Java tutorial
package de.uzk.hki.da.grid; /* DA-NRW Software Suite | ContentBroker Copyright (C) 2013 Historisch-Kulturwissenschaftliche Informationsverarbeitung Universitt zu Kln This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static; import; import; import; import java.util.Properties; import; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import; import; import de.uzk.hki.da.model.StoragePolicy; import de.uzk.hki.da.utils.FolderUtils; import de.uzk.hki.da.utils.MD5Checksum; import de.uzk.hki.da.utils.Path; import de.uzk.hki.da.utils.PropertiesUtils; /** * Component testing for the irods Datagrid * * @author Jens Peters * @author Daniel M. de Oliveira */ public class CTIrodsFacade { private static final String PROPERTIES_FILE_PATH = "src/main/conf/"; private static IrodsSystemConnector isc; private static IrodsGridFacade ig; private static final String BEANS_DIAGNOSTICS_IRODS = "classpath*:META-INF/beans-diagnostics.irods.xml"; private static final String BEAN_NAME_IRODS_GRID_FACADE = "cb.implementation.grid"; private static final String BEAN_NAME_IRODS_SYSTEM_CONNECTOR = "irodsSystemConnector"; private static final String PROP_GRID_CACHE_AREA_ROOT_PATH = "localNode.gridCacheAreaRootPath"; private static final String PROP_WORK_AREA_ROOT_PATH = "localNode.workAreaRootPath"; private static final String aipFolder = "aip"; private static String tmpDir = "/tmp/forkDir/"; private static String testColl = "123456"; // staticString aipDir = "/ci/archiveStorage/"; private static String testCollLogicalPath = null; private static String testCollPhysicalPathOnGridCache = null; private static String testCollPhysicalPathOnLTA = null; File temp; public String md5sum = ""; private static StoragePolicy sp; /** * @throws Exception the exception */ @BeforeClass public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws Exception { createConfDir(); Properties properties = readProperties(); setUpGridInfrastructure(properties); testCollLogicalPath = "/" + isc.getZone() + "/" + aipFolder + "/" + testColl; testCollPhysicalPathOnGridCache = properties.getProperty(PROP_GRID_CACHE_AREA_ROOT_PATH) + "/" + aipFolder + "/" + testColl; testCollPhysicalPathOnLTA = "/ci/archiveStorage/" + aipFolder + "/" + testColl; sp = new StoragePolicy(); sp.setMinNodes(1); sp.setReplDestinations("ciArchiveRescGroup"); sp.setWorkingResource("ciWorkingResource"); sp.setGridCacheAreaRootPath(properties.getProperty(PROP_GRID_CACHE_AREA_ROOT_PATH)); sp.setCommonStorageRescName("ciArchiveRescGroup"); } /** * @throws Exception the exception */ @AfterClass public static void tearDownAfterClass() throws Exception { FolderUtils.deleteDirectorySafe(new File(tmpDir)); removeConfDir(); } /** * @throws Exception the exception */ @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { temp = createTestFile(); md5sum = MD5Checksum.getMD5checksumForLocalFile(temp); } /** * Tear down. * * @throws Exception the exception */ @After public void tearDown() throws Exception { FolderUtils.deleteQuietlySafe(new File(testCollPhysicalPathOnGridCache)); FolderUtils.deleteQuietlySafe(new File(testCollPhysicalPathOnLTA)); isc.removeCollectionAndEatException(testCollLogicalPath); } /** * Put file does not exist. * @author Jens Peters * @throws Exception the exception */ @Test public void putFileDoesNotExist() throws Exception { putFileAndWaitUntilReplicatedAccordingToStoragePolicy(); assertTrue(new File(testCollPhysicalPathOnLTA + "/urn.tar").exists()); } /** * @author Jens Peters * @author Daniel M. de Oliveira */ @Test public void mustNotPutFileAgainWhenAlreadyHasReplsOnLongTermStorage() throws Exception { putFileAndWaitUntilReplicatedAccordingToStoragePolicy(); assertFalse(ig.put(temp, testColl + "/urn.tar", sp, null)); } /** * Test that the checksum AVU Metadata exists * @throws Exception the exception * @author Jens Peters */ @Test public void testChecksumAVUMetadata() throws Exception { putFileAndWaitUntilReplicatedAccordingToStoragePolicy(); String cs1 = isc.getAVUMetadataDataObjectValue(testCollLogicalPath + "/urn.tar", "chksum"); String cs2 = isc.getChecksum(testCollLogicalPath + "/urn.tar"); assertTrue(cs1.length() > 10); assertEquals(cs1, cs2); } /** * Test