Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2016 jcastro * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package delfos.results.evaluationmeasures.prediction; import delfos.ERROR_CODES; import delfos.common.Global; import delfos.common.datastructures.histograms.HistogramNumbersSmart; import delfos.common.exceptions.dataset.users.UserNotFound; import delfos.dataset.basic.rating.Rating; import delfos.dataset.basic.rating.RatingsDataset; import delfos.dataset.basic.rating.RelevanceCriteria; import delfos.results.MeasureResult; import delfos.results.RecommendationResults; import delfos.results.evaluationmeasures.EvaluationMeasure; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Map; import org.jdom2.Element; /** * Calcula el histograma del error. * * @author jcastro-inf ( ) * * @version 1-julio-2014 */ public class PredicitonErrorHistogram extends EvaluationMeasure { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static final String HISTOGRAM_ELEMENT_NAME = "Histogram"; private static final String HISTOGRAM_BIN_WIDTH_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "binWidth"; private static final String BIN_ELEMENT_NAME = "Bin"; private static final String BIN_MIN_VALUE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "min"; private static final String BIN_MAX_VALUE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "max"; private static final String BIN_BIN_VALUE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "binValue"; private static final double binWidth = 0.01; /** * Constructor por defecto de la medida de evaluacin. */ public PredicitonErrorHistogram() { } @Override public boolean usesRatingPrediction() { return true; } @Override public MeasureResult getMeasureResult(RecommendationResults recommendationResults, RatingsDataset<? extends Rating> testDataset, RelevanceCriteria relevanceCriteria) { HistogramNumbersSmart histogram = new HistogramNumbersSmart(binWidth); for (int idUser : testDataset.allUsers()) { Collection<Recommendation> recommendationList = recommendationResults.getRecommendationsForUser(idUser); try { Map<Integer, ? extends Rating> userRated = testDataset.getUserRatingsRated(idUser); for (Recommendation lista : recommendationList) { Number rating = userRated.get(lista.getIdItem()).getRatingValue(); Number prediction = lista.getPreference(); if (rating != null && !Double.isNaN(rating.doubleValue()) && !Double.isInfinite(rating.doubleValue()) && prediction != null && !Double.isNaN(prediction.doubleValue()) && !Double.isInfinite(prediction.doubleValue())) { double error = prediction.doubleValue() - rating.doubleValue(); histogram.addValue(error); } } } catch (UserNotFound ex) { ERROR_CODES.USER_NOT_FOUND.exit(ex); } } if (histogram.getNumValues() == 0) { Global.showWarning("Cannot compute 'MAE' since the RS did not predicted any recommendation!!"); } Element histogramElement = new Element(HISTOGRAM_ELEMENT_NAME); histogramElement.setAttribute(HISTOGRAM_BIN_WIDTH_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, Double.toString(binWidth)); for (int indexBin = 0; indexBin < histogram.getNumBins(); indexBin++) { Element binElement = new Element(BIN_ELEMENT_NAME); binElement.setAttribute(BIN_MIN_VALUE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, Double.toString(histogram.getBin_minBound(indexBin))); binElement.setAttribute(BIN_MAX_VALUE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, Double.toString(histogram.getBin_maxBound(indexBin))); binElement.setAttribute(BIN_BIN_VALUE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, Integer.toString(histogram.getBin_numValues(indexBin))); histogramElement.addContent(binElement); } if (Global.isVerboseAnnoying()) { histogram.printHistogram(System.out); } return new MeasureResult(this, 0.0f); } }