Java tutorial
package de.uniwue.info6.database.jdbc; /* * #%L * ************************************************************************ * ORGANIZATION : Institute of Computer Science, University of Wuerzburg * PROJECT : UEPS - Uebungs-Programm fuer SQL * FILENAME : * ************************************************************************ * %% * Copyright (C) 2014 - 2015 Institute of Computer Science, University of Wuerzburg * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.exception.ExceptionUtils; import com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource; import de.uniwue.info6.database.gen.ScriptRunner; import; import; import; import de.uniwue.info6.misc.StringTools; import; import de.uniwue.info6.webapp.misc.InitVariables; import de.uniwue.info6.webapp.session.SessionObject; /** * * * @author Michael */ public class ConnectionManager implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static final org.slf4j.Logger LOGGER = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(ConnectionManager.class); private static final String ORIGINAL_SCRIPTS = "sql", DRIVER_PARAMETERS = "useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF8&autoReconnect=true&interactiveClient=true", OFFLINE_MODE_MSG = "INFO (ueps): Offline mode"; public static final String DRIVER = "org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver", URL_PREFIX = "jdbc:mariadb://"; private HashMap<Scenario, ArrayList<String>> scenarioScripts; private HashMap<Scenario, HashMap<String, String>> autoIncrements, scenarioTablesWithHash; private String scriptPath; private HashMap<Scenario, ComboPooledDataSource> pools; private HashMap<Scenario, String> errors; private ArrayList<Scenario> hasForeignKeys, originalTableDeleted; private String resourcePath; private SessionObject ac; private ScenarioDao scenarioDao; private ComboPooledDataSource newAdminDataSource; private Cfg config; private static ConnectionManager instance; private static boolean OUTPUT_RESPONCE_TIME = false; // ------------------------------------------------ // // -- initialize // ------------------------------------------------ // /** * * * @return * * @throws FileNotFoundException * @throws SQLException * @throws IOException */ public static synchronized ConnectionManager instance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new ConnectionManager(); } return instance; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @see Object#SystemProperties() */ private ConnectionManager() { this.config = Cfg.inst(); this.scriptPath = this.config.getProp(MAIN_CONFIG, SCENARIO_RESOURCES_PATH); this.scriptPath = StringTools.shortenUnixHomePathReverse(this.scriptPath); = SessionObject.pullFromSession(); this.pools = new HashMap<Scenario, ComboPooledDataSource>(); this.errors = new HashMap<Scenario, String>(); this.scenarioScripts = new HashMap<Scenario, ArrayList<String>>(); this.scenarioTablesWithHash = new HashMap<Scenario, HashMap<String, String>>(); this.autoIncrements = new HashMap<Scenario, HashMap<String, String>>(); this.hasForeignKeys = new ArrayList<Scenario>(); this.originalTableDeleted = new ArrayList<Scenario>(); this.scenarioDao = new ScenarioDao(); // getting resource path File rootPath = new File(scriptPath); if (rootPath.exists() && rootPath.isDirectory() && rootPath.canWrite()) { File resource = new File(scriptPath + File.separator + Cfg.RESOURCE_PATH + File.separator); if (!resource.exists()) { resource.mkdir(); } resourcePath = resource.getAbsolutePath(); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // deleting tables from the database // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @throws SQLException * * */ public void dropDatabaseTablesForUser() throws SQLException { List<Scenario> scenarios = scenarioDao.findAll(); if (scenarios != null) { for (Scenario scenario : scenarios) { dropDatabaseTablesForUser(scenario, null, null); } } } /** * * * @param scenario * @param user * * @throws SQLException */ public void dropDatabaseTablesForUser(Scenario scenario, User user) throws SQLException { dropDatabaseTablesForUser(scenario, user, null); } /** * * * @param scenario * * @throws SQLException */ private void dropDatabaseTablesForUser(Scenario scenario, User user, List<String> tablesToDrop) throws SQLException { Connection connection = null; if (scenario != null) { try { connection = getConnection(scenario); if (tablesToDrop == null || tablesToDrop.isEmpty()) { tablesToDrop = DatabaseTools.getTablesOfUser(connection, user); } DatabaseTools.dropTable(connection, tablesToDrop); } catch (Exception e) { errors.put(scenario, e.getMessage()); } finally { if (connection != null) { connection.close(); } } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // create scenario databases and user rights // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * * * @param scenario * @param script * @return * @throws SQLException */ public synchronized boolean editUserRights(String script) throws SQLException { if (script != null && !script.isEmpty()) { Connection connection = null; try { if (newAdminDataSource == null) { createAdminDataSource(); } if (newAdminDataSource != null) { connection = newAdminDataSource.getConnection(); DatabaseTools.grantRights(connection, script); return true; } else { throw new SQLException("CAN'T GRANT USER RIGHTS, DATABASE NOT FOUND"); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new SQLException("COULD NOT CONNECT TO ADMIN DATABASE: \n" + "[" + script + "]" + "\n\n" + ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); } finally { if (connection != null) { connection.close(); } } } return false; } /** * * */ public boolean createAdminDataSource() throws Exception { String dbHost = "", dbUser = "", dbPass = "", dbPort = "", url = ""; try { dbHost = this.config.getProp(MAIN_CONFIG, MASTER_DBHOST); dbUser = this.config.getProp(MAIN_CONFIG, MASTER_DBUSER); dbPass = this.config.getProp(MAIN_CONFIG, MASTER_DBPASS); dbPort = this.config.getProp(MAIN_CONFIG, MASTER_DBPORT); url = url + URL_PREFIX + dbHost + ":" + dbPort + "?" + DRIVER_PARAMETERS; newAdminDataSource = new ComboPooledDataSource(); newAdminDataSource.setDriverClass(DRIVER); // loads the mariadb-jdbc driver newAdminDataSource.setJdbcUrl(url); newAdminDataSource.setUser(dbUser); if (dbPass != null && !dbPass.isEmpty()) { newAdminDataSource.setPassword(dbPass); } // the settings below are optional -- c3p0 can work with defaults newAdminDataSource.setMinPoolSize(0); newAdminDataSource.setInitialPoolSize(0); newAdminDataSource.setAcquireIncrement(5); newAdminDataSource.setMaxPoolSize(20); newAdminDataSource.setMaxIdleTimeExcessConnections(80); newAdminDataSource.setMaxIdleTime(120); newAdminDataSource.setUnreturnedConnectionTimeout(160); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("CAN NOT CREATE ADMIN DATA SOURCE", e); } return true; } /** * * * @param scenario * @return * @throws SQLException */ public synchronized String addScenarioDatabase(Scenario scenario) throws SQLException { if (scenario != null) { String dbHost = "", dbUser = "", dbPass = "", dbPort = "", url = "", dbName = ""; Connection connection = null; ResultSet resultSet = null; try { if (newAdminDataSource == null) { createAdminDataSource(); } if (newAdminDataSource != null) { connection = newAdminDataSource.getConnection(); resultSet = connection.getMetaData().getCatalogs(); dbName = Cfg.SLAVE_DB_PREFIX + StringTools.zeroPad(1, 3); ArrayList<String> dbNames = new ArrayList<String>(); while ( { dbNames.add(resultSet.getString(1).toLowerCase().trim()); } int count = 1; while (dbNames.contains(dbName)) { try { count = Integer.parseInt(dbName.substring(dbName.length() - 3, dbName.length())); dbName = dbName.substring(0, dbName.length() - 3) + StringTools.zeroPad(++count, 3); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { dbName = dbName + "_" + new Random().nextInt(10000); } } DatabaseTools.createDatabase(connection, dbName); return dbName; } else { throw new SQLException(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new SQLException("could not connect to admin database: " + "[" + dbHost + "]" + "[" + dbUser + "]" + "[" + dbPass + "]" + "[" + dbPort + "]" + "[" + url + "]", e); } finally { try { if (resultSet != null) { resultSet.close(); } if (connection != null) { connection.close(); } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } return null; } /** * * * @param scenario * * @throws SQLException */ private void removeScenarioDatabase(Scenario scenario) throws SQLException { if (scenario != null) { Connection connection = null; try { if (newAdminDataSource == null) { createAdminDataSource(); } if (newAdminDataSource != null) {"INFO (ueps): Force drop and create scenario database"); connection = newAdminDataSource.getConnection(); String dbName = scenario.getDbName(); if (dbName != null) { DatabaseTools.dropDatabase(connection, dbName); } } } catch (Exception e) { errors.put(scenario, e.getMessage()); } finally { if (connection != null) { connection.close(); } } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // fill scenario databases // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * * * @param scenario * @return */ public String checkIfImportScriptExists(Scenario scenario) { String dbScript = scenario.getCreateScriptPath(); if (dbScript != null) { File sqlScript = new File(resourcePath + File.separator + scenario.getId(), dbScript); if (!sqlScript.exists()) { String er = ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(new FileNotFoundException(sqlScript.getAbsolutePath())); if (er.length() > 500) { return er.substring(0, 500) + " [...]"; } else { return er; } } } return null; } /** * @param scenario * @return * @throws SQLException * * */ private ComboPooledDataSource createDataSource(Scenario scenario) throws SQLException { final String dbPort = scenario.getDbPort(); final String dbUser = scenario.getDbUser(); final String dbPass = scenario.getDbPass(); final String dbURL = URL_PREFIX + scenario.getDbHost() + ((dbPort != null && !dbPort.isEmpty()) ? ":" + dbPort : "") + "?" + DRIVER_PARAMETERS; ComboPooledDataSource cpds = null; try { cpds = new ComboPooledDataSource(); cpds.setDriverClass(DRIVER); cpds.setJdbcUrl(dbURL); cpds.setUser(dbUser); cpds.setPassword(dbPass); cpds.setMinPoolSize(0); cpds.setInitialPoolSize(0); cpds.setAcquireIncrement(5); cpds.setMaxPoolSize(20); cpds.setMaxIdleTimeExcessConnections(80); cpds.setMaxIdleTime(120); cpds.setUnreturnedConnectionTimeout(160); if (cpds != null) { pools.put(scenario, cpds); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("CAN NOT CREATE CONNECTION POOL", e); } return cpds; } /** * * * @param scenario * @param db * @throws SQLException * @throws IOException * @throws FileNotFoundException */ public synchronized String addDB(Scenario scenario) throws SQLException, FileNotFoundException, IOException { if (scenario == null) { LOGGER.error("ADDED SCENARIO IS NULL"); } else { this.createDataSource(scenario); // parse import-scripts String error = ""; if (scenario != null) { Connection connection = null; StringWriter swError = new StringWriter(); StringWriter swLog = new StringWriter(); try { connection = instance.getConnection(scenario); String dbScript = scenario.getCreateScriptPath(); ScriptRunner sc = new ScriptRunner(connection, false, true); PrintWriter pwLog = new PrintWriter(swLog); sc.setLogWriter(pwLog); PrintWriter pwError = new PrintWriter(swError); sc.setErrorLogWriter(pwError); File sqlScript = null; File tempScenarioFile = null; Integer scID = scenario.getId(); // ------------------------------------------------ // if (scID.equals(0)) { final URL scriptFileURL = this.getClass().getResource("/" + dbScript); if (scriptFileURL != null) { sqlScript = new File(scriptFileURL.getFile()); } } else { sqlScript = new File(resourcePath + File.separator + scID, dbScript); tempScenarioFile = new File(resourcePath + File.separator + "0", dbScript); if (!sqlScript.exists() && tempScenarioFile.exists()) { if (!sqlScript.getParentFile().exists()) { sqlScript.getParentFile().mkdirs(); } FileUtils.copyFile(tempScenarioFile, sqlScript); } } // ------------------------------------------------ // if (sqlScript.exists()) { sc.runScript(new FileReader(sqlScript), true); ArrayList<String> commands = sc.getCommands(); if (!commands.isEmpty()) { scenarioScripts.put(scenario, commands); } for (String command : commands) { addUserPrefix(command, scenario, null); } } // ------------------------------------------------ // } catch (Exception e) { error = swError.toString(); if (error.isEmpty()) { String er = ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e); if (er.length() > 500) { error = Cfg.inst().getProp(DEF_LANGUAGE, "ERROR.UNEXPECTED") + ": \n" + er.substring(0, 500) + " [...]"; } else { error = Cfg.inst().getProp(DEF_LANGUAGE, "ERROR.UNEXPECTED") + ": \n" + er; } } if (!error.toLowerCase().contains("duplicate entry")) { LOGGER.error(error, e); } if (!errors.containsKey(scenario)) { errors.put(scenario, error); } return error; } finally { if (connection != null) { try { connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } } return null; } /** * @throws IOException * @throws SQLException * @throws FileNotFoundException */ public synchronized void updateScenarios() throws FileNotFoundException, SQLException, IOException { List<Scenario> scenarios = scenarioDao.findAll(); errors = new HashMap<Scenario, String>(); if (scenarios != null) { // add scenarios if necessary for (Scenario sc : scenarios) { // get import-script File scDir = new File(resourcePath, String.valueOf(sc.getId())); if (!scDir.exists()) { scDir.mkdir(); } if (Cfg.inst().getProp(MAIN_CONFIG, IMPORT_EXAMPLE_SCENARIO)) { final String scriptFileName = sc.getCreateScriptPath(); final String diagramFileName = sc.getImagePath(); final Integer scriptID = sc.getId(); final File scriptFile = new File( resourcePath + File.separator + scriptID + File.separator + scriptFileName); final File imageFile = new File( resourcePath + File.separator + scriptID + File.separator + diagramFileName); if (!scriptFile.exists()) { URL originalScriptFile = this.getClass().getResource("/" + ORIGINAL_SCRIPTS + File.separator + scriptID + File.separator + scriptFileName); if (originalScriptFile != null) { FileUtils.copyFile(new File(originalScriptFile.getFile()), scriptFile); } } if (!imageFile.exists()) { URL originalImageFile = this.getClass().getResource("/" + ORIGINAL_SCRIPTS + File.separator + scriptID + File.separator + diagramFileName); if (originalImageFile != null) { FileUtils.copyFile(new File(originalImageFile.getFile()), imageFile); } } } if (!pools.containsKey(sc)) { instance.addDB(sc); } } List<Scenario> scenariosToRemove = new ArrayList<Scenario>(); // remove scenarios if necessary for (Scenario sc : pools.keySet()) { if (!scenarios.contains(sc)) { scenariosToRemove.add(sc); } } for (Scenario sc : scenariosToRemove) { removeScenario(sc, true); } } } /** * * * @param connection * @param dbName */ public void createDatabase(final Connection connection, final String dbName) { String createStatement = "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `" + dbName + "`"; Statement statement = null; try { if (connection != null) { statement = connection.createStatement(); statement.execute(createStatement); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (statement != null) { try { statement.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } /** * * * @param dbUser * @param dbPass * @param dbName * @param url * @return */ public boolean[] checkIfDBExists(final Connection connection, final String dbName) { Statement statement = null; ResultSet resultSet = null; boolean catalogExists = false; boolean tableExists = false; try { Class.forName("org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver"); // Register JDBC Driver resultSet = connection.getMetaData().getCatalogs(); while ( { String databaseName = resultSet.getString(1); if (databaseName.equalsIgnoreCase(dbName)) { catalogExists = true; break; } } connection.setCatalog(dbName); ResultSet rs = connection.getMetaData().getTables(null, null, "%", null); while ( { tableExists = true; } } catch (Exception e) { return new boolean[] { false, false }; } finally { try { if (resultSet != null) { resultSet.close(); } if (statement != null) { statement.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return new boolean[] { catalogExists, tableExists }; } /** * * * @param scenario */ public void removeScenario(Scenario scenario, boolean deleteDatabase) { if (scenario != null && pools != null) { if (ac != null) { Scenario currentScenario = ac.getScenario(); if (scenario.equals(currentScenario)) { ac.setScenario(null); } } if (pools.containsKey(scenario)) { pools.remove(scenario); } if (scenarioScripts.containsKey(scenario)) { scenarioScripts.remove(scenario); } if (scenarioTablesWithHash.containsKey(scenario)) { scenarioTablesWithHash.remove(scenario); } if (autoIncrements.containsKey(scenario)) { autoIncrements.remove(scenario); } if (hasForeignKeys.contains(scenario)) { hasForeignKeys.remove(scenario); } if (originalTableDeleted.contains(scenario)) { originalTableDeleted.remove(scenario); } if (errors.containsKey(scenario)) { errors.remove(scenario); } if (deleteDatabase) { try { removeScenarioDatabase(scenario); } catch (Exception e) { } } } } /** * * * @param scenario * @return * * @throws SQLException */ public synchronized Connection getConnection(Scenario scenario) throws SQLException { Connection connection = null; if (scenario != null) { if (pools.containsKey(scenario)) { try { ComboPooledDataSource pool = pools.get(scenario); connection = pool.getConnection(); boolean[] dbExists = checkIfDBExists(connection, scenario.getDbName()); if (!dbExists[0]) { this.createDatabase(connection, scenario.getDbName()); } connection.setCatalog(scenario.getDbName()); } catch (Exception exception) { errors.put(scenario, exception.getMessage()); throw exception; } } } return connection; } /** * * * @param scenario * @return * * @throws SQLException */ public synchronized ComboPooledDataSource getDataSource(Scenario scenario) throws SQLException { ComboPooledDataSource