Java tutorial
/** License information: * Component: javaslicer-tracer * Package: * Class: Transformer * Filename: javaslicer-tracer/src/main/java/de/unisb/cs/st/javaslicer/tracer/instrumentation/ * * This file is part of the JavaSlicer tool, developed by Clemens Hammacher at Saarland University. * See for more information. * * JavaSlicer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * JavaSlicer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with JavaSlicer. If not, see <>. */ package; import; import java.lang.instrument.ClassFileTransformer; import java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader; import org.objectweb.asm.ClassVisitor; import org.objectweb.asm.ClassWriter; import org.objectweb.asm.Type; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.ClassNode; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.FieldNode; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodNode; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.TryCatchBlockNode; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.Analyzer; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.AnalyzerException; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.BasicVerifier; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.Frame; import org.objectweb.asm.util.CheckClassAdapter; import org.objectweb.asm.util.Textifier; import org.objectweb.asm.util.TraceMethodVisitor; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class Transformer implements ClassFileTransformer { /** * The asm {@link ClassWriter} has an "error" (maybe feature) in the * method {@link #getCommonSuperClass(String, String)}, because it * only uses the classloader of the current class, not the system * class loader. * * @author Clemens Hammacher */ public static final class FixedClassWriter extends ClassWriter { protected FixedClassWriter(final int flags) { super(flags); } @Override protected String getCommonSuperClass(String type1, String type2) { if (type1.equals(type2)) return type1; return "java/lang/Object"; } } private final String[] pauseTracingClasses = new String[] { "java.lang.ClassLoader", "sun.instrument.InstrumentationImpl" }; private final Set<String> notRedefinedClasses; private static final boolean COMPUTE_FRAMES = true; private final Object transformationLock = new Object(); private final AtomicLong totalBytecodeParsingTime = new AtomicLong(0); private final AtomicLong totalRawTransformationTime = new AtomicLong(0); private final AtomicLong totalBytecodeWritingTime = new AtomicLong(0); private final AtomicLong totalTransformationTime = new AtomicLong(0); private final AtomicInteger totalTransformedClasses = new AtomicInteger(0); private final Instrumentation instrumentation; private final Tracer tracer; private final ConcurrentLinkedQueue<ReadClass> readClasses; public Transformer(final Tracer tracer, final Instrumentation instrumentation, final ConcurrentLinkedQueue<ReadClass> readClasses, final Set<String> notRedefinedClasses) { this.tracer = tracer; this.instrumentation = instrumentation; this.readClasses = readClasses; this.notRedefinedClasses = notRedefinedClasses; } @Override public byte[] transform(final ClassLoader loader, final String className, final Class<?> classBeingRedefined, final ProtectionDomain protectionDomain, final byte[] classfileBuffer) { final long startTime = System.nanoTime(); ThreadTracer tt = null; boolean paused = false; try { if (this.tracer.tracingReady) return null; // disable tracing for the thread tracer of this thread tt = this.tracer.getThreadTracer(); tt.pauseTracing(); paused = true; final String javaClassName = Type.getObjectType(className).getClassName(); if (isExcluded(javaClassName)) return null; return transform0(className, javaClassName, classfileBuffer); } catch (TracerException e) { System.err.println("Error transforming class " + className + ": " + e.getMessage()); return null; } catch (RuntimeException e) { System.err.println("Uncatched error while transforming class " + className + ":"); e.printStackTrace(System.err); return null; } finally { if (this.tracer.debug) { // first build the string, then print it. otherwise the output may be interrupted // when new classes need to be loaded to format the output final long nanoSecs = System.nanoTime() - startTime; this.totalTransformationTime.addAndGet(nanoSecs); this.totalTransformedClasses.incrementAndGet(); final String text = String.format((Locale) null, "Transforming %s took %.2f msec.