Java tutorial
/* DA-NRW Software Suite | ContentBroker Copyright (C) 2015 LVR InfoKom This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package de.uzk.hki.da.core; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import javax.mail.MessagingException; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.Transaction; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import de.uzk.hki.da.grid.IrodsCommandLineConnector; import de.uzk.hki.da.model.Copy; import de.uzk.hki.da.model.Node; import de.uzk.hki.da.model.Object; import de.uzk.hki.da.model.Package; import de.uzk.hki.da.model.PreservationSystem; import de.uzk.hki.da.model.WorkArea; import de.uzk.hki.da.service.HibernateUtil; import de.uzk.hki.da.service.Mail; import de.uzk.hki.da.utils.StringUtilities; /** * Basic Functions for object/package checking * @author Jens Peters * */ public class RepairService { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RepairService.class); private String zoneName; private String replDestinations; private Node node; private PreservationSystem pSystem; public RepairService(PreservationSystem pSystem, Node node, String zoneName, String replDestinations) { this.pSystem = pSystem; this.node = node; this.zoneName = zoneName; this.replDestinations = replDestinations; } public synchronized Object fetchObjectForAudit() { Session session = null; Object objectToAudit = null; try { String nodeName = this.node.getName(); session = HibernateUtil.openSession(); Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance(); now.add(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, -24); try { Query query = session .createQuery("from Object o where o.initial_node = ?1 and o.last_checked < ?2 and " + "o.object_state = ?3 " + "order by o.last_checked asc"); query.setParameter("1", nodeName); query.setTimestamp("2", now.getTime()); query.setParameter("3", Object.ObjectStatus.ArchivedAndValidAndNotInWorkflow); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Object> obbiList = query.list(); if (obbiList.size() > 0) { objectToAudit = (Object) obbiList.get(0); for (Package p : objectToAudit.getPackages()) { p.getCopies().size(); } objectToAudit.setObject_state(Object.ObjectStatus.UnderAudit); Transaction trans = session.beginTransaction();; trans.commit(); } } finally { session.close(); } return objectToAudit; } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { if (session != null) session.close(); return null; } } /** * Updates the object state, sets the current time, and updates * the database object accordingly * @param object * @param auditResult */ public synchronized void unlockObject(Object object) { object.setLast_checked(new Date()); Session session = HibernateUtil.openSession(); session.beginTransaction(); session.update(object); object.setObject_state(Object.ObjectStatus.ArchivedAndValidAndNotInWorkflow); session.getTransaction().commit(); session.close(); } /** * Send email. * * @param obj the obj */ public void sendEmail(Object obj, String msgText) { // send Mail to Admin with Package in Error logger.debug("Trying to send email"); String subject = "[" + "da-nrw".toUpperCase() + "] Problem Report fr " + obj.getIdentifier(); String to = node.getAdmin().getEmailAddress(); if (to != null && !to.equals("")) { try { Mail.queueMail(node.getName(), pSystem.getAdmin().getEmailAddress(), to, subject, msgText, node.getAdmin().isMailsPooled()); } catch (MessagingException e) { logger.error("Sending email problem report for " + obj.getIdentifier() + "failed"); } } else { logger.error("Node Admin has no valid Email address!"); } } protected void incrementRepair(Package pack) { if (pack.getRepair() == null) { pack.setRepair(1); } else { pack.setRepair(pack.getRepair() + 1); } } protected void incrementRepair(Copy cop) { if (cop.getRepair() == null) { cop.setRepair(1); } else { cop.setRepair(cop.getRepair() + 1); } } protected void repairLocalPackage(Object object, Package pack, String daoBase, Copy intactCopy) { IrodsCommandLineConnector iclc = new IrodsCommandLineConnector(); String source = "/" + intactCopy.getNode().getIdentifier() + "/federated" + "/" + this.zoneName + "/" + daoBase + intactCopy.getPackName() + ".tar"; ; String corruptedOld = "/" + this.zoneName + "/" + daoBase + pack.getName() + ".tar"; this.incrementRepair(pack); String target = "/" + this.zoneName + "/" + daoBase + pack.getName() + ".tar"; String resc = this.replDestinations; logger.debug("Local Package corrupt: " + corruptedOld); logger.debug("Will be replaced with: " + source); logger.debug(" New Name is: " + target); iclc.rsync(source, target, resc); String checksum = iclc.computeChecksumForce(target); pack.setChecksum(checksum); String msg = "Defektes Paket: " + corruptedOld + " ersetzt durch " + source + ", neuer Name ist " + target; this.sendEmail(object, msg); } protected void repairCopyFromLocal(Object object, Copy cop, Package pack, String