Java tutorial
/* DA-NRW Software Suite | ContentBroker Copyright (C) 2013 Historisch-Kulturwissenschaftliche Informationsverarbeitung Universitt zu Kln This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package de.uzk.hki.da.action; import static de.uzk.hki.da.utils.C.WORKFLOW_STATUS_DIGIT_ERROR_BAD_CONFIGURATION; import static de.uzk.hki.da.utils.C.WORKFLOW_STATUS_DIGIT_ERROR_MODEL_INCONSISTENT; import static de.uzk.hki.da.utils.C.WORKFLOW_STATUS_DIGIT_ERROR_PRECONDITIONS_NOT_MET; import static de.uzk.hki.da.utils.C.WORKFLOW_STATUS_DIGIT_UP_TO_ROLLBACK; import static de.uzk.hki.da.utils.C.WORKFLOW_STATUS_DIGIT_WORKING; import static de.uzk.hki.da.utils.StringUtilities.isNotSet; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.hibernate.Hibernate; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.BeansException; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextAware; import de.uzk.hki.da.core.PreconditionsNotMetException; import de.uzk.hki.da.core.UserExceptionManager; import de.uzk.hki.da.format.FileFormatFacade; import de.uzk.hki.da.main.Diagnostics; import de.uzk.hki.da.model.Job; import de.uzk.hki.da.model.JobNamedQueryDAO; import de.uzk.hki.da.model.Node; import de.uzk.hki.da.model.PreservationSystem; import de.uzk.hki.da.model.SubformatIdentificationStrategyPuidMapping; import de.uzk.hki.da.model.WorkArea; import de.uzk.hki.da.service.HibernateUtil; import de.uzk.hki.da.service.JmsMessageServiceHandler; import de.uzk.hki.da.util.ConfigurationException; /** * A factory for creating Action objects. * * @author Sebastian Cuy * @author Daniel M. de Oliveira */ public class ActionFactory implements ApplicationContextAware { /** The Constant logger. */ private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("de.uzk.hki.da.core"); /** The action registry. */ private ActionRegistry actionRegistry; private FileFormatFacade fileFormatFacade; /** The local node. */ private Node localNode; // Node the ContentBroker actually runs on private JobNamedQueryDAO qc; /** The user exception manager. */ private UserExceptionManager userExceptionManager; /** The context. */ private ApplicationContext context; private boolean onHalt = false; private boolean paused = false; private String lastErrorMsg = ""; /** *The JmsMessageService */ private JmsMessageServiceHandler jmsMessageServiceHandler; private PreservationSystem preservationSystem; /** ActionName, StartStatus */ private Map<String, String> actionStartStates = new HashMap<String, String>(); public void init() { setPreservationSystem(new PreservationSystem()); getPreservationSystem().setId(1); Session session = HibernateUtil.openSession(); session.beginTransaction(); session.refresh(preservationSystem); session.refresh(localNode); // Prevent lazy initialization issues. "Simulate" eager fetching in case // it does not work with hibernate or jpa annotations Hibernate.initialize(getPreservationSystem().getConversion_policies()); Hibernate.initialize(localNode.getCooperatingNodes()); try { for (Node cn : localNode.getCooperatingNodes()) cn.getId(); // for (Copy cp:localNode.getCopies()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to load cooperating nodes"); } for (SubformatIdentificationStrategyPuidMapping sfiP : getSecondStageScanPolicies(session)) { fileFormatFacade.registerSubformatIdentificationStrategyPuidMapping( sfiP.getSubformatIdentificationStrategyName(), sfiP.getFormatPuid()); } session.close(); List<String> availableJobTypes = actionRegistry.getAvailableJobTypes(); for (String actionName : availableJobTypes) { AbstractAction action = (AbstractAction) context.getBean(actionName); getActionStartStates().put(actionName, action.getStartStatus()); } } private void injectProperties(AbstractAction action, Job job) { action.setUserExceptionManager(userExceptionManager); action.setJmsMessageServiceHandler(jmsMessageServiceHandler); action.setLocalNode(localNode); action.setObject(job.getObject()); action.setActionMap(getActionRegistry()); action.setActionFactory(this); action.setJob(job); action.setPSystem(getPreservationSystem()); } private void checkPreservationSystemNode() throws IllegalStateException { StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(); if (getActionRegistry() == null) msg.append("Unable to build action. Action map has not been set.\n"); if (getLocalNode() == null) msg.append("Unable to build action. Node not set.