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/* Copyright 2014 Sven van der Meer <>
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package de.vandermeer.skb.base.message;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.antlr.v4.runtime.CommonToken;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.Token;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.text.StrBuilder;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.stringtemplate.v4.ST;
import org.stringtemplate.v4.ST.AttributeList;

import de.vandermeer.skb.base.message.EMessageType;
import de.vandermeer.skb.base.message.Message5WH;
import de.vandermeer.skb.base.utils.Skb_STUtils;

 * Tests for the 5WH message class.
 * @author     Sven van der Meer &lt;;
 * @version    v0.0.3-SNAPSHOT build 141210 (10-Dec-14) for Java 1.8
public class Message5WH_Tests {

    public void testConstructur() {
        Message5WH m = new Message5WH();

        //everything else is NULL by default

        //initialCapacity should not be lower than 50
        assertTrue(50 >= m.initialCapacity);

        //STGroup should not be null, must have a default initialisation

    public void testSTGroup() {
        Message5WH m = new Message5WH();

        //intial STGroup should not be null (test here to make sure this test works, also tested in constructor test)

        //these are the expected chunks for the STG
        Map<String, List<String>> expectedChunks = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(4);
        expectedChunks.put("where", Arrays.asList(new String[] { "location", "line", "column" }));
                Arrays.asList(new String[] { "reporter", "type", "who", "when", "where", "what", "why", "how" }));

        //test for the expected chunks, returned list must be size 0
        Map<String, List<String>> actual = Skb_STUtils.getMissingChunks(m.stg, expectedChunks);
        assertTrue(actual.size() == 0);

        //double check, error message list must be zero too ;) -- unnecessary test?
        Set<String> errmsg = Skb_STUtils.getMissingChunksErrorMessages(Skb_STUtils.getStgName(m.stg), actual);
        assertTrue(errmsg.size() == 0);

    public void testST() {
        //this tests message.render(), so in turn it also tests message.asST()
        Message5WH m = new Message5WH();

        //initial message is all set to null and ST should be empty string (not null string)
        assertTrue(m.render() != null);

    public void testTypeSG() {
        Message5WH m = new Message5WH();

        //set null means null
        assertTrue(m.getType() == null);

        // set error means error
        assertTrue(m.getType() == EMessageType.ERROR);

        //set warning means warning
        assertTrue(m.getType() == EMessageType.WARNING);

        //set message means message
        assertTrue(m.getType() == EMessageType.INFO);

        //set null means null
        assertTrue(m.getType() == null);

    public void testHowSG() {
        Message5WH m = new Message5WH();
        StrBuilder expected = new StrBuilder(m.initialCapacity);

        //test initial

        //test to append null, nothing should change
        m.addHow((Object) null);
        assertEquals("", m.getHow().toString());

        //test to append null, nothing should change
        m.addHow((Object[]) null);
        assertEquals("", m.getHow().toString());

        //test to append a string, capacity of of should be same as message.initialCapacity
        assertEquals(m.initialCapacity, m.getHow().capacity());

        //append another string, just to check
        assertEquals(m.initialCapacity, m.getHow().capacity()); //two 3 character strings should not exceed intialCapacity

        //addHow(Object) is using StrBuilder.append(Object), so we don't need to check for more, do we?

    public void testWhySG() {
        Message5WH m = new Message5WH();
        StrBuilder expected = new StrBuilder(m.initialCapacity);

        //test initial

        //test to append null, nothing should change
        m.addWhy((Object) null);
        assertEquals("", m.getWhy().toString());

        //test to append null, nothing should change
        m.addWhy((Object[]) null);
        assertEquals("", m.getWhy().toString());

        //test to append a string, capacity of of should be same as message.initialCapacity
        assertEquals(m.initialCapacity, m.getWhy().capacity());

        //append another string, just to check
        assertEquals(m.initialCapacity, m.getWhy().capacity()); //two 3 character strings should not exceed intialCapacity

        //addWhy(Object) is using StrBuilder.append(Object), so we don't need to check for more, do we?

    public void testWhatSG() {
        Message5WH m = new Message5WH();
        StrBuilder expected = new StrBuilder(m.initialCapacity);

        //test initial

        //test to append null, nothing should change
        m.addWhat((Object) null);
        assertEquals("", m.getWhat().toString());

        //test to append null, nothing should change
        m.addWhat((Object[]) null);
        assertEquals("", m.getWhat().toString());

        //test to append a string, capacity of of should be same as message.initialCapacity
        assertEquals(m.initialCapacity, m.getWhat().capacity());

