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Java tutorial


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 * Copyright (c) 2016. Sunghyouk Bae <>
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package debop4k.timeperiod.samples;

import debop4k.timeperiod.ITimeBlock;
import debop4k.timeperiod.ITimePeriod;
import debop4k.timeperiod.TimeBlock;
import lombok.val;
import org.eclipse.collections.impl.list.mutable.FastList;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.joda.time.Duration;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

public class TimeBlockPeriodRelationTestData {

    List<ITimePeriod> allPeriods = FastList.newList();
    ITimeBlock reference = null;
    ITimeBlock before = null;
    ITimeBlock startTouching = null;
    ITimeBlock startInside = null;
    ITimeBlock insideStartTouching = null;
    ITimeBlock enclosingStartTouching = null;
    ITimeBlock inside = null;
    ITimeBlock enclosingEndTouching = null;
    ITimeBlock exactMatch = null;
    ITimeBlock enclosing = null;
    ITimeBlock insideEndTouching = null;
    ITimeBlock endInside = null;
    ITimeBlock endTouching = null;
    ITimeBlock after = null;

    public TimeBlockPeriodRelationTestData(DateTime start, DateTime end, Duration duration) {
        assert duration.compareTo(Duration.ZERO) >= 0 : "duration ? 0 ??? ?  .";
        reference = new TimeBlock(start, end, true);

        val beforeEnd = start.minus(duration);
        val beforeStart = beforeEnd.minus(reference.getDuration());
        val insideStart =;
        val insideEnd = end.minus(duration);
        val afterStart =;
        val afterEnd =;

        after = new TimeBlock(beforeStart, beforeEnd, true);
        startTouching = new TimeBlock(beforeStart, start, true);
        startInside = new TimeBlock(beforeStart, insideStart, true);
        insideStartTouching = new TimeBlock(start, afterStart, true);
        enclosingStartTouching = new TimeBlock(start, insideEnd, true);
        enclosing = new TimeBlock(insideStart, insideEnd, true);
        enclosingEndTouching = new TimeBlock(insideStart, end, true);
        exactMatch = new TimeBlock(start, end, true);
        inside = new TimeBlock(beforeStart, afterEnd, true);
        insideEndTouching = new TimeBlock(beforeStart, end, true);
        endInside = new TimeBlock(insideEnd, afterEnd, true);
        endTouching = new TimeBlock(end, afterEnd, true);
        before = new TimeBlock(afterStart, afterEnd, true);

        allPeriods.addAll(Arrays.asList(reference, after, startTouching, startInside, insideStartTouching,
                enclosingStartTouching, enclosing, enclosingEndTouching, exactMatch, inside, insideEndTouching,
                endInside, endTouching, before));

    public List<ITimePeriod> getAllPeriods() {
        return this.allPeriods;

    public ITimeBlock getReference() {
        return this.reference;

    public ITimeBlock getBefore() {
        return this.before;

    public ITimeBlock getStartTouching() {
        return this.startTouching;

    public ITimeBlock getStartInside() {
        return this.startInside;

    public ITimeBlock getInsideStartTouching() {
        return this.insideStartTouching;

    public ITimeBlock getEnclosingStartTouching() {
        return this.enclosingStartTouching;

    public ITimeBlock getInside() {
        return this.inside;

    public ITimeBlock getEnclosingEndTouching() {
        return this.enclosingEndTouching;

    public ITimeBlock getExactMatch() {
        return this.exactMatch;

    public ITimeBlock getEnclosing() {
        return this.enclosing;

    public ITimeBlock getInsideEndTouching() {
        return this.insideEndTouching;

    public ITimeBlock getEndInside() {
        return this.endInside;

    public ITimeBlock getEndTouching() {
        return this.endTouching;

    public ITimeBlock getAfter() {
        return this.after;

    public void setAllPeriods(List<ITimePeriod> allPeriods) {
        this.allPeriods = allPeriods;

    public void setReference(ITimeBlock reference) {
        this.reference = reference;

    public void setBefore(ITimeBlock before) {
        this.before = before;

    public void setStartTouching(ITimeBlock startTouching) {
        this.startTouching = startTouching;

    public void setStartInside(ITimeBlock startInside) {
        this.startInside = startInside;

    public void setInsideStartTouching(ITimeBlock insideStartTouching) {
        this.insideStartTouching = insideStartTouching;

    public void setEnclosingStartTouching(ITimeBlock enclosingStartTouching) {
        this.enclosingStartTouching = enclosingStartTouching;

    public void setInside(ITimeBlock inside) {
        this.inside = inside;

    public void setEnclosingEndTouching(ITimeBlock enclosingEndTouching) {
        this.enclosingEndTouching = enclosingEndTouching;

    public void setExactMatch(ITimeBlock exactMatch) {
        this.exactMatch = exactMatch;

    public void setEnclosing(ITimeBlock enclosing) {
        this.enclosing = enclosing;

    public void setInsideEndTouching(ITimeBlock insideEndTouching) {
        this.insideEndTouching = insideEndTouching;

    public void setEndInside(ITimeBlock endInside) {
        this.endInside = endInside;

    public void setEndTouching(ITimeBlock endTouching) {
        this.endTouching = endTouching;

    public void setAfter(ITimeBlock after) {
        this.after = after;