\n"); if (getUserExceptionManager() == null) msg.append("User exception manager not set.\n"); if (getPreservationSystem() == null) msg.append("PreservationSystem not set.\n"); else { if (getPreservationSystem().getMinRepls() == null) msg.append("Min repls not set.\n"); if (preservationSystem.getMinRepls() == 0) msg.append("MinNodes, 0 is not allowed!\n"); if (getPreservationSystem().getAdmin() == null) msg.append("Node admin not set.\n"); if (isNotSet(preservationSystem.getAdmin().getEmailAddress())) msg.append("Not set: systemFromEmailAdress.\n"); if (isNotSet(preservationSystem.getUrnNameSpace())) msg.append("Not set: URN NameSpace parameter.\n"); if (isNotSet(preservationSystem.getUrisCho())) msg.append("Not set: choBaseUri.\n"); if (isNotSet(preservationSystem.getUrisAggr())) msg.append("Not set: aggrBaseUri.\n"); if (isNotSet(preservationSystem.getUrisLocal())) msg.append("Not set: localBaseUri.\n"); if (getPreservationSystem().getMinRepls() < 3) logger.warn("min_repls lower than 3 not recommended for lta"); } if (!msg.toString().isEmpty()) throw new IllegalStateException(msg.toString()); } private void checkJobActionContractorObject(AbstractAction action) { StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(); if (action.getJob() == null) msg.append("Not set: job.\n"); if (action.getObject() == null) { msg.append("Not set: object\n"); } else { if (action.getObject().getLatestPackage().getContainerName() == null) msg.append("Not set: containerName of latest package.\n"); if (action.getObject().getIdentifier() == null) msg.append("Not set: object identifier not set.\n"); if (action.getObject().getContractor() == null) { msg.append("Not set: contractor\n"); } else { if (action.getObject().getContractor().getShort_name() == null) msg.append("Not set: contractor short name.\n"); if (action.getObject().getContractor().getEmailAddress() == null || action.getObject().getContractor().getEmailAddress().isEmpty()) msg.append("Not set: user email.\n"); } action.getObject().getLatestPackage(); } if (!msg.toString().isEmpty()) throw new IllegalStateException(msg.toString()); } /** * Following the defined priorities (context) of * job types this method tests for every job type * if there are jobs for this type found in the database * which have to be done. * * @return the first job found or * null if Factory is on halt or no job of any type found * that can be started. */ public AbstractAction buildNextAction() { if (context == null) throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to build action. Application context has not been set."); try { checkPreservationSystemNode(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) {"ActionFactory is on halt! Caused by "); lastErrorMsg = e.getMessage(); logger.error(lastErrorMsg); onHalt = true; return null; } if (isPaused()) {"ActionFactory has been stopped by an administrator. Waiting to resume work ..."); return null; } if (isOnHalt()) {"ActionFactory is on halt due to an exception.");"Caused by " + lastErrorMsg);"System tries to resume work ..."); if ( != 0) { return null; } else { onHalt = false;"Resuming work."); } } return selectActionToExecute(); } private AbstractAction selectActionToExecute() { for (String jobType : actionStartStates.keySet()) { if (!actionRegistry.getAvailableJobTypes().contains(jobType)) continue; Job jobCandidate = qc.fetchJobFromQueue(getActionStartStates().get(jobType), status(getActionStartStates().get(jobType), WORKFLOW_STATUS_DIGIT_WORKING), localNode); AbstractAction action = null; if (jobCandidate == null) { jobCandidate = qc.fetchJobFromQueue( status(getActionStartStates().get(jobType), WORKFLOW_STATUS_DIGIT_UP_TO_ROLLBACK), WORKFLOW_STATUS_DIGIT_WORKING, localNode); if (jobCandidate == null) { logger.trace("No job for type {}, checking for types with lower priority", jobType); continue; } action = (AbstractAction) context.getBean(jobType); action.setROLLBACKONLY(true); } else { action = (AbstractAction) context.getBean(jobType); }"(for local node) Fetched job candidate of job status " + jobCandidate.getStatus() + " for object with identifier " + jobCandidate.getObject().getIdentifier() + "."); injectProperties(action, jobCandidate); if (!performPreparativeChecks(action, jobCandidate, jobType)) continue; actionRegistry.registerAction(action); return action; }"(for local node) No jobs in queue, nothing to do, shoobidoowoo, ..."); return