Source code

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 * Copyright 2008-2011 Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB)
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

 * @author  try ma ik jo rr a zib
 * @version  $Id$
 * <p/>
 * User: mjorra, Date: 01.10.2008, Time: 10:51:58
 * Usage of the network package for a file transfer:
 * Use the GridFTPClientFactory provided by this class to create an GridFTPClient.
 * Given that this class is correctly set up and returns the desired factory, the GridFTPClient, should be configured to
 * your needs, e.g. with the correct security setup.
 * Then create a GNDMSFileTransfer, and add a map with the files which should be transferred, the source and destination
 * directory and client to the instance.
 * If it is of interest how big the download is, you can uses the GNDMSFileTransfer::estimateSize method to acquire the
 * size of the files in byte. Together with a descent implementation of the BandWidthEstimater interface this can be
 * used to predict the duration of a transfer, using the calculateTransferTime method of this class.
 * To make your transfer reliable you should instantiate the persistentMarkerListener, supply it with a fresh instance of
 * a FTPTransferState, which must have a unique transferId. Then use the performPersistentFileTransfer method of your
 * GNDMSFileTransfer instance to trigger the transfer.
 * An aborted transfer can be easily resumed, by setting the same GNDMSFileTransfer up again,
 * Loading the transfer state object from the database, setting it into a new persistentMarkerListener and calling
 * performPersistenFileTransfer with this listener again.
 * See TransferStatTest::testIt for an code example of the described procedure.
public class NetworkAuxiliariesProvider {

    private NetworkAuxiliariesProvider() {

    // private final GridFTPClientFactory gridFTPClientFactory = new SimpleGridFTPClientFactory();
    // private final GridFTPClientFactory gridFTPClientFactory = new CertGridFTPClientFactory();
    // private final static GridFTPClientFactory gridFTPClientFactory = new NonblockingClientFactory();
    // private final static Class<StrictNonblockingClientFactory> gridFTPClientFactoryClass = StrictNonblockingClientFactory.class;
    private final static Class<NonblockingClientFactory> gridFTPClientFactoryClass = NonblockingClientFactory.class;
    private final static GridFTPClientFactory gridFTPClientFactory;
    private final static BandWidthEstimater bandWidthEstimater = new StaticBandWidthEstimater();
    protected static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(NetworkAuxiliariesProvider.class);

    private static Integer bufferSize = null;

    static {
        GridFTPClientFactory gridFTPClientFactory1;
        try {
            gridFTPClientFactory1 = gridFTPClientFactoryClass.newInstance();
        } catch (InstantiationException e) {
            gridFTPClientFactory1 = new NonblockingClientFactory(); // fallback
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
            gridFTPClientFactory1 = new NonblockingClientFactory(); // fallback
        gridFTPClientFactory = gridFTPClientFactory1;

    public static GridFTPClientFactory getGridFTPClientFactory() {
        return gridFTPClientFactory;

    public static BandWidthEstimater getBandWidthEstimater() {
        return bandWidthEstimater;

    public static GNDMSFileTransfer newGNDMSFileTransfer() {
        GNDMSFileTransfer ft = new GNDMSFileTransfer();

        return ft;

     * Calculated the transfertime in milli-seconds.
     * To catch possible rounding errors, which may occur when the transfer size is to small and the connection is
     * very fast. A minimal value for the transfer time can be provided (see the <EM>min</EM> parameter).
     * @param size The transfer file size in byte.
     * @param bandWidth The bandwidth in byte/s
     * @param min The minimum time which is returned if the calculated time is smaller.
     *            If min is < 1 it will be ignored.
     * @return The transfer-time in ms.
    public static long calculateTransferTime(long size, float bandWidth, int min) {

        long tt = Float.valueOf(size * 1000 / bandWidth).longValue();

        if (min > 0 && tt < min)
            tt = min;

        return tt;

    public static Integer getBufferSize() {
        return bufferSize;

    public static void setBufferSize(Integer bufferSize) {"received buffersize: " + bufferSize);
        NetworkAuxiliariesProvider.bufferSize = bufferSize;