Java tutorial
package; /* CombineArchiveWeb - a WebInterface to read/create/write/manipulate/... COMBINE archives Copyright (C) 2014 SEMS Group This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException; import; import; import; import; import org.jdom2.JDOMException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import de.binfalse.bflog.LOGGER; import de.unirostock.sems.cbarchive.ArchiveEntry; import de.unirostock.sems.cbarchive.CombineArchiveException; import de.unirostock.sems.cbarchive.meta.omex.VCard; import de.unirostock.sems.cbarchive.web.Fields; import de.unirostock.sems.cbarchive.web.QuotaManager; import de.unirostock.sems.cbarchive.web.Tools; import de.unirostock.sems.cbarchive.web.UserManager; import de.unirostock.sems.cbarchive.web.WorkspaceManager; import de.unirostock.sems.cbarchive.web.dataholder.Archive; import de.unirostock.sems.cbarchive.web.dataholder.Archive.ReplaceStrategy; import de.unirostock.sems.cbarchive.web.dataholder.ArchiveEntryDataholder; import de.unirostock.sems.cbarchive.web.dataholder.ImportRequest; import de.unirostock.sems.cbarchive.web.dataholder.MetaObjectDataholder; import de.unirostock.sems.cbarchive.web.dataholder.OmexMetaObjectDataholder; import de.unirostock.sems.cbarchive.web.dataholder.UserData; import de.unirostock.sems.cbarchive.web.dataholder.Workspace; import de.unirostock.sems.cbarchive.web.dataholder.WorkspaceHistory; import de.unirostock.sems.cbarchive.web.exception.CombineArchiveWebException; import de.unirostock.sems.cbarchive.web.exception.ImporterException; import de.unirostock.sems.cbarchive.web.importer.Importer; import de.unirostock.sems.cbarchive.web.provider.ObjectMapperProvider; @Path("/") public class ShareApi extends RestHelper { @GET @Path("/share/{user_path}") @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) public Response setUserPath(@CookieParam(Fields.COOKIE_PATH) String oldUserPath, @PathParam("user_path") String userPath, @CookieParam(Fields.COOKIE_WORKSPACE_HISTORY) String historyCookie, @Context HttpServletRequest requestContext) { // clean up user path userPath = userPath.trim(); LOGGER.debug("Got share link to workspace ", userPath); // user stuff UserManager user = null; try { user = new UserManager(userPath); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.error(e, "Cannot create user"); return buildErrorResponse(500, null, "user not creatable!", e.getMessage()); } WorkspaceHistory history = null; try { if (historyCookie != null && !historyCookie.isEmpty()) { history = WorkspaceHistory.fromCookieJson(historyCookie); } if (history == null) history = new WorkspaceHistory(); // puts current workspace into history if (history.containsWorkspace(