Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 *  Copyright 2007-2010 Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum fr Informationstechnik Berlin
 *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *   You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *   limitations under the License.
package de.zib.scalaris;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine;
import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser;
import org.apache.commons.cli.GnuParser;
import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter;
import org.apache.commons.cli.Option;
import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionGroup;
import org.apache.commons.cli.Options;
import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException;

 * Class to test basic functionality of the package and to use scalaris 
 * from command line.
 * @author Nico Kruber,
 * @version 2.0
 * @since 2.0
public class Main {
     * Queries the command line options for an action to perform.
     * <pre>
     * <code>
     * > java -jar scalaris.jar -help
     * usage: scalaris [Options]
     *  -b,--minibench                   run mini benchmark
     *  -d,--delete <key> <[timeout]>    delete an item (default timeout: 2000ms)
     *                                   WARNING: This function can lead to
     *                                   inconsistent data (e.g. deleted items
     *                                   can re-appear). Also when re-creating an
     *                                   item the version before the delete can
     *                                   re-appear.
     *  -g,--getsubscribers <topic>      get subscribers of a topic
     *  -h,--help                        print this message
     *  -lh,--localhost                  gets the local host's name as known to
     *                                   Java (for debugging purposes)
     *  -p,--publish <topic> <message>   publish a new message for the given
     *                                   topic
     *  -r,--read <key>                  read an item
     *  -s,--subscribe <topic> <url>     subscribe to a topic
     *  -u,--unsubscribe <topic> <url>   unsubscribe from a topic
     *  -v,--verbose                     print verbose information, e.g. the
     *                                   properties read
     *  -w,--write <key> <value>         write an item
     * </code>
     * </pre>
     * @param args
     *            command line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        boolean verbose = false;
        CommandLineParser parser = new GnuParser();
        CommandLine line = null;
        Options options = getOptions();
        try {
            line = parser.parse(options, args);
        } catch (ParseException e) {
            printException("Parsing failed", e, false);

        if (line.hasOption("verbose")) {
            verbose = true;

