Java tutorial
package de.uniwue.info6.webapp.admin; /* * #%L * ************************************************************************ * ORGANIZATION : Institute of Computer Science, University of Wuerzburg * PROJECT : UEPS - Uebungs-Programm fuer SQL * FILENAME : * ************************************************************************ * %% * Copyright (C) 2014 - 2015 Institute of Computer Science, University of Wuerzburg * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ import static; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import de.uniwue.info6.misc.StringTools; import; /** * * @author Christian * */ public class SubmissionRow { private boolean isEntry = false; private boolean isExercise = false; private boolean isExGroup = false; private boolean isScenario; private String text; private String styleClass = ""; private UserEntry userEntry = null; private UserResult userResult = null; private Exercise exercise = null; private ExerciseGroup exGroup = null; private Scenario scenario; private String avgCredits; private boolean canBeRemoved = false; public SubmissionRow(UserEntry ue, UserResult ur, Exercise ex) { this.userResult = ur; this.userEntry = ue; this.exercise = ex; this.isEntry = true; this.text = ue.getUser().getId(); this.styleClass = "user_class"; UserRightDao userRightDao = new UserRightDao(); UserRights rights = new UserRights().initialize(); List<UserRight> tmp = null; tmp = userRightDao.getByUser(ue.getUser()); this.setCanBeRemoved(tmp.size() > 0 || rights.isAdmin(ue.getUser()) ? true : false); } public SubmissionRow(String text) { this.text = text; } public SubmissionRow(Exercise e, Scenario scenario) { this.exercise = e; this.isExercise = true; this.text = Cfg.inst().getProp(DEF_LANGUAGE, "EXERCISE_SHORT") + ": [" + StringTools.zeroPad(e.getId(), 2) + "]"; this.styleClass = "exercise_class"; this.scenario = scenario; } public SubmissionRow(ExerciseGroup eg) { this.exGroup = eg; this.isExGroup = true; this.text = "[" + StringTools.zeroPad(eg.getId(), 2) + "]: " + StringTools.trimToLengthIndicator(eg.getName(), 30); this.styleClass = "exercise_group_class"; } public SubmissionRow(Scenario sc) { this.scenario = sc; this.isScenario = true; this.text = "[" + StringTools.zeroPad(sc.getId(), 2) + "]: " + StringTools.trimToLengthIndicator(sc.getName(), 30); this.styleClass = "scenario_class"; } public String getEntryDate() { if (userEntry != null) { DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.LONG, DateFormat.FULL, new Locale("de", "DE")); return df.format(userEntry.getEntryTime()); } return "---"; } public boolean getIsExercise() { return isExercise; } public void setIsExercise(boolean isExercise) { this.isExercise = isExercise; } public boolean getIsEntry() { return isEntry; } public void setIsEntry(boolean isEntry) { this.isEntry = isEntry; } public String getText() { return text; } public void setText(String text) { this.text = text; } public boolean getIsExGroup() { return isExGroup; } public void setIsExGroup(boolean isExGroup) { this.isExGroup = isExGroup; } public boolean getIsScenario() { return isScenario; } public void setIsScenario(boolean isScenario) { this.isScenario = isScenario; } public UserEntry getUserEntry() { return userEntry; } public void setUserEntry(UserEntry userEntry) { this.userEntry = userEntry; } public Exercise getExercise() { return exercise; } public void setExercise(Exercise exercise) { this.exercise = exercise; } public String getExerciseText() { return StringTools.stripHtmlTags(exercise.getQuestion()); } public ExerciseGroup getExGroup() { return exGroup; } public void setExGroup(ExerciseGroup exGroup) { this.exGroup = exGroup; } public Scenario getScenario() { return scenario; } public void setScenario(Scenario scenario) { this.scenario = scenario; } public UserResult getUserResult() { return userResult; } public void setUserResult(UserResult userResult) { this.userResult = userResult; } /** * * * @param d * @param group */ public void setAvgCredits(double d, Exercise ex) { if (ex != null) { if (ex.getCredits() != null && !Double.isNaN(d)) { this.avgCredits = formatDouble(d, 1).replace(".0", "").replace(",0", "") + " / " + String.valueOf(ex.getCredits()); } else { this.avgCredits = "- / " + String.valueOf(ex.getCredits()); } } } /** * * * @param d * @return */ private static String formatDouble(double d, int places) { DecimalFormat f = new DecimalFormat("#0." + StringUtils.repeat("0", places)); return f.format(d); } public String getAvgCredits() { return avgCredits; } public String getStyleClass() { return styleClass; } public void setStyleClass(String styleClass) { this.styleClass = styleClass; } public boolean getCanBeRemoved() { return canBeRemoved; } public void setCanBeRemoved(boolean isDeletable) { this.canBeRemoved = isDeletable; } }