Java tutorial
/* DA-NRW Software Suite | SIP-Builder Copyright (C) 2014 Historisch-Kulturwissenschaftliche Informationsverarbeitung Universitt zu Kln This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.TreeMap; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import; import; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.jdom.Document; import org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder; import de.uzk.hki.da.metadata.ContractRights; import de.uzk.hki.da.metadata.FileExtensions; import de.uzk.hki.da.metadata.LidoLicense; import de.uzk.hki.da.metadata.LidoParser; import de.uzk.hki.da.metadata.MetsLicense; import de.uzk.hki.da.metadata.MetsParser; import de.uzk.hki.da.metadata.PremisXmlWriter; import de.uzk.hki.da.pkg.CopyUtility; import de.uzk.hki.da.pkg.NestedContentStructure; import de.uzk.hki.da.pkg.SipArchiveBuilder; import de.uzk.hki.da.utils.C; import de.uzk.hki.da.utils.FolderUtils; import de.uzk.hki.da.utils.FormatDetectionService; import de.uzk.hki.da.utils.Utilities; import de.uzk.hki.da.utils.XMLUtils; import gov.loc.repository.bagit.Bag; import gov.loc.repository.bagit.BagFactory; import gov.loc.repository.bagit.PreBag; import gov.loc.repository.bagit.utilities.SimpleResult; import de.uzk.hki.da.metadata.NullLastComparator; /** * The central SIP production class * * @author Trebunski Eugen * @author Thomas Kleinke */ public class SIPFactory { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SIPFactory.class); private String sourcePath = null; private String destinationPath = null; private String workingPath = null; private KindOfSIPBuilding kindofSIPBuilding = null; private String name = null; private boolean createCollection; private String collectionName = null; private File collectionFolder = null; private ContractRights contractRights = new ContractRights(); // DANRW-1515 private FileExtensions fileExtensions = new FileExtensions(); private HashMap<String, List<String>> fileExtensionsList = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); private File rightsSourcePremisFile = null; private SipBuildingProcess sipBuildingProcess; private boolean alwaysOverwrite; private boolean skippedFiles; private boolean ignoreZeroByteFiles = false; private boolean compress; // DANRW-1416: Extension for disable tar - function private boolean tar = true; private String destDir = null; // DANRW-1352: to disable bagit creation private boolean bagit = true; // DANRW-1515: Extension for allowDuplicateFilename private boolean allowDuplicateFilename = false; private boolean checkFileExtensionOff = false; private List<String> forbiddenFileExtensions = null; private File listCreationTempFolder = null; private MessageWriter messageWriter; private ProgressManager progressManager; private Feedback returnCode; public enum KindOfSIPBuilding { MULTIPLE_FOLDERS, SINGLE_FOLDER, NESTED_FOLDERS }; /** * Creates and starts a new SIP building process */ public void startSIPBuilding() { sipBuildingProcess = new SipBuildingProcess(); sipBuildingProcess.start(); } /** * Creates a list of source folders * * @param folderPath * The main source folder path * @throws Exception */ HashMap<File, String> createFolderList(String folderPath) throws Exception { HashMap<File, String> folderListWithFolderNames = new HashMap<File, String>(); File sourceFolder = new File(folderPath); switch (kindofSIPBuilding) { case MULTIPLE_FOLDERS: List<File> folderContent = Arrays.asList(sourceFolder.listFiles()); for (File file : folderContent) { if (!file.isHidden() && file.isDirectory()) folderListWithFolderNames.put(file, null); } break; case SINGLE_FOLDER: folderListWithFolderNames.put(sourceFolder, null); break; case NESTED_FOLDERS: NestedContentStructure ncs; try { TreeMap<File, String> metadataFileWithType = new FormatDetectionService(sourceFolder) .getMetadataFileWithType(); if (!metadataFileWithType.isEmpty() && (!metadataFileWithType.get(metadataFileWithType.firstKey()) .equals(C.CB_PACKAGETYPE_METS))) { messageWriter.showMessage("Es wurde eine Metadatendatei des Typs " + metadataFileWithType.get(metadataFileWithType.firstKey()) + " auf der obersten Ebene gefunden. " + "\nBitte whlen Sie diese Option ausschlielich fr die Erstellung von SIPs des Typs METS."); } else { ncs = new NestedContentStructure(sourceFolder); folderListWithFolderNames = ncs.getSipCandidates(); if (folderListWithFolderNames.isEmpty()) { messageWriter.showMessage( "Es wurde kein Unterverzeichnis mit einer METS-Metadatendatei gefunden."); } break; } } catch (IOException e) { throw new Exception(e); } default: break; } return folderListWithFolderNames; } /** * Starts the progress manager and creates a progress manager job for each * SIP to build * * @param folderList * The source folder list * @return The method result as a Feedback enum */ private Feedback initializeProgressManager(List<File> folderList) { progressManager.reset(); if (createCollection) progressManager.addJob(-1, collectionName, 0); int i = 0; for (File folder : folderList) { if (!folder.exists()) { logger.error("Folder " + folder.getAbsolutePath() + " does not exist anymore."); return Feedback.COPY_ERROR; } progressManager.addJob(i, folder.getName(), FileUtils.sizeOfDirectory(folder)); i++; } progressManager.calculateProgressParts(createCollection); progressManager.createStartMessage(); return Feedback.SUCCESS; } private String getTempFolderPath() { if (workingPath == null || workingPath.length() == 0) { return destinationPath + File.separator + getTempFolderName(); } else return workingPath + File.separator + getTempFolderName(); } /** * Creates a SIP out of the given source folder * * @param jobId * The job ID * @param sourceFolder * The source folder * @return The method result as a Feedback enum */ private Feedback buildSIP(int jobId, File sourceFolder, String newPackageName) { progressManager.startJob(jobId); Feedback feedback; String packageName = ""; if (newPackageName != null) { packageName = newPackageName; } else { packageName = getPackageName(sourceFolder); } File tempFolder = new File(getTempFolderPath()); File packageFolder = new File(tempFolder, packageName); if ((feedback = copyFolder(jobId, sourceFolder, packageFolder)) != Feedback.SUCCESS) { rollback(tempFolder); return feedback; } if ((feedback = checkMetadataForLicense(jobId, sourceFolder, packageFolder)) != Feedback.SUCCESS) { rollback(tempFolder); return feedback; } if ((feedback = createPremisFile(jobId, packageFolder, packageName)) != Feedback.SUCCESS) { rollback(tempFolder); return feedback; } // DANRW-1352 if (bagit) { if ((feedback = createBag(jobId, packageFolder)) != Feedback.SUCCESS) { rollback(tempFolder); return feedback; } } return packageFolder(jobId, sourceFolder, packageFolder, tempFolder, packageName); } public Feedback packageFolder(int jobId, File sourceFolder, File packageFolder, File tempFolder, String packageName) {// DANRW-1416 Feedback feedback; if (tar) { String archiveFileName = packageName; if (compress) archiveFileName += ".tgz"; else archiveFileName += ".tar"; File archiveFile = new File(destinationPath + File.separator + archiveFileName); if (!checkForExistingSip(archiveFile)) { progressManager.skipJob(jobId); skippedFiles = true; return Feedback.SUCCESS; } File tmpArchiveFile = null; tmpArchiveFile = new File(workingPath + File.separator + archiveFileName); if (tmpArchiveFile.exists()) tmpArchiveFile.delete(); if (Utilities.checkForZeroByteFiles(sourceFolder, packageName, messageWriter)) { if (!ignoreZeroByteFiles) { String message = "WARNING: Found zero byte files in folder " + sourceFolder + ":\n"; for (String s : messageWriter.getZeroByteFiles()) { message += s; message += "\n"; }; return Feedback.ZERO_BYTES_ERROR; } } if ((feedback = buildArchive(jobId, packageFolder, tmpArchiveFile)) != Feedback.SUCCESS) { rollback(tempFolder, tmpArchiveFile); return feedback; } if (!getWorkingPath().equals(getDestinationPath())) { if ((feedback = moveFile(tmpArchiveFile, archiveFile)) != Feedback.SUCCESS) { rollback(tmpArchiveFile); rollback(archiveFile); return feedback; } } if ((feedback = deleteTempFolder(jobId, tempFolder)) != Feedback.SUCCESS) return feedback; if (createCollection) { if ((feedback = moveSipToCollectionFolder(jobId, archiveFile)) != Feedback.SUCCESS) return feedback; } } else { logger.debug("TempFolder : " + tempFolder + " -- destinationPath : " + getDestinationPath()); if ((feedback = copyFolder(jobId, tempFolder, new File(getDestinationPath()))) != Feedback.SUCCESS) return feedback; if ((feedback = deleteTempFolder(jobId, tempFolder)) != Feedback.SUCCESS) return feedback; } return feedback; } private Feedback moveFile(File