Java tutorial
/** * ============================================================================ * Xirp 2: eXtendable interface for robotic purposes. * ============================================================================ * * Copyright (C) 2005-2007, by Authors and Contributors listed in CREDITS.txt * * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at: * * * * ---------------------------- * * ---------------------------- * * Original Author: Matthias Gernand [matthias.gernand AT] * Rabea Gransberger [rgransberger AT] * Contributor(s): * * Changes * ------- * 15.01.2006: Created by Matthias Gernand. */ package de.xirp.ui.widgets; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.HashMap; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.ProgressBar; import de.xirp.managers.ManagerFactory; import de.xirp.ui.Application; import de.xirp.ui.util.ressource.ColorManager; import de.xirp.ui.util.ressource.FontManager; import de.xirp.ui.util.ressource.ImageManager; import de.xirp.ui.util.ressource.ImageManager.SystemImage; import de.xirp.ui.widgets.custom.XShell; import de.xirp.util.Constants; import de.xirp.util.CreateOnStartup; import de.xirp.util.FutureRelease; import de.xirp.util.I18n; import de.xirp.util.Version; import de.xirp.util.serialization.ObjectDeSerializer; import de.xirp.util.serialization.ObjectSerializer; import de.xirp.util.serialization.SerializationException; /** * Splash screen which is shown at startup, while the application * loads. * * @author Matthias Gernand * @author Rabea Gransberger */ public final class ApplicationSplashScreen { /** * The logger for this class. */ private static final Logger logClass = Logger.getLogger(ApplicationSplashScreen.class); /** * A string constant which is a key for the loading time of the * managers. */ private static final String MANAGER_KEY = "manager"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * A string constant which is a key for the loading time of the * UI. */ private static final String LOADING_APP_KEY = "loadingApp"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * The main display. */ private Display display; /** * A message label. */ private Label mesg; /** * The application to operate on. */ private Application app; /** * The start up time file. */ private static final File startUpFile = new File(Constants.CONF_DIR + Constants.FS + "startUpTimes.dat"); //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * Constructs a splash screen for the given display. <br> * <br> * After the splash screen ran, the application itself is shown * Note: Don't show the application before the splash screen ran. * * @param display * The current display. * @see de.xirp.ui.Application#show() */ public ApplicationSplashScreen(Display display) { this.display = display; start(); } /** * Runs the splash screen and starts the loading of the * application. */ private void start() { XShell shell = new XShell(display, SWT.NO_TRIM | SWT.DOUBLE_BUFFERED | (Version.DEVELOPMENT ? SWT.NONE : SWT.ON_TOP)); shell.setText("Loading..."); //$NON-NLS-1$ shell.setImage(ImageManager.getSystemImage(SystemImage.TRAY)); // Font to use final Font TEXT = FontManager.getFont("Arial", 10, SWT.NORMAL); //$NON-NLS-1$ // Colors to use final Color DARK_GREEN = ColorManager.getColor(29, 114, 36); final Color GREY_GREEN = ColorManager.getColor(170, 178, 144); // load the image into memory Image image = ImageManager.getFullPathImageCopy(Constants.IMAGE_DIR + File.separator + "splash.png"); //$NON-NLS-1$ // get the image data ImageData imdata = image.getImageData(); // set the shell just large enough to hold the image shell.setSize(imdata.width, imdata.height); // get the bounds of the display to centre the shell on the // screen Rectangle r = display.getBounds(); int shellX = (r.width - imdata.width) / 2; int shellY = (r.height - imdata.height) / 2; shell.setLocation(shellX, shellY); // open the shell, and draw the image; shell.forceFocus(); shell.forceActive(); // ProgressBar to show the loading status final ProgressBar pg = new ProgressBar(shell, SWT.HORIZONTAL); final int base = 100000; pg.setSize(shell.getSize().x - 10, 18); pg.setLocation(5, shell.getSize().y - pg.getSize().y - 5); pg.setForeground(DARK_GREEN); pg.setMinimum(0); pg.setMaximum(base); // Label that shows the version number Label version = new Label(shell, SWT.NONE); version.setSize(shell.getSize().x - 10, 