        if (line.hasOption("minibench")) {
        } else if (line.hasOption("r")) { // read
            String key = line.getOptionValue("read");
            checkArguments(key, options, "r");
            try {
                Scalaris sc = new Scalaris();
                String value =;
                System.out.println("read(" + key + ") == " + value);
            } catch (ConnectionException e) {
                printException("read failed with connection error", e, verbose);
            } catch (TimeoutException e) {
                printException("read failed with timeout", e, verbose);
            } catch (NotFoundException e) {
                printException("read failed with not found", e, verbose);
            } catch (UnknownException e) {
                printException("read failed with unknown", e, verbose);
        } else if (line.hasOption("w")) { // write
            String[] optionValues = line.getOptionValues("write");
            checkArguments(optionValues, 2, options, "w");
            String key = optionValues[0];
            String value = optionValues[1];
            try {
                Scalaris sc = new Scalaris();
                sc.write(key, value);
                System.out.println("write(" + key + ", " + value + ")");
            } catch (ConnectionException e) {
                printException("write failed with connection error", e, verbose);
            } catch (TimeoutException e) {
                printException("write failed with timeout", e, verbose);
            } catch (UnknownException e) {
                printException("write failed with unknown", e, verbose);
        } else if (line.hasOption("p")) { // publish
            String[] optionValues = line.getOptionValues("publish");
            checkArguments(optionValues, 2, options, "p");
            String topic = optionValues[0];
            String content = optionValues[1];
            if (content == null) {
                // parsing methods of commons.cli only checks the first argument :(
                printException("Parsing failed", new ParseException("missing content for option p"), verbose);
            try {
                Scalaris sc = new Scalaris();
                sc.publish(topic, content);
                System.out.println("publish(" + topic + ", " + content + ")");
            } catch (ConnectionException e) {
                printException("publish failed with connection error", e, verbose);
        } else if (line.hasOption("s")) { // subscribe
            String[] optionValues = line.getOptionValues("subscribe");
            checkArguments(optionValues, 2, options, "s");
            String topic = optionValues[0];
            String url = optionValues[1];
            try {
                Scalaris sc = new Scalaris();
                sc.subscribe(topic, url);
                System.out.println("subscribe(" + topic + ", " + url + ")");
            } catch (ConnectionException e) {
                printException("subscribe failed with connection error", e, verbose);
            } catch (TimeoutException e) {
                printException("subscribe failed with timeout", e, verbose);
            } catch (UnknownException e) {
                printException("subscribe failed with unknown", e, verbose);
        } else if (line.hasOption("u")) { // unsubscribe
            String[] optionValues = line.getOptionValues("unsubscribe");
            checkArguments(optionValues, 2, options, "u");
            String topic = optionValues[0];
            String url = optionValues[1];
            try {
                Scalaris sc = new Scalaris();
                sc.unsubscribe(topic, url);
                System.out.println("unsubscribe(" + topic + ", " + url + ")");
            } catch (ConnectionException e) {
                printException("unsubscribe failed with connection error", e, verbose);
            } catch (TimeoutException e) {
                printException("unsubscribe failed with timeout", e, verbose);
            } catch (NotFoundException e) {
                printException("unsubscribe failed with not found", e, verbose);
            } catch (UnknownException e) {
                printException("unsubscribe failed with unknown", e, verbose);
        } else if (line.hasOption("g")) { // getsubscribers
            String topic = line.getOptionValue("getsubscribers");
            checkArguments(topic, options, "g");
            try {
                Scalaris sc = new Scalaris();
                ArrayList<String> subscribers = sc.getSubscribers(topic);
                System.out.println("getSubscribers(" + topic + ") == " + subscribers);
            } catch (ConnectionException e) {
                printException("getSubscribers failed with connection error", e, verbose);
            } catch (UnknownException e) {
                printException("getSubscribers failed with unknown error", e, verbose);
        } else if (line.hasOption("d")) { // delete
            String[] optionValues = line.getOptionValues("delete");
            checkArguments(optionValues, 1, options, "d");
            String key = optionValues[0];
            int timeout = 2000;
            if (optionValues.length >= 2) {
                try {
                    timeout = Integer.parseInt(optionValues[1]);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    printException("Parsing failed",
                            new ParseException("wrong type for timeout parameter of option d" + " (parameters: <"
                                    + options.getOption("d").getArgName() + ">)"),
            try {
                Scalaris sc = new Scalaris();
                sc.delete(key, timeout);
                DeleteResult deleteResult = sc.getLastDeleteResult();
                System.out.println("delete(" + key + ", " + timeout + "): " + deleteResult.ok + " ok, "
                        + deleteResult.locks_set + " locks_set, " + deleteResult.undef + " undef");
            } catch (ConnectionException e) {
                printException("delete failed with connection error", e, verbose);
            } catch (TimeoutException e) {
                printException("delete failed with timeout", e, verbose);
            } catch (NodeNotFoundException e) {
                printException("delete failed with node not found", e, verbose);
            } catch (UnknownException e) {
                printException("delete failed with unknown error", e, verbose);
        } else if (line.hasOption("lh")) { // get local host name
        } else {
            // print help if no other option was given
            //      if (line.hasOption("help")) {
            HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter();
            formatter.printHelp("scalaris [Options]", getOptions());

     * Creates the options the command line should understand.
     * @return the options the program understands
    private static Options getOptions() {
        Options options = new Options();
        OptionGroup group = new OptionGroup();

        /* Note: arguments are set to be optional since we implement argument
         * checks on our own (commons.cli is not flexible enough and only
         * checks for the existence of a first argument)

        options.addOption(new Option("h", "help", false, "print this message"));

        options.addOption(new Option("v", "verbose", false, "print verbose information, e.g. the properties read"));

        Option read = new Option("r", "read", true, "read an item");

        Option write = new Option("w", "write", true, "write an item");
        write.setArgName("key> <value");

        Option publish = new Option("p", "publish", true, "publish a new message for the given topic");
        publish.setArgName("topic> <message");

        Option subscribe = new Option("s", "subscribe", true, "subscribe to a topic");
        subscribe.setArgName("topic> <url");

        Option unsubscribe = new Option("u", "unsubscribe", true, "unsubscribe from a topic");
        unsubscribe.setArgName("topic> <url");

        Option getSubscribers = new Option("g", "getsubscribers", true, "get subscribers of a topic");

        Option delete = new Option("d", "delete", true,
                "delete an item (default timeout: 2000ms)\n"
                        + "WARNING: This function can lead to inconsistent data (e.g. "
                        + "deleted items can re-appear). Also when re-creating an item "
                        + "the version before the delete can re-appear.");
        delete.setArgName("key> <[timeout]");

        options.addOption(new Option("b", "minibench", false, "run mini benchmark"));

        options.addOption(new Option("lh", "localhost", false,
                "gets the local host's name as known to Java (for debugging purposes)"));


        return options;

     * Prints the given exception with the given description and terminates the
     * JVM.
     * @param description  will be prepended to the error message
     * @param e            the exception to print
     * @param verbose      specifies whether to include the stack trace or not
    private final static void printException(String description, ParseException e, boolean verbose) {
        printException(description, e, verbose, 1);

     * Prints the given exception with the given description and terminates the
     * JVM.
     * @param description  will be prepended to the error message
     * @param e            the exception to print
     * @param verbose      specifies whether to include the stack trace or not
    private final static void printException(String description, ConnectionException e, boolean verbose) {
        printException(description, e, verbose, 2);

     * Prints the given exception with the given description and terminates the
     * JVM.
     * @param description  will be prepended to the error message
     * @param e            the exception to print
     * @param verbose      specifies whether to include the stack trace or not
    private final static void printException(String description, TimeoutException e, boolean verbose) {
        printException(description, e, verbose, 3);

     * Prints the given exception with the given description and terminates the
     * JVM.
     * @param description  will be prepended to the error message
     * @param e            the exception to print
     * @param verbose      specifies whether to include the stack trace or not
    private final static void printException(String description, NotFoundException e, boolean verbose) {
        printException(description, e, verbose, 4);

     * Prints the given exception with the given description and terminates the
     * JVM.
     * @param description  will be prepended to the error message
     * @param e            the exception to print
     * @param verbose      specifies whether to include the stack trace or not
    private final static void printException(String description, UnknownException e, boolean verbose) {
        printException(description, e, verbose, 5);

     * Prints the given exception with the given description and terminates the
     * JVM.
     * @param description  will be prepended to the error message
     * @param e            the exception to print
     * @param verbose      specifies whether to include the stack trace or not
    private final static void printException(String description, NodeNotFoundException e, boolean verbose) {
        printException(description, e, verbose, 6);

     * Prints the given exception with the given description and terminates the
     * JVM.
     * @param description  will be prepended to the error message
     * @param e            the exception to print
     * @param verbose      specifies whether to include the stack trace or not
     * @param exitStatus   the status code the JVM exits with 
    private final static void printException(String description, Exception e, boolean verbose, int exitStatus) {
        System.err.print(description + ": ");
        if (verbose) {
        } else {

     * Checks that the given option value as returned from e.g.
     * {@link CommandLine#getOptionValue(String)} does exist and prints an error
     * message if not.
     * @param optionValue    the value to check
     * @param options        the available command line options
     * @param currentOption  the short name of the current option being parsed
    private final static void checkArguments(String optionValue, Options options, String currentOption) {
        if (optionValue == null) {
            printException("Parsing failed", new ParseException("missing parameter for option " + currentOption
                    + " (required: <" + options.getOption(currentOption).getArgName() + ">)"), false);

     * Checks that the given option values as returned from e.g.
     * {@link CommandLine#getOptionValues(String)} does exist and contains
     * enough parameters. Prints an error message if not.
     * @param optionValues   the values to check
     * @param required       the number of required parameters
     * @param options        the available command line options
     * @param currentOption  the short name of the current option being parsed
    private final static void checkArguments(String[] optionValues, int required, Options options,
            String currentOption) {
        if (optionValues == null || optionValues.length < required) {
            printException("Parsing failed", new ParseException("missing parameter for option " + currentOption
                    + " (required: <" + options.getOption(currentOption).getArgName() + ">)"), false);