        //append another string, just to check
        assertEquals(m.initialCapacity, m.getWhat().capacity()); //two 3 character strings should not exceed intialCapacity

        //addWhat(Object) is using StrBuilder.append(Object), so we don't need to check for more, do we?

    public void testReporterSG() {
        Message5WH m = new Message5WH();

        //set to a string
        assertEquals("reporter", m.getReporter().toString());

        //no null check in set method, null is perfectly fine as a reporter (default for none)
        assertEquals(null, m.getReporter());

        //set to an StrBuilder and test for object equality
        StrBuilder expected = new StrBuilder("strbuilder");

    public void testWhoSG() {
        Message5WH m = new Message5WH();

        //set to a string
        assertEquals("who", m.getWho().toString());

        //no null check in set method, null is perfectly fine as a reporter (default for none)
        assertEquals(null, m.getWho());

        //set to an StrBuilder and test for object equality
        StrBuilder expected = new StrBuilder("strbuilder");

    public void testWhenSG() {
        Message5WH m = new Message5WH();

        //set to a string
        assertEquals("when", m.getWhen().toString());

        //no null check in set method, null is perfectly fine as a reporter (default for none)
        assertEquals(null, m.getWhen());

        //set to an StrBuilder and test for object equality
        StrBuilder expected = new StrBuilder("strbuilder");

    public void testWhereSG_OII() {
        //test setWhere(Object, Integer, Integer)
        Message5WH m = new Message5WH();

        //set to null should not change the default
        m.setWhere(null, 0, 0);
        assertTrue(m.getWhere() == null);

        //now test valid location with line/column being 0 (i.e. not set) -- must be ST with location but w/o line/column set
        m.setWhere("loc1", 0, 0);
        this.testWhereST(m.getWhere(), "loc1", null, null);

        //now test with different location (new ST created) and set line to a value greater than 0 but not column
        m.setWhere("loc2", 1, 0);
        this.testWhereST(m.getWhere(), "loc2", "1", null);

        //now test with different location (new ST created) and set column to a value greater than 0 but not line
        m.setWhere("loc3", 0, 1);
        this.testWhereST(m.getWhere(), "loc3", null, "1");

        //now test with different location (new ST created) and set line and column to a value greater than 0
        m.setWhere("loc4", 1, 1);
        this.testWhereST(m.getWhere(), "loc4", "1", "1");

    public void testWhereSG_RE() {
        //test setWhere(Object, RecognitionException)
        //      Message5WH m=new Message5WH();
        //      RecognitionException re=new RecognitionException();

        //set both to null should not change the default
        //      m.setWhere(null, (RecognitionException)null);
        //      assertTrue(m.getWhere()==null);

        //set one to null should not change the default
        //      m.setWhere("loc", (RecognitionException)null);
        //      assertTrue(m.getWhere()==null);

        //set the other one to null should not change the default
        //      m.setWhere(null, re);
        //      assertTrue(m.getWhere()==null);

        //now test valid location with line/column being 0 (i.e. not set) -- must be ST with location but w/o line/column set
        //      m.setWhere("loc1", re);
        //      this.testWhereST(m.getWhere(), "loc1", null, null);

        //now test with different location (new ST created) and set line to a value greater than 0 but not column
        //      re.line=1;
        //      m.setWhere("loc2", re);
        //      this.testWhereST(m.getWhere(), "loc2", "1", null);

        //now test with different location (new ST created) and set column to a value greater than 0 but not line
        //      re.line=0;
        //      re.charPositionInLine=1;
        //      m.setWhere("loc3", re);
        //      this.testWhereST(m.getWhere(), "loc3", null, "1");

        //now test with different location (new ST created) and set line and column to a value greater than 0
        //      re.line=1;
        //      m.setWhere("loc4", re);
        //      this.testWhereST(m.getWhere(), "loc4", "1", "1");

    public void testWhereSG_Token() {
        //test setWhere(Object, Token)
        Message5WH m = new Message5WH();
        CommonToken tk = new CommonToken(0);

        //set both to null should not change the default
        m.setWhere(null, (Token) null);
        assertTrue(m.getWhere() == null);

        //set one to null should not change the default
        m.setWhere("loc", (Token) null);
        assertTrue(m.getWhere() == null);

        //set the other one to null should not change the default
        m.setWhere(null, tk);
        assertTrue(m.getWhere() == null);