17); version.setLocation(pg.getLocation().x, pg.getLocation().y - version.getSize().y - 25); version.setBackground(GREY_GREEN); version.setForeground(DARK_GREEN); version.setFont(TEXT); version.setText(Constants.BASE_NAME + " Version " + Version.MAJOR_VERSION + "." //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ + Version.MINOR_VERSION + "." + Version.PATCH_LEVEL //$NON-NLS-1$ + " Revision " + Version.REVISION);//$NON-NLS-1$ // Label that shows what is loaded at the moment mesg = new Label(shell, SWT.NONE); mesg.setSize(shell.getSize().x - 10, 17); mesg.setLocation(pg.getLocation().x, pg.getLocation().y - mesg.getSize().y - 5); mesg.setBackground(GREY_GREEN); mesg.setForeground(DARK_GREEN); mesg.setFont(TEXT); // Draw Application Start image GC gc = new GC(shell); gc.drawImage(image, 0, 0); /* * Load data in the background and update progress bar and * message. */ HashMap<String, Double> percents = new HashMap<String, Double>(); try { percents = ObjectDeSerializer.<HashMap<String, Double>>getObject(startUpFile); } catch (IOException e) { logClass.error("Error: " + e.getMessage() + Constants.LINE_SEPARATOR, e); } catch (SerializationException e) { logClass.error("Error: " + e.getMessage() + Constants.LINE_SEPARATOR, e); } long overAllStart = System.nanoTime(); long start = System.nanoTime(); createDirectories(); mesg.setText(I18n.getString("ApplicationSplashScreen.gui.loadingApplication")); app = new Application(); double percentage = 0.006799464; if (percents.containsKey(LOADING_APP_KEY)) { percentage = percents.get(LOADING_APP_KEY); } pg.setSelection((int) (pg.getMaximum() * percentage)); long end = System.nanoTime(); long diffLoadingApp = end - start; start = System.nanoTime(); mesg.setText(I18n.getString("ApplicationSplashScreen.gui.loadingProperties")); percentage = 0.493550042; if (percents.containsKey(MANAGER_KEY)) { percentage = percents.get(MANAGER_KEY); } ManagerFactory.start(pg, mesg, percentage); pg.setSelection((int) (pg.getMaximum() * percentage)); end = System.nanoTime(); long diffManager = end - start; mesg.setText(I18n.getString("ApplicationSplashScreen.gui.loadUI")); app.runApp();// 0.499650494 pg.setSelection(pg.getMaximum()); mesg.setText(I18n.getString("ApplicationSplashScreen.gui.loadCompleted")); long overAllEnd = System.nanoTime(); long overAllDiff = overAllEnd - overAllStart; double percentLoadingApp = diffLoadingApp / (double) overAllDiff; double percentLoadingManager = diffManager / (double) overAllDiff; percents.clear(); percents.put(LOADING_APP_KEY, percentLoadingApp); percents.put(MANAGER_KEY, percentLoadingManager); try { ObjectSerializer.<HashMap<String, Double>>writeToDisk(percents, startUpFile); } catch (IOException e) { logClass.error("Error: " + e.getMessage() + Constants.LINE_SEPARATOR, e); } // Wait to show the user the 100% ProgressBar try { Thread.sleep(150); } catch (InterruptedException e) { logClass.error(e); } // dispose of the image, font, colors and shell gc.dispose(); image.dispose(); shell.dispose(); // Show the Application; } /** * Creates all necessary directories. This may be redundant but is * secures the application from heavy invalid path crashes. * * @see de.xirp.util.CreateOnStartup */ private void createDirectories() { // Creates directories for all fields // which are annotated with @CreateOnStartup Field[] fields = Constants.class.getFields(); for (Field field : fields) { CreateOnStartup create = field.getAnnotation(CreateOnStartup.class); FutureRelease future = field.getAnnotation(FutureRelease.class); if (create != null && future == null) { try { String s = field.get(null).toString(); File f = new File(s); if (create.isDirectory()) { if (create.override()) { if (f.exists()) { f.delete(); } } FileUtils.forceMkdir(f); } else { try { if (f.exists()) { if (create.override()) { f.delete(); f.createNewFile(); } } else { f.createNewFile(); } } catch (IOException e) { logClass.error("Error: " + e.getMessage() + Constants.LINE_SEPARATOR, e); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { logClass.error("Error: " + e.getMessage() + Constants.LINE_SEPARATOR, e); //$NON-NLS-1$ } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { logClass.error("Error: " + e.getMessage() + Constants.LINE_SEPARATOR, e); //$NON-NLS-1$ } catch (IOException e) { logClass.error("Error: " + e.getMessage() + Constants.LINE_SEPARATOR, e); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } } } }