Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of HeavySpleef. * Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Matthias Werning * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package de.xaniox.heavyspleef.migration; import; import; import com.sk89q.worldedit.Vector; import com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitUtil; import com.sk89q.worldedit.extent.clipboard.BlockArrayClipboard; import com.sk89q.worldedit.extent.clipboard.Clipboard; import com.sk89q.worldedit.regions.CuboidRegion; import com.sk89q.worldedit.regions.Region; import de.xaniox.heavyspleef.core.HeavySpleef; import de.xaniox.heavyspleef.core.extension.ExtensionLobbyWall; import de.xaniox.heavyspleef.core.extension.ExtensionLobbyWall.SignRow.SignRowValidationException; import de.xaniox.heavyspleef.core.flag.AbstractFlag; import de.xaniox.heavyspleef.core.floor.Floor; import de.xaniox.heavyspleef.core.floor.SimpleClipboardFloor; import; import de.xaniox.heavyspleef.flag.defaults.*; import de.xaniox.heavyspleef.flag.defaults.FlagTeam.TeamColor; import de.xaniox.heavyspleef.flag.presets.*; import de.xaniox.heavyspleef.persistence.xml.GameAccessor; import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.World; import org.bukkit.configuration.Configuration; import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta; import org.bukkit.material.MaterialData; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.DocumentHelper; import org.dom4j.Element; import; import; import org.unsynchronized.*; import; import*; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; public class GameMigrator implements Migrator<Configuration, File> { private static final String FILE_EXTENSION = ".xml"; private static final int TEAM_FLAG_NOT_SET = -1; private static final Map<String, Class<? extends AbstractFlag<?>>> LEGACY_TO_FLAG_MAPPING = Maps.newHashMap(); static { LEGACY_TO_FLAG_MAPPING.put("shovels", FlagShovels.class); LEGACY_TO_FLAG_MAPPING.put("shears", FlagShears.class); LEGACY_TO_FLAG_MAPPING.put("bowspleef", FlagBowspleef.class); LEGACY_TO_FLAG_MAPPING.put("splegg", FlagSplegg.class); LEGACY_TO_FLAG_MAPPING.put("anticamping", FlagAntiCamping.class); LEGACY_TO_FLAG_MAPPING.put("scoreboard", FlagScoreboard.class); LEGACY_TO_FLAG_MAPPING.put("win", FlagWinPoint.class); LEGACY_TO_FLAG_MAPPING.put("lose", FlagLosePoint.class); LEGACY_TO_FLAG_MAPPING.put("lobby", FlagLobby.class); LEGACY_TO_FLAG_MAPPING.put("queuelobby", FlagQueueLobby.class); LEGACY_TO_FLAG_MAPPING.put("spectate", FlagSpectate.class); LEGACY_TO_FLAG_MAPPING.put("spawnpoint", FlagSpawnpoint.class); LEGACY_TO_FLAG_MAPPING.put("leavepoint", FlagLeavepoint.class); LEGACY_TO_FLAG_MAPPING.put("nextspawnpoint", FlagMultiSpawnpoint.class); LEGACY_TO_FLAG_MAPPING.put("itemreward", FlagItemReward.class); LEGACY_TO_FLAG_MAPPING.put("minplayers", FlagMinPlayers.class); LEGACY_TO_FLAG_MAPPING.put("maxplayers", FlagMaxPlayers.class); LEGACY_TO_FLAG_MAPPING.put("autostart", FlagAutostart.class); LEGACY_TO_FLAG_MAPPING.put("countdown", FlagCountdown.class); LEGACY_TO_FLAG_MAPPING.put("entryfee", FlagEntryFee.class); LEGACY_TO_FLAG_MAPPING.put("reward", FlagReward.class); LEGACY_TO_FLAG_MAPPING.put("timeout", FlagTimeout.class); LEGACY_TO_FLAG_MAPPING.put("regen", FlagRegen.class); } private final OutputFormat outputFormat = OutputFormat.createPrettyPrint(); private final JDeserialize jdeserialize = new JDeserialize(); private final SafeGameCreator gameCreator; private HeavySpleef heavySpleef; private int countMigrated; public GameMigrator(HeavySpleef heavySpleef) { this.heavySpleef = heavySpleef; this.gameCreator = new SafeGameCreator(heavySpleef); } public int getCountMigrated() { return countMigrated; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public void migrate(Configuration inputSource, File outputFolder, Object cookie) throws MigrationException { if (cookie == null || !(cookie instanceof List<?