Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * This file is part of PDTTA, a library for learning Probabilistic deterministic timed-transition Automata.
 * Copyright (C) 2013-2015  Timo Klerx
 * PDTTA is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * PDTTA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PDTTA.  If not, see <>.

import gnu.trove.list.TDoubleList;

import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;

import jsat.distributions.empirical.kernelfunc.BiweightKF;
import jsat.distributions.empirical.kernelfunc.EpanechnikovKF;
import jsat.distributions.empirical.kernelfunc.GaussKF;
import jsat.distributions.empirical.kernelfunc.KernelFunction;
import jsat.distributions.empirical.kernelfunc.TriweightKF;
import jsat.distributions.empirical.kernelfunc.UniformKF;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.NotImplementedException;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import com.beust.jcommander.JCommander;
import com.beust.jcommander.Parameter;

import de.upb.timok.constants.AnomalyInsertionType;
import de.upb.timok.constants.ClassLabel;
import de.upb.timok.constants.DetectorMethod;
import de.upb.timok.constants.DistanceMethod;
import de.upb.timok.constants.FeatureCreatorMethod;
import de.upb.timok.constants.KdeKernelFunction;
import de.upb.timok.constants.MergeTest;
import de.upb.timok.constants.ProbabilityAggregationMethod;
import de.upb.timok.constants.ScalingMethod;
import de.upb.timok.detectors.PdttaDetector;
import de.upb.timok.detectors.PdttaVectorDetector;
import de.upb.timok.detectors.featureCreators.FeatureCreator;
import de.upb.timok.detectors.featureCreators.FullFeatureCreator;
import de.upb.timok.detectors.featureCreators.SmallFeatureCreator;
import de.upb.timok.detectors.threshold.PdttaAggregatedThresholdDetector;
import de.upb.timok.detectors.threshold.PdttaFullThresholdDetector;
import de.upb.timok.experiments.PdttaExperimentResult;
import de.upb.timok.interfaces.Model;
import de.upb.timok.interfaces.ModelLearner;
import de.upb.timok.interfaces.TrainableDetector;
import de.upb.timok.modellearner.PdttaLeaner;
import de.upb.timok.models.PDTTA;
import de.upb.timok.oneclassclassifier.LibSvmClassifier;
import de.upb.timok.oneclassclassifier.clustering.DbScanClassifier;
import de.upb.timok.structure.TimedSequence;
import de.upb.timok.utils.IoUtils;
import de.upb.timok.utils.MasterSeed;

public class GenericSmacPipeline implements Serializable {
    private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GenericSmacPipeline.class);
    // TODO move this to experiment project
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -6230657726489919272L;
    private static final double TEST_PERCENTAGE = 0.3;
    private static final double TRAIN_PERCENTAGE = 0.7;
    private static final double ANOMALY_PERCENTAGE = 0.1;
    private static final double HUGE_TIME_CHANGE = 0.9;
    private static final double SMALL_TIME_CHANGE = 0.1;

    // just for parsing the one silly smac parameter
    private final List<String> rest = new ArrayList<>();

    // just for parsing the one silly smac parameter
    @Parameter(names = "-1", hidden = true)
    private Boolean bla;

    @Parameter(names = "-mergeTest")
    MergeTest mergeTest = MergeTest.ALERGIA;

    @Parameter(names = "-detectorMethod", description = "the anomaly detector method")
    DetectorMethod detectorMethod = DetectorMethod.SVM;

    @Parameter(names = "-featureCreator")
    FeatureCreatorMethod featureCreatorMethod = FeatureCreatorMethod.FULL_FEATURE_CREATOR;

    @Parameter(names = "-scalingMethod")
    ScalingMethod scalingMethod = ScalingMethod.NONE;

    @Parameter(names = "-distanceMetric", description = "Which distance metric to use for DBSCAN")
    DistanceMethod dbScanDistanceMethod = DistanceMethod.EUCLIDIAN;

    @Parameter(names = "-mergeAlpha")
    private double mergeAlpha;
    @Parameter(names = "-dbScanEps")
    private double dbscan_eps;
    @Parameter(names = "-dbScanN")
    private int dbscan_n;

    @Parameter(names = "-smoothingPrior")
    double smoothingPrior = 0;

    @Parameter(names = "-mergeT0")
    int mergeT0 = 3;

