Java tutorial
package de.urszeidler.ethereum.licencemanager1.deployer; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import org.adridadou.ethereum.propeller.EthereumFacade; import org.adridadou.ethereum.propeller.solidity.SolidityContractDetails; import org.adridadou.ethereum.propeller.solidity.SolidityEvent; import org.adridadou.ethereum.propeller.values.EthAccount; import org.adridadou.ethereum.propeller.values.EthAddress; import org.adridadou.ethereum.propeller.values.SoliditySource; import org.adridadou.ethereum.propeller.values.SoliditySourceFile; import; import org.ethereum.solidity.compiler.CompilationResult; import org.ethereum.solidity.compiler.CompilationResult.ContractMetadata; import rx.Observable; import de.urszeidler.ethereum.licencemanager1.EthereumInstance; import de.urszeidler.ethereum.licencemanager1.EthereumInstance.DeployDuo; import de.urszeidler.ethereum.licencemanager1.contracts.*; /** * The deployer for the contracts package. * */ public class ContractsDeployer { private EthereumFacade ethereum; private SoliditySourceFile contractSource; private CompilationResult compiledContracts; private Map<String, SolidityContractDetails> contracts = new HashMap<>(); private static String filename = "/contracts/contracts.sol"; /** * Create an instance of the deployer with the default contract code file. * * @param ethereum */ public ContractsDeployer(EthereumFacade ethereum) { this(ethereum, filename, false); } /** * Create an instance of the deployer. * * @param ethereum * @param contractSourceFile * @param compiled is the source code already compiled */ public ContractsDeployer(EthereumFacade ethereum, String contractSourceFile, boolean compiled) { this.ethereum = ethereum; setContractSource(contractSourceFile, compiled); } /** * Create an instance of the deployer. * * @param ethereum * @param contractSourceFile */ public ContractsDeployer(EthereumFacade ethereum, File contractSourceFile, boolean compiled) { this.ethereum = ethereum; if (!compiled) contractSource = SoliditySource.from(contractSourceFile); else { try { String rawJson = IOUtils.toString(new FileInputStream(contractSourceFile), EthereumFacade.CHARSET); compiledContracts = CompilationResult.parse(rawJson); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); } } } /** * Change the contract source. * * @param contractSourceFile * @param compiled */ public void setContractSource(String contractSourceFile, boolean compiled) { try { if (!compiled) { File contractSrc = new File(this.getClass().getResource(contractSourceFile).toURI()); contractSource = SoliditySource.from(contractSrc); } else { String rawJson = IOUtils.toString(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(contractSourceFile), EthereumFacade.CHARSET); compiledContracts = CompilationResult.parse(rawJson); } } catch (IOException | URISyntaxException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); } } /** * Deploys a 'LicenseManager' on the blockchain. * * @param sender * the sender address * @param _paymentAddress * @param _name * @return the address of the deployed contract * @throws InterruptedException * @throws ExecutionException */ public CompletableFuture<EthAddress> deployLicenseManager(EthAccount sender, org.adridadou.ethereum.propeller.values.EthAddress _paymentAddress, String _name) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { SolidityContractDetails compiledContract = compiledContractLicenseManager(); CompletableFuture<EthAddress> address = ethereum.publishContract(compiledContract, sender, _paymentAddress, _name); return address; } /** * Deploys a 'LicenseManager' on the blockchain and wrapps the contract proxy. * * @param sender the sender address * @param _paymentAddress * @param _name * @return the contract interface */ public DeployDuo<LicenseManager> createLicenseManager(EthAccount sender, org.adridadou.ethereum.propeller.values.EthAddress _paymentAddress, String _name) throws IOException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException { CompletableFuture<EthAddress> address = deployLicenseManager(sender, _paymentAddress, _name); return new EthereumInstance.DeployDuo<LicenseManager>(address.get(), createLicenseManagerProxy(sender, address.get())); } /** * Create a proxy for a deployed 'LicenseManager' contract. * * @param sender the sender address * @param address the address of the contract * @return the contract interface */ public LicenseManager createLicenseManagerProxy(EthAccount sender, EthAddress address) throws IOException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException { SolidityContractDetails compiledContract = compiledContractLicenseManager(); LicenseManager licensemanager = ethereum.createContractProxy(compiledContract, address, sender, LicenseManager.class); return licensemanager; } /** * Return the compiled contract for the contract 'LicenseManager', when in source the contract code gets compiled. * @return the compiled contract for 'LicenseManager'. * @throws InterruptedException * @throws ExecutionException */ public SolidityContractDetails compiledContractLicenseManager() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { String contractName = "LicenseManager"; String quallifiedName = "contracts.sol:LicenseManager"; return getCompiledContract(contractName, quallifiedName); } /** * Deploys