>)) { throw new MigrationException("Cookie must be a game of lists"); } countMigrated = 0; List<Game> gameList = (List<Game>) cookie; Set<String> gameNames = inputSource.getKeys(false); for (String name : gameNames) { ConfigurationSection section = inputSource.getConfigurationSection(name); File xmlFile = new File(outputFolder, name + FILE_EXTENSION); if (xmlFile.exists()) { //Rename this game as there is already a file xmlFile = new File(outputFolder, name + "_1" + FILE_EXTENSION); } XMLWriter writer = null; try { xmlFile.createNewFile(); GameAccessor accessor = new GameAccessor(heavySpleef); Document document = DocumentHelper.createDocument(); Element rootElement = document.addElement("game"); Game game = migrateGame(section, rootElement); if (game == null) { continue; } accessor.write(game, rootElement); gameList.add(game); OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(xmlFile); writer = new XMLWriter(out, outputFormat); writer.write(document); ++countMigrated; } catch (IOException e) { throw new MigrationException(e); } finally { if (writer != null) { try { writer.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } } } } private Game migrateGame(ConfigurationSection in, Element element) throws MigrationException { String name = in.getName(); World world; String type = in.getString("type"); if ("CUBOID".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { world = legacyStringToLocation(in.getString("first")).getWorld(); } else if ("CYLINDER".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { world = legacyStringToLocation(in.getString("center")).getWorld(); } else { heavySpleef.getLogger().warning("Cannot convert game '" + name + "': Unknown game type"); return null; } //Create the game safely without calling the constructor Game game = gameCreator.createSafeGame(name, world); ConfigurationSection floorsSection = in.getConfigurationSection("floors"); if (floorsSection != null) { for (String floorKey : floorsSection.getKeys(false)) { ConfigurationSection floorSection = floorsSection.getConfigurationSection(floorKey); String id = "floor_" + floorSection.getString("id"); String shape = floorSection.getString("shape"); Region region; if (shape.equals("CUBOID")) { Vector first = legacyStringToVector(floorSection.getString("first")); Vector second = legacyStringToVector(floorSection.getString("second")); region = new CuboidRegion(first, second); } else if (shape.equals("CYLINDER")) { //TODO: Add cylinder floor support for older versions of HeavySpleef? continue; } else { //Unknown floor type continue; } Clipboard clipboard = new BlockArrayClipboard(region); Floor floor = new SimpleClipboardFloor(id, clipboard); game.addFloor(floor); } } ConfigurationSection losezonesSection = in.getConfigurationSection("losezones"); if (losezonesSection != null) { for (String losezoneKey : losezonesSection.getKeys(false)) { ConfigurationSection losezoneSection = losezonesSection.getConfigurationSection(losezoneKey); String id = "deathzone_" + losezoneSection.getString("id"); Vector first = legacyStringToVector(losezoneSection.getString("first")); Vector second = legacyStringToVector(losezoneSection.getString("second")); Region region = new CuboidRegion(first, second); game.addDeathzone(id, region); } } ConfigurationSection flagsSection = in.getConfigurationSection("flags"); boolean enableTeamGames = false; if (flagsSection != null) { for (String flagKey : flagsSection.getKeys(false)) { ConfigurationSection flagSection = flagsSection.getConfigurationSection(flagKey); String legacyValueString = flagSection.getString("value"); if (flagKey.equals("team")) { //The team flag is the only flag that must be handled seperately enableTeamGames = extractFlagValue(legacyValueString, Boolean.class, null).booleanValue(); continue; } AbstractFlag<?> flag = getFlag(flagKey, legacyValueString); if (flag == null) { heavySpleef.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Cannot migrate flag \"" + flagKey + "\" for game \"" + game.getName() + "\"" + " as this flag is no longer available in this version"); continue; } game.addFlag(flag); } } ConfigurationSection teamsSection = in.getConfigurationSection("teams"); List<TeamColor> colors = Lists.newArrayList(); int minPlayers = TEAM_FLAG_NOT_SET; int maxPlayers = TEAM_FLAG_NOT_SET; if (teamsSection != null) { for (String teamString : teamsSection.getKeys(false)) { ConfigurationSection teamSection = teamsSection.getConfigurationSection(teamString); String color = teamSection.getString("color"); int sectionMinPlayers = teamSection.getInt("min-players", TEAM_FLAG_NOT_SET); int sectionMaxPlayers = teamSection.getInt("max-players", TEAM_FLAG_NOT_SET); if (minPlayers == TEAM_FLAG_NOT_SET && sectionMinPlayers != TEAM_FLAG_NOT_SET) { minPlayers = sectionMinPlayers; } if (maxPlayers == TEAM_FLAG_NOT_SET && sectionMaxPlayers != TEAM_FLAG_NOT_SET) { maxPlayers = sectionMaxPlayers; } color = color.toUpperCase(); TeamColor teamColor = TeamColor.valueOf(color); colors.add(teamColor); } } //We need at least two teams if (enableTeamGames && colors.size() > 1) { FlagTeam teamFlag = new FlagTeam(); teamFlag.setValue(colors); game.addFlag(teamFlag); if (minPlayers != TEAM_FLAG_NOT_SET) { FlagMinTeamSize minTeamSizeFlag = new FlagMinTeamSize(); minTeamSizeFlag.setValue(minPlayers); game.addFlag(minTeamSizeFlag); } if (maxPlayers != TEAM_FLAG_NOT_SET) { FlagMaxTeamSize maxTeamSizeFlag = new FlagMaxTeamSize(); maxTeamSizeFlag.setValue(maxPlayers); game.addFlag(maxTeamSizeFlag); } } ConfigurationSection signwallsSection = in.getConfigurationSection("signwalls"); if (signwallsSection != null) { for (String signWallId : signwallsSection.getKeys(false)) { ConfigurationSection signwallSection = signwallsSection.getConfigurationSection(signWallId); Location first = legacyStringToLocation(signwallSection.getString("first")); Location second = legacyStringToLocation(signwallSection.getString("second")); ExtensionLobbyWall wall; try { wall = new ExtensionLobbyWall(first.getWorld(), first.toVector(), second.toVector()); } catch (SignRowValidationException e) { throw new MigrationException(e); } game.addExtension(wall); } } return game; } private Location legacyStringToLocation(String legacyString) { String[] components = legacyString.split(","); World world = Bukkit.getWorld(components[0]); double x = Double.parseDouble(components[1]); double y = Double.parseDouble(components[2]); double z = Double.parseDouble(components[3]); float pitch = 0f; float yaw = 0f; if (components.length > 4) { pitch = Float.parseFloat(components[4]); yaw = Float.parseFloat(components[5]); } return new Location(world, x, y, z, yaw, pitch); } private Vector legacyStringToVector(String legacyString) { Location location = legacyStringToLocation(legacyString); return BukkitUtil.toVector(location); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private <T> AbstractFlag<?> getFlag(String legacyFlagName, String legacyValue) throws MigrationException { Class<? extends AbstractFlag<T>> flagClazz = (Class<? extends AbstractFlag<T>>) LEGACY_TO_FLAG_MAPPING .get(legacyFlagName); if (flagClazz == null) { //This flag could not be found so just return null return null; } T result = null; if (BooleanFlag.class.isAssignableFrom(flagClazz)) { result = (T) extractFlagValue(legacyValue, Boolean.class, null); } else if (IntegerFlag.class.isAssignableFrom(flagClazz)) { result = (T) extractFlagValue(legacyValue, Integer.class, null); } else if (DoubleFlag.class.isAssignableFrom(flagClazz)) { result = (T) extractFlagValue(legacyValue, Double.class, null); } else if (ItemStackFlag.class.isAssignableFrom(flagClazz)) { result = (T) extractFlagValue(legacyValue, ItemStack.class, null); } else if (ItemStackListFlag.class.isAssignableFrom(flagClazz)) { result = (T) extractFlagValue(legacyValue, List.class, ItemStack.class); } else if (LocationFlag.class.isAssignableFrom(flagClazz)) { result = (T) extractFlagValue(legacyValue, Location.class, null); } else if (LocationListFlag.class.isAssignableFrom(flagClazz)) { result = (T) extractFlagValue(legacyValue, List.class, Location.class); } AbstractFlag<T> flag; try { flag = flagClazz.newInstance(); } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) { throw new MigrationException( "Cannot find no-args constructor for flag \"" + flagClazz.getName() + "\""); } flag.setValue(result); return flag; } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "deprecation" }) private <T, K> T extractFlagValue(String legacyFlagString, Class<T> expected, Class<K> expectedGenericClass) throws MigrationException { String[] components = legacyFlagString.split(":"); Validate.isTrue(components.length > 1, "Invalid legacy flag value string \"" + legacyFlagString + "\""); String valueString = components[1]; T value = null; if (expected == Boolean.class) { value = (T) (Boolean) Boolean.parseBoolean(valueString); } else if (expected == Integer.class) { value = (T) (Integer) Integer.parseInt(valueString); } else if (expected == Double.class) { value = (T) (Double) Double.parseDouble(valueString); } else if (expected == Location.class) { value = (T) legacyStringToLocation(valueString); } else if (expected == ItemStack.class) { String[] itemStackComponents = valueString.split("-"); int id = Integer.parseInt(itemStackComponents[0]); byte data = 0; int amount = 1; if (itemStackComponents.length > 1) { data = Byte.parseByte(itemStackComponents[1]); if (itemStackComponents.length > 2) { amount = Integer.parseInt(itemStackComponents[2]); } } MaterialData materialData = new MaterialData(id, data); value = (T) materialData.toItemStack(amount); } else if (expected == List.class) { String[] listComponents = valueString.split(";"); List<K> resultList = Lists.newArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < listComponents.length; i++) { String base64SerializedString = listComponents[i]; byte[] serializedBytes = Base64Coder.decode(base64SerializedString); Map<String, Object> fields; try { fields = decodeSerializedObject(serializedBytes); } catch (IOException e) { throw new MigrationException(e); } K result = null; if (expectedGenericClass == ItemStack.class) { EnumObject materialEnumObject = (EnumObject) fields.get("material"); Material material = Material.getMaterial(materialEnumObject.value.value); byte data = (byte) fields.get("data"); int amount = (int) fields.get("amount"); Object displayNameObj = fields.get("displayName"); String displayName = null; if (displayNameObj != null) { displayName = ((StringObject) displayNameObj).value; } List<String> lore = null; //The lore is a type of an instance as it is an ArrayList Instance arrayListInstance = (Instance) fields.get("lore"); if (arrayListInstance != null) { lore = Lists.newArrayList(); Map<Field, Object> arrayListFields = arrayListInstance.fielddata.values().iterator().next(); for (Entry<Field, Object> entry : arrayListFields.entrySet()) { Field field = entry.getKey(); Object fieldValue = entry.getValue(); //Let's hope oracle doesn't change the array's field name in the future if (fieldValue instanceof ArrayObject &&"a")) { ArrayObject array = (ArrayObject) fieldValue; ArrayCollection collection =; for (Object collectionValue : collection) { String loreLine = ((StringObject) collectionValue).value; String[] parts = loreLine.split("\\n"); for (String part : parts) { lore.add(part); } } } } } MaterialData materialData = new MaterialData(material, data); ItemStack stack = materialData.toItemStack(amount); ItemMeta meta = stack.getItemMeta(); if (displayName != null) { meta.setDisplayName(displayName); } if (lore != null) { meta.setLore(lore); } stack.setItemMeta(meta); result = (K) stack; } else if (expectedGenericClass == Location.class) { World world = Bukkit.getWorld(((StringObject) fields.get("world")).value); double x = (double) fields.get("x"); double y = (double) fields.get("y"); double z = (double) fields.get("z"); float pitch = (float) fields.get("pitch"); float yaw = (float) fields.get("yaw"); Location location = new Location(world, x, y, z, yaw, pitch); result = (K) location; } resultList.add(result); } value = (T) resultList; } return value; } private Map<String, Object> decodeSerializedObject(byte[] serialized) throws IOException { ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(serialized); DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(bais);, false); List<Content> contents = jdeserialize.getContent(); if (contents.size() == 0) { throw new IOException("No content in serialized byte array (contents.size() == 0)"); } Content content = contents.get(0); if (!(content instanceof Instance)) { throw new IOException("Byte array is not a serialized instance"); } Instance instance = (Instance) content; Map<ClassDescription, Map<Field, Object>> fieldData = instance.fielddata; if (fieldData.size() == 0) { throw new IOException("Instance does not contain any field data"); } Entry<ClassDescription, Map<Field, Object>> entry = fieldData.entrySet().iterator().next(); Map<Field, Object> fields = entry.getValue(); Map<String, Object> fieldsResult = Maps.newHashMap(); for (Entry<Field, Object> fieldEntry : fields.entrySet()) { fieldsResult.put(fieldEntry.getKey().name, fieldEntry.getValue()); } return fieldsResult; } }