    @Parameter(names = "-kdeBandwidth")
    double kdeBandwidth;

    @Parameter(names = "-debug")
    static boolean debug = false;

    @Parameter(names = "-kdeKernelFunction")
    KdeKernelFunction kdeKernelFunctionQualifier;
    KernelFunction kdeKernelFunction;

    @Parameter(names = "-recursiveMergeTest")
    private boolean recursiveMergeTest;
    @Parameter(names = "-aggregatedTimeThreshold")
    private double aggregatedTimeThreshold;
    @Parameter(names = "-aggregatedEventThreshold")
    private double aggregatedEventThreshold;

    @Parameter(names = "-singleEventThreshold")
    private double singleEventThreshold;

    @Parameter(names = "-singleTimeThreshold")
    private double singleTimeThreshold;

    String dataString;

    @Parameter(names = "-probabilityAggregationMethod")
    ProbabilityAggregationMethod aggType = ProbabilityAggregationMethod.NORMALIZED_MULTIPLY;
    @Parameter(names = "-anomalyInsertionType")
    AnomalyInsertionType anomalyInsertionType = AnomalyInsertionType.ALL;

    @Parameter(names = "-svmCosts")
    double svmCosts;

    @Parameter(names = "-svmNu")
    double svmNu;

    @Parameter(names = "-svmGamma")
    double svmGamma;

    @Parameter(names = "-svmEps")
    double svmEps;

    @Parameter(names = "-svmKernel")
    int svmKernelType;

    @Parameter(names = "-svmDegree")
    int svmDegree;

    @Parameter(names = "-svmProbabilityEstimate")
    int svmProbabilityEstimate;

     * @param args
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws InterruptedException
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        final GenericSmacPipeline sp = new GenericSmacPipeline();
        final JCommander jc = new JCommander(sp);
        if (args.length < 4) {
                    "Please provide the following inputs: [inputFile] 1 1 [Random Seed] [Parameter Arguments..]");
        sp.dataString = args[0];"Running Generic Pipeline with args" + Arrays.toString(args));

        // try {
        final PdttaExperimentResult result =;
        final Path resultPath = Paths.get("result.csv");
        if (!Files.exists(resultPath)) {
        try (BufferedWriter bw = Files.newBufferedWriter(resultPath, StandardCharsets.UTF_8,
                StandardOpenOption.APPEND)) {
            bw.append(Arrays.toString(args) + "; " + result.toCsvString());

        // } catch (Exception e) {
        // logger.error("Unexpected exception with parameters" + Arrays.toString(args), e);
        // throw e;
        // }

    FeatureCreator featureCreator;
    PdttaDetector pdttaDetector;

    public PdttaExperimentResult run() throws IOException, InterruptedException {

        if (featureCreatorMethod == FeatureCreatorMethod.FULL_FEATURE_CREATOR) {
            featureCreator = new FullFeatureCreator();
        } else if (featureCreatorMethod == FeatureCreatorMethod.SMALL_FEATURE_CREATOR) {
            featureCreator = new SmallFeatureCreator();
        } else {
            featureCreator = null;
        if (detectorMethod == DetectorMethod.SVM) {
            pdttaDetector = new PdttaVectorDetector(aggType, featureCreator,
                    new LibSvmClassifier(svmProbabilityEstimate, svmGamma, svmNu, svmCosts, svmKernelType, svmEps,
                            svmDegree, scalingMethod));
            // pdttaDetector = new PdttaOneClassSvmDetector(aggType, featureCreator, svmProbabilityEstimate, svmGamma, svmNu, svmCosts, svmKernelType, svmEps,
            // svmDegree, scalingMethod);
        } else if (detectorMethod == DetectorMethod.THRESHOLD_AGG_ONLY) {
            pdttaDetector = new PdttaAggregatedThresholdDetector(aggType, aggregatedEventThreshold,
        } else if (detectorMethod == DetectorMethod.THRESHOLD_ALL) {
            pdttaDetector = new PdttaFullThresholdDetector(aggType, aggregatedEventThreshold,
                    aggregatedTimeThreshold, singleEventThreshold, singleTimeThreshold);
        } else if (detectorMethod == DetectorMethod.DBSCAN) {
            // pdttaDetector = new PdttaDbScanDetector(aggType, featureCreator, dbscan_eps, dbscan_n, distanceMethod, scalingMethod);
            pdttaDetector = new PdttaVectorDetector(aggType, featureCreator,
                    new DbScanClassifier(dbscan_eps, dbscan_n, dbScanDistanceMethod, scalingMethod));
        } else {
            pdttaDetector = null;

        if (kdeKernelFunctionQualifier == KdeKernelFunction.BIWEIGHT) {
            kdeKernelFunction = BiweightKF.getInstance();
        } else if (kdeKernelFunctionQualifier == KdeKernelFunction.EPANECHNIKOV) {
            kdeKernelFunction = EpanechnikovKF.getInstance();
        } else if (kdeKernelFunctionQualifier == KdeKernelFunction.GAUSS) {
            kdeKernelFunction = GaussKF.getInstance();
        } else if (kdeKernelFunctionQualifier == KdeKernelFunction.TRIWEIGHT) {
            kdeKernelFunction = TriweightKF.getInstance();
        } else if (kdeKernelFunctionQualifier == KdeKernelFunction.UNIFORM) {
            kdeKernelFunction = UniformKF.getInstance();
        } else if (kdeKernelFunctionQualifier == KdeKernelFunction.ESTIMATE) {
            kdeKernelFunction = null;
        final Path tempDir = Paths.get(System.getProperty(""));
        final long jobNumber = Double.doubleToLongBits(Math.random());

        String jobName = Long.toString(jobNumber);
        jobName = jobName.substring(0, 10);
        // create treba input file
        final String tempFilePrefix = tempDir.toString() + File.separator + jobName + getClass().getName();

        final String timedInputTrainFile = tempFilePrefix + "trainFile";
        final String timedInputTestFile = tempFilePrefix + "testFile";
        splitTrainTestFile(dataString, timedInputTrainFile, timedInputTestFile, TRAIN_PERCENTAGE, TEST_PERCENTAGE,
                ANOMALY_PERCENTAGE, false);
        // parse timed sequences
        final List<TimedSequence> trainingTimedSequences = TimedSequence.parseTimedSequences(timedInputTrainFile,
                false, false);

        final ModelLearner learner = new PdttaLeaner(mergeAlpha, recursiveMergeTest, kdeKernelFunction,
                kdeBandwidth, mergeTest, smoothingPrior, mergeT0);

        final Model model = learner.train(trainingTimedSequences);
        PDTTA automaton;
        if (model instanceof PDTTA) {
            automaton = (PDTTA) model;
        } else {
            throw new NotImplementedException("This approach only works for PDTTA models");
        if (pdttaDetector instanceof TrainableDetector) {
            ((TrainableDetector) pdttaDetector).train(trainingTimedSequences);
        // TODO change this s.t. the train and test set are in one file!
        // then the test set is not generated on the fly anymore
        // compute likelihood on test set for automaton and for time PDFs
        final List<TimedSequence> testTimedSequences = TimedSequence.parseTimedSequences(timedInputTestFile, false,

        // XXX here was the anomaly creation before it was deleted
        // if (anomalyInsertionType == AnomalyInsertionType.TYPE_TWO || anomalyInsertionType == AnomalyInsertionType.ALL) {
        // for (int i = 0; i < testTimedSequences.size(); i++) {
        // final TimedSequence ts = testTimedSequences.get(i);
        // if (ts.getLabel() == ClassLabel.ANOMALY && ts.getAnomalyType() == AnomalyInsertionType.TYPE_TWO) {
        // TimedSequence abnormalSequence = automaton.createAbnormalEventSequence(new Random(MasterSeed.nextLong()));
        // int tries = 0;
        // final int maxTries = 1000;
        // while (abnormalSequence.getEvents().size() == 0 && tries < maxTries) {
        // abnormalSequence = automaton.createAbnormalEventSequence(new Random(MasterSeed.nextLong()));
        // tries++;
        // }
        // if (tries >= maxTries) {
        // // no non-empty sequence created after a lot of tries
        // testTimedSequences.remove(i);
        // } else {
        // testTimedSequences.set(i, abnormalSequence);
        // }
        // }
        // }
        // }

        final PdttaExperimentResult result = testPdtta(testTimedSequences, automaton);"F-Measure={}", result.getfMeasure());
        System.out.println("Result for SMAC: SUCCESS, 0, 0, " + (1 - result.getfMeasure()) + ", 0");
        // IoUtils.xmlSerialize(automaton, Paths.get("pdtta.xml"));
        // automaton = (PDTTA) IoUtils.xmlDeserialize(Paths.get("pdtta.xml"));
        IoUtils.deleteFiles(new String[] { timedInputTrainFile, timedInputTestFile });
        return result;

    private void splitTrainTestFile(String timedInputFile, String timedInputTrainFile, String timedInputTestFile,
            double trainPercentage, double testPercentage, double anomalyPercentage, boolean isRti)
            throws IOException {"TimedInputFile=" + timedInputFile);
        final File f = new File(timedInputFile);
        final LineNumberReader lnr = new LineNumberReader(new FileReader(timedInputFile));
        int samples = lnr.getLineNumber();
        final int trainingSamples = (int) (samples * trainPercentage);
        final int testSamples = (int) (samples * testPercentage);
        final int anomalies = (int) (anomalyPercentage * testSamples);
        final int writtenTrainingSamples = 0;
        final int writtenTestSamples = 0;
        int insertedAnomalies = 0;
        final BufferedReader br = Files.newBufferedReader(Paths.get(timedInputFile), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
        String line = null;
        final BufferedWriter trainWriter = Files.newBufferedWriter(Paths.get(timedInputTrainFile),
        final BufferedWriter testWriter = Files.newBufferedWriter(Paths.get(timedInputTestFile),
        final Random r = new Random(MasterSeed.nextLong());
        final Random mutation = new Random(MasterSeed.nextLong());
        boolean force = false;
        int lineIndex = 0;
        int linesLeft;
        int anomaliesToInsert;
        if (isRti) {
        while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
            if (writtenTrainingSamples < trainingSamples && writtenTestSamples < testSamples) {
                // choose randomly according to train/test percentage
                if (r.nextDouble() > testPercentage) {
                    // write to train
                    writeSample(new TimedSequence(line, true, false).toTrebaString(), trainWriter);
                } else {
                    // write to test
                    insertedAnomalies = testAndWriteAnomaly(anomalies, insertedAnomalies, anomalyPercentage, line,
                            testWriter, mutation, force);
            } else if (writtenTrainingSamples >= trainingSamples) {
                insertedAnomalies = testAndWriteAnomaly(anomalies, insertedAnomalies, anomalyPercentage, line,
                        testWriter, mutation, force);
            } else if (writtenTestSamples >= testSamples) {
                // only write trainSamples from now on
                writeSample(new TimedSequence(line, true, false).toTrebaString(), trainWriter);
            linesLeft = samples - lineIndex;
            anomaliesToInsert = anomalies - insertedAnomalies;
            if (linesLeft <= anomaliesToInsert) {
                force = true;

    private int testAndWriteAnomaly(int anomalies, int insertedAnomalies, double anomalyPercentage, String line,
            BufferedWriter testWriter, Random mutation, boolean force) throws IOException {
        final String newLine = line;
        TimedSequence ts = new TimedSequence(newLine, true, false);
        int insertionCount = 0;
        if (insertedAnomalies < anomalies && (force || mutation.nextDouble() < anomalyPercentage)) {
            ts = mutate(ts, anomalyInsertionType, mutation);
        } else {
        writeSample(ts.toLabeledString(), testWriter);
        return insertedAnomalies + insertionCount;

    int lastInsertionType = -1;

    private TimedSequence mutate(TimedSequence ts,
            @SuppressWarnings("hiding") AnomalyInsertionType anomalyInsertionType, Random mutation)
            throws IOException {
        if (anomalyInsertionType == AnomalyInsertionType.TYPE_ONE) {
            final int toDelete = mutation.nextInt(ts.getEvents().size());
            // ts.setAnomalyType(anomalyInsertionType);
            return ts;
        } else if (anomalyInsertionType == AnomalyInsertionType.TYPE_TWO) {
            // for this type of anomaly we need the fsm with distributions and
            // thus, we have to read the testset after the fsm is trained and
            // create the anomalies at that point
            // ts.setAnomalyType(anomalyInsertionType);
            return ts;
        } else if (anomalyInsertionType == AnomalyInsertionType.TYPE_THREE) {
            final int changeIndex = mutation.nextInt(ts.getTimeValues().size());
            final TDoubleList timeValues = ts.getTimeValues();
            final double changePercent = HUGE_TIME_CHANGE;
            changeTimeValue(mutation, timeValues, changePercent, changeIndex);
            // ts.setAnomalyType(anomalyInsertionType);
            return ts;
        } else if (anomalyInsertionType == AnomalyInsertionType.TYPE_FOUR) {
            final TDoubleList timeValues = ts.getTimeValues();
            final double changePercent = SMALL_TIME_CHANGE;
            for (int i = 0; i < timeValues.size(); i++) {
                changeTimeValue(mutation, timeValues, changePercent, i);
            // ts.setAnomalyType(anomalyInsertionType);
            return ts;
        } else if (anomalyInsertionType == AnomalyInsertionType.ALL) {
            lastInsertionType = (lastInsertionType + 1) % 4;
            if (lastInsertionType == 0) {
                return mutate(ts, AnomalyInsertionType.TYPE_ONE, mutation);
            } else if (lastInsertionType == 1) {
                return mutate(ts, AnomalyInsertionType.TYPE_TWO, mutation);
            } else if (lastInsertionType == 2) {
                return mutate(ts, AnomalyInsertionType.TYPE_THREE, mutation);
            } else if (lastInsertionType == 3) {
                return mutate(ts, AnomalyInsertionType.TYPE_FOUR, mutation);
        return null;

    private void changeTimeValue(Random mutation, TDoubleList timeValues, double changePercent, int i) {
        double newValue = timeValues.get(i);
        if (mutation.nextBoolean()) {
            newValue = newValue + newValue * changePercent;
        } else {
            newValue = newValue - newValue * changePercent;
        timeValues.set(i, newValue);

    private void writeSample(String line, BufferedWriter writer) throws IOException {

    private PdttaExperimentResult testPdtta(List<TimedSequence> testTimedSequences, PDTTA automaton)
            throws IOException {
        // TODO put this in an evaluation class"Testing with {} sequences", testTimedSequences.size());
        final boolean[] detectorResult = pdttaDetector.areAnomalies(testTimedSequences);
        int truePos = 0;
        int trueNeg = 0;
        int falsePos = 0;
        int falseNeg = 0;
        // prec = tp/(tp +fp)
        // The precision is the ratio between correctly detected anomalies and
        // all detected anomalies
        // rec = tp/(tp+fn)
        // The recall is the ratio between detected anomalies and all anomalies

        for (int i = 0; i < testTimedSequences.size(); i++) {
            final TimedSequence s = testTimedSequences.get(i);
            if (s.getLabel() == ClassLabel.NORMAL) {
                if (detectorResult[i]) {
                    // detector said anomaly
                } else {
                    // detector said normal
            } else if (s.getLabel() == ClassLabel.ANOMALY) {
                if (detectorResult[i]) {
                    // detector said anomaly
                } else {
                    // detector said normal

        final PdttaExperimentResult expResult = new PdttaExperimentResult(truePos, trueNeg, falsePos, falseNeg);

        return expResult;


    class DoublePair {
        double d1;
        double d2;

        public DoublePair(double d1, double d2) {
            this.d1 = d1;
            this.d2 = d2;

        public double getD1() {
            return d1;

        public double getD2() {
            return d2;

        public int hashCode() {
            final int prime = 31;
            int result = 1;
            result = prime * result + getOuterType().hashCode();
            long temp;
            temp = Double.doubleToLongBits(d1);
            result = prime * result + (int) (temp ^ temp >>> 32);
            temp = Double.doubleToLongBits(d2);
            result = prime * result + (int) (temp ^ temp >>> 32);
            return result;

        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
            if (this == obj) {
                return true;
            if (obj == null) {
                return false;
            if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
                return false;
            final DoublePair other = (DoublePair) obj;
            if (!getOuterType().equals(other.getOuterType())) {
                return false;
            if (Double.doubleToLongBits(d1) != Double.doubleToLongBits(other.d1)) {
                return false;
            if (Double.doubleToLongBits(d2) != Double.doubleToLongBits(other.d2)) {
                return false;
            return true;

        private GenericSmacPipeline getOuterType() {
            return GenericSmacPipeline.this;


    public static boolean isDebug() {
        return debug;