null; } private boolean performPreparativeChecks(AbstractAction action, Job jobCandidate, String jobType) { try { checkJobActionContractorObject(action); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); qc.updateJobStatus(jobCandidate, status(getActionStartStates().get(jobType), WORKFLOW_STATUS_DIGIT_ERROR_MODEL_INCONSISTENT)); return false; } try { action.checkConfiguration(); } catch (ConfigurationException e) { logger.error("Regarding job for object [" + jobCandidate.getObject().getIdentifier() + "]. Bad configuration of action. " + e.getMessage()); qc.updateJobStatus(jobCandidate, status(getActionStartStates().get(jobType), WORKFLOW_STATUS_DIGIT_ERROR_BAD_CONFIGURATION)); return false; } try { action.setWorkArea(new WorkArea(localNode, jobCandidate.getObject())); action.synchronizeObjectDatabaseAndFileSystemState(); action.checkPreconditions(); } catch (PreconditionsNotMetException e) { logger.error("Regarding job for object [" + jobCandidate.getObject().getIdentifier() + "]. Preconfigurations not met for action. " + e.getMessage()); qc.updateJobStatus(jobCandidate, status(getActionStartStates().get(jobType), WORKFLOW_STATUS_DIGIT_ERROR_PRECONDITIONS_NOT_MET)); return false; } return true; } private String status(String startStatus, String digit) { return startStatus.substring(0, startStatus.length() - 1) + digit; } public JmsMessageServiceHandler getJmsMessageService() { return jmsMessageServiceHandler; } public void setJmsMessageServiceHandler(JmsMessageServiceHandler jmsMessageService) { this.jmsMessageServiceHandler = jmsMessageService; } /** * Gets the second stage scan policies. * * @return the second stage scan policies */ private List<SubformatIdentificationStrategyPuidMapping> getSecondStageScanPolicies(Session session) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<SubformatIdentificationStrategyPuidMapping> l = session .createQuery("from SubformatIdentificationStrategyPuidMapping").list(); return l; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextAware#setApplicationContext(org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext) */ @Override public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext context) throws BeansException { this.context = context; } /** * Gets the action registry. * * @return the action registry */ public ActionRegistry getActionRegistry() { return actionRegistry; } /** * Sets the action registry. * * @param actionRegistry the new action registry */ public void setActionRegistry(ActionRegistry actionRegistry) { this.actionRegistry = actionRegistry; } /** * Gets the user exception manager. * * @return the user exception manager */ public UserExceptionManager getUserExceptionManager() { return userExceptionManager; } /** * Sets the user exception manager. * * @param userExceptionManager the new user exception manager */ public void setUserExceptionManager(UserExceptionManager userExceptionManager) { this.userExceptionManager = userExceptionManager; } public void setOnHalt(boolean b, String msg) { onHalt = b; this.lastErrorMsg = msg; } /** * Is used to signal that the action factory has been stopped due to an exception. * * @param b the b */ public boolean isOnHalt() { return onHalt; } /** * Is used to signal that the action factory has been stopped and purpose. * * @param b the b */ public boolean isPaused() { return paused; } public void setPaused(boolean paused) { this.paused = paused; } /** * Gets the local node. * * @return the local node */ public Node getLocalNode() { return localNode; } /** * Sets the local node. * * @param localNode the new local node */ public void setLocalNode(Node localNode) { this.localNode = localNode; } public PreservationSystem getPreservationSystem() { return preservationSystem; } public void setPreservationSystem(PreservationSystem preservationSystem) { this.preservationSystem = preservationSystem; } public JobNamedQueryDAO getQueueConnector() { return qc; } public void setQueueConnector(JobNamedQueryDAO qc) { this.qc = qc; } public FileFormatFacade getFileFormatFacade() { return fileFormatFacade; } public void setFileFormatFacade(FileFormatFacade fileFormatFacade) { this.fileFormatFacade = fileFormatFacade; } public Map<String, String> getActionStartStates() { return actionStartStates; } public void setActionStartStates(Map<String, String> actionStartStates) { this.actionStartStates = actionStartStates; } }