Java tutorial
package de.zib.gndms.dspace.service; /* * Copyright 2008-2011 Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import de.zib.gndms.common.dspace.SliceConfiguration; import de.zib.gndms.common.dspace.service.SliceInformation; import de.zib.gndms.common.dspace.service.SliceService; import de.zib.gndms.common.model.FileStats; import*; import de.zib.gndms.dspace.service.utils.UnauthorizedException; import de.zib.gndms.gndmc.gorfx.TaskClient; import de.zib.gndms.infra.system.GNDMSystem; import de.zib.gndms.kit.util.DirectoryAux; import de.zib.gndms.logic.model.dspace.*; import de.zib.gndms.model.common.NoSuchResourceException; import de.zib.gndms.model.dspace.Slice; import de.zib.gndms.model.dspace.SliceKind; import de.zib.gndms.model.dspace.Subspace; import de.zib.gndms.model.util.TxFrame; import de.zib.gndms.neomodel.gorfx.Taskling; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus; import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity; import; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.util.FileCopyUtils; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*; import org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate; import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory; import javax.persistence.PersistenceUnit; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import*; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Pattern; // import de.zib.gndms.neomodel.gorfx.Taskling; /** * The sliceId service implementation. * * @author Ulrike Golas */ @Controller @RequestMapping(value = "/dspace") public class SliceServiceImpl implements SliceService { protected final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass()); private EntityManagerFactory emf; private String localBaseUrl; private String baseUrl; private SubspaceProvider subspaceProvider; private SliceKindProvider sliceKindProvider; private SliceProvider sliceProvider; private List<String> sliceFacetNames; private UriFactory uriFactory; public static final Pattern SLICE_CONFIG_NAME_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9-_]*"); private DirectoryAux directoryAux; private GNDMSystem system; private RestTemplate restTemplate; @Inject public void setSliceKindProvider(SliceKindProvider sliceKindProvider) { this.sliceKindProvider = sliceKindProvider; } @Inject public void setSliceProvider(SliceProvider sliceProvider) { this.sliceProvider = sliceProvider; } public void setUriFactory(UriFactory uriFactory) { this.uriFactory = uriFactory; } /** * Initialization of the sliceId service. */ @PostConstruct public final void init() { setUriFactory(new UriFactory()); } @Override @RequestMapping(value = "/_{subspaceId}/_{sliceKindId}/_{sliceId}", method = RequestMethod.GET) @Secured("ROLE_USER") public ResponseEntity<Facets> listSliceFacets(@PathVariable final String subspaceId, @PathVariable final String sliceKindId, @PathVariable final String sliceId, @RequestHeader("DN") final String dn) { GNDMSResponseHeader headers = setHeaders(subspaceId, sliceKindId, sliceId, dn); try { // check for the existence of that slice findSliceOfKind(subspaceId, sliceKindId, sliceId); return new ResponseEntity<Facets>(new Facets(listFacetsOfSlice(subspaceId, sliceKindId, sliceId)), headers, HttpStatus.OK); } catch (NoSuchElementException ne) { logger.warn("The sliceId " + sliceId + " of sliceId kind " + sliceKindId + "does not exist within the subspace " + subspaceId + "."); return new ResponseEntity<Facets>(null, headers, HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND); } } @Override @RequestMapping(value = "/_{subspaceId}/_{sliceKindId}/_{sliceId}/config", method = RequestMethod.PUT) @Secured("ROLE_USER") public ResponseEntity<Integer> setSliceConfiguration(@PathVariable final String subspaceId, @PathVariable final String sliceKindId, @PathVariable final String sliceId, @RequestBody final SliceConfiguration config, @RequestHeader("DN") final String dn) { GNDMSResponseHeader headers = setHeaders(subspaceId, sliceKindId, sliceId, dn); // TODO: put that to sliceProvider EntityManager entityManager = emf.createEntityManager(); final TxFrame txf = new TxFrame(entityManager); try { final Slice slice = entityManager.find(Slice.class, sliceId); if (config.getSize() != null) { final Subspace subspace = entityManager.find(Subspace.class, subspaceId); subspace.releaseSpace(slice.getTotalStorageSize()); subspace.requestSpace(config.getSize()); } slice.setConfiguration(config); txf.commit(); } finally { txf.finish(); } sliceProvider.invalidate(sliceId); subspaceProvider.invalidate(subspaceId); return new ResponseEntity<Integer>(0, headers, HttpStatus.OK); } @Override @RequestMapping(value = "/_{subspaceId}/_{sliceKindId}/_{sliceId}/config", method = RequestMethod.GET) @Secured("ROLE_USER") public ResponseEntity<SliceInformation> getSliceInformation(@PathVariable final String subspaceId, @PathVariable final String sliceKindId, @PathVariable final String sliceId, @RequestHeader("DN") final String dn) { GNDMSResponseHeader headers = setHeaders(subspaceId, sliceKindId, sliceId, dn); try { Slice sliceModel = findSliceOfKind(subspaceId, sliceKindId, sliceId); de.zib.gndms.infra.dspace.Slice slice = new de.zib.gndms.infra.dspace.Slice(sliceModel); return new ResponseEntity<SliceInformation>(slice.getSliceInformation(), headers, HttpStatus.OK); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { logger.warn(e.getMessage()); return new ResponseEntity<SliceInformation>(new SliceInformation(), headers, HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND); } } @Override @RequestMapping(value = "/_{subspaceId}/_{sliceKindId}/_{sliceId}", method = RequestMethod.POST) @Secured("ROLE_USER") public ResponseEntity<Specifier<Void>> transformSlice(@PathVariable final String subspaceId, @PathVariable final String sliceKindId, @PathVariable final String sliceId, @RequestBody final Specifier<Void> newSliceKind, @RequestHeader("DN") final String dn) { GNDMSResponseHeader headers = setHeaders(subspaceId, sliceKindId, sliceId, dn); try { Slice slice = findSliceOfKind(subspaceId, sliceKindId, sliceId); SliceKind newSliceK = sliceKindProvider.get(subspaceId, newSliceKind.getUrl()); Subspace space = subspaceProvider.get(subspaceId); EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager(); TxFrame tx = new TxFrame(em); try { // TODO is this right? what is this uuid generator (last entry)? TransformSliceAction action = new TransformSliceAction(dn, slice.getTerminationTime(), newSliceK, space, slice.getTotalStorageSize(), null); action.setOwnEntityManager(em);"Calling action for transforming sliceId " + sliceId + ".");; tx.commit(); } finally { tx.finish(); if (em != null && em.isOpen()) { em.close(); } } Specifier<Void> spec = new Specifier<Void>(); HashMap<String, String> urimap = new HashMap<String, String>(2); urimap.put("service", "dspace"); urimap.put(UriFactory.SUBSPACE, subspaceId); urimap.put(UriFactory.SLICE_KIND, sliceKindId); urimap.put(UriFactory.SLICE, sliceId); spec.setUriMap(new HashMap<String, String>(urimap)); spec.setUrl(uriFactory.quoteUri(urimap)); return new ResponseEntity<Specifier<Void>>(spec, headers, HttpStatus.OK); } catch (NoSuchElementException ne) { logger.warn(ne.getMessage()); return new ResponseEntity<Specifier<Void>>(null, headers, HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND); } } @Override @RequestMapping(value = "/_{subspaceId}/_{sliceKindId}/_{sliceId}", method = RequestMethod.DELETE) @Secured("ROLE_USER") public ResponseEntity<Specifier<Facets>> deleteSlice(@PathVariable final String subspaceId, @PathVariable final String sliceKindId, @PathVariable final String sliceId, @RequestHeader("DN") final String dn) { GNDMSResponseHeader headers = setHeaders(subspaceId, sliceKindId, sliceId, dn); try { // submit action final Taskling ling = sliceProvider.deleteSlice(subspaceId, sliceId); // get service facets of task final TaskClient client = new TaskClient(localBaseUrl); client.setRestTemplate(restTemplate); final