Java tutorial
// // See toplevel license.txt for copyright and license terms. package ded.model; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Point; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.json.JSONTokener; /** Test serialization of Diagram. */ public class SerializationTests { /** Run the tests. Throw exception on failure. */ public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { SerializationTests t = new SerializationTests(); // Run unit tests when run w/o arguments. if (args.length == 0) { t.test1(); } // Parse inputs specified on command line. for (String a : args) { testParseFile(a); } } public void test1() throws Exception { // Build a simple diagram. Diagram d = new Diagram(); d.windowSize = new Dimension(1000, 2000); Entity e1 = new Entity(); e1.loc = new Point(5, 10); e1.size = new Dimension(30, 40); e1.shape = EntityShape.ES_ELLIPSE; = "e1"; e1.attributes = "attr1\nattr2\nattr3"; d.entities.add(e1); Entity e2 = new Entity(); e2.loc = new Point(15, 20); e2.size = new Dimension(130, 140); e2.shape = EntityShape.ES_NO_SHAPE; = "e2"; e2.attributes = "funny\"characters\\in\'this,string!"; d.entities.add(e2); // Relation from e1 to e2 with two control points. Relation r1 = new Relation(new RelationEndpoint(e1), new RelationEndpoint(e2)); r1.controlPts.add(new Point(71, 72)); r1.controlPts.add(new Point(73, 74)); r1.routingAlg = RoutingAlgorithm.RA_DIRECT; r1.label = "r1"; r1.end.arrowStyle = ArrowStyle.AS_FILLED_TRIANGLE; r1.start.arrowStyle = ArrowStyle.AS_DOUBLE_ANGLE; d.relations.add(r1); // Relation between two points. Relation r2 = new Relation(new RelationEndpoint(new Point(81, 82)), new RelationEndpoint(new Point(83, 84))); d.relations.add(r2); // Make e2 inherit from e1. Inheritance i1 = new Inheritance(e1, true /*open*/, new Point(31, 32)); d.inheritances.add(i1); Relation r3 = new Relation(new RelationEndpoint(e2), new RelationEndpoint(i1)); r3.routingAlg = RoutingAlgorithm.RA_MANHATTAN_VERT; d.relations.add(r3); // Make sure it is all consistent. d.selfCheck(); // Serialize it. String serialized = d.toJSON().toString(2); System.out.println(serialized); // Parse it. JSONObject o = new JSONObject(new JSONTokener(serialized)); Diagram d2 = new Diagram(o); d2.selfCheck(); // Check for structural equality. assert (d2.equals(d)); // Serialize and check that for equality too. String ser2 = d2.toJSON().toString(2); assert (ser2.equals(serialized)); } private static void testParseFile(String fname) throws Exception { System.out.println("testing: " + fname); // Parse the file, checking that we can. Diagram d = Diagram.readFromFileAutodetect(fname); d.selfCheck(); // Put it through a serialization cycle. String serialized = d.toJSON().toString(2); Diagram d2 = new Diagram(new JSONObject(new JSONTokener(serialized))); d2.selfCheck(); // The deserialized objects should be equal. assert (d.equals(d2)); // The serialized string form might be different from what was // in the file if we loaded an older version. But if we serialize // again, *that* should match 'serialized'. String ser2 = d2.toJSON().toString(2); assert (serialized.equals(ser2)); } } // EOF