Java tutorial
package de.uniwue.info6.webapp.lists; /* * #%L * ************************************************************************ * ORGANIZATION : Institute of Computer Science, University of Wuerzburg * PROJECT : UEPS - Uebungs-Programm fuer SQL * FILENAME : * ************************************************************************ * %% * Copyright (C) 2014 - 2015 Institute of Computer Science, University of Wuerzburg * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ import static; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import javax.el.MethodExpression; import javax.faces.application.FacesMessage; import javax.faces.application.FacesMessage.Severity; import javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean; import javax.faces.bean.ViewScoped; import javax.faces.context.ExternalContext; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import org.apache.commons.lang3.exception.ExceptionUtils; import de.uniwue.info6.comparator.RefLink; import de.uniwue.info6.comparator.SqlExecuter; import de.uniwue.info6.comparator.SqlQuery; import de.uniwue.info6.comparator.SqlQueryComparator; import de.uniwue.info6.comparator.SqlResult; import de.uniwue.info6.database.jdbc.ConnectionManager; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import de.uniwue.info6.misc.StringTools; import; import; import; import de.uniwue.info6.parser.errors.Error; import de.uniwue.info6.webapp.admin.UserRights; import de.uniwue.info6.webapp.session.SessionObject; /** * * * @author Michael */ @ManagedBean(name = "e") @ViewScoped public class ExerciseController implements Serializable { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static final org.slf4j.Logger LOGGER = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(ExerciseController.class); @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static final String error = "ERROR: Scenario not found!", exerciseParam = "exercise"; private static final String RESOURCE_PATH_IMAGES = "scn_images"; private static final long timeIntervalBetweenInput = 5000; private SessionObject ac; private Scenario scenario; private Exercise exercise; private ExerciseGroup exerciseGroup; private List<SolutionQuery> solutions; private int usedSolutionIndex; private LinkedList<SqlQuery> solutionQueries; // daos private ExerciseGroupDao exGroupDao; private ScenarioDao scenarioDao; private ExerciseDao exerciseDao; private UserEntryDao userEntryDao; private UserResultDao userResultDao; private SolutionQueryDao solutionQueryDao; private User user; private String userString, lastUserString, feedback, solutionTable, userTable, diagramImage; private SqlQuery userQuery, usedSolutionQuery; private SqlExecuter executer; private ConnectionManager connectionPool; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private HashMap<String, String> relevantTables; private boolean resultVisible, userResultVisible, feedbackVisible; private boolean syntaxError; private long lastEntryTime = 0; private ArrayList<String> availableTables; private HashMap<String, String> tableContent; private ArrayList<UserFeedback> feedbackList; // mysql-reflinks private String mainRefLink; private LinkedList<RefLink> refLinks; private boolean userHasRights, debug = false, showFeedback, querySaved; private UserRights userRights; private String importScriptError; // user result table resources private List<String> userQueryColumns; private List<TableEntry> userQueryValues; private List<TableEntry> filteredUserQueryValues; private List<ColumnModel> userQueryMColumns = new ArrayList<ColumnModel>(); private String userQueryFilter; // solution table resources private List<String> solutionQueryColumns; private List<TableEntry> solutionQueryValues; private List<TableEntry> filteredSolutionQueryValues; private List<ColumnModel> solutionQueryMColumns = new ArrayList<ColumnModel>(); private String solutionQueryFilter; // relevant tables private HashMap<String, List<String>> tableColumns; private HashMap<String, List<TableEntry>> tableValues; private HashMap<String, List<TableEntry>> tableValuesOriginal; private String[] currentTableFilter; /** * @param currentTable * the currentTable to set */ public void setCurrentTable(String