%n", className, 1e-6 * nanoSecs); System.out.print(text); } if (paused && tt != null) tt.resumeTracing(); } } private boolean isExcluded(final String javaClassName) { if (javaClassName.startsWith("")) return true; if (javaClassName.startsWith("")) return true; if (javaClassName.startsWith("de.hammacher.util.")) return true; if (javaClassName.startsWith("")) return true; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NOTE: these will be cleaned up when the system runs stable ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (javaClassName.equals("java.lang.System")) return true; /* if (javaClassName.equals("java.lang.VerifyError") || javaClassName.equals("java.lang.ClassCircularityError") || javaClassName.equals("java.lang.LinkageError") || javaClassName.equals("java.lang.Error") || javaClassName.equals("java.lang.Throwable")) return null; */ if (javaClassName.startsWith("java.util.Collections")) return true; if (javaClassName.startsWith("java.lang.Thread") && !"java.lang.Thread".equals(javaClassName)) return true; // because of Thread.getName() if (javaClassName.equals("java.lang.String")) return true; if (javaClassName.equals("java.util.Arrays")) return true; if (javaClassName.equals("java.lang.Math")) return true; // Object if (javaClassName.equals("java.lang.Object")) return true; // references if (javaClassName.startsWith("java.lang.ref.")) return true; return false; } private byte[] transform0(final String className, final String javaClassName, final byte[] classfileBuffer) { long startNanos = System.nanoTime(); final ClassReader reader = new ClassReader(classfileBuffer); final ClassNode classNode = new ClassNode(); reader.accept(classNode, 0); final ClassWriter writer; this.totalBytecodeParsingTime.addAndGet(System.nanoTime() - startNanos); if (this.tracer.check) { checkClass(classfileBuffer, className, classfileBuffer); } // we have to synchronize on System.out first. // otherwise it may lead to a deadlock if a thread calls removeStale() on ConcurrentReferenceHashMap // while he holds the lock for System.out, but another thread is inside the transformation step and // waits for the lock of System.out synchronized (System.out) { synchronized (this.transformationLock) { // register that class for later reconstruction of the trace List<Field> fields = classNode.fields.isEmpty() ? Collections.<Field>emptyList() : new ArrayList<Field>(classNode.fields.size()); final String javaSuperName = Type.getObjectType(classNode.superName).getClassName(); final ReadClass readClass = new ReadClass(className, AbstractInstruction.getNextIndex(), classNode.access, classNode.sourceFile, fields, javaSuperName); for (final Object fieldObj : classNode.fields) { final FieldNode f = (FieldNode) fieldObj; fields.add(new Field(, f.desc, f.access, readClass)); } long nanosBeforeTransformation = System.nanoTime(); if (Arrays.asList(this.pauseTracingClasses).contains(javaClassName) || className.startsWith("java/security/")) { new PauseTracingInstrumenter(readClass, this.tracer).transform(classNode); } else { if ("java/lang/Thread".equals(className)) new ThreadInstrumenter(readClass, this.tracer).transform(classNode); else new TracingClassInstrumenter(readClass, this.tracer).transform(classNode); } new IdentifiableInstrumenter(readClass, this.tracer).transform(classNode); long nanosAfterTransformation = System.nanoTime(); this.totalRawTransformationTime.addAndGet(nanosAfterTransformation - nanosBeforeTransformation); writer = new FixedClassWriter( COMPUTE_FRAMES ? ClassWriter.COMPUTE_FRAMES : ClassWriter.COMPUTE_MAXS); ClassVisitor output = this.tracer.check ? new CheckClassAdapter(writer, false) : writer; classNode.accept(COMPUTE_FRAMES ? new JSRInliner(output) : output); this.totalBytecodeWritingTime.addAndGet(System.nanoTime() - nanosAfterTransformation); readClass.setInstructionNumberEnd(AbstractInstruction.getNextIndex()); // now we can write the class out // NOTE: we do not write it out immediately, because this sometimes leads // to circular dependencies! //readClass.writeOut(this.readClassesOutputStream, this.readClassesStringCache); this.readClasses.add(readClass); } } final byte[] newClassfileBuffer = writer.toByteArray(); if (this.tracer.check) { checkClass(newClassfileBuffer, className, classfileBuffer); } //printClass(newClassfileBuffer, Type.getObjectType(className).getClassName()); /* if (className.endsWith("line/Main")) printClass(newClassfileBuffer, Type.getObjectType(className).getClassName()); */ return newClassfileBuffer; } private boolean checkClass(final byte[] newClassfileBuffer, final String classname, byte[] origClassfileBuffer) { final ClassNode cn = new ClassNode(); final ClassReader cr = new ClassReader(newClassfileBuffer); //cr.accept(new CheckClassAdapter(cn), ClassReader.SKIP_DEBUG); cr.accept(new CheckClassAdapter(cn), 0); for (final Object methodObj : cn.methods) { final MethodNode method = (MethodNode) methodObj; final Analyzer a = new Analyzer(new BasicVerifier()); // SimpleVerifier has problems with sub-classes, e.g. you cannot use PrintStream for Appendable and so on... //final Analyzer a = new Analyzer(new SimpleVerifier( // Type.getObjectType(, Type.getObjectType(cn.superName), // (cn.access & Opcodes.ACC_INTERFACE) != 0)); try { a.analyze(, method); } catch (final AnalyzerException e) { System.err.println("Error in method " + classname + "." + + method.desc + ": " + e); //e.printStackTrace(System.err); printMethod(a, System.err, method); if (newClassfileBuffer == origClassfileBuffer) { System.err.println("This is the original bytecode!"); } else { System.err.println("original bytecode:"); ClassReader origClassReader = new ClassReader(origClassfileBuffer); ClassNode origClassNode = new ClassNode(); origClassReader.accept(origClassNode, 0); for (Object origMethodObj : origClassNode.methods) { MethodNode origMethod = (MethodNode) origMethodObj; if ( && origMethod.desc.equals(method.desc)) printMethod(System.err, origMethod); } } return false; } } return true; } public static void printMethod(PrintStream out, MethodNode method) { final Textifier textifier = new Textifier(); final TraceMethodVisitor mv = new TraceMethodVisitor(textifier); out.println( + method.desc); for (int j = 0; j < method.instructions.size(); ++j) { method.instructions.get(j).accept(mv); final StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(); while (s.length() < method.maxStack + method.maxLocals + 1) { s.append(' '); } out.print(Integer.toString(j + 100000).substring(1)); out.print(" " + s + " : " + textifier.text.get(j)); } for (int j = 0; j < method.tryCatchBlocks.size(); ++j) { ((TryCatchBlockNode) method.tryCatchBlocks.get(j)).accept(mv); out.print(" " + textifier.text.get(method.instructions.size() + j)); } out.println(" MAXSTACK " + method.maxStack); out.println(" MAXLOCALS " + method.maxLocals); out.println(); } private static void printMethod(final Analyzer a, final PrintStream out, final MethodNode method) { final Frame[] frames = a.getFrames(); final Textifier textifier = new Textifier(); final TraceMethodVisitor mv = new TraceMethodVisitor(textifier); out.println( + method.desc); for (int j = 0; j < method.instructions.size(); ++j) { method.instructions.get(j).accept(mv); final StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(); final Frame f = frames[j]; if (f == null) { s.append('?'); } else { for (int k = 0; k < f.getLocals(); ++k) { s.append(getShortName(f.getLocal(k).toString())).append(' '); } s.append(" : "); for (int k = 0; k < f.getStackSize(); ++k) { s.append(getShortName(f.getStack(k).toString())).append(' '); } } while (s.length() < method.maxStack + method.maxLocals + 1) { s.append(' '); } out.print(Integer.toString(j + 100000).substring(1)); out.print(" " + s + " : " + textifier.text.get(j)); } for (int j = 0; j < method.tryCatchBlocks.size(); ++j) { ((TryCatchBlockNode) method.tryCatchBlocks.get(j)).accept(mv); out.print(" " + textifier.text.get(method.instructions.size() + j)); } out.println(" MAXSTACK " + method.maxStack); out.println(" MAXLOCALS " + method.maxLocals); out.println(); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static void printClass(final byte[] classfileBuffer, final String classname) { /* final TraceClassVisitor v = new TraceClassVisitor(new PrintWriter(System.out)); new ClassReader(classfileBuffer).accept(v, ClassReader.SKIP_DEBUG); */ final ClassNode cn = new ClassNode(); final ClassReader cr = new ClassReader(classfileBuffer); //cr.accept(new CheckClassAdapter(cn), ClassReader.SKIP_DEBUG); cr.accept(new CheckClassAdapter(cn), 0); for (final Object methodObj : cn.methods) { final MethodNode method = (MethodNode) methodObj; final Analyzer a = new Analyzer(new BasicVerifier()); //final Analyzer a = new Analyzer(new SimpleVerifier()); try { a.analyze(, method); } catch (final AnalyzerException e) { System.err.println("// error in method " + classname + "." + + method.desc + ":" + e); } printMethod(a, System.err, method); } } private static String getShortName(final String name) { final int n = name.lastIndexOf('/'); int k = name.length(); if (name.charAt(k - 1) == ';') { k--; } return n == -1 ? name : name.substring(n + 1, k); } public void finish() { this.instrumentation.removeTransformer(this); if (this.tracer.debug) { TracingMethodInstrumenter.printStats(System.out); System.out.format((Locale) null, "Transforming %d classes took %.3f seconds in total.%n", this.totalTransformedClasses.get(), 1e-9 * this.totalTransformationTime.get()); System.out.format((Locale) null, " - %7.3f seconds for parsing bytecode\n - %7.3f seconds for transformations\n - %7.3f seconds for writing bytecode\n", 1e-9 * this.totalBytecodeParsingTime.get(), 1e-9 * this.totalRawTransformationTime.get(), 1e-9 * this.totalBytecodeWritingTime.get()); } } /** * Checks whether the class given by the fully qualified java class name has been * redefined by the instrumenter or not. * The classes that couldn't get redefined are those already loaded by the vm when * the agent's premain method was executed. * * @param className the fully qualified classname to check * @return true if the class was redefined, false if not */ // hmm, redefined is the wrong word here... public boolean wasRedefined(final String className) { return !this.notRedefinedClasses.contains(className); } }