tmpArchiveFile, File archiveFile) { try { try { FileUtils.moveFile(tmpArchiveFile, archiveFile); } catch (FileExistsException e) { archiveFile.delete(); FileUtils.moveFile(tmpArchiveFile, archiveFile); } } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Failed to copy " + tmpArchiveFile + " to " + archiveFile); return Feedback.ARCHIVE_ERROR; } return Feedback.SUCCESS; } /** * Copies the contents of the given source folder to a newly created temp * folder * * @param jobId * The job ID * @param sourceFolder * The source folder * @param tempFolder * The temp folder * @return The method result as a Feedback enum */ private Feedback copyFolder(int jobId, File sourceFolder, File tempFolder) { progressManager.copyProgress(jobId, 0); File dataFolder = new File(tempFolder, "data"); dataFolder.mkdirs(); CopyUtility copyUtility = new CopyUtility(); copyUtility.setProgressManager(progressManager); copyUtility.setJobId(jobId); copyUtility.setSipBuildingProcess(sipBuildingProcess); try { if (!copyUtility.copyDirectory(sourceFolder, dataFolder, forbiddenFileExtensions)) return Feedback.ABORT; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Failed to copy folder " + sourceFolder.getAbsolutePath() + " to " + tempFolder.getAbsolutePath(), e); return Feedback.COPY_ERROR; } return Feedback.SUCCESS; } private Feedback checkMetadataForLicense(int jobId, File sourceFolder, File packageFolder) { boolean premisLicenseBool = contractRights.getCclincense() != null; boolean metsLicenseBool = false; boolean lidoLicenseBool = false; boolean publicationBool = contractRights.getPublicRights().getAllowPublication(); TreeMap<File, String> metadataFileWithType; try { metadataFileWithType = new FormatDetectionService(sourceFolder).getMetadataFileWithType(); if (metadataFileWithType.containsValue(C.CB_PACKAGETYPE_METS)) { ArrayList<File> metsFiles = new ArrayList<File>(); ArrayList<MetsLicense> licenseMetsFile = new ArrayList<MetsLicense>(); for (File f : metadataFileWithType.keySet()) if (metadataFileWithType.get(f).equals(C.CB_PACKAGETYPE_METS)) metsFiles.add(f); for (File f : metsFiles) {// assuming more as usual mets is allowed (check is done by FormatDetectionService) e.g. publicMets for testcase-creation SAXBuilder builder = XMLUtils.createNonvalidatingSaxBuilder(); Document metsDoc =; MetsParser mp = new MetsParser(metsDoc); licenseMetsFile.add(mp.getLicenseForWholeMets()); } Collections.sort(licenseMetsFile, new NullLastComparator<MetsLicense>()); if (licenseMetsFile.get(0) == null) // all licenses are null metsLicenseBool = false; else if (!licenseMetsFile.get(0).equals(licenseMetsFile.get(licenseMetsFile.size() - 1))) // first and last lic have to be same in sorted array return Feedback.INVALID_LICENSE_DATA_IN_METADATA; else metsLicenseBool = true; } else if (metadataFileWithType.containsValue(C.CB_PACKAGETYPE_LIDO)) { ArrayList<File> lidoFiles = new ArrayList<File>(); ArrayList<LidoLicense> licenseLidoFile = new ArrayList<LidoLicense>(); for (File f : metadataFileWithType.keySet()) if (metadataFileWithType.get(f).equals(C.CB_PACKAGETYPE_LIDO)) lidoFiles.add(f); for (File f : lidoFiles) {// assuming more as one metadata is allowed (check is done by FormatDetectionService) SAXBuilder builder = XMLUtils.createNonvalidatingSaxBuilder(); Document metsDoc =; LidoParser lp = new LidoParser(metsDoc); licenseLidoFile.add(lp.getLicenseForWholeLido()); } Collections.sort(licenseLidoFile, new NullLastComparator<LidoLicense>()); if (licenseLidoFile.get(0) == null) // all licenses are null lidoLicenseBool = false; else if (!licenseLidoFile.get(0).equals(licenseLidoFile.get(licenseLidoFile.size() - 1))) // first and last lic have to be same in sorted array return Feedback.INVALID_LICENSE_DATA_IN_METADATA; else lidoLicenseBool = true; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return Feedback.INVALID_LICENSE_DATA_IN_METADATA; } //activate to be able to create non licensed test sips //publicationBool=false; //premisLicenseBool=false; //publicationBool=false; if (premisLicenseBool && (metsLicenseBool || lidoLicenseBool)) { return Feedback.DUPLICATE_LICENSE_DATA; } if (publicationBool && !premisLicenseBool && !metsLicenseBool && !lidoLicenseBool) { return Feedback.PUBLICATION_NO_LICENSE; } "License is satisfiable: Premis-License:" + premisLicenseBool + " Mets-License:" + metsLicenseBool + " Lido-License:" + lidoLicenseBool + " Publication-Decision:" + publicationBool); return Feedback.SUCCESS; } /** * Creates the premis.xml file * * @param jobId * The job ID * @param folder * The temp folder * @param packageName * The package name * @return The method result as a Feedback enum */ private Feedback createPremisFile(int jobId, File folder, String packageName) { progressManager.premisProgress(jobId, 0.0); File premisFile = null; // DANRW-1416 if (tar) { premisFile = new File(folder, "data" + File.separator + "premis.xml"); } else { premisFile = new File(folder, "data" + File.separator + "premis.xml"); } // ENDE DANRW-1416 PremisXmlWriter premisWriter = new PremisXmlWriter(); try { if (rightsSourcePremisFile != null) premisWriter.createPremisFile(this, premisFile, rightsSourcePremisFile, packageName); else premisWriter.createPremisFile(this, premisFile, packageName); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Failed to create premis file " + premisFile.getAbsolutePath(), e); return Feedback.PREMIS_ERROR; } progressManager.premisProgress(jobId, 100.0); if (sipBuildingProcess.isAborted()) return Feedback.ABORT; return Feedback.SUCCESS; } /** * Creates BagIt checksums and metadata for the files in the given folder * * @param jobId * The job ID * @param folder * The temp folder * @return The method result as a Feedback enum */ public Feedback createBag(int jobId, File folder) { progressManager.bagitProgress(jobId, 0.0); BagFactory bagFactory = new BagFactory(); PreBag preBag = bagFactory.createPreBag(folder); preBag.makeBagInPlace(BagFactory.LATEST, false); progressManager.bagitProgress(jobId, 10.0); if (sipBuildingProcess.isAborted()) return Feedback.ABORT; Bag bag = bagFactory.createBag(folder); progressManager.bagitProgress(jobId, 40.0); if (sipBuildingProcess.isAborted()) return Feedback.ABORT; SimpleResult result = bag.verifyValid(); if (result.isSuccess()) { progressManager.bagitProgress(jobId, 50.0); return Feedback.SUCCESS; } else { logger.error( "Bag in folder " + folder.getAbsolutePath() + " is not valid.\n" + result.getErrorMessages()); return Feedback.BAGIT_ERROR; } } /** * Creates a tar oder tgz archive file out of the given folder. The value of * the field 'compress' determines if a tar or tgz file is created. * * @param jobId * The job ID * @param folder * The folder to archive * @param archiveFile * The target archive file * @return The method result as a Feedback enum */ public Feedback buildArchive(int jobId, File folder, File archiveFile) { progressManager.setJobFolderSize(jobId, FileUtils.sizeOfDirectory(folder)); progressManager.archiveProgress(jobId, 0); SipArchiveBuilder archiveBuilder = null; try { archiveBuilder = new SipArchiveBuilder(); archiveBuilder.setProgressManager(progressManager); archiveBuilder.setJobId(jobId); archiveBuilder.setSipBuildingProcess(sipBuildingProcess); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Failed to instantiate the ArchiveBuilder ", e); return Feedback.ABORT; } try { if (!archiveBuilder.archiveFolder(folder, archiveFile, true, compress)) return Feedback.ABORT; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Failed to archive folder " + folder.getAbsolutePath() + " to archive " + archiveFile.getAbsolutePath(), e); return Feedback.ARCHIVE_ERROR; } return Feedback.SUCCESS; } /** * Deletes the temp folder and its contents * * @param jobId * The job ID * @param folder * The temp folder to delete * @return The method result as a Feedback enum */ private Feedback deleteTempFolder(int jobId, File folder) { progressManager.deleteTempProgress(jobId, 0.0); try { FolderUtils.deleteDirectorySafe(folder); } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn("Failed to delete temp folder " + folder.getAbsolutePath(), e); return Feedback.DELETE_TEMP_FOLDER_WARNING; } progressManager.deleteTempProgress(jobId, 100.0); return Feedback.SUCCESS; } /** * Moves the given archived SIP file to the collection folder * * @param jobId * The job ID * @param archiveFile * The SIP file * @return The method result as a Feedback enum */ private Feedback moveSipToCollectionFolder(int jobId, File archiveFile) { try { FileUtils.moveFileToDirectory(archiveFile, new File(collectionFolder, "data"), false); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Failed to move file " + archiveFile.getAbsolutePath() + " to folder " + collectionFolder.getAbsolutePath(), e); return Feedback.MOVE_TO_COLLECTION_FOLDER_ERROR; } return Feedback.SUCCESS; } /** * Checks if the given SIP file already exists at the destination path. If * an existing SIP is found, the user may decide to overwrite it or abort * the process. * * @param archiveFileName * The name of the folder to check * @return true if no existing SIP for the given folderName is found or the * user decides to overwrite the existing SIP * @return false if a SIP for the given folderName already exists and the * user decides to abort the SIP creation process */ private boolean checkForExistingSip(File sip) { if (alwaysOverwrite) return true; if (sip.exists()) { MessageWriter.UserInput userInput = messageWriter .showOverwriteDialog("Im Ordner \"" + destinationPath + "\" existiert bereits ein SIP mit\n" + "dem Namen \"" + FilenameUtils.getBaseName(sip.getAbsolutePath()) + "\".\n\n" + "Mchten Sie das bestehende SIP berschreiben?"); switch (userInput) { case YES: return true; case NO: return false; case ALWAYS_OVERWRITE: alwaysOverwrite = true; return true; } } return true; } private String getPackageName(File folder) { String packageName; if (name != null && !name.equals("")) packageName = name; else packageName = folder.getName(); return packageName; } private String getTempFolderName() { String baseName = "temp"; if (!new File(destinationPath + File.separator + baseName).exists()) return baseName; String tempFolderName; int i = 0; do { tempFolderName = baseName + "_" + i++; } while (new File(destinationPath + File.separator + tempFolderName).exists()); return tempFolderName; } private void rollback(File folder) { rollback(folder, null); } private void rollback(File folder, File archiveFile) { FolderUtils.deleteQuietlySafe(folder); if (archiveFile != null) FolderUtils.deleteQuietlySafe(archiveFile); } /** * This method is called by the SIP building process. It deletes partially * created collections and aborts the progress manager. */ private void abortSipBuilding() { if (listCreationTempFolder != null && listCreationTempFolder.exists()) FolderUtils.deleteQuietlySafe(listCreationTempFolder); FolderUtils.deleteQuietlySafe(collectionFolder); progressManager.abort(); } /** * Aborts the SIP building process */ public void abort() { sipBuildingProcess.abort(); } /** * @return true if the SIP building process is working, otherwise false */ public boolean isWorking() { if (sipBuildingProcess == null || !sipBuildingProcess.isAlive()) return false; else return true; } public String getSourcePath() { return sourcePath; } public void setSourcePath(String sourcePath) { this.sourcePath = sourcePath; } public String getDestinationPath() { return destinationPath; } public void setDestinationPath(String destinationPath) { this.destinationPath = destinationPath; } public KindOfSIPBuilding getKindofSIPBuilding() { return kindofSIPBuilding; } public void setKindofSIPBuilding(KindOfSIPBuilding kindofSIPBuilding) { this.kindofSIPBuilding = kindofSIPBuilding; } public void setKindofSIPBuilding(String kindofSIPBuildingName) { this.kindofSIPBuilding = Utilities.translateKindOfSIPBuilding(kindofSIPBuildingName); } public ContractRights getContractRights() { return contractRights; } public void setContractRights(ContractRights contractRights) { this.contractRights = contractRights; } public void setProgressManager(ProgressManager progressManager) { this.progressManager = progressManager; } public void setMessageWriter(MessageWriter messageWriter) { this.messageWriter = messageWriter; } public boolean getCreateCollection() { return createCollection; } public void setCreateCollection(boolean createCollection) { this.createCollection = createCollection; } public String getCollectionName() { return collectionName; } public void setCollectionName(String collectionName) { this.collectionName = collectionName; } public File getRightsSourcePremisFile() { return rightsSourcePremisFile; } public void setRightsSourcePremisFile(File rightsSourcePremisFile) { this.rightsSourcePremisFile = rightsSourcePremisFile; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public List<String> getForbiddenFileExtensions() { return forbiddenFileExtensions; } public void setForbiddenFileExtensions(List<String> forbiddenFileExtensions) { this.forbiddenFileExtensions = forbiddenFileExtensions; } public File getListCreationTempFolder() { return listCreationTempFolder; } public void setListCreationTempFolder(File listCreationTempFolder) { this.listCreationTempFolder = listCreationTempFolder; } public void setIgnoreZeroByteFiles(boolean ignoreZeroByteFiles) { this.ignoreZeroByteFiles = ignoreZeroByteFiles; } public void setLogger(Logger logger) { this.logger = logger; } public Feedback getReturnCode() { return returnCode; } public ProgressManager getProgressManager() { return progressManager; } public boolean getCompress() { return compress; } public void setCompress(boolean compress) { this.compress = compress; } public String getWorkingPath() { return workingPath; } public void setWorkingPath(String workingPath) { this.workingPath = workingPath; } public boolean isTar() { return tar; } public void setTar(boolean tar) { this.tar = tar; } public String getDestDir() { return destDir; } public void setDestDir(String destDir) { this.destDir = destDir; } // DANRW-1515 public boolean isAllowDuplicateFilename() { return allowDuplicateFilename; } public void setAllowDuplicateFilename(boolean allowDuplicateFilename) { this.allowDuplicateFilename = allowDuplicateFilename; } public boolean isCheckFileExtensionOff() { return checkFileExtensionOff; } public void setCheckFileExtensionOff(boolean checkFileExtensionOff) { this.checkFileExtensionOff = checkFileExtensionOff; } public FileExtensions getFileExtensions() { return fileExtensions; } public void setFileExtensions(FileExtensions fileExtensions) { this.fileExtensions = fileExtensions; } public HashMap<String, List<String>> getFileExtensionsList() { return fileExtensionsList; } public void setFileExtensionsList(HashMap<String, List<String>> hashMap) { this.fileExtensionsList = hashMap; } // End of DANRW-1515 public boolean isBagit() { return bagit; } public void setBagit(boolean bagit) { this.bagit = bagit; } /** * The SIP building procedure is run in its own thread to prevent GUI * freezing * * @author Thomas Kleinke */ public class SipBuildingProcess extends Thread { private boolean abortRequested = false; /** * Creates one ore more SIPs as specified by the user */ public void run() { alwaysOverwrite = false; skippedFiles = false; messageWriter.resetZeroByteFiles(); progressManager.reset(); if (createCollection) { collectionFolder = new File(new File(destinationPath), collectionName); if (collectionFolder.exists()) { MessageWriter.UserInput answer = messageWriter.showCollectionOverwriteDialog( "Eine Lieferung mit dem Namen \"" + collectionName + "\"" + "existiert bereits.\n" + "Mchten Sie die bestehende Lieferung berschreiben?"); switch (answer) { case YES: FolderUtils.deleteQuietlySafe(collectionFolder); break; case NO: progressManager.abort(); return; default: break; } } new File(collectionFolder, "data").mkdirs(); } HashMap<File, String> folderListWithNames = null; try { folderListWithNames = createFolderList(sourcePath); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") HashMap<File, String> tmpFolderListWithNames = (HashMap<File, String>) folderListWithNames.clone(); for (File f : folderListWithNames.keySet()) { String metadataType = ""; try { TreeMap<File, String> metadataFileWithType = new FormatDetectionService(f) .getMetadataFileWithType(); if (!metadataFileWithType.isEmpty()) { File file = metadataFileWithType.firstKey(); metadataType = metadataFileWithType.get(file); if (!duplicateFileNames(f, tmpFolderListWithNames)) { Utilities.validateFileReferencesInMetadata(file, metadataType); } } else { duplicateFileNames(f, tmpFolderListWithNames); } } catch (Error e) { if (metadataType.equals(C.CB_PACKAGETYPE_EAD)) { String msg = "Aus dem Verzeichnis " + f + " wird kein SIP erstellt. \n" + e.getMessage(); messageWriter.showLongErrorMessage(msg); tmpFolderListWithNames.remove(f); returnCode = Feedback.WRONG_REFERENCES_IN_METADATA; } else { String msg = e.getMessage() + " \nMchten Sie die SIP-Erstellung dennoch fortsetzen?"; logger.error(msg); MessageWriter.UserInput answer = messageWriter.showWrongReferencesInMetadataDialog(msg); returnCode = Feedback.WRONG_REFERENCES_IN_METADATA; switch (answer) { case YES: break; case NO: messageWriter.showMessage("Aus dem Verzeichnis " + f + " wird kein SIP erstellt."); tmpFolderListWithNames.remove(f); break; default: break; } } } } folderListWithNames = tmpFolderListWithNames; if (folderListWithNames.isEmpty()) { abortSipBuilding(); return; } } catch (Exception e) { messageWriter.showLongErrorMessage("Das SIP konnte nicht erstellt werden.