Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2015 xWic group ( * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. *******************************************************************************/ package de.xwic.sandbox.server.installer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.Transaction; import de.xwic.appkit.core.dao.impl.hbn.HibernateUtil; import de.xwic.appkit.core.trace.ITraceOperation; import de.xwic.appkit.core.trace.Trace; import de.xwic.appkit.core.util.CollectionUtil; /** * Execute a direct query against Hibernate. This is used for special queries that bring huge performance gain if they pass the object * layer. No security checks apply, so be carefull using it. * * @author lippisch */ public class DirectQuery { /** * Use {@link #getCustomHql(Class, String, Object...)} instead */ public static List<?> executeQuery(String hql, Object... params) { ITraceOperation traceOp = null; if (Trace.isEnabled()) { traceOp = Trace.startOperation("DirectQuery"); traceOp.setInfo(hql); } try { Session session = HibernateUtil.currentSession(); Query query = session.createQuery(hql); setParams(query, params); return query.list(); } finally { if (traceOp != null) { traceOp.finished(); } } } /** * Use {@link #getCustomSql(Class, String, Object...)} instead. */ public static List<?> executeSQLQuery(String sql, Object... params) { Session session = HibernateUtil.currentSession(); Query query = session.createSQLQuery(sql); setParams(query, params); return query.list(); } /** * Execute a direct SQL update. * * @param hql * @return */ public static int executeSQLUpdate(String sql, Object... params) { Session session = HibernateUtil.currentSession(); Transaction t = session.beginTransaction(); Query query = session.createSQLQuery(sql); setParams(query, params); int updated = query.executeUpdate(); t.commit(); return updated; } /** * Execute a query and return the numeric value in the first row and first column of the result. If the value is non-numeric, null is * returned. This is usually used to do a select count(*) from a specific table. * * Use {@link #getIntHql(String, Object...)} or {@link #getIntSql(String, Object...)} instead. * * @param string * @param id * @return */ public static Integer executeNumeric(String hql, Object... params) { List<?> result = executeQuery(hql, params); if (result != null && !result.isEmpty()) { Object row = result.get(0); if (row instanceof Object[]) { Object[] data = (Object[]) row; if (data.length > 0) { row = data[0]; } else { return null; } } if (row instanceof Number) { return ((Number) row).intValue(); } } return null; } /** * @param query * @param params */ private static void setParams(Query query, Object... params) { if (null != params) { for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { if (params[i] instanceof String) { query.setString(i, (String) params[i]); } else if (params[i] instanceof Integer) { query.setInteger(i, (Integer) params[i]); } else if (params[i] instanceof Double) { query.setDouble(i, (Double) params[i]); } else if (params[i] instanceof Date) { query.setTimestamp(i, (Date) params[i]); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Param type not supported #" + i); } } } } /** * Execute a direct query. <br> * <br> * * @param resultClass * @param hql * @param params * @return */ public static <X> List<X> getCustomHql(Class<X> resultClass, String hql, Object... params) { return safeCast(resultClass, executeQuery(hql, params)); } /** * Execute a direct query. <br> * <br> * You may also be interested in {@link #getIntsSql(String, Object...)} and {@link #getObjectArraySql(String, Object...)} * * @param resultClass * @param sql * @param params * @return */ public static <X> List<X> getCustomSql(Class<X> resultClass, String sql, Object... params) { return safeCast(resultClass, executeSQLQuery(sql, params)); } /** * @param hql * @param params * @return */ public static List<Integer> getIntsHql(String hql, Object... params) { return getIntsFromNumbers(getCustomHql(Number.class, hql, params)); } /** * @param sql * @param params * @return */ public static List<Integer> getIntsSql(String sql, Object... params) { return getIntsFromNumbers(getCustomSql(Number.class, sql, params)); } /** * @param hql * @param params * @return */ public static List<Object[]> getObjectArrayHql(String hql, Object... params) { return getCustomHql(Object[].class, hql, params); } /** * @param hql * @param params */ public static List<Object[]> getObjectArraySql(String sql, Object... params) { return getCustomSql(Object[].class, sql, params); } /** * Execute a query and return the numeric value in the first row and first column of the result. If the value is non-numeric, null is * returned. This is usually used to do a select count(*) from a specific table. * * @param hql * @param params * @return * @throws IllegalStateException * if the query does not return exactly one row */ public static Integer getIntHql(String hql, Object... params) throws IllegalStateException { return getNumber(getIntsHql(hql, params)); } /** * Execute a query and return the numeric value in the first row and first column of the result. If the value is non-numeric, null is * returned. This is usually used to do a select count(*) from a specific table. * * @param sql * @param params * @return {@link null} if something is * @throws IllegalStateException * if the query does not return exactly one row */ public static Integer getIntSql(String sql, Object... params) throws IllegalStateException { return getNumber(getIntsSql(sql, params)); } /** * @param list * @return * @throws IllegalStateException * if the query does not return exactly one row */ private static Integer getNumber(List<? extends Number> list) throws IllegalStateException { if (list.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Query did not return any result."); } if (list.size() > 1) { throw new IllegalStateException("Query returned more than one row."); } return list.get(0).intValue(); } /** * @param list * @return */ private static <N extends Number> List<Integer> getIntsFromNumbers(List<N> list) { if (isClass(Integer.class, list)) { return (List<Integer>) list; } List<Integer> ints = new ArrayList(); CollectionUtil.createCollection(list, Evaluators.NUMBER_TO_INT, ints); return ints; } /** * @param resultClass * @param list * @return */ private static <X> List<X> safeCast(Class<X> resultClass, List<?> list) { if (list.isEmpty()) { return new ArrayList<X>(); // this is as far as you go, mister! } if (isClass(resultClass, list)) { return (List<X>) list; } throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("%s cannot be cast to %s", getClass(list), resultClass)); } /** * @return */ private static String getClass(final List<?> list) { if (list != null) { for (final Object object : list) { if (object != null) { return object.getClass().getName(); } } } return null; } /** * @param resultClass * @param list * @return */ private static <X> boolean isClass(final Class<X> resultClass, final List<?> list) { if (resultClass == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal result class."); } if (list.isEmpty()) { return true; } for (final Object cal : list) { if (cal != null && !resultClass.isInstance(cal)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * @param seq * @return */ public static int getNextSequenceValue(Sequence seq) { if (seq == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing sequence"); } try { return getIntSql(String.format("SELECT %s.NEXTVAL FROM DUAL", seq.sequenceName)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to fetch the next value from sequence " + seq.sequenceName, e); } } /** * @author Alexandru Bledea * @since Oct 9, 2013 */ public enum Sequence { TICKET("SUPPORT_TICKET_NUMBER_SEQ"), FSR_ASSIGNMENT_CODES("FSR_ASSIGNMENT_CODES_SEQ"); private final String sequenceName; /** * @param sequenceName */ private Sequence(String sequenceName) { this.sequenceName = sequenceName; } public String getSequenceName() { return sequenceName; } } }