        //now test valid location with line/column being 0 (i.e. not set) -- must be ST with location but w/o line/column set
        m.setWhere("loc1", tk);
        this.testWhereST(m.getWhere(), "loc1", null, null);

        //now test with different location (new ST created) and set line to a value greater than 0 but not column
        m.setWhere("loc2", tk);
        this.testWhereST(m.getWhere(), "loc2", "1", null);

        //now test with different location (new ST created) and set column to a value greater than 0 but not line
        m.setWhere("loc3", tk);
        this.testWhereST(m.getWhere(), "loc3", null, "1");

        //now test with different location (new ST created) and set line and column to a value greater than 0
        m.setWhere("loc4", tk);
        this.testWhereST(m.getWhere(), "loc4", "1", "1");

    public void testWhereSG_Tree() {
        //test setWhere(Object, Tree)
        //      Message5WH m=new Message5WH();
        //      Token tk=new CommonToken(0);
        //      Tree tree=new CommonTree(tk);

        //set both to null should not change the default
        //      m.setWhere(null, (Tree)null);
        //      assertTrue(m.getWhere()==null);

        //set one to null should not change the default
        //      m.setWhere("loc", (Tree)null);
        //      assertTrue(m.getWhere()==null);

        //set the other one to null should not change the default
        //      m.setWhere(null, tree);
        //      assertTrue(m.getWhere()==null);

        //now test valid location with line/column being 0 (i.e. not set) -- must be ST with location but w/o line/column set
        //      m.setWhere("loc1", tree);
        //      this.testWhereST(m.getWhere(), "loc1", null, null);

        //now test with different location (new ST created) and set line to a value greater than 0 but not column
        //      tk.setLine(1);
        //      m.setWhere("loc2", new CommonTree(tk));
        //      this.testWhereST(m.getWhere(), "loc2", "1", null);

        //now test with different location (new ST created) and set column to a value greater than 0 but not line
        //      tk.setLine(0);
        //      tk.setCharPositionInLine(1);
        //      m.setWhere("loc3", new CommonTree(tk));
        //      this.testWhereST(m.getWhere(), "loc3", null, "1");

        //now test with different location (new ST created) and set line and column to a value greater than 0
        //      tk.setLine(1);
        //      m.setWhere("loc4", new CommonTree(tk));
        //      this.testWhereST(m.getWhere(), "loc4", "1", "1");

    public void testWhereSG_STE() {
        //test setWhere(StackTraceElement)
        Message5WH m = new Message5WH();
        StackTraceElement ste = new StackTraceElement("", "", null, 0);

        //check with null first
        m = new Message5WH().setWhere((StackTraceElement) null);
        assertTrue(m.getWhere() == null);

        //now check with an STE that doesn't have any values
        m = new Message5WH().setWhere(ste);
        assertTrue(m.getWhere() == null);

        //now put in valid line only -- null
        ste = new StackTraceElement("", "", null, 1);
        m = new Message5WH().setWhere(ste);
        assertTrue(m.getWhere() == null);

        //now put in valid class name only
        ste = new StackTraceElement("myClass", "", null, 0);
        m = new Message5WH().setWhere(ste);
        this.testWhereST(m.getWhere(), "myClass", null, null);

        //now put in valid method name only
        ste = new StackTraceElement("", "myMethod", null, 0);
        m = new Message5WH().setWhere(ste);
        this.testWhereST(m.getWhere(), "myMethod", null, null);

        //now put in valid class and method but not line
        ste = new StackTraceElement("myClass", "myMethod", null, 0);
        m = new Message5WH().setWhere(ste);
        this.testWhereST(m.getWhere(), Arrays.asList(new Object[] { "myClass", "myMethod" }), null, null);

        //now check for a complete STE
        ste = new StackTraceElement("myClass", "myMethod", null, 1);
        m = new Message5WH().setWhere(ste);
        this.testWhereST(m.getWhere(), Arrays.asList(new Object[] { "myClass", "myMethod" }), "1", null);

    public void testBuilderMethods() {
        //test the set/add methods that return a message object, aka builder methods
        //this test only checks if the set/add methods returns a message object with that set/add being done correctly for valid values
        Message5WH m;

        m = new Message5WH().setReporter("repTest");
        assertEquals("repTest", m.getReporter());

        m = new Message5WH().setType(EMessageType.ERROR);
        assertTrue(m.getType() == EMessageType.ERROR);

        m = new Message5WH().setWho("whoTest");
        assertEquals("whoTest", m.getWho());

        m = new Message5WH().setWhen("whenTest");
        assertEquals("whenTest", m.getWhen());