\n\n" + "Ihre Daten sind mglicherweise nicht valide. \n\n" + e.getMessage()); returnCode = Feedback.INVALID_METADATA; abortSipBuilding(); return; } List<File> folderList = new ArrayList<File>(); for (File f : folderListWithNames.keySet()) { folderList.add(f); } if (initializeProgressManager(folderList) != Feedback.SUCCESS) { messageWriter.showMessage("Das SIP konnte nicht erstellt werden.\n\n" + "Der angegebene Ordner existiert nicht mehr. ", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); abortSipBuilding(); return; } int id = 0; for (File folder : folderListWithNames.keySet()) { returnCode = buildSIP(id, folder, folderListWithNames.get(folder)); if (returnCode != Feedback.SUCCESS && returnCode != Feedback.DELETE_TEMP_FOLDER_WARNING) abortSipBuilding(); switch (returnCode) { case COPY_ERROR: messageWriter.showMessage( "Das SIP \"" + folder.getName() + "\" konnte nicht erstellt werden.\n\n" + "Whrend des Kopiervorgangs ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); return; case ZERO_BYTES_ERROR: messageWriter.showZeroByteFileMessage(); return; case PREMIS_ERROR: messageWriter.showMessage( "Das SIP \"" + folder.getName() + "\" konnte nicht erstellt werden.\n\n" + "Whrend der Erstellung der Premis-Datei ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); return; case BAGIT_ERROR: messageWriter.showMessage( "Das SIP \"" + folder.getName() + "\" konnte nicht erstellt werden.\n\n" + "Whrend der Erzeugung des Bags ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); return; case ARCHIVE_ERROR: messageWriter.showMessage( "Das SIP \"" + folder.getName() + "\" konnte nicht erstellt werden.\n\n" + "Whrend der tgz-Archivierung ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); return; case DELETE_TEMP_FOLDER_WARNING: messageWriter .showMessage( "Whrend der Bereinigung temporrer Daten ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.\n\n" + "Bitte lschen Sie nicht bentigte verbleibende Verzeichnisse\n" + "im Ordner \"" + destinationPath + "\" manuell.", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); break; case MOVE_TO_COLLECTION_FOLDER_ERROR: messageWriter.showMessage( "Das SIP \"" + folder.getName() + "\" konnte der Lieferung nicht hinzugefgt werden.", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); return; case INVALID_LICENSE_DATA_IN_METADATA: messageWriter.showMessage("Das SIP \"" + folder.getName() + "\" konnte der Lieferung nicht hinzugefgt werden.\n" + "Die Lizenzangaben in den Metadaten sind ungltig: Lizenzen nicht eindeutig interpretierbar.", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); return; case DUPLICATE_LICENSE_DATA: messageWriter.showMessage("Das SIP \"" + folder.getName() + "\" konnte der Lieferung nicht hinzugefgt werden.\n" + "Die Lizenzangaben sind nicht eindeutig: Lizenangaben drfen nicht gleichzeitig im SIP-Builder und in den Metadaten angegeben werden.", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); return; case PUBLICATION_NO_LICENSE: messageWriter.showMessage("Das SIP \"" + folder.getName() + "\" konnte der Lieferung nicht hinzugefgt werden.\n" + "Die Lizenzangaben sind nicht vorhanden: Um publizieren zu knnen, muss eine gltige Lizenz angegeben werden.", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); return; case ABORT: return; default: break; } id++; } if (listCreationTempFolder != null && listCreationTempFolder.exists()) FolderUtils.deleteQuietlySafe(listCreationTempFolder); if (createCollection) { progressManager.startJob(-1); if (createBag(-1, collectionFolder) == Feedback.BAGIT_ERROR) messageWriter.showMessage( "Die Lieferung \"" + collectionName + "\" konnte nicht erstellt werden.