dataSource = null; if (scenario != null) { if (pools.containsKey(scenario)) { dataSource = pools.get(scenario); } } return dataSource; } /** * * * @param scenario */ public synchronized void removeDB(Scenario scenario) { if (pools.containsKey(scenario)) { pools.remove(scenario); } } /** * * * @param scenario * @param user * @param table * @return * * @throws SQLException */ public synchronized String getTableChecksum(Scenario scenario, User user, String table) throws SQLException { if (scenario != null) { Connection connection = null; ResultSet resultSet = null; Statement statement = null; try { connection = instance.getConnection(scenario); statement = connection.createStatement(); if (user == null) { statement.execute("CHECKSUM TABLE " + table); } else { statement.execute("CHECKSUM TABLE `" + user.getId().toLowerCase().trim() + "_" + table + "`"); } resultSet = statement.getResultSet(); if ( { return resultSet.getString(2); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("PROBLEM GETTING TABLE CHECKSUM", e); } finally { if (resultSet != null) { resultSet.close(); } if (statement != null) { statement.close(); } if (connection != null) { try { connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } return null; } /** * * * @return * @throws SQLException */ private boolean tableExists(Scenario scenario, String table) throws SQLException { Connection connection = null; Statement statement = null; ResultSet result = null; try { connection = this.getConnection(scenario); statement = connection.createStatement(); String showTables = "SHOW TABLES LIKE '" + table + "';"; result = statement.executeQuery(showTables); result.beforeFirst(); if ( { return true; } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("CHECKING IF TABLE EXISTS FAILED", e); } finally { if (statement != null) { statement.close(); } if (result != null) { result.close(); } if (connection != null) { try { connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } return false; } /** * * * @param scenario * @param user * @param force * @throws IOException * @throws SQLException * @throws FileNotFoundException */ public synchronized void resetTables(Scenario scenario, User user) throws FileNotFoundException, SQLException, IOException { this.resetTables(scenario, user, false); } /** * @throws SQLException * @throws IOException * @throws FileNotFoundException * * */ public synchronized void resetTables(Scenario scenario, User user, boolean forceDrop) throws SQLException, FileNotFoundException, IOException { long starttime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (!originalTableDeleted.contains(scenario)) { dropDatabaseTablesForUser(scenario, null, getScenarioTableNames(scenario)); originalTableDeleted.add(scenario); } if (scenario != null && user != null) { Connection connection = null; Statement statement = null; try { connection = this.getConnection(scenario); List<String> changedTables = checkSumChanged(scenario, user); List<String> temp = getScenarioTableNames(scenario); List<String> unchangedTables = new ArrayList<String>(); if (changedTables != null) { if (!scenarioTablesWithHash.isEmpty()) { dropDatabaseTablesForUser(scenario, user, changedTables); } if (temp != null) { for (String table : temp) { if (!changedTables.contains(table)) { unchangedTables.add(table); } } } if (connection != null) { // ------------------------------------------------ // // ------------------------------------------------ // statement = connection.createStatement(); ArrayList<String> commands = scenarioScripts.get(scenario); if (commands != null) { for (String command : commands) { command = command.trim(); String commandWithUserPrefix = addUserPrefix(command, scenario, user); if (commandWithUserPrefix != null) { if (changedTables.isEmpty() || hasForeignKeys.contains(scenario)) { statement.execute(commandWithUserPrefix); } else { boolean containsUnchangedTable = false, containsChangedTable = false, skipExecute = false; if (!forceDrop && (commandWithUserPrefix.startsWith("/*") || isDropStatement(commandWithUserPrefix))) { skipExecute = true; } for (String unchangedTable : unchangedTables) { if (queryContainsQuery(command, unchangedTable)) { containsUnchangedTable = true; break; } } for (String changedTable : changedTables) { if (queryContainsQuery(command, changedTable)) { containsChangedTable = true; break; } } try { if (containsChangedTable || !containsUnchangedTable) { // ------------------------------------------------ // for (String changedTable : changedTables) { String tableName = user.getId() + "_" + changedTable; boolean createStatement = isCreateStatement( commandWithUserPrefix, tableName); if (createStatement) { if (!forceDrop && tableExists(scenario, tableName)) { skipExecute = true; statement.execute("DELETE FROM `" + tableName + "`;"); if (autoIncrements != null && autoIncrements.containsKey(scenario)) { HashMap<String, String> incrementList = autoIncrements .get(scenario); if (incrementList.containsKey(changedTable)) { statement.execute("ALTER TABLE `" + tableName + "` AUTO_INCREMENT=" + incrementList.get(changedTable) + ";"); } } } else { statement.execute( "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `" + tableName + "`;"); skipExecute = false; } } } // ------------------------------------------------ // if (!skipExecute) { statement.execute("SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0;"); statement.execute(commandWithUserPrefix); } } } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // TODO: logging } } } } } else { String fileNotFound = "\n" + checkIfImportScriptExists(scenario); if (fileNotFound.trim().length() < 5) { fileNotFound = ""; } LOGGER.error("SQL COMMAND LIST IS EMPTY. THERE IS" + " SOMETHING WRONG WITH THE IMPORT SCRIPT" + fileNotFound); } } else { LOGGER.error("CAN'T ESTABLISH CONNECTION FROM SELECTED SCENARIO!"); } } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("PROBLEM WITH RESETTING USER TABLES", e); } finally { if (statement != null) { statement.execute("SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1;"); statement.close(); } if (connection != null) { try { connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } if (OUTPUT_RESPONCE_TIME) { long elapsedTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime; System.out.println("Import-Script: " + elapsedTime + " ms"); } } /** * * * @param scenario * @param user * @return * * @throws SQLException */ private List<String> checkSumChanged(Scenario scenario, User user) throws SQLException { if (scenario == null) { LOGGER.error("GIVEN SCENARIO IS NULL!"); } else { List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); HashMap<String, String> tables = scenarioTablesWithHash.get(scenario); if (!scenarioTablesWithHash.containsKey(scenario)) { return list; } if (tables != null && tables.isEmpty()) { return list; } for (String name : tables.keySet()) { String sum = tables.get(name); String currentSum = getTableChecksum(scenario, user, name); if (currentSum == null || sum == null || !sum.equals(currentSum)) { list.add(name); } } if (!list.isEmpty()) { return list; } } return null; } /** * * * @param scenario * @param table * @return * * @throws SQLException */ private String getAutoIncrementFromTable(final Scenario scenario, String table) throws SQLException { if (scenario != null) { ResultSet resultSet = null; Statement statement = null; Connection connection = null; try { connection = instance.getConnection(scenario); statement = connection.createStatement(); statement.execute("SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '" + table + "'"); resultSet = statement.getResultSet(); if ( { return resultSet.getString("AUTO_INCREMENT"); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("PROBLEM GETTING TABLE CHECKSUM", e); } finally { if (resultSet != null) { resultSet.close(); } if (statement != null) { statement.close(); } if (connection != null) { connection.close(); } } } return null; } /** * * * @param query * @param table * @return * * @throws SQLException */ private boolean isCreateStatement(String query, String table) throws SQLException { String regex_table = "[\\`\\'\"\\s]+(" + table + ")[\\`\\'\"\\s;]+[,]?"; String REGEX_FIELD = "(?:create)[\\s]+table[s]?(?:[\\s]*if[\\s]*not?[\\s]*exists)?" + regex_table; Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(REGEX_FIELD, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE).matcher(query); if (matcher.find()) { return true; } return false; } /** * * * @param query * @param table * @return * * @throws SQLException */ private boolean isDropStatement(String query) throws SQLException { String regex_table = "[\\`\\'\"\\s]+([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)[\\`\\'\"\\s]*[,]?"; String REGEX_FIELD = "(?:drop)[\\s]+table[s]?(?:[\\s]*if[\\s]*not?[\\s]*exists)?" + regex_table; Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(REGEX_FIELD, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE).matcher(query); if (matcher.find()) { return true; } return false; } /** * * * @param query * @param user * @return */ private boolean queryContainsQuery(String query, String tableName) { String regex_table = "[\\`\\'\"\\s]+(" + tableName + ")[\\`\\'\"\\s]*[,]?"; String REGEX_FIELD = "(?:create|drop|lock|alter)[\\s]+table[s]?