndexes.get(f).containsKey(value)) { return featureValuesIndexes.get(f).get(value); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The feature '" + f + "' value '" + value + "' is not defined."); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The feature '" + f + "' is not defined"); } } public List<Double> getDoubleVector(SparseVector<Long> sparseVector) { List<Double> ret = new ArrayList<>(numFeatures); for (int i = 0; i < numFeatures; i++) { ret.add(0.0); } for (Pair<Long, Double> entry : sparseVector.entrySet()) { ret.set(entry.getKey().intValue(), (double) entry.getValue()); } return ret; } public List<Double> getDoubleValuesVector(BooleanUserProfile booleanUserProfile) { List<Double> ret = new ArrayList<>(numFeatures); for (int i = 0; i < numFeatures; i++) { ret.add(0.0); } for (Feature feature : booleanUserProfile.getFeatures()) { for (Object featureValue : booleanUserProfile.getValuedFeatureValues(feature)) { long idFeatureValue = getFeatureIndex(feature, featureValue); double featureValueValue = booleanUserProfile.getFeatureValueValue(feature, featureValue); ret.set((int) idFeatureValue, (double) featureValueValue); } } return ret; } public SparseVector<Long> getDoubleValuesSparseVector(BooleanUserProfile booleanUserProfile) { SparseVector<Long> userProfile = newProfile(); for (Feature feature : booleanUserProfile.getFeatures()) { for (Object featureValue : booleanUserProfile.getValuedFeatureValues(feature)) { long idFeatureValue = getFeatureIndex(feature, featureValue); double featureValueValue = booleanUserProfile.getFeatureValueValue(feature, featureValue); userProfile.set(idFeatureValue, featureValueValue); } } return userProfile; } public SparseVector<Long> getDoubleWeightsSparseVector(BooleanUserProfile booleanUserProfile) { SparseVector<Long> userProfile = newProfile(); for (Feature feature : booleanUserProfile.getFeatures()) { for (Object featureValue : booleanUserProfile.getValuedFeatureValues(feature)) { long idFeatureValue = getFeatureIndex(feature, featureValue); double featureValueWeight = booleanUserProfile.getFeatureValueWeight(feature, featureValue); userProfile.set(idFeatureValue, featureValueWeight); } } return userProfile; } public List<Double> getDoubleWeightsVector(BooleanUserProfile booleanUserProfile) { List<Double> ret = new ArrayList<>(numFeatures); for (int i = 0; i < numFeatures; i++) { ret.add(0.0); } for (Feature feature : booleanUserProfile.getFeatures()) { for (Object featureValue : booleanUserProfile.getValuedFeatureValues(feature)) { long idFeatureValue = getFeatureIndex(feature, featureValue); double featureValueValue = booleanUserProfile.getFeatureValueWeight(feature, featureValue); ret.set((int) idFeatureValue, (double) featureValueValue); } } return ret; } @Override public Iterator<FeatureValue> iterator() { Collection<FeatureValue> list = new ArrayList<>(); for (Feature feature : featureValuesIndexes.keySet()) { for (Object value : featureValuesIndexes.get(feature).keySet()) { list.add(new FeatureValue(feature, value)); } } list = Collections.unmodifiableCollection(list); return list.iterator(); } }