a 'LicenseIssuer' on the blockchain. * * @param sender * the sender address * @param itemName * @param textHash * @param url * @param lifeTime * @param price * @param _pa * @return the address of the deployed contract * @throws InterruptedException * @throws ExecutionException */ public CompletableFuture<EthAddress> deployLicenseIssuer(EthAccount sender, String itemName, String textHash, String url, Integer lifeTime, Integer price, org.adridadou.ethereum.propeller.values.EthAddress _pa) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { SolidityContractDetails compiledContract = compiledContractLicenseIssuer(); CompletableFuture<EthAddress> address = ethereum.publishContract(compiledContract, sender, itemName, textHash, url, lifeTime, price, _pa); return address; } /** * Deploys a 'LicenseIssuer' on the blockchain and wrapps the contract proxy. * * @param sender the sender address * @param itemName * @param textHash * @param url * @param lifeTime * @param price * @param _pa * @return the contract interface */ public DeployDuo<LicenseIssuer> createLicenseIssuer(EthAccount sender, String itemName, String textHash, String url, Integer lifeTime, Integer price, org.adridadou.ethereum.propeller.values.EthAddress _pa) throws IOException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException { CompletableFuture<EthAddress> address = deployLicenseIssuer(sender, itemName, textHash, url, lifeTime, price, _pa); return new EthereumInstance.DeployDuo<LicenseIssuer>(address.get(), createLicenseIssuerProxy(sender, address.get())); } /** * Create a proxy for a deployed 'LicenseIssuer' contract. * * @param sender the sender address * @param address the address of the contract * @return the contract interface */ public LicenseIssuer createLicenseIssuerProxy(EthAccount sender, EthAddress address) throws IOException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException { SolidityContractDetails compiledContract = compiledContractLicenseIssuer(); LicenseIssuer licenseissuer = ethereum.createContractProxy(compiledContract, address, sender, LicenseIssuer.class); return licenseissuer; } /** * Return the compiled contract for the contract 'LicenseIssuer', when in source the contract code gets compiled. * @return the compiled contract for 'LicenseIssuer'. * @throws InterruptedException * @throws ExecutionException */ public SolidityContractDetails compiledContractLicenseIssuer() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { String contractName = "LicenseIssuer"; String quallifiedName = "contracts.sol:LicenseIssuer"; return getCompiledContract(contractName, quallifiedName); } /** * Create an observable for the event LicenseIssued of the contract LicenseIssuer * deployed at the given address. * * @param address * @return * @throws InterruptedException * @throws ExecutionException */ public Observable<EventLicenseIssued_address_string_bool> observeEventLicenseIssued_address_string_bool( EthAddress address) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { SolidityContractDetails compiledContract = compiledContractLicenseIssuer(); Optional<SolidityEvent<EventLicenseIssued_address_string_bool>> eventDefinition = ethereum .findEventDefinition(compiledContract, "LicenseIssued", EventLicenseIssued_address_string_bool.class); if (!eventDefinition.isPresent()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Event 'LicenseIssued' not found in contract definition."); return ethereum.observeEvents(eventDefinition.get(), address); } /** * Get the compiled contract by name or qualified name. * @param contractName * @param qualifiedName * @return * @throws InterruptedException * @throws ExecutionException */ public SolidityContractDetails getCompiledContract(String contractName, String qualifiedName) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { SolidityContractDetails compiledContract = contracts .get(qualifiedName == null ? contractName : qualifiedName); if (compiledContract != null) return compiledContract; if (compiledContracts == null) { org.adridadou.ethereum.propeller.solidity.CompilationResult compilationResult = ethereum .compile(contractSource); Optional<SolidityContractDetails> contract = compilationResult.findContract(contractName); if (contract.isPresent()) { compiledContract = contract.get(); } else { contract = compilationResult.findContract(qualifiedName); if (contract.isPresent()) compiledContract = contract.get(); } } else { ContractMetadata contractMetadata = compiledContracts.contracts.get(contractName); if (contractMetadata == null) { if (qualifiedName == null || qualifiedName.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Qualified name must not be null or empty."); Optional<String> optional = compiledContracts.contracts.keySet().stream() .filter(s -> s.endsWith(qualifiedName)).findFirst(); if (optional.isPresent()) { contractMetadata = compiledContracts.contracts.get(optional.get()); } } compiledContract = new SolidityContractDetails(contractMetadata.abi, contractMetadata.bin, contractMetadata.metadata); } if (compiledContract == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Contract code for '" + contractName + "/" + qualifiedName + "' not found"); contracts.put(qualifiedName == null ? contractName : qualifiedName, compiledContract); return compiledContract; } }