(?:[\\s]*if[\\s]*not?[\\s]*exists)?" + regex_table; Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(REGEX_FIELD, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE).matcher(query); ArrayList<String> exclusions = new ArrayList<String>() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; { add("if"); add("select"); add("table"); add("exists"); add("not exists"); } }; while (matcher.find()) { String table =; if (!exclusions.contains(table)) { return true; } } REGEX_FIELD = "(?:insert[\\s]+into|references|constraint)" + regex_table; matcher = Pattern.compile(REGEX_FIELD, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE).matcher(query); while (matcher.find()) { String table =; if (!exclusions.contains(table)) { return true; } } REGEX_FIELD = "(?:insert[\\s]+into|references)" + regex_table; matcher = Pattern.compile(REGEX_FIELD, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE).matcher(query); if (matcher.find()) { String table =; if (!exclusions.contains(table)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * * * @param query * @param user * @return * @throws SQLException */ private String addUserPrefix(String query, Scenario scenario, User user) throws SQLException { // query = "create table dept_emp, test"; // String regex_table = "[\\`\\'\"\\s]+([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+?)[\\`\\'\"\\s]+"; // String regex_table = "[\\s]+([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)[\\s]*"; String regex_table = "[\\`\\'\"\\s]+([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)[\\`\\'\"\\s]*[,]?"; // String REGEX_FIELD = // "(?:create|drop|lock|alter)[\\s]+table[s]?(?:[\\s]*if[\\s]*exists)?" + // regex_table; String REGEX_FIELD = "(?:create|drop|lock|alter)[\\s]+table[s]?(?:[\\s]*if[\\s]*not?[\\s]*exists)?" + regex_table; Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(REGEX_FIELD, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE).matcher(query); ArrayList<String> exclusions = new ArrayList<String>() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; { add("if"); add("select"); add("table"); add("exists"); add("not exists"); } }; List<String> tablesToReplace = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> tablesToUse = new ArrayList<String>(); List<Integer> stringStart = new ArrayList<Integer>(); List<Integer> stringEnd = new ArrayList<Integer>(); while (matcher.find()) { String table =; if (!exclusions.contains(table.toLowerCase())) { tablesToReplace.add(table); tablesToUse.add(table); stringStart.add(matcher.start(1)); stringEnd.add(matcher.end(1)); } } REGEX_FIELD = "(?:insert[\\s]+into|references|constraint)" + regex_table; matcher = Pattern.compile(REGEX_FIELD, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE).matcher(query); while (matcher.find()) { String table =; if (!exclusions.contains(table.toLowerCase())) { tablesToReplace.add(table); stringStart.add(matcher.start(1)); stringEnd.add(matcher.end(1)); } } REGEX_FIELD = "(?:insert[\\s]+into|references)" + regex_table; matcher = Pattern.compile(REGEX_FIELD, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE).matcher(query); if (matcher.find()) { String table =; if (!exclusions.contains(table.toLowerCase())) { tablesToUse.add(table); stringStart.add(matcher.start(1)); stringEnd.add(matcher.end(1)); } } if (!tablesToReplace.isEmpty()) { HashMap<String, String> tablesWithHash = null; HashMap<String, String> tableIncrements = null; // ------------------------------------------------ // if (scenarioTablesWithHash.containsKey(scenario)) { tablesWithHash = scenarioTablesWithHash.get(scenario); } else { tablesWithHash = new HashMap<String, String>(); scenarioTablesWithHash.put(scenario, tablesWithHash); } for (int i = tablesToReplace.