that a given wrong Checksum is evaluated correctly. * @author Jens Peters */ @Test public void testFilePutWithWrongChecksumCausesIOException() { try { ig.put(temp, testColl + "/urn.tar", sp, "abababsbsbsbw2"); fail(); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("catched exception as intended!"); } } /** * Test that a given correct and wrong Checksum is evaluated correctly on storagePolicyAchieved. * @author Jens Peters */ @Test public void testFilePutAndStoragePolicyAchieved() throws IOException { String aip = testColl + "/urn.tar"; assertTrue(ig.put(temp, aip, sp, md5sum)); assertTrue(ig.storagePolicyAchieved(aip, sp, md5sum, null)); assertFalse(ig.storagePolicyAchieved(aip, sp, "ddlldld", null)); } /** * Test that minNodes is evaluated correctly * @author Jens Peters * @throws IOException */ @Test public void storagePolicyIsNotAchievedDueToCopiesNotReached() throws IOException { StoragePolicy sp2 = new StoragePolicy(); sp2.setMinNodes(10); sp2.setReplDestinations("lza"); sp2.setWorkingResource("ciWorkingResource"); sp2.setGridCacheAreaRootPath(sp.getGridCacheAreaRootPath()); sp2.setCommonStorageRescName("ciArchiveRescGroup"); String aip = testColl + "/urn.tar"; sp2.setMinNodes(10); assertTrue(ig.put(temp, aip, sp2, md5sum)); assertFalse(ig.storagePolicyAchieved(aip, sp2, md5sum, null)); } /** * Test that a given Checksum is evaluated correctly. * @author Jens Peters */ @Test public void testFilePutWithChecksum() { try { assertTrue(ig.put(temp, testColl + "/urn.tar", sp, md5sum)); } catch (IOException e) { fail(); } } /** * Destroy checksum in Long term storage and verify * that grid facade diagnoses it as not valid. * * @author Jens Peters * @author Daniel M. de Oliveira @Test public void destroyChecksumInStorage() throws Exception { putFileAndWaitUntilReplicatedAccordingToStoragePolicy(); assertTrue(ig.isValid(testColl + "/urn.tar")); destroyTestFileOnLongTermStorage(); assertFalse(ig.isValid(testColl + "/urn.tar")); } */ //----------------------------------------------------------------- private void destroyTestFileOnLongTermStorage() throws IOException { File testFile = new File(testCollPhysicalPathOnLTA + "/urn.tar"); FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(testFile, false); writer.write("Hallo Wie gehts? DESTROYED"); writer.close(); } private void putFileAndWaitUntilReplicatedAccordingToStoragePolicy() throws InterruptedException, IOException { assertTrue(ig.put(temp, testColl + "/urn.tar", sp, null)); while (true) { if (ig.storagePolicyAchieved(testColl + "/urn.tar", sp, null, null)) break; Thread.sleep(1000); } } /** * Sets up * <li>node * <li>irodsGridConnector * <li>gridFacade * @param properties */ private static void setUpGridInfrastructure(Properties properties) { AbstractApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(BEANS_DIAGNOSTICS_IRODS); isc = (IrodsSystemConnector) context.getBean(BEAN_NAME_IRODS_SYSTEM_CONNECTOR); ig = (IrodsGridFacade) context.getBean(properties.getProperty(BEAN_NAME_IRODS_GRID_FACADE)); ig.setIrodsSystemConnector(isc); sp = new StoragePolicy(); sp.setWorkingResource("ciWorkingResource"); sp.setGridCacheAreaRootPath(Path.make(properties.getProperty(PROP_GRID_CACHE_AREA_ROOT_PATH)).toString()); sp.setWorkAreaRootPath(Path.make(properties.getProperty(PROP_WORK_AREA_ROOT_PATH)).toString()); sp.setReplDestinations("ciArchiveResourceGroup"); context.close(); } private static Properties readProperties() throws IOException { Properties properties = null; File propertiesFile = new File(PROPERTIES_FILE_PATH); try { properties =; } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("error while reading " + propertiesFile); return null; } return properties; } private static void createConfDir() throws IOException { new File("conf").mkdir(); FileUtils.copyFile(new File(PROPERTIES_FILE_PATH), new File("conf/")); } private static void removeConfDir() { FolderUtils.deleteQuietlySafe(new File("conf")); } private File createTestFile() throws IOException { new File(tmpDir).mkdir(); File temp = new File(tmpDir + "urn.tar"); FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(temp, false); writer.write("Hallo Wie gehts?"); writer.close(); return temp; } }