currentTable, Integer index) { currentTable = currentTable.trim(); String filter = currentTableFilter[index]; List<TableEntry> currentValues = tableValuesOriginal.get(currentTable); if (filter != null && !filter.trim().isEmpty()) { List<String> columns = tableColumns.get(currentTable); ArrayList<TableEntry> filteredValues = setQueryFilter(filter.trim(), columns, currentValues); tableValues.put(currentTable, filteredValues); } else { tableValues.put(currentTable, currentValues); } } /** * * * @param currentTable * @param index */ public void resetCurrentTable(String currentTable, Integer index) { currentTable = currentTable.trim(); List<TableEntry> currentValues = tableValuesOriginal.get(currentTable); tableValues.put(currentTable, currentValues); this.currentTableFilter[index] = null; } /** * * * @return */ public MethodExpression getSortByModel() { FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); return context.getApplication().getExpressionFactory().createMethodExpression(context.getELContext(), "#{e.sortByModel}", Integer.class, new Class[] { Object.class, Object.class }); } /** * * * @param obj1 * @param obj2 * @return */ public int sortByModel(String obj1, String obj2) { try { int int1 = Integer.parseInt(obj1); int int2 = Integer.parseInt(obj2); if (int1 > int2) { return 1; } if (int1 < int2) { return -1; } if (int1 == int2) { return 0; } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } try { double double1 = Double.parseDouble(obj1); double double2 = Double.parseDouble(obj2); if (double1 > double2) { return 1; } if (double1 < double2) { return -1; } if (double1 == double2) { return 0; } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } return obj1.compareTo(obj2); } /** * * */ public void createUserQueryColumns() { userQueryMColumns.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < userQueryColumns.size(); i++) { userQueryMColumns.add(new ColumnModel(userQueryColumns.get(i), StringTools.zeroPad(i, 2))); } } /** * * */ public void createSolutionQueryColumns() { solutionQueryMColumns.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < solutionQueryColumns.size(); i++) { solutionQueryMColumns.add(new ColumnModel(solutionQueryColumns.get(i), StringTools.zeroPad(i, 2))); } } /** * * * @param scenario * @param user * @return */ public ExerciseController init_debug(Scenario scenario, Exercise exercise, User user) { this.scenario = scenario; this.user = user; this.exercise = exercise; this.connectionPool = ConnectionManager.offline_instance(); this.debug = true; this.init(); return this; } /** * */ public ExerciseController() { } @PostConstruct public void init() { if (connectionPool == null || debug) { importScriptError = ""; userHasRights = false; showFeedback = false; querySaved = false; usedSolutionIndex = 0; Boolean setEntry = null; Boolean setSolution = null; this.userRights = new UserRights(); this.userRights.initialize(); // init hibernate daos exGroupDao = new ExerciseGroupDao(); scenarioDao = new ScenarioDao(); exerciseDao = new ExerciseDao(); userEntryDao = new UserEntryDao(); userResultDao = new UserResultDao(); solutionQueryDao = new SolutionQueryDao(); if (!debug) { ExternalContext externalContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext(); Map<String, Object> sessionMap = externalContext.getSessionMap(); setEntry = (Boolean) sessionMap.get("show_entry"); setSolution = (Boolean) sessionMap.get("show_solution"); // get current scenario ac = SessionObject.pullFromSession(); user = ac.getUser(); if (user != null && user.getIsAdmin() != null) { userHasRights = user.getIsAdmin(); } scenario = ac.getScenario(); // set up connection pool connectionPool = ConnectionManager.instance(); // get exercise id ExternalContext ec = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext(); Map<String, String> requestParams = ec.getRequestParameterMap(); final int id = Integer.parseInt(requestParams.get(exerciseParam)); exercise = exerciseDao.getById(id); } if (exercise != null) { exerciseGroup = exGroupDao.getById(exercise.getExerciseGroup().getId()); } if (exerciseGroup != null) { final boolean scenarioMissing = (scenario == null); scenario = scenarioDao.getById(exerciseGroup.getScenario().getId()); if (scenarioMissing) {; } } this.resultVisible = false; this.userResultVisible = false; this.feedbackVisible = false; this.syntaxError = false; if (scenario != null && exercise != null) { solutionQueries = new LinkedList<SqlQuery>(); solutions = exerciseDao.getSolutions(exercise); if (exerciseGroup != null) { // try { // this.connectionPool.resetTables(scenario, user); // } catch (Exception e) { // LOGGER.error("COULD NOT RESET TABLES", e); // } // TODO: replace with a new table-field in exercisegroup if (exerciseGroup.getDescription() == null || exerciseGroup.getDescription().trim().isEmpty()) { showFeedback = true; } else if (exerciseGroup.getDescription().trim().equals("[NO_FEEDBACK]")) { showFeedback = false; } if (!exerciseGroup.getScenario().getId().equals(scenario.getId())) { scenario = scenarioDao.getById(exerciseGroup.getScenario().getId()); userHasRights = userRights.hasViewRights(user, scenario, exerciseGroup); if (!debug && userHasRights) { ac.setScenario(scenario); } } userHasRights = userRights.hasViewRights(user, scenario, exerciseGroup); if (debug) { userHasRights = true; } diagramImage = scenario.getImagePath(); if (diagramImage != null) { diagramImage = RESOURCE_PATH_IMAGES + "/" + scenario.getId() + "/" + diagramImage; } // get list of sql tables availableTables = connectionPool.getScenarioTableNames(scenario); if (availableTables == null || availableTables.isEmpty()) { importScriptError = connectionPool.checkIfImportScriptExists(scenario); } tableContent = new HashMap<String, String>(); // relevant tables tableColumns = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); tableValues = new HashMap<String, List<TableEntry>>(); if (userHasRights) { for (SolutionQuery qu : solutions) { SqlQuery sqlQuery = new SqlQuery(qu.getQuery()); try { if (mainRefLink == null && sqlQuery != null) { RefLink ref = sqlQuery.getRefLink(); mainRefLink = ref.getUrl(); } } catch (Exception e) { } solutionQueries.add(sqlQuery); } UserEntry entry = userEntryDao.getLastUserEntry(exercise, user); if (entry != null && setEntry != null && setEntry) { userString = entry.getUserQuery(); } else if (setSolution != null && setSolution) { if (entry != null) { UserResult result = userResultDao.getLastUserResultFromEntry(entry); SolutionQuery query = result.getSolutionQuery(); query = solutionQueryDao.getById(query.getId()); if (result != null && query != null) { String query_sol = query.getQuery(); if (query_sol != null) { userString = query_sol; } } } else { SolutionQuery example = new SolutionQuery(); example.setExercise(exercise); List<SolutionQuery> solutions = solutionQueryDao.findByExample(example); if (solutions != null && !solutions.isEmpty()) { userString = solutions.get(0).getQuery(); } } } Connection connection = null; try { relevantTables = new HashMap<String, String>(); connection = connectionPool.getConnection(scenario); executer = new SqlExecuter(connection, user, scenario); SqlQuery selectTable = null; if (availableTables != null) { for (String table : availableTables) { String showTableCommand = "SELECT * FROM " + table + ";"; selectTable = new SqlQuery(showTableCommand); executer.execute(selectTable); try { SqlResult result = selectTable.getResult(); if (result != null) { String[][] data = result.getData(); ResultSetMetaData metaData = result.getResultMetaData(); List<String> clNames = new ArrayList<String>(); if (metaData != null) { for (int i = 1; i <= metaData.getColumnCount(); i++) { String name = metaData.getColumnName(i); if (name != null && !name.trim().isEmpty()) { clNames.add(name); } } tableColumns.put(table, clNames); } if (data != null) { List<TableEntry> el = new ArrayList<TableEntry>(); for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { TableEntry en = new TableEntry(clNames); for (int z = 0; z < data[i].length; z++) { en.addValue(data[i][z], z); } el.add(en); } tableValues.put(table, el); } this.tableValuesOriginal = new HashMap<String, List<TableEntry>>( tableValues); currentTableFilter = new String[tableValues.size() + 2]; } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("ERROR BUILDING RELEVANT TABLES", e); } } } } catch (SQLException e) { String er = ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e); if (er.length() > 500) { importScriptError = er.substring(0, 500) + " [...]"; } else { importScriptError = er; } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("ERROR GETTING RELEVANT TABLES", e); } finally { if (connection != null) { try { connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } } } } } /** * * * @return */ public String getSQLError() { return "<span style='color:red'>" + "Import-Skript nicht gefunden! Siehe Details:" + "<br/><br/></span><span style='color:red;font-size:10px' class='monospace'>" + importScriptError + "</span>"; } /** * * * @param group * @return */ public boolean showResults() { if (!showFeedback) { return false; } return this.userRights.showResults(exerciseGroup); } /** * */ public String getSolution() { return solutions.get(0).getQuery(); } /** * * * @return */ public boolean hasEditingRights() { if (user != null && scenario != null) { return userRights.hasRights(user, scenario); } return false; } /** * * * @return */ public boolean adminSolutionVisible() { Boolean prop = Cfg.inst().getProp(PropertiesFile.MAIN_CONFIG, PropBool.SHOW_SOL_TO_PRIVELEGED); if (prop && hasEditingRights()) { return true; } return false; } /** * * */ public void compareResults() { boolean sameString = (this.lastUserString != null && this.userString != null && this.lastUserString.equals(this.userString)); if (sameString || scenario == null || user == null) { return; } FacesMessage message1 = null; long timeSinceLastEntry = System.currentTimeMillis() - lastEntryTime; if (timeSinceLastEntry < timeIntervalBetweenInput) { Severity sev = FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO; // TODO: Text String msg = "Sie mssen " + Math.floor((timeIntervalBetweenInput - timeSinceLastEntry) / 1000) + " Sekunden bis zur nchsten Abgabe warten."; message1 = new FacesMessage(sev, Cfg.inst().getText("EX.SERVER_MESSAGE"), msg); FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, message1); return; } this.lastUserString = this.userString; try { try { this.connectionPool.resetTables(scenario, user); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("COULD NOT RESET TABLES", e); } long starttime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Connection connection = null; try { this.feedbackVisible = false; this.resultVisible = false; this.syntaxError = false; connection = connectionPool.getConnection(scenario); executer = new SqlExecuter(connection, user, scenario); SqlQueryComparator comparator = new SqlQueryComparator(userQuery, solutionQueries, executer); // get user feedback LinkedList<Error> errors =; usedSolutionQuery = comparator.getSolutionQuery(); if (solutionQueries != null && !solutionQueries.isEmpty()) { usedSolutionIndex = solutionQueries.indexOf(usedSolutionQuery); } if (errors != null) { feedbackList = new ArrayList<UserFeedback>(); for (Error er : errors) { feedbackList.add(new UserFeedback(er, user)); } } for (UserFeedback fd : feedbackList) { if (fd.isJavaError()) { feedbackList.remove(fd); break; } } boolean userEntrySuccess = false; String feedbackSummaryDB = ""; for (UserFeedback fb : feedbackList) { if (fb.isSyntaxError()) { syntaxError = true; } if (fb.isMainError()) { userEntrySuccess = fb.isCorrect(); } else { String fd = fb.getFeedback(); if (!userEntrySuccess) { feedbackSummaryDB += fb.getTitle() + ": " + fd + "<br/>"; } } } if (usedSolutionQuery == null || usedSolutionQuery.getResult() == null) { ArrayList<UserFeedback> newFeedbackList = new ArrayList<UserFeedback>(); newFeedbackList.add(new UserFeedback(Cfg.inst().getProp(DEF_LANGUAGE, "QUE.UNEXPECTED_ERROR"), Cfg.inst().getProp(DEF_LANGUAGE, "QUE.UNEXPECTED_ERROR2"), user)); newFeedbackList.addAll(feedbackList); feedbackList = newFeedbackList; this.feedbackVisible = true; LOGGER.error("EMPTY SOLUTION RESULT, FAULTY SOLUTION-QUERY?