\n\n" + "Whrend der Erzeugung des Bags ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } progressManager.createSuccessMessage(skippedFiles); if (ignoreZeroByteFiles && messageWriter.getZeroByteFiles().size() > 0) { String message = "WARNING: Found zero byte files:"; for (String s : messageWriter.getZeroByteFiles()) { message += "\n"; message += s; }; messageWriter.showZeroByteFileMessage(); } } public void abort() { abortRequested = true; } public boolean isAborted() { return abortRequested; } /** * duplicateFileNames: * @param f * @param tmpFolderListWithNames * @return */ private boolean duplicateFileNames(File f, HashMap<File, String> tmpFolderListWithNames) { HashMap<String, List<File>> duplicateFileNames = getFilesWithDuplicateFileNames(f); if (!duplicateFileNames.isEmpty()) { if (!allowDuplicateFilename) { String msg = "Aus dem Verzeichnis " + f + " wird kein SIP erstellt. \nDer Ordner enthlt gleichnamige Dateien: \n" + duplicateFileNames; messageWriter.showLongErrorMessage(msg); tmpFolderListWithNames.remove(f); returnCode = Feedback.DUPLICATE_FILENAMES; return true; } else { // DANRW-1515: erlauben von doppelten Dateiname fr unterschiedliche Formate (z.B. xml und Image) Iterator<String> it = duplicateFileNames.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { List<String> oldKeysExtension = new ArrayList<String>(); String key = (; List<File> listDupFileNames = duplicateFileNames.get(key); for (int i = 0; listDupFileNames.size() > i; i++) { String extOfFile = FilenameUtils .getExtension(listDupFileNames.get(i).getAbsolutePath()); if (!checkFileExtensionOff) { Iterator<String> itExtensions = getFileExtensionsList().keySet().iterator(); while (itExtensions.hasNext()) { String keyExtensions = (; if (getFileExtensionsList().get(keyExtensions).contains(extOfFile)) { if (oldKeysExtension.contains(keyExtensions)) { String msg = "Aus dem Verzeichnis " + f + " wird kein SIP erstellt. \nDer Ordner enthlt gleichnamige Dateien: \n" + duplicateFileNames.get(key); messageWriter.showLongErrorMessage(msg); tmpFolderListWithNames.remove(f); returnCode = Feedback.DUPLICATE_FILENAMES; return true; } else { oldKeysExtension.add(keyExtensions); break; } } } // } else { // String msg = "Aus dem Verzeichnis " // + f // + " wird kein SIP erstellt. \nDer Ordner enthlt gleichnamige Dateien: \n" // + duplicateFileNames.get(key); // messageWriter.showLongErrorMessage(msg); // tmpFolderListWithNames.remove(f); // returnCode = Feedback.DUPLICATE_FILENAMES; // return true; } } } } } return false; } private HashMap<String, List<File>> getFilesWithDuplicateFileNames(File folder) { logger.debug("Search for duplicate file names in folder " + folder); HashMap<String, List<File>> duplicateFilenamesWithFiles = new HashMap<String, List<File>>(); HashMap<String, File> filenamesWithFiles = new HashMap<String, File>(); for (File f : folder.listFiles()) { logger.debug("getFilesWithDuplicateFileNames: Check file " + f); if (f.isDirectory()) { HashMap<String, List<File>> rekursivResult = getFilesWithDuplicateFileNames(f); for (String rekf : rekursivResult.keySet()) if (duplicateFilenamesWithFiles.containsKey(rekf)) duplicateFilenamesWithFiles.get(rekf).addAll(rekursivResult.get(rekf)); else duplicateFilenamesWithFiles.put(rekf, rekursivResult.get(rekf)); } else { File file = new File(f.getAbsolutePath()); String ext = FilenameUtils.getExtension(file.getAbsolutePath()); String relFilePathWithoutExtension = new File(f.getAbsolutePath()).getAbsolutePath().toString() .replace(new File(f.getParent()).getAbsolutePath() + File.separator, "") .replace(ext, ""); logger.debug("relFilePathWithoutExtension: " + relFilePathWithoutExtension); if (filenamesWithFiles.get(relFilePathWithoutExtension) == null) { logger.debug("New file name " + relFilePathWithoutExtension); filenamesWithFiles.put(relFilePathWithoutExtension, f); } else { if (duplicateFilenamesWithFiles.get(relFilePathWithoutExtension) != null) { logger.debug("One more file with file name " + relFilePathWithoutExtension + "\nFirst file is " + duplicateFilenamesWithFiles.get(relFilePathWithoutExtension)); duplicateFilenamesWithFiles.get(relFilePathWithoutExtension).add(f); } else { List<File> duplicateFilenames = new ArrayList<File>(); logger.debug("Second file with the same file name. " + "\n First file is " + filenamesWithFiles.get(relFilePathWithoutExtension)); duplicateFilenames.add(filenamesWithFiles.get(relFilePathWithoutExtension)); duplicateFilenames.add(f); duplicateFilenamesWithFiles.put(relFilePathWithoutExtension, duplicateFilenames); } } } } return duplicateFilenamesWithFiles; } } public void setSipBuildingProcess(SipBuildingProcess sipBuildingProcess2) { this.sipBuildingProcess = sipBuildingProcess2; }; }