Java tutorial
/** License information: * Component: javaslicer-core * Package: * Class: DirectSlicer * Filename: javaslicer-core/src/main/java/de/unisb/cs/st/javaslicer/slicing/ * * This file is part of the JavaSlicer tool, developed by Clemens Hammacher at Saarland University. * See for more information. * * JavaSlicer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * JavaSlicer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with JavaSlicer. If not, see <>. */ package; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.GnuParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter; import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes; import de.hammacher.util.maps.IntegerMap; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * This is the first dynamic slicer I wrote. * It is much faster than the new version which uses the more general * dependences extractor. * * I try to maintain both versions, also to verify each other's results. * * You can use this version if you are just interested in the dynamic * slice as a set of bytecode instructions. * * @author Clemens Hammacher */ public class DirectSlicer implements Opcodes { private final TraceResult trace; private final Simulator<InstructionInstance> simulator; private final List<ProgressMonitor> progressMonitors = new ArrayList<ProgressMonitor>(1); public DirectSlicer(TraceResult trace) { this.trace = trace; this.simulator = new Simulator<InstructionInstance>(trace); } public static void main(String[] args) { Options options = createOptions(); CommandLineParser parser = new GnuParser(); CommandLine cmdLine; try { cmdLine = parser.parse(options, args, true); } catch (ParseException e) { System.err.println("Error parsing the command line arguments: " + e.getMessage()); return; } if (cmdLine.hasOption('h')) { printHelp(options, System.out); System.exit(0); } String[] additionalArgs = cmdLine.getArgs(); if (additionalArgs.length != 2) { printHelp(options, System.err); System.exit(-1); } File traceFile = new File(additionalArgs[0]); String slicingCriterionString = additionalArgs[1]; Long threadId = null; if (cmdLine.hasOption('t')) { try { threadId = Long.parseLong(cmdLine.getOptionValue('t')); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.err.println("Illegal thread id: " + cmdLine.getOptionValue('t')); System.exit(-1); } } TraceResult trace; try { trace = TraceResult.readFrom(traceFile); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.format("Could not read the trace file \"%s\": %s%n", traceFile, e); System.exit(-1); return; } List<SlicingCriterion> sc = null; try { sc = StaticSlicingCriterion.parseAll(slicingCriterionString, trace.getReadClasses()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { System.err.println("Error parsing slicing criterion: " + e.getMessage()); System.exit(-1); return; } List<ThreadId> threads = trace.getThreads(); if (threads.size() == 0) { System.err.println("The trace file contains no tracing information."); System.exit(-1); } ThreadId tracing = null; for (ThreadId t : threads) { if (threadId == null) { if ("main".equals(t.getThreadName()) && (tracing == null || t.getJavaThreadId() < tracing.getJavaThreadId())) tracing = t; } else if (t.getJavaThreadId() == threadId.longValue()) { tracing = t; } } if (tracing == null) { System.err.println(threadId == null ? "Couldn't find the main thread." : "The thread you specified was not found."); System.exit(-1); return; } long startTime = System.nanoTime(); DirectSlicer slicer = new DirectSlicer(trace); if (cmdLine.hasOption("--progress")) slicer.addProgressMonitor(new ConsoleProgressMonitor()); Set<Instruction> slice = slicer.getDynamicSlice(tracing, sc); long endTime = System.nanoTime(); List<Instruction> sliceList = new ArrayList<Instruction>(slice); Collections.sort(sliceList); System.out.println("The dynamic slice for criterion " + sc + ":"); for (Instruction insn : sliceList) { System.out.format((Locale) null, "%s.%s:%d %s%n", insn.getMethod().getReadClass().getName(), insn.getMethod().getName(), insn.getLineNumber(), insn.toString()); } System.out.format((Locale) null, "%nSlice consists of %d bytecode instructions.%n", sliceList.size()); System.out.format((Locale) null, "Computation took %.2f seconds.