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { String foundTable = tablesToReplace.get(i); if (user != null) { query = query.substring(0, stringStart.get(i)) + user.getId() + "_" + foundTable + query.substring(stringEnd.get(i), query.length()); } } if (autoIncrements == null || !autoIncrements.containsKey(scenario)) { tableIncrements = new HashMap<String, String>(); autoIncrements.put(scenario, tableIncrements); } else { tableIncrements = autoIncrements.get(scenario); } for (String tableToUse : tablesToUse) { // ------------------------------------------------ // if (tableIncrements != null) { if (!tableIncrements.containsKey(tableToUse)) { String increment = getAutoIncrementFromTable(scenario, tableToUse); if (increment != null) { tableIncrements.put(tableToUse, increment); } } } // ------------------------------------------------ // if (!tablesWithHash.containsKey(tableToUse)) { String checkSum = getTableChecksum(scenario, user, tableToUse); tablesWithHash.put(tableToUse, checkSum); } // ------------------------------------------------ // } } return query; } /** * * * @param masterScript * * @throws SQLException */ public void resetMasterDatabase(Scenario masterScript, Scenario dataScript) throws SQLException { if (masterScript == null) { return; } Connection connection = null; try { final String dbHost = masterScript.getDbHost(); final boolean forceReset = Cfg.inst().getProp(MAIN_CONFIG, FORCE_RESET_DATABASE); final boolean debugMode = Cfg.inst().getProp(MAIN_CONFIG, DEBUG_MODE); if (forceReset && !debugMode) { // set reset-flag to false Cfg.inst().setProp(MAIN_CONFIG, FORCE_RESET_DATABASE, false); } // ------------------------------------------------ // ComboPooledDataSource dataSource = instance.getDataSource(masterScript); if (dataSource == null) { dataSource = this.createDataSource(masterScript); } // ------------------------------------------------ // connection = dataSource.getConnection(); String dbName = masterScript.getDbName(); if (forceReset) { DatabaseTools.dropDatabase(connection, dbName); DatabaseTools.removeRestrictedUsers(connection, dbHost); } DatabaseTools.createDatabase(connection, dbName); // ------------------------------------------------ // masterScript.setId(0); addDB(masterScript); removeDB(masterScript); if (dataScript != null) { dataScript.setId(0); addDB(dataScript); removeDB(dataScript); } // ------------------------------------------------ // } catch (Exception e) { errors.put(masterScript, e.getMessage()); } finally { if (connection != null) { try { connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } /** * * * @param scenario * @return * * @throws SQLException */ public synchronized String getDropSlaveDBList(Scenario scenario) throws SQLException { if (scenario != null) { Connection connection = null; ResultSet resultSet = null; Statement statement = null; try { connection = instance.getConnection(scenario); statement = connection.createStatement(); String query = "SELECT CONCAT('DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS `',schema_name,'`; ') AS stmt FROM " + "information_schema.schemata WHERE schema_name " + "LIKE 'ueps\\_slave\\_%' ESCAPE '\\\\' ORDER BY schema_name"; statement.execute(query); resultSet = statement.getResultSet(); StringBuilder dropQuery = new StringBuilder(); while ( { dropQuery.append(resultSet.getString(1)); } return dropQuery.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("PROBLEM GETTING DATABASE LIST", e); } finally { if (resultSet != null) { resultSet.close(); } if (statement != null) { statement.close(); } if (connection != null) { try { connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } return null; } /** * * * @param scenario * @return */ public ArrayList<String> getScenarioTableNames(Scenario scenario) { if (scenario != null && scenarioTablesWithHash != null && scenarioTablesWithHash.containsKey(scenario)) { return new ArrayList<String>(scenarioTablesWithHash.get(scenario).keySet()); } return null; } /** * * * @param scenario * @return */ public String getError(Scenario scenario) { if (errors.containsKey(scenario)) { return errors.get(scenario); } return null; } /** * @return the resourcePath */ public String getResourcePath() { return resourcePath; } /** * @param resourcePath * the resourcePath to set */ public void setResourcePath(String resourcePath) { this.resourcePath = resourcePath; } /** * @return the pools */ public HashMap<Scenario, ComboPooledDataSource> getPools() { return pools; } /** * @return the originalTableDeleted */ public ArrayList<Scenario> getOriginalTableDeleted() { return originalTableDeleted; } // ------------------------------------------------ // // -- Some debug functions. // ------------------------------------------------ // /** * * * @return * * @throws FileNotFoundException * @throws SQLException * @throws IOException */ public static synchronized ConnectionManager offline_instance() { if (instance == null) { try { System.err.println(OFFLINE_MODE_MSG); InitVariables var = new InitVariables(); var.initPropertyManager(true); instance = new ConnectionManager(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return instance; } }