daoBase) { IrodsCommandLineConnector iclc = new IrodsCommandLineConnector(); String source = "/" + this.zoneName + "/" + daoBase + pack.getName() + ".tar"; String corruptedOld = "/" + cop.getNode().getIdentifier() + "/federated/" + this.zoneName + "/" + daoBase + cop.getPackName() + ".tar"; this.incrementRepair(cop); String copyPath = this.zoneName + "/" + daoBase + cop.getPackName() + ".tar"; String target = "/" + cop.getNode().getIdentifier() + "/federated/" + copyPath; String resc = this.replDestinations; logger.debug("Foreign Package corrupt: " + corruptedOld); logger.debug(" Will be replaced with: " + source); logger.debug(" New Name is: " + target); iclc.rsync(source, target, resc); cop.setChecksum(pack.getChecksum()); cop.setPath(copyPath); String msg = "Defektes Paket: " + corruptedOld + " ersetzt durch " + source + ", neuer Name ist " + target; this.sendEmail(object, msg); } protected boolean estimatePackageChecksumms(Object object, Package pack, String daoBase) { IrodsCommandLineConnector iclc = new IrodsCommandLineConnector(); boolean completelyValid = true; String dao = "/" + this.zoneName + "/" + daoBase + pack.getName() + ".tar"; logger.debug("Checking: " + dao); String localChecksum = ""; try { localChecksum = iclc.computeChecksumForce(dao); } catch (Exception exc) { } TreeMap<String, ArrayList<Copy>> replChecks = new TreeMap<String, ArrayList<Copy>>(); for (Copy copy : pack.getCopies()) { String checksum = copy.getChecksum(); ArrayList<Copy> copyList = replChecks.get(checksum); if (copyList == null) { copyList = new ArrayList<Copy>(); replChecks.put(checksum, copyList); } copyList.add(copy); } logger.debug("Old (DB) Checksum is: " + pack.getChecksum()); logger.debug("Computed Checksum is: " + localChecksum); if (StringUtilities.isNotSet(pack.getChecksum()) || (!pack.getChecksum().equals(localChecksum))) { completelyValid = false; } for (Map.Entry<String, ArrayList<Copy>> replCheck : replChecks.entrySet()) { String checksum = replCheck.getKey(); ArrayList<Copy> copyList = replCheck.getValue(); for (int nnn = 0; nnn < copyList.size(); nnn++) { String nodeIdent = copyList.get(nnn).getNode().getIdentifier(); logger.debug(" Remote Checksum is: " + checksum + " on " + nodeIdent); } if (StringUtilities.isNotSet(pack.getChecksum()) || (!pack.getChecksum().equals(checksum))) { completelyValid = false; } } if (completelyValid) { return true; } String votedChecksum = null; int maxCheckMatch = 0; for (Map.Entry<String, ArrayList<Copy>> replCheck : replChecks.entrySet()) { String checksum = replCheck.getKey(); if (StringUtilities.isSet(checksum)) { ArrayList<Copy> copyList = replCheck.getValue(); if (maxCheckMatch < copyList.size()) { votedChecksum = checksum; maxCheckMatch = copyList.size(); } else if (maxCheckMatch == copyList.size()) { if (checksum.equals(localChecksum) || checksum.equals(pack.getChecksum())) { votedChecksum = checksum; } } } } if (maxCheckMatch < 2) { if (localChecksum.equals(pack.getChecksum())) { votedChecksum = localChecksum; } else if (!localChecksum.equals(votedChecksum) && !pack.getChecksum().equals(votedChecksum)) { String msg = "Package " + pack.getName() + " kann nicht maschinell repariert werden, " + " da nicht ermittelt werden kann, welche Kopie gltig ist."; this.sendEmail(object, msg); logger.error("Package " + pack.getName() + " kann nicht maschinell repariert werden"); return false; } } if (!localChecksum.equals(votedChecksum)) { Copy intactCopy = replChecks.get(votedChecksum).get(0); this.repairLocalPackage(object, pack, daoBase, intactCopy); } else if (!pack.getChecksum().equals(votedChecksum)) { pack.setChecksum(votedChecksum); } for (Map.Entry<String, ArrayList<Copy>> replCheck : replChecks.entrySet()) { String checksum = replCheck.getKey(); if (!votedChecksum.equals(checksum)) { ArrayList<Copy> copyList = replCheck.getValue(); for (int nnn = 0; nnn < copyList.size(); nnn++) { Copy cop = copyList.get(nnn); if (votedChecksum.equals(pack.getChecksum())) { this.repairCopyFromLocal(object, cop, pack, daoBase); } } } } Session session = HibernateUtil.openSession(); session.update(pack); Transaction transi = session.beginTransaction();; transi.commit(); session.close(); return false; } public boolean estimateChecksumms(Object obj) { Calendar olderThan = Calendar.getInstance(); olderThan.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, -365); logger.debug("Check Object " + obj.getIdentifier()); boolean completelyValid = true; if (obj.getContractor() == null) { String err = "Could not determine valid Contractor for object " + obj.getIdentifier(); logger.error(err); return false; } String daoBase = WorkArea.AIP + "/" + obj.getContractor().getShort_name() + "/" + obj.getIdentifier() + "/" + obj.getIdentifier() + ".pack_"; for (Package pack : obj.getPackages()) { completelyValid &= this.estimatePackageChecksumms(obj, pack, daoBase); } return completelyValid; } }