Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2016 jcastro * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package delfos.results.evaluationmeasures.roccurve; import delfos.ERROR_CODES; import delfos.common.Chronometer; import delfos.common.Global; import delfos.common.exceptions.dataset.users.UserNotFound; import delfos.dataset.basic.rating.Rating; import delfos.dataset.basic.rating.RatingsDataset; import delfos.dataset.basic.rating.RelevanceCriteria; import; import delfos.results.MeasureResult; import delfos.results.RecommendationResults; import delfos.results.evaluationmeasures.EvaluationMeasure; import delfos.results.evaluationmeasures.confusionmatrix.ConfusionMatricesCurve; import delfos.results.evaluationmeasures.confusionmatrix.ConfusionMatrix; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.jdom2.Element; /** * Medida de evaluacin para calcular el area bajo roc, tomando el tamao de la * lista de recomendaciones como el umbral. Esta medida calcula la sensitividad * y especificidad en cada valor del umbral para generar una curva, cuyo rea es * uno si el clasificador es perfecto y 0,5 si el clasificador es aleatorio. * * @author jcastro-inf ( ) * * @version 1.0 Unknown date * @version 1.1 20-Mar-2013 */ public class AreaUnderROC extends EvaluationMeasure { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** * Constructor por defecto de la medida de evaluacin. */ public AreaUnderROC() { } @Override public boolean usesRatingPrediction() { return false; } @Override public MeasureResult getMeasureResult(RecommendationResults recommendationResults, RatingsDataset<? extends Rating> testDataset, RelevanceCriteria relevanceCriteria) { List<ConfusionMatrix> matrices = new LinkedList<>(); int maxLength = 0; for (Integer idUser : recommendationResults.usersWithRecommendations()) { Collection<Recommendation> recommendations = recommendationResults.getRecommendationsForUser(idUser); if (recommendations.size() > maxLength) { maxLength = recommendations.size(); } } if (maxLength == 0) { return new MeasureResult(this, 0); } List<List<Boolean>> resultados = new ArrayList<>(recommendationResults.usersWithRecommendations().size()); for (int idUser : testDataset.allUsers()) { Collection<Recommendation> recommendationList = recommendationResults.getRecommendationsForUser(idUser); List<Boolean> listaTransformada = new ArrayList<>(recommendationList.size()); try { Map<Integer, ? extends Rating> userRatings = testDataset.getUserRatingsRated(idUser); -> r.getIdItem()).map((idItem) -> { return idItem; }).forEach((idItem) -> { listaTransformada.add(relevanceCriteria.isRelevant(userRatings.get(idItem).getRatingValue())); }); resultados.add(listaTransformada); } catch (UserNotFound ex) { ERROR_CODES.USER_NOT_FOUND.exit(ex); } } Collection<Integer> allUsers = testDataset.allUsers(); if (allUsers.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot work without users."); } int truePositive = 0; int falseNegative = 0; int falsePositive = 0; int trueNegative = 0; int count = 0; //Inicialmente supone que todos son no recomendados if (Global.isVerboseAnnoying()) { Global.showInfoMessage("ROC with length " + 0 + " of " + maxLength + "."); } for (List<Boolean> recom : resultados) { for (Boolean recom1 : recom) { if (recom1) { falseNegative++; } else { trueNegative++; } } count++; if (allUsers.size() > 11 && (count % (allUsers.size() / 10.0) == 0)) { if (Global.isVerboseAnnoying()) { Global.showInfoMessage(" " + count * 100 / allUsers.size() + "% of users analysed.\n"); } } } //calculada la matriz de confusin para tamao 0, se aade a la curva. matrices.add(new ConfusionMatrix(falsePositive, falseNegative, truePositive, trueNegative)); Chronometer c = new Chronometer(); c.reset(); for (int kActual = 1; kActual < maxLength; kActual++) { if (Global.isVerboseAnnoying()) { Global.showInfoMessage("ROC with length " + kActual + " of " + maxLength + "."); } // count = 0; for (List<Boolean> recom : resultados) { if (kActual < recom.size()) { if (recom.get(kActual)) { truePositive++; falseNegative--; } else { falsePositive++; trueNegative--; } } } //calculada la matriz de confusin para longitud kActual matrices.add(new ConfusionMatrix(falsePositive, falseNegative, truePositive, trueNegative)); if (Global.isVerboseAnnoying()) { Global.showInfoMessage(" in " + c.printPartialElapsed() + "\n"); } } ConfusionMatricesCurve curve = new ConfusionMatricesCurve(matrices.toArray(new ConfusionMatrix[1])); if (Global.isVerboseAnnoying()) { Global.showInfoMessage("------------- Receiver Operator Characteristic --------------" + "\n"); Global.showInfoMessage(curve.toString() + "\n"); } double areaUnderROC = curve.getAreaPRSpace(); Element element = new Element(this.getName()); element.setAttribute(EvaluationMeasure.VALUE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, Double.toString(areaUnderROC)); element.setContent(ConfusionMatricesCurveXML.getElement(curve)); return new MeasureResult(this, areaUnderROC); } }