%n", 1e-9 * (endTime - startTime)); } private void addProgressMonitor(ProgressMonitor progressMonitor) { this.progressMonitors.add(progressMonitor); } public Set<Instruction> getDynamicSlice(ThreadId threadId, List<SlicingCriterion> sc) { BackwardTraceIterator<InstructionInstance> backwardInsnItr = this.trace.getBackwardIterator(threadId, null); IntegerMap<Set<Instruction>> controlDependences = new IntegerMap<Set<Instruction>>(); Set<Variable> interestingVariables = new HashSet<Variable>(); Set<Instruction> dynamicSlice = new HashSet<Instruction>(); long nextFrameNr = 0; int stackDepth = 0; List<ReadMethod> initialStackMethods = backwardInsnItr.getInitialStackMethods(); int allocStack = initialStackMethods.size() + 1; allocStack = Integer.highestOneBit(allocStack) * 2; Instruction[] atCatchBlockStart = new Instruction[allocStack]; boolean[] throwsException = new boolean[allocStack]; boolean[] interruptedControlFlow = new boolean[allocStack]; /** * <code>true</code> iff this frame was aborted abnormally (NOT by a RETURN * instruction) */ boolean[] abnormalTermination = new boolean[allocStack]; /** * is set to true if the methods entry label has been passed */ boolean[] finished = new boolean[allocStack]; int[] opStack = new int[allocStack]; int[] minOpStack = new int[allocStack]; long[] frames = new long[allocStack]; Instruction[] lastInstruction = new Instruction[allocStack]; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") HashSet<Instruction>[] interestingInstructions = (HashSet<Instruction>[]) new HashSet<?>[allocStack]; StackEntry[][] cachedStackEntries = new StackEntry[allocStack][]; LocalVariable[][] cachedLocalVariables = new LocalVariable[allocStack][]; ReadMethod[] method = new ReadMethod[allocStack]; for (ReadMethod method0 : initialStackMethods) { ++stackDepth; method[stackDepth] = method0; interruptedControlFlow[stackDepth] = true; frames[stackDepth] = nextFrameNr++; } for (int i = 1; i < allocStack; ++i) { interestingInstructions[i] = new HashSet<Instruction>(); cachedStackEntries[i] = new StackEntry[8]; cachedLocalVariables[i] = new LocalVariable[8]; } SimulationEnvironment simEnv = new SimulationEnvironment(frames, opStack, minOpStack, cachedStackEntries, cachedLocalVariables, throwsException, lastInstruction, method, interruptedControlFlow); List<SlicingCriterionInstance> slicingCriteria; if (sc.isEmpty()) slicingCriteria = Collections.emptyList(); else if (sc.size() == 1) slicingCriteria = Collections.singletonList(sc.get(0).getInstance()); else { slicingCriteria = new ArrayList<SlicingCriterionInstance>(sc.size()); for (SlicingCriterion crit : sc) slicingCriteria.add(crit.getInstance()); } for (ProgressMonitor mon : this.progressMonitors) mon.start(backwardInsnItr); try { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Set<Variable>[] matchedCriterionVariables = (Set<Variable>[]) new Set<?>[8]; while (backwardInsnItr.hasNext()) { InstructionInstance instance =; Instruction instruction = instance.getInstruction(); int newStackDepth = instance.getStackDepth(); assert newStackDepth > 0; simEnv.removedMethod = null; boolean reenter = false; if (newStackDepth != stackDepth || (reenter = finished[stackDepth] || method[stackDepth] != instruction.getMethod())) { if (newStackDepth >= stackDepth) { // in all steps, the stackDepth can change by at most 1 (except for the very first instruction) assert newStackDepth == stackDepth + 1 || stackDepth == 0 || reenter; if (newStackDepth >= atCatchBlockStart.length) { int oldLen = atCatchBlockStart.length; int newLen = oldLen == 0 ? 8 : 2 * oldLen; atCatchBlockStart = Arrays.copyOf(atCatchBlockStart, newLen); throwsException = Arrays.copyOf(throwsException, newLen); interruptedControlFlow = Arrays.copyOf(interruptedControlFlow, newLen); abnormalTermination = Arrays.copyOf(abnormalTermination, newLen); finished = Arrays.copyOf(finished, newLen); opStack = Arrays.copyOf(opStack, newLen); minOpStack = Arrays.copyOf(minOpStack, newLen); frames = Arrays.copyOf(frames, newLen); interestingInstructions = Arrays.copyOf(interestingInstructions, newLen); lastInstruction = Arrays.copyOf(lastInstruction, newLen); cachedStackEntries = Arrays.copyOf(cachedStackEntries, newLen); cachedLocalVariables = Arrays.copyOf(cachedLocalVariables, newLen); method = Arrays.copyOf(method, newLen); for (int i = oldLen; i < newLen; ++i) { interestingInstructions[i] = new HashSet<Instruction>(); cachedStackEntries[i] = new StackEntry[8]; cachedLocalVariables[i] = new LocalVariable[8]; } simEnv = new SimulationEnvironment(frames, opStack, minOpStack, cachedStackEntries, cachedLocalVariables, throwsException, lastInstruction, method, interruptedControlFlow); } frames[newStackDepth] = nextFrameNr++; method[newStackDepth] = instruction.getMethod(); atCatchBlockStart[newStackDepth] = null; if (instruction == method[newStackDepth].getAbnormalTerminationLabel()) { throwsException[newStackDepth] = interruptedControlFlow[newStackDepth] = abnormalTermination[newStackDepth] = true; interruptedControlFlow[stackDepth] = true; } else { throwsException[newStackDepth] = interruptedControlFlow[newStackDepth] = abnormalTermination[newStackDepth] = false; } finished[newStackDepth] = false; opStack[newStackDepth] = 0; minOpStack[newStackDepth] = 0; interestingInstructions[newStackDepth].clear(); if (cachedLocalVariables[newStackDepth].length > 128) cachedLocalVariables[newStackDepth] = new LocalVariable[8]; else Arrays.fill(cachedLocalVariables[newStackDepth], null); if (cachedStackEntries[newStackDepth].length > 128) cachedStackEntries[newStackDepth] = new StackEntry[8]; else Arrays.fill(cachedStackEntries[newStackDepth], null); } else { assert newStackDepth == stackDepth - 1; simEnv.removedMethod = method[stackDepth]; } } stackDepth = newStackDepth; if (atCatchBlockStart[stackDepth] != null) throwsException[stackDepth] = true; if (instruction == instruction.getMethod().getMethodEntryLabel()) finished[stackDepth] = true; lastInstruction[stackDepth] = instruction; DynamicInformation dynInfo = this.simulator.simulateInstruction(instance, simEnv); if (simEnv.removedMethod != null && !interestingInstructions[stackDepth + 1].isEmpty()) { // ok, we have a control dependence since the method was called by (or for) this instruction // checking if this is the instr. that directly called the method is impossible dynamicSlice.add(instruction); interestingInstructions[stackDepth].add(instruction); } if (matchedCriterionVariables.length <= stackDepth) matchedCriterionVariables = Arrays.copyOf(matchedCriterionVariables, 2 * Math.max(stackDepth, matchedCriterionVariables.length)); for (SlicingCriterionInstance crit : slicingCriteria) { if (crit.matches(instance)) { if (matchedCriterionVariables[stackDepth] == null) matchedCriterionVariables[stackDepth] = new HashSet<Variable>(); if (crit.matchAllData()) { matchedCriterionVariables[stackDepth].removeAll(dynInfo.getDefinedVariables()); matchedCriterionVariables[stackDepth].addAll(dynInfo.getUsedVariables()); dynamicSlice.add(instruction); interestingInstructions[stackDepth].add(instance.getInstruction()); } else if (crit.hasLocalVariables()) { for ( var : crit .getLocalVariables()) interestingVariables.add(simEnv.getLocalVariable(stackDepth, var.getIndex())); } else { interestingInstructions[stackDepth].add(instance.getInstruction()); dynamicSlice.add(instruction); } } else if (matchedCriterionVariables[stackDepth] != null) { interestingVariables.addAll(matchedCriterionVariables[stackDepth]); matchedCriterionVariables[stackDepth] = null; } } boolean isExceptionsThrowingInstance = throwsException[stackDepth] && (instruction.getType() != InstructionType.LABEL || !((LabelMarker) instruction).isAdditionalLabel()) && (instruction.getOpcode() != Opcodes.GOTO); if (!interestingInstructions[stackDepth].isEmpty() || isExceptionsThrowingInstance) { Set<Instruction> instrControlDependences = controlDependences.get(instruction.getIndex()); if (instrControlDependences == null) { computeControlDependences(instruction.getMethod(), controlDependences); instrControlDependences = controlDependences.get(instruction.getIndex()); assert instrControlDependences != null; } // get all interesting instructions, that are dependent on the current one Set<Instruction> dependantInterestingInstructions = intersect(instrControlDependences, interestingInstructions[stackDepth]); if (isExceptionsThrowingInstance) { throwsException[stackDepth] = false; // in this case, we have an additional control dependence from the catching to // the throwing instruction, and a data dependence on the thrown instruction for (int i = stackDepth; i > 0; --i) { if (atCatchBlockStart[i] != null) { if (interestingInstructions[i].contains(atCatchBlockStart[i])) { if (dependantInterestingInstructions.isEmpty()) dependantInterestingInstructions = Collections .singleton(atCatchBlockStart[i]); else dependantInterestingInstructions.add(atCatchBlockStart[i]); } atCatchBlockStart[i] = null; // data dependence: // (the stack height has already been decremented when entering the catch block) Variable definedException = simEnv.getOpStackEntry(i, opStack[i]); if (interestingVariables.contains(definedException)) { interestingInstructions[stackDepth].add(instruction); dynamicSlice.add(instruction); interestingVariables.remove(definedException); interestingVariables.addAll(dynInfo.getUsedVariables()); } break; } } } if (!dependantInterestingInstructions.isEmpty()) { dynamicSlice.add(instruction); interestingInstructions[stackDepth].removeAll(dependantInterestingInstructions); interestingInstructions[stackDepth].add(instruction); interestingVariables.addAll(dynInfo.getUsedVariables()); } } if (!interestingVariables.isEmpty()) { for (Variable definedVariable : dynInfo.getDefinedVariables()) { if (interestingVariables.contains(definedVariable)) { interestingInstructions[stackDepth].add(instruction); dynamicSlice.add(instruction); interestingVariables.remove(definedVariable); interestingVariables.addAll(dynInfo.getUsedVariables(definedVariable)); } } } if (dynInfo.isCatchBlock()) { atCatchBlockStart[stackDepth] = instance.getInstruction(); interruptedControlFlow[stackDepth] = true; } else if (atCatchBlockStart[stackDepth] != null) { atCatchBlockStart[stackDepth] = null; } } } finally { for (ProgressMonitor mon : this.progressMonitors) mon.end(); } for (Iterator<Instruction> it = dynamicSlice.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Instruction instr =; if (instr.getType() == InstructionType.LABEL || instr.getOpcode() == Opcodes.GOTO) it.remove(); } return dynamicSlice; } private void computeControlDependences(ReadMethod method, IntegerMap<Set<Instruction>> controlDependences) { Map<Instruction, Set<Instruction>> deps = ControlFlowAnalyser.getInstance() .getInvControlDependences(method); for (Entry<Instruction, Set<Instruction>> entry : deps.entrySet()) { int index = entry.getKey().getIndex(); assert !controlDependences.containsKey(index); controlDependences.put(index, entry.getValue()); } } private static <T> Set<T> intersect(Set<T> set1, Set<T> set2) { if (set1.isEmpty() || set2.isEmpty()) return Collections.emptySet(); Set<T> smallerSet; Set<T> biggerSet; if (set1.size() < set2.size()) { smallerSet = set1; biggerSet = set2; } else { smallerSet = set2; biggerSet = set1; } Set<T> intersection = null; for (T obj : smallerSet) { if (biggerSet.contains(obj)) { if (intersection == null) intersection = new HashSet<T>(); intersection.add(obj); } } if (intersection == null) return Collections.emptySet(); return intersection; } @SuppressWarnings("static-access") private static Options createOptions() { Options options = new Options(); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.isRequired(false).withArgName("threadid").hasArg(true) .withDescription("thread id to select for slicing (default: main thread)").withLongOpt("threadid") .create('t')); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.isRequired(false).hasArg(false) .withDescription("show progress while computing the dynamic slice").withLongOpt("progress") .create('p')); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.isRequired(false).hasArg(false).withDescription("print this help and exit") .withLongOpt("help").create('h')); return options; } private static void printHelp(Options options, PrintStream out) { out.println("Usage: " + DirectSlicer.class.getSimpleName() + " [<options>] <file> <slicing criterion>"); out.println("where <file> is the input trace file, and <options> may be one or more of"); out.println(" <slicing criterion> has the form <loc>[(<occ>)]:<var>[,<loc>[(<occ>)]:<var>]*"); out.println(" <options> may be one or more of"); HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(out, true); formatter.printOptions(pw, 120, options, 5, 3); } }