Specifier<Facets> spec = TaskClient.TaskServiceAux.getTaskSpecifier(client, ling.getId(), uriFactory, null, dn); // return specifier for service facets return new ResponseEntity<Specifier<Facets>>(spec, headers, HttpStatus.OK); } catch (NoSuchElementException ne) { logger.warn(ne.getMessage()); return new ResponseEntity<Specifier<Facets>>(null, headers, HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND); } } @Override @RequestMapping(value = "/_{subspaceId}/_{sliceKindId}/_{sliceId}/files", method = RequestMethod.GET) @Secured("ROLE_USER") public ResponseEntity<List<FileStats>> listFiles(@PathVariable final String subspaceId, @PathVariable final String sliceKindId, @PathVariable final String sliceId, @RequestHeader("DN") final String dn) { final GNDMSResponseHeader headers = setHeaders(subspaceId, sliceKindId, sliceId, dn); try { final Subspace space = subspaceProvider.get(subspaceId); final Slice slice = findSliceOfKind(subspaceId, sliceKindId, sliceId); final String path = space.getPathForSlice(slice); File dir = new File(path); if (dir.exists() && dir.canRead() && dir.isDirectory()) { List<FileStats> files = new LinkedList<FileStats>(); recursiveListFiles(path, "", files); headers.add("DiskUsage", String.valueOf(sliceProvider.getDiskUsage(subspaceId, sliceId))); return new ResponseEntity<List<FileStats>>(files, headers, HttpStatus.OK); } else { return new ResponseEntity<List<FileStats>>(null, headers, HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN); } } catch (NoSuchElementException ne) { logger.warn(ne.getMessage()); return new ResponseEntity<List<FileStats>>(null, headers, HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND); } } @RequestMapping(value = "/_{subspace}/_{sliceKind}/_{sliceId}/files", method = RequestMethod.POST) @Secured("ROLE_USER") public ResponseEntity<Integer> setFileContents(@PathVariable final String subspaceId, @PathVariable final String sliceKind, @PathVariable final String sliceId, @RequestParam("files") final List<MultipartFile> files, @RequestHeader("DN") final String dn) { GNDMSResponseHeader headers = setHeaders(subspaceId, sliceKind, sliceId, dn); try { Subspace space = subspaceProvider.get(subspaceId); Slice slice = findSliceOfKind(subspaceId, sliceKind, sliceId); String path = space.getPathForSlice(slice); final long sliceMaxSize = slice.getTotalStorageSize(); for (MultipartFile file : files) { long sliceSize = sliceProvider.getDiskUsage(subspaceId, sliceId); if (sliceSize >= sliceMaxSize) throw new IOException( "Slice " + sliceId + " has reached maximum size of " + sliceMaxSize + " Bytes"); File newFile = new File(path + File.separatorChar + file.getOriginalFilename()); if (newFile.exists()) { logger.warn("File " + newFile + "will be overwritten."); } file.transferTo(newFile); } return new ResponseEntity<Integer>(0, headers, HttpStatus.OK); } catch (NoSuchElementException ne) { logger.warn(ne.getMessage(), ne); return new ResponseEntity<Integer>(0, headers, HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { logger.warn(e.getMessage(), e); return new ResponseEntity<Integer>(0, headers, HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN); } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn(e.getMessage(), e); return new ResponseEntity<Integer>(0, headers, HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN); } } @Override @RequestMapping(value = "/_{subspace}/_{sliceKind}/_{slice}/files", method = RequestMethod.DELETE) @Secured("ROLE_USER") public ResponseEntity<Integer> deleteFiles(@PathVariable final String subspaceId, @PathVariable final String sliceKind, @PathVariable final String sliceId, @RequestHeader("DN") final String dn) { GNDMSResponseHeader headers = setHeaders(subspaceId, sliceKind, sliceId, dn); try { Subspace space = subspaceProvider.get(subspaceId); Slice slice = findSliceOfKind(subspaceId, sliceKind, sliceId); String path = space.getPathForSlice(slice); File f = new File(path); String[] fl = f.list(); for (String s : fl) { String p = path + File.separatorChar + s; if (!directoryAux.deleteDirectory(dn, p)) { logger.warn("Some file in directory " + p + " could not be deleted."); return new ResponseEntity<Integer>(0, headers, HttpStatus.CONFLICT); } } } catch (NoSuchElementException ne) { logger.warn(ne.getMessage()); return new ResponseEntity<Integer>(0, headers, HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND); } return new ResponseEntity<Integer>(0, headers, HttpStatus.OK); } @Override @RequestMapping(value = "/_{subspaceId}/_{sliceKindId}/_{sliceId}/gsiftp", method = RequestMethod.GET) @Secured("ROLE_USER") public ResponseEntity<String> getGridFtpUrl(@PathVariable final String subspaceId, @PathVariable final String sliceKindId, @PathVariable final String sliceId, @RequestHeader("DN") final String dn) { GNDMSResponseHeader headers = setHeaders(subspaceId, sliceKindId, sliceId, dn); try { Subspace space = subspaceProvider.get(subspaceId); Slice slice = findSliceOfKind(subspaceId, sliceKindId, sliceId); return new ResponseEntity<String>(space.getGsiFtpPathForSlice(slice), headers, HttpStatus.OK); } catch (NoSuchElementException ne) { logger.warn(ne.getMessage()); return new ResponseEntity<String>(null, headers, HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND); } } @Override @RequestMapping(value = "/_{subspaceId}/_{sliceKindId}/_{sliceId}/directory", method = RequestMethod.GET) @Secured("ROLE_USER") public ResponseEntity<String> getRelativeDirectoryPath(@PathVariable final String subspaceId, @PathVariable final String sliceKindId, @PathVariable final String sliceId, @RequestHeader("DN") final String dn) { GNDMSResponseHeader headers = setHeaders(subspaceId, sliceKindId, sliceId, dn); try { Slice slice = findSliceOfKind(subspaceId, sliceKindId, sliceId); return new ResponseEntity<String>( slice.getKind().getSliceDirectory() + File.separatorChar + slice.getDirectoryId(), headers, HttpStatus.OK); } catch (NoSuchElementException ne) { logger.warn(ne.getMessage()); return new ResponseEntity<String>(null, headers, HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND); } } @Override @RequestMapping(value = "/_{subspaceId}/_{sliceKindId}/_{sliceId}/_{fileName:.*}", method = RequestMethod.GET) @Secured("ROLE_USER") public ResponseEntity<Integer> listFileContent(@PathVariable final String subspaceId, @PathVariable final String sliceKindId, @PathVariable final String sliceId, @PathVariable final String fileName, @RequestParam(value = "attrs", required = false) final List<String> attrs, @RequestHeader("DN") final String dn, final OutputStream out) { GNDMSResponseHeader headers = setHeaders(subspaceId, sliceKindId, sliceId, dn); try { Subspace space = subspaceProvider.get(subspaceId); Slice slice = findSliceOfKind(subspaceId, sliceKindId, sliceId); String path = space.getPathForSlice(slice); File file = new File(path + File.separatorChar + fileName); if (out == null) { final IllegalStateException illegalStateException = new IllegalStateException( "OutputStream not defined."); logger.warn(illegalStateException.getMessage()); throw illegalStateException; } if (file.exists() && file.canRead() && file.isFile()) { // TODO get requested file attributes if (attrs == null || attrs.contains("contents")) { FileCopyUtils.copy(new FileInputStream(file), out); } return new ResponseEntity<Integer>(0, headers, HttpStatus.OK); } else { logger.warn("File " + file + " cannot be read or is no file."); return new ResponseEntity<Integer>(0, headers, HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN); } } catch (NoSuchElementException ne) { logger.warn(ne.getMessage()); return new ResponseEntity<Integer>(0, headers, HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { logger.warn(e.getMessage()); return new ResponseEntity<Integer>(0, headers, HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN); } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn(e.getMessage()); return new ResponseEntity<Integer>(0, headers, HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN); } } @Override @RequestMapping(value = "/_{subspaceId}/_{sliceKindId}/_{sliceId}/_{fileName:.