Java tutorial
package de.viaboxx.nlstools.formats; import de.viaboxx.nlstools.model.MBBundle; import de.viaboxx.nlstools.model.MBEntry; import de.viaboxx.nlstools.model.MBText; import de.viaboxx.nlstools.util.FileUtils; import org.apache.commons.text.StringEscapeUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; /** * Description: <br> * User: roman.stumm <br> * Date: 12.10.2010 <br> * Time: 12:14:13 <br> * License: Apache 2.0 */ public class BundleWriterFlexClass extends BundleWriter { private String exampleLocale; public BundleWriterFlexClass(Task task, String configFile, MBBundle currentBundle, String outputPath, FileType fileType, Set<String> allowedLocales) { super(task, configFile, currentBundle, outputPath, fileType, allowedLocales); } public String getExampleLocale() { return exampleLocale; } public void setExampleLocale(String exampleLocale) { this.exampleLocale = exampleLocale; } protected String suffix() { return ".as"; } /** * generate the current bundle's interface * * @throws Exception */ public void writeOutputFiles() throws Exception { // now write the flex class if (currentBundle.getInterfaceName() == null) return; String iffile = getInterfaceFileName(); task.log("writing flex class to: " + iffile, Project.MSG_INFO); mkdirs(iffile); Writer out = FileUtils.openFileWriterUTF8(new File(iffile)); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(out); try { writeStaticIntro(pw); if (FileType.FLEX_SMALL == fileType || FileType.JAVA_ENUM_KEYS == fileType) { pw.println("// keys not contained (small interface). see .xml source file for possible keys"); } else if (FileType.FLEX_FULL == fileType) { writeConstants(pw, getCurrentBundle()); } writeStaticOutro(pw); } finally { pw.close(); } } String getIPackage() { String inf = currentBundle.getInterfaceName(); int pidx = inf.lastIndexOf('.'); if (pidx < 0) { return ""; } return inf.substring(0, pidx); } String getIClass() { String inf = currentBundle.getInterfaceName(); int pidx = inf.lastIndexOf('.'); if (pidx < 0) { return inf; } return inf.substring(pidx + 1); } private String getInterfaceFileName() { StringBuilder fileName = new StringBuilder(getInterfacePathName()); fileName.append("/"); fileName.append(getIClass()); fileName.append(suffix()); return fileName.toString(); } private String getInterfacePathName() { String fileName = getOutputPath(); char lastChar = fileName.charAt(fileName.length() - 1); if (lastChar != '\\' && lastChar != '/') { fileName += "/"; } fileName += getIPackage().replace('.', '/'); return fileName; } /** * Write the static beginning of the interface file. * * @param pw writer to write to */ void writeStaticIntro(PrintWriter pw) { String str = getIPackage(); if (str != null && str.length() > 0) { pw.print("package "); pw.print(str); pw.println("{"); } pw.println(); writeDoNotAlter(pw); pw.print("public class "); pw.print(getIClass()); pw.println(" {"); pw.print(" public static const _BUNDLE_NAME:String = \""); pw.print(currentBundle.getBaseName()); pw.println("\";"); pw.println(); } void writeDoNotAlter(PrintWriter pw) { pw.println("/**"); pw.print(" * contains keys of resource bundle "); pw.print(currentBundle.getBaseName()); pw.println('.'); pw.println(" * THIS FILE HAS BEEN GENERATED AUTOMATICALLY - DO NOT ALTER!"); pw.println(" */"); } /** * Write the staic end of the interface file. * * @param pw writer to write to */ private void writeStaticOutro(PrintWriter pw) { pw.println("}"); writeDoNotAlter(pw); pw.println("}"); } /** * Write the constants to the interface file. * * @param pw writer to write to * @param aBundle to read from */ void writeConstants(PrintWriter pw, MBBundle aBundle) { for (MBEntry mbEntry : aBundle.getEntries()) { String keyName = mbEntry.getKey(); Iterator<MBText> texts = mbEntry.getTexts().iterator(); pw.print(" /** "); while (texts.hasNext()) { MBText theText =; String lang = theText.getLocale(); pw.print("{"); pw.print(lang); pw.print("} "); } MBText xmpl = mbEntry.findExampleText(getExampleLocale()); if (xmpl != null) { pw.print(" | "); pw.print(xmpl.getLocale()); pw.print(" = "); pw.print(StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml11(xmpl.getValue())); } pw.println(" */"); pw.print(" public static const "); String theKey = keyName.replace('.', '_'); pw.print(theKey); pw.print(":String = \""); pw.print(keyName); pw.println("\";"); } } /** * true when generation is neccessary, false when up-to-date * * @throws */ @Override protected boolean needsNewFiles() throws FileNotFoundException { if (currentBundle.getInterfaceName() == null) return false; File outfile = new File(getInterfaceFileName()); if (!outfile.exists()) { return true; } File infile = new File(configFile); if (!infile.exists()) { throw new FileNotFoundException(infile + " not found"); } return (infile.lastModified() > outfile.lastModified()); } }