        //SkbMessage setWhere(Object, int, int)
        m = new Message5WH().setWhere("whereTest", 10, 20);
        this.testWhereST(m.getWhere(), "whereTest", "10", "20");

        //SkbMessage setWhere(Object, RecognitionException)
        //      RecognitionException re=new RecognitionException();
        //      re.line=10;
        //      re.charPositionInLine=20;
        //      m=new Message5WH().setWhere("whereRE", re);
        //      this.testWhereST(m.getWhere(), "whereRE", "10", "20");

        //SkbMessage setWhere(Object, Token)
        CommonToken tk = new CommonToken(0);
        m = new Message5WH().setWhere("whereToken", tk);
        this.testWhereST(m.getWhere(), "whereToken", "10", "20");

        //SkbMessage setWhere(Object, Tree)
        //      Tree tree=new CommonTree(tk);
        //      m=new Message5WH().setWhere("whereTree", tree);
        //      this.testWhereST(m.getWhere(), "whereTree", "10", "20");

        //SkbMessage setWhere(StackTraceElement)
        StackTraceElement ste = new StackTraceElement("myClass", "myMethod", "myFilename", 10);
        m = new Message5WH().setWhere(ste);
        this.testWhereST(m.getWhere(), Arrays.asList(new Object[] { "myClass", "myMethod" }), "10", null);

        //for what, how and why we do a .toString() equals only, exact equals tested elsewhere
        m = new Message5WH().addWhat("whatTest");
        assertEquals("whatTest", m.getWhat().toString());

        m = new Message5WH().addHow("howTest");
        assertEquals("howTest", m.getHow().toString());

        m = new Message5WH().addWhy("whyTest");
        assertEquals("whyTest", m.getWhy().toString());

     * Tests the attributes of a string template for Where.
     * The test calls testSTAttribute() using the attribute names "location", "line" and "column".
     * @param st template to be used for testing
     * @param expectedLocation expected location value (and type)
     * @param expectedLine expected line value (and type)
     * @param expectedColumn expected column value (and type)
    private void testWhereST(ST st, Object expectedLocation, Object expectedLine, Object expectedColumn) {
        this.testSTAttribute(st, "location", expectedLocation);
        this.testSTAttribute(st, "line", expectedLine);
        this.testSTAttribute(st, "column", expectedColumn);

     * Tests a single attribute in an ST4.
     * The test generally fails if a) the ST is null or b) the attribute name is null.
     * If there is no general failure, then the value of the attribute will be tested against the expected value (and its type).
     * First test is for null, so if the expected value is null and the actual one is not, the test fails, and vice versa.
     * If the expected value is not null and all previous tests are successful, then the type of the expected value is used for further testing.
     * If the type is an instance of java.utils.List, the actual and the expected value will be converted to Object[] and those tested member by
     * member for equality (test fails for the first pair not being equal or is successful if all pairs are equal).
     * For all other cases, the test uses expectedValue.toString() for an equal test.
     * @param st template to be used for testing
     * @param attrName attribute name to look for
     * @param expectedValue expected value to test for
    private void testSTAttribute(ST st, String attrName, Object expectedValue) {
        Object o = st.getAttribute(attrName);
        if (expectedValue == null) {
        } else {
            if (expectedValue instanceof List) {
                assertTrue(o instanceof AttributeList);

                Object[] expected = ((List<?>) expectedValue).toArray();
                Object[] actual = ((AttributeList) o).toArray();

                assertEquals(expected.length, actual.length);
                for (int i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) {
                    assertEquals(expected[i], actual[i]);
            } else {
                //last chance toString compare
                assertEquals(expectedValue, o.toString());

    public void testMessageEnum() {
        //check the number (increasing), toString (as name().tolower()) and name of the logger for each of the enumerates
        EMessageType[] values = EMessageType.values();
        for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
            assertTrue(values[i].getNumber() == i);
            assertEquals(values[i].name().toLowerCase(), values[i].toString());
            String loggerAdd = StringUtils.capitalize(values[i].name().toLowerCase());
            assertEquals("SKBLogger" + loggerAdd, values[i].getLoggerName());

    public void testJavadocExample() {
        Message5WH msg = new Message5WH().setWho("from " + this.getClass().getSimpleName())
                .addWhat("showing a test message").setWhen("noon").setWhere("the class API documentation", 0, 0)
                .addWhy("as a demo").addHow("added to the class JavaDoc").setReporter("The Author")
        //      System.err.println(msg.render());
        //      System.err.println(msg);