*}", method = RequestMethod.POST) @Secured("ROLE_USER") public ResponseEntity<Integer> setFileContent(@PathVariable final String subspaceId, @PathVariable final String sliceKindId, @PathVariable final String sliceId, @PathVariable final String fileName, @RequestParam("file") final MultipartFile file, @RequestHeader("DN") final String dn) { GNDMSResponseHeader headers = setHeaders(subspaceId, sliceKindId, sliceId, dn); try { Subspace space = subspaceProvider.get(subspaceId); Slice slice = findSliceOfKind(subspaceId, sliceKindId, sliceId); String path = space.getPathForSlice(slice); File newFile = new File(path + File.separatorChar + fileName); if (newFile.exists()) { logger.warn("File " + newFile + "will be overwritten. "); } final long sliceMaxSize = slice.getTotalStorageSize(); long sliceSize = sliceProvider.getDiskUsage(subspaceId, sliceId); if (sliceSize >= sliceMaxSize) throw new IOException( "Slice " + sliceId + " has reached maximum size of " + sliceMaxSize + " Bytes"); file.transferTo(newFile); //DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(newFile)); //dos.write(file.getBytes()); //dos.close(); return new ResponseEntity<Integer>(0, headers, HttpStatus.OK); } catch (NoSuchElementException ne) { logger.warn(ne.getMessage(), ne); return new ResponseEntity<Integer>(0, headers, HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { logger.warn(e.getMessage(), e); return new ResponseEntity<Integer>(0, headers, HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN); } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn(e.getMessage(), e); return new ResponseEntity<Integer>(0, headers, HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN); } } @Override @RequestMapping(value = "/_{subspaceId}/_{sliceKindId}/_{sliceId}/_{fileName:.*}", method = RequestMethod.DELETE) @Secured("ROLE_USER") public ResponseEntity<Integer> deleteFile(@PathVariable final String subspaceId, @PathVariable final String sliceKindId, @PathVariable final String sliceId, @PathVariable final String fileName, @RequestHeader("DN") final String dn) { GNDMSResponseHeader headers = setHeaders(subspaceId, sliceKindId, sliceId, dn); try { Subspace space = subspaceProvider.get(subspaceId); Slice slice = findSliceOfKind(subspaceId, sliceKindId, sliceId); String path = space.getPathForSlice(slice); if (directoryAux.deleteDirectory(dn, path + File.separator + fileName)) { return new ResponseEntity<Integer>(0, headers, HttpStatus.OK); } else { logger.warn("File " + path + " could not be deleted."); return new ResponseEntity<Integer>(0, headers, HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN); } } catch (NoSuchElementException ne) { logger.warn(ne.getMessage(), ne); return new ResponseEntity<Integer>(0, headers, HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND); } } private List<Facet> listFacetsOfSlice(String subspaceId, String sliceKindId, String sliceId) { Map<String, String> vars = new HashMap<String, String>(); vars.put("service", "dspace"); vars.put("subspace", subspaceId); vars.put("sliceKind", sliceKindId); vars.put("sliceId", sliceId); List<Facet> facets = new LinkedList<Facet>(); for (String facetName : sliceFacetNames) { Facet facet = new Facet(facetName, uriFactory.sliceUri(vars, facetName)); facets.add(facet); } return facets; } /** * Sets the GNDMS response header for a given subspace, sliceId kind, sliceId * and dn using the base URL. * * @param subspace * The subspace id. * @param sliceKind * The sliceId kind id. * @param slice * The sliceId id. * @param dn * The dn. * @return The response header for this subspace. */ private GNDMSResponseHeader setHeaders(final String subspace, final String sliceKind, final String slice, final String dn) { GNDMSResponseHeader headers = new GNDMSResponseHeader(); headers.setResourceURL(baseUrl + "/dspace/_" + subspace + "/_" + sliceKind + "/_" + slice); headers.setParentURL(baseUrl + "/dspace/_" + subspace + "/_" + sliceKind); if (dn != null) { headers.setDN(dn); } return headers; } /** * Returns a specific sliceId of a given sliceId kind id, if it exists in the * subspace. * * @param subspaceId * The subspace id. * @param sliceKindId * The sliceId kind id. * @param sliceId * The sliceId id. * @return The sliceId. * @throws NoSuchElementException * If no such sliceId exists. */ private Slice findSliceOfKind(final String subspaceId, final String sliceKindId, final String sliceId) throws NoSuchElementException { Slice slice = sliceProvider.getSlice(subspaceId, sliceId); SliceKind sliceK = sliceKindProvider.get(subspaceId, sliceKindId); if (!slice.getKind().equals(sliceK)) { logger.error("Slice " + sliceId + " is of sliceKind " + slice.getKind().getId() + " instead of " + sliceKindId); throw new NoSuchElementException(); } return slice; } void recursiveListFiles(String path, String prefix, List<FileStats> list) { List<String> flatContents = directoryAux.listContent(path); for (String c : flatContents) { File f = new File(path + File.separatorChar + c); if (f.isDirectory()) { try { recursiveListFiles(f.getCanonicalPath(), prefix + File.separatorChar + c, list); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Could not get canonical path of " + f); } } else { FileStats stats = directoryAux.stat(f); stats.path = prefix + File.separatorChar + c; list.add(stats); } } } /** * Returns the base url of this sliceId service. * * @return the baseUrl */ public String getBaseUrl() { return baseUrl; } /** * Sets the base url of this sliceId service. * * @param baseUrl * the baseUrl to set */ public void setBaseUrl(final String baseUrl) { this.baseUrl = baseUrl; } /** * Sets the local base url of this sliceId service. * * @param localBaseUrl * the localBaseUrl to set */ public void setLocalBaseUrl(String localBaseUrl) { this.localBaseUrl = localBaseUrl; } /** * Returns the facets of this sliceId service. * * @return the sliceFacets */ public List<String> getSliceFacetNames() { return sliceFacetNames; } /** * Sets the facets of this sliceId service. * * @param sliceFacetNames * the sliceFacets to set */ public void setSliceFacetNames(final List<String> sliceFacetNames) { this.sliceFacetNames = sliceFacetNames; } @Inject public void setSubspaceProvider(SubspaceProvider subspaceProvider) { this.subspaceProvider = subspaceProvider; } public GNDMSystem getSystem() { return system; } @Inject public void setSystem(GNDMSystem system) { this.system = system; } @Inject public void setRestTemplate(RestTemplate restTemplate) { this.restTemplate = restTemplate; } @Inject public void setDirectoryAux(DirectoryAux directoryAux) { this.directoryAux = directoryAux; } @ExceptionHandler(NoSuchResourceException.class) public ResponseEntity<Void> handleNoSuchResourceException(NoSuchResourceException ex, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { logger.debug("handling exception for: " + ex.getMessage()); response.setStatus(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND.value()); response.sendError(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND.value()); return new ResponseEntity<Void>(null, setHeaders(ex.getMessage(), null, null, null), HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND); } @ExceptionHandler(UnauthorizedException.class) public ResponseEntity<Void> handleUnAuthorizedException(UnauthorizedException ex, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { logger.debug("handling exception for: " + ex.getMessage()); response.setStatus(HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED.value()); response.sendError(HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED.value()); return new ResponseEntity<Void>(null, setHeaders(ex.getMessage(), null, null, null), HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED); } /** * Sets the entity manager factory. * @param emf the factory to set. */ @PersistenceUnit public void setEmf(final EntityManagerFactory emf) { this.emf = emf; } }