Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


  DA-NRW Software Suite | ContentBroker
  Copyright (C) 2013 Historisch-Kulturwissenschaftliche Informationsverarbeitung
  Universitt zu Kln
  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
  (at your option) any later version.
  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  GNU General Public License for more details.
  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  along with this program.  If not, see <>.

package de.uzk.hki.da.core;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;

import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.UnresolvableObjectException;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import de.uzk.hki.da.core.UserException.UserExceptionId;
import de.uzk.hki.da.model.Node;
import de.uzk.hki.da.model.Object;
import de.uzk.hki.da.model.ObjectNamedQueryDAO;
import de.uzk.hki.da.model.Package;
import de.uzk.hki.da.model.PreservationSystem;
import de.uzk.hki.da.model.User;
import de.uzk.hki.da.service.HibernateUtil;
import de.uzk.hki.da.utils.StringUtilities;

 * Provides facility to register objects at a certain node.
 * This object is intended to be wired up as a Spring bean and as a singleton. It should get created once and then 
 * the localNode and preservationSystem ids have to be set. Then it should get initialized via the init method. 
 * Only then registerObject should be called.
 * @author Daniel M. de Oliveira
 * @author Thomas Kleinke
public class RegisterObjectService {

    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RegisterObjectService.class);

    private String localNodeName;
    private String urnNameSpace;

    private int localNodeId;
    private int preservationSystemId;

    private static boolean singletonInstanceCreated = false;
    private static boolean initialized = false;

    public RegisterObjectService() {
        if (singletonInstanceCreated)
            throw new IllegalStateException("Will not instantiate a second instance.");
        singletonInstanceCreated = true;

     * Init method for getting wired up by Spring.
    public void init() {
        Session session = HibernateUtil.openSession();
        Node node = null;
        PreservationSystem pSystem = null;
        try {
            pSystem = (PreservationSystem) session.get(PreservationSystem.class, preservationSystemId);
            node = (Node) session.get(Node.class, localNodeId);
        } catch (UnresolvableObjectException e) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(e);
        if (node.getUrn_index() < 0)
            throw new IllegalStateException("Node's urn_index must not be lower than 0");
        urnNameSpace = pSystem.getUrnNameSpace();
        localNodeName = node.getName();
        initialized = true;

     * Compares the csn/origName pair of a SIP which identifies an object uniquely against the database.
     * If there is a match, the SIP is considered a delta. If not is considered a primary import.
     * <br><br>
     * If the SIP is a delta, a new package gets created and attached to the object (which gets fetched from db).
     * If it is a primary import, a new object gets created. In this case a new technical identifier gets created, which
     * is base on the nodes urn index and the preservation systems urnNameSpace. The nodes urn index gets incremented when
     * generating the identifier. The database record gets updated. For security reasons the the object database gets checked of
     * the identifier does not already exist.
     * @param containerName the file name of the SIP container
     * @param contractor the contractor who owns the container
     * @throws UserException when trying to register a delta record for an object which is not archived (<50) yet
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the system tries to generate an identifier for which an object already exists. 
     * @return the object.
    public Object registerObject(String containerName, User contractor) {
        if (!initialized)
            throw new IllegalStateException("call init first");
        if (contractor == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("contractor is null");
        if (contractor.getShort_name() == null || contractor.getShort_name().isEmpty())
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("contractor short name not set");

        String origName = convertMaskedSlashes(FilenameUtils.removeExtension(containerName));

        Object obj;
        if ((obj = (new ObjectNamedQueryDAO().getUniqueObject(origName, contractor.getShort_name()))) != null) { // is delta then

  "Package is a delta record for Object with identifier: " + obj.getIdentifier());
            updateExistingObject(obj, containerName);
        } else {
            final String technicalIdentifier = convertURNtoTechnicalIdentifier(generateURNForNode(localNodeId));

            // check identifier
            if (getUniqueObject(technicalIdentifier) != null)
                throw new IllegalStateException("CRITICAL SYSTEM ERROR: DUPLICATE IDENTIFIER");

  "Creating new Object with identifier " + technicalIdentifier);
            obj = createNewObject(containerName, origName, contractor);
        return obj;

    private void updateExistingObject(Object obj, String containerName) {
        Package newPkg = new Package();
        int max = obj.getLatestPackage().getDelta();
        newPkg.setDelta(max + 1);
        if (obj.getObject_state() < 100)
            throw new UserException(UserExceptionId.DELTA_RECIEVED_BEFORE_ARCHIVED,
                    "Delta Record fr ein nicht fertig archiviertes Objekt");

    private Object createNewObject(String containerName, String origName, User contractor) {

        Object obj = new Object();

        Package newPkg = new Package();


        obj.setCreatedAt(new Date());
        obj.setModifiedAt(new Date());
        obj.setLast_checked(new Date());

        return obj;

     * Replaces %2F inside a string to /.
     * @param input the input
     * @return the string
    private String convertMaskedSlashes(String input) {
        return input.replaceAll("%2F", "/");

     * @param urn
     * @return
    private String convertURNtoTechnicalIdentifier(String urn) {

        return urn.replace(urnNameSpace + "-", "");

    private Object getUniqueObject(String identifier) {
        Session session = HibernateUtil.openSession();

        List l = null;

        l = session.createQuery("from Object where identifier=?1").setParameter("1", identifier).list();
        try {
        } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
            return null;
        return (Object) l.get(0);

     * Generates a URN of the form [nameSpace]-[node_id]-[number].
     * @return the generated URN.
     * @author Daniel M. de Oliveira
    private String generateURNForNode(int nodeId) {

        String base = urnNameSpace + "-" + nodeId + "-" + StringUtilities.todayAsSimpleIsoDate(new Date())
                + incrementURNindex(nodeId);

        return base + (new URNCheckDigitGenerator()).checkDigit(base);

     * Increments the urn_index of node and writes it back to the 
     * database immediately on every call.
     * The generated number is ensured to be unique per node_id 
     * (the system never generates the same
     * number twice for any given [nodeId] across the database).
     * @return the new value of the urn index for the node with the id node id. 
    private synchronized // only one thread per node is allowed to increment the nodes urn index. 
    int incrementURNindex(int nodeId) {
        Session session = HibernateUtil.openSession();

        Node node = // making sure to work with a local copy of node object to prevent it from being modified by other threads. 
                (Node) session.get(Node.class, nodeId);

        int incrementedURNIndex = node.getUrn_index() + 1;
        logger.debug("Updating local node urn index " + node.getUrn_index() + " to " + incrementedURNIndex);

        session.update(node); // further changes are tracked. 

        if (incrementedURNIndex != node.getUrn_index()) {
            throw new RuntimeException(
                    "SERIOUS TROUBLE. It seems the database has not been updated properly (value:"
                            + node.getUrn_index() + ")");

        return incrementedURNIndex;

    public String getLocalNodeId() {
        return new Integer(localNodeId).toString();

    public void setLocalNodeId(String localNodeId) {
        this.localNodeId = Integer.parseInt(localNodeId);

    public String getPreservationSystemId() {
        return new Integer(preservationSystemId).toString();

    public void setPreservationSystemId(String preservationSystemId) {
        this.preservationSystemId = Integer.parseInt(preservationSystemId);