\n" + feedbackSummaryDB); } if (usedSolutionQuery != null && usedSolutionQuery.getResult() != null) { /* * ************************************************************** * get column-names and values from db solution-query * ************************************************************** */ if (solutionQueryValues == null || solutionQueryColumns == null || solutionQueryValues.isEmpty() || solutionQueryColumns.isEmpty()) { // setting correct solution SqlResult sol_result = usedSolutionQuery.getResult(); String[][] data = sol_result.getData(); solutionQueryColumns = new ArrayList<String>(); solutionQueryValues = new ArrayList<TableEntry>(); ResultSetMetaData metaData = sol_result.getResultMetaData(); if (metaData != null) { for (int i = 1; i <= metaData.getColumnCount(); i++) { String name = metaData.getColumnLabel(i); if (user != null && name != null && name.contains(user.getId() + "_")) { name = name.replaceAll(user.getId() + "_", ""); } if (name != null && !name.trim().isEmpty()) { solutionQueryColumns.add(name); } } } if (data != null) { for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { TableEntry en = new TableEntry(solutionQueryColumns); for (int z = 0; z < data[i].length; z++) { en.addValue(data[i][z], z); } solutionQueryValues.add(en); } } filteredSolutionQueryValues = solutionQueryValues; createSolutionQueryColumns(); } if (showResults()) { this.resultVisible = true; this.feedbackVisible = true; } UserEntry entry = null; UserResult result = null; boolean userEntryAvailable = false; byte reachedCredits = userEntrySuccess ? exercise.getCredits() : 0; SolutionQuery usedQuery = null; int index = solutionQueries.indexOf(usedSolutionQuery); if (index < solutions.size()) { usedQuery = solutions.get(index); } String msg = null; if (!userString.trim().isEmpty() && (!isRated() || userRights.entriesCanBeEdited(exerciseGroup))) { entry = userEntryDao.getLastEntry(exercise, user); msg = Cfg.inst().getText("EX.SAVED_SUCCESSFUL"); if (entry != null) { msg = Cfg.inst().getText("EX.OVERWRITING_SUCCESSFUL"); } if (!showFeedback) { querySaved = true; } if (Cfg.inst().getProp(PropertiesFile.MAIN_CONFIG, PropBool.ONLY_SAVE_LAST_USER_QUERY)) { // String msg = Cfg.inst().getProp(DEF_LANGUAGE, // "ASSERTION.FILTER5"); // TODO: if (entry != null) { entry.setUserQuery(userString); entry.setEntryTime(new Date()); entry.setResultMessage(feedbackSummaryDB); userEntryAvailable = userEntryDao.updateInstance(entry); result = userResultDao.getLastUserResultFromEntry(entry); if (result != null) { result.setCredits(reachedCredits); result.setLastModified(new Date()); result.setSolutionQuery(usedQuery); result.setComment(feedbackSummaryDB); userResultDao.updateInstance(result); } } else { entry = new UserEntry(user, exercise, userString, new Date()); entry.setResultMessage(feedbackSummaryDB); userEntryAvailable = userEntryDao.insertNewInstance(entry); } } else { entry = new UserEntry(user, exercise, userString, new Date()); entry.setResultMessage(feedbackSummaryDB); userEntryAvailable = userEntryDao.insertNewInstance(entry); } if (result == null && userEntryAvailable) { result = new UserResult(entry, reachedCredits, new Date()); result.setSolutionQuery(usedQuery); result.setComment(feedbackSummaryDB); userResultDao.insertNewInstance(result); } } if (isRated() && !debug) { if (!userRights.entriesCanBeEdited(exerciseGroup)) { msg = Cfg.inst().getText("EX.RATED_CLOSED"); } if (msg != null) { // show feedback message to user Severity sev = FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO; message1 = new FacesMessage(sev, Cfg.inst().getText("EX.SERVER_MESSAGE"), msg); } } if (feedbackVisible) { refLinks = comparator.getRefLinks(); } if (!syntaxError) { SqlResult sol_result = userQuery.getResult(); String[][] data = sol_result.getData(); userQueryColumns = new ArrayList<String>(); userQueryValues = new ArrayList<TableEntry>(); ResultSetMetaData metaData = sol_result.getResultMetaData(); if (metaData != null) { if (!debug) { for (int i = 1; i <= metaData.getColumnCount(); i++) { String name = metaData.getColumnLabel(i); if (user != null && name != null && name.contains(user.getId() + "_")) { name = name.replaceAll(user.getId() + "_", ""); } if (name != null && !name.trim().isEmpty()) { userQueryColumns.add(name); } } } } if (data != null) { for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { TableEntry en = new TableEntry(userQueryColumns); for (int z = 0; z < data[i].length; z++) { if (data[i][z] != null) { en.addValue(data[i][z], z); } else { en.addValue("NULL", z); } } userQueryValues.add(en); } } filteredUserQueryValues = userQueryValues; createUserQueryColumns(); if (showFeedback) { this.userResultVisible = true; } } else { if (showFeedback) { this.feedbackVisible = true; this.userResultVisible = false; } } // ------------------------------------------------ // // -- // ------------------------------------------------ // if (userEntrySuccess) { feedbackList.clear(); UserFeedback feedback = new UserFeedback( Cfg.inst().getProp(DEF_LANGUAGE, "COMPARATOR.DYN_RESULT"), Cfg.inst().getProp(DEF_LANGUAGE, "COMPARATOR.DYN_RESULT.SUC"), user); feedback.setSuccess(true); feedback.setMainError(true); feedbackList.add(feedback); } this.lastEntryTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } } catch (SQLException e) { LOGGER.error("PARSER-SQL-ERROR", e); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("PARSER-ERROR", e); } finally { if (connection != null) { try { connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } long elapsedTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime; String processTime = "Bearbeitungszeit: " + elapsedTime + " ms."; if (message1 == null) { Severity sev = FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO; String msg = processTime; message1 = new FacesMessage(sev, Cfg.inst().getText("EX.SERVER_MESSAGE"), msg); } else if (message1 != null) { String details = message1.getDetail(); message1.setDetail(details + " (" + processTime + ")"); FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, message1); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("ERROR COMPARING RESULTS", e); } } /** * * * @param table * @return */ public List<TableEntry> getEntries(String table) { return tableValues.get(table); } /** * * * @param table * @return */ public List<String> getColumns(String table) { return tableColumns.get(table); } /** * * * @return */ public boolean isRated() { if (exerciseGroup != null) { return exerciseGroup.getIsRated(); } return false; } /** * * * @return */ public String getResultStrings() { String solString = ""; for (SolutionQuery sol : solutions) { solString += sol.getQuery() + "<br/><br/>"; } if (solString.length() > 20) { solString = StringTools.removeLastCharacters(solString, 10); } return solString; } /** * * * @return */ public boolean isSolutionCorrect() { for (UserFeedback fb : feedbackList) { if (fb.isMainError()) { return fb.isCorrect(); } } return false; } /** * * * @param table * @return */ public String getTableContent(String table) { return tableContent.get(table); } /** * * * @return */ public String getFistSolution() { return solutions.get(0).getQuery(); } /** * @return the exercise */ public Exercise getExercise() { return exercise; } /** * @param exercise * the exercise to set */ public void setExercise(Exercise exercise) { this.exercise = exercise; } /** * @return the solutions */ public List<SolutionQuery> getSolutions() { return solutions; } /** * @param solutions * the solutions to set */ public void setSolutions(List<SolutionQuery> solutions) { = solutions; } /** * @return the usedSolutionIndex */ public int getUsedSolutionIndex() { return usedSolutionIndex; } /** * @param usedSolutionIndex * the usedSolutionIndex to set */ public void setUsedSolutionIndex(int usedSolutionIndex) { this.usedSolutionIndex = usedSolutionIndex; } /** * @return the userString */ public String getUserString() { return userString; } /** * @param userString * the userString to set */ public void setUserString(String userString) { if (connectionPool != null) { userString = userString.trim(); resetUserFilter(); resetSolutionFilter(); if (userString != null) { this.userString = userString; // TODO: quick fix // if (userString.toLowerCase().contains("insert into") && // userString.toLowerCase().contains("value ")) { // this.userString = new // StringBuffer(userString).insert(userString.toLowerCase().indexOf("value") // + 5, "s").toString(); // } this.userQuery = new SqlQuery(this.userString); // TicToc.tic(); compareResults(); // TicToc.toc(); } } } /** * @return the feedback */ public String getFeedback() { return; } /** * @param feedback * the feedback to set */ public void setFeedback(String feedback) { = feedback; } /** * @return the solutionTable */ public String getSolutionTable() { return solutionTable; } /** * @param solutionTable * the solutionTable to set */ public void setSolutionTable(String solutionTable) { this.solutionTable = solutionTable; } /** * @return the userTable */ public String getUserTable() { return userTable; } /** * @param userTable * the userTable to set */ public void setUserTable(String userTable) { this.userTable = userTable; } /** * @return the diagramImage */ public String getDiagramImage() { return diagramImage; } /** * @param diagramImage * the diagramImage to set */ public void setDiagramImage(String diagramImage) { this.diagramImage = diagramImage; } /** * @return the resultVisible */ public boolean isResultVisible() { return resultVisible; } /** * @param resultVisible * the resultVisible to set */ public void setResultVisible(boolean resultVisible) { this.resultVisible = resultVisible; } /** * @return the userResultVisible */ public boolean isUserResultVisible() { return userResultVisible; } /** * @param userResultVisible * the userResultVisible to set */ public void setUserResultVisible(boolean userResultVisible) { this.userResultVisible = userResultVisible; } /** * @return the feedbackVisible */ public boolean isFeedbackVisible() { return feedbackVisible; } /** * @param feedbackVisible * the feedbackVisible to set */ public void setFeedbackVisible(boolean feedbackVisible) { this.feedbackVisible = feedbackVisible; } /** * @return the availableTables */ public ArrayList<String> getAvailableTables() { return availableTables; } /** * @param availableTables * the availableTables to set */ public void setAvailableTables(ArrayList<String> availableTables) { this.availableTables = availableTables; } /** * @return the tableColumns */ public HashMap<String, List<String>> getTableColumns() { return tableColumns; } /** * @param tableColumns * the tableColumns to set */ public void setTableColumns(HashMap<String, List<String>> tableColumns) { this.tableColumns = tableColumns; } /** * @return the columnValues */ public HashMap<String, List<TableEntry>> getTableValues() { return tableValues; } /** * @param columnValues * the columnValues to set */ public void setTableValues(HashMap<String, List<TableEntry>> columnValues) { this.tableValues = columnValues; } /** * @return the currentTableFilter */ public String[] getCurrentTableFilter() { return currentTableFilter; } /** * @param currentTableFilter * the currentTableFilter to set */ public void setCurrentTableFilter(String[] currentTableFilter) { this.currentTableFilter = currentTableFilter; } /** * @return the userQueryFilter */ public String getUserQueryFilter() { return userQueryFilter; } /** * * * @return */ public boolean renderUserQueryFilter() { if (userQueryValues != null && userQueryValues.size() > 5) { return true; } return false; } /** * @param userQueryFilter * the userQueryFilter to set */ public void setUserQueryFilter(String userQueryFilter) { this.userQueryFilter = userQueryFilter; filteredUserQueryValues = setQueryFilter(userQueryFilter, userQueryColumns, userQueryValues); } /** * * * @return */ public boolean renderSolutionQueryFilter() { if (solutionQueryValues != null && solutionQueryValues.size() > 5) { return true; } return false; } /** * @param solutionQueryFilter * the solutionQueryFilter to set */ public void setSolutionQueryFilter(String solutionQueryFilter) { this.solutionQueryFilter = solutionQueryFilter; filteredSolutionQueryValues = setQueryFilter(solutionQueryFilter, solutionQueryColumns, solutionQueryValues); } /** * @param userQueryFilter * the userQueryFilter to set */ public ArrayList<TableEntry> setQueryFilter(String userFilter, List<String> columns, List<TableEntry> values) { try { LinkedList<Integer> filtered = new LinkedList<Integer>(); ArrayList<TableEntry> filteredValues = new ArrayList<TableEntry>(); if (userFilter != null && !userFilter.trim().isEmpty()) { userFilter = userFilter.trim().toLowerCase(); String column = null; if (userFilter.contains("=")) { String[] parts = userFilter.split("="); column = parts[0]; userFilter = parts[1]; } for (int z = 0; z < values.size(); z++) { for (int i = 0; i < columns.size(); i++) { if (column == null || columns.get(i).toLowerCase().equals(column)) { String value = values.get(z).getValue(i); if (value != null && value.toLowerCase().contains(userFilter)) { if (!filtered.contains(z)) { filtered.add(z); } } } } } filteredValues = new ArrayList<TableEntry>(); for (Integer filter : filtered) { filteredValues.add(values.get(filter)); } return filteredValues; } } catch (Exception e) { filteredUserQueryValues = null; } return null; } /** * * */ public void resetUserFilter() { userQueryFilter = null; filteredUserQueryValues = null; } /** * * */ public void resetSolutionFilter() { solutionQueryFilter = null; filteredSolutionQueryValues = null; } /** * @return the solutionColumns */ public List<String> getSolutionQueryColumns() { return solutionQueryColumns; } /** * @param solutionColumns * the solutionColumns to set */ public void setSolutionQueryColumns(List<String> solutionColumns) { this.solutionQueryColumns = solutionColumns; } /** * @return the solutionValues */ public List<TableEntry> getSolutionQueryValues() { return solutionQueryValues; } /** * @param solutionValues * the solutionValues to set */ public void setSolutionQueryValues(List<TableEntry> solutionValues) { this.solutionQueryValues = solutionValues; } /** * @return the filteredSolutionQueryValues */ public List<TableEntry> getFilteredSolutionQueryValues() { return filteredSolutionQueryValues; } /** * @param filteredSolutionQueryValues * the filteredSolutionQueryValues to set */ public void setFilteredSolutionQueryValues(List<TableEntry> filteredSolutionQueryValues) { this.filteredSolutionQueryValues = filteredSolutionQueryValues; } /** * @return the solutionQueryMColumns */ public List<ColumnModel> getSolutionQueryMColumns() { return solutionQueryMColumns; } /** * @param solutionQueryMColumns * the solutionQueryMColumns to set */ public void setSolutionQueryMColumns(List<ColumnModel> solutionQueryMColumns) { this.solutionQueryMColumns = solutionQueryMColumns; } /** * @return the solutionQueryFilter */ public String getSolutionQueryFilter() { return solutionQueryFilter; } /** * @return the userQueryColumns */ public List<String> getUserQueryColumns() { return userQueryColumns; } /** * @return the userQueryValues */ public List<TableEntry> getUserQueryValues() { return userQueryValues; } /** * @return the filteredUserQueryValues */ public List<TableEntry> getFilteredUserQueryValues() { return filteredUserQueryValues; } /** * @param filteredUserQueryValues * the filteredUserQueryValues to set */ public void setFilteredUserQueryValues(List<TableEntry> filteredUserQueryValues) { this.filteredUserQueryValues = filteredUserQueryValues; } /** * @return the columns */ public List<ColumnModel> getUserQueryMColumns() { return userQueryMColumns; } /** * @param columns * the columns to set */ public void setUserQueryMColumns(List<ColumnModel> columns) { this.userQueryMColumns = columns; } /** * @return the feedbackList */ public ArrayList<UserFeedback> getFeedbackList() { return feedbackList; } /** * @param feedbackList * the feedbackList to set */ public void setFeedbackList(ArrayList<UserFeedback> feedbackList) { this.feedbackList = feedbackList; } /** * @return the mainRefLink */ public String getMainRefLink() { return mainRefLink; } /** * @param mainRefLink * the mainRefLink to set */ public void setMainRefLink(String mainRefLink) { this.mainRefLink = mainRefLink; } /** * @return the refLinks */ public LinkedList<RefLink> getRefLinks() { return refLinks; } /** * @return the userHasRights */ public boolean isUserHasRights() { return userHasRights; } /** * @param userHasRights * the userHasRights to set */ public void setUserHasRights(boolean userHasRights) { this.userHasRights = userHasRights; } /** * @return the debug */ public boolean isDebug() { return debug; } /** * @param debug * the debug to set */ public void setDebug(boolean debug) { this.debug = debug; } /** * @return the querySaved */ public boolean isQuerySaved() { return querySaved; } /** * @param querySaved * the querySaved to set */ public void setQuerySaved(boolean querySaved) { this.querySaved = querySaved; } /** * @param refLinks * the refLinks to set */ public void setRefLinks(LinkedList<RefLink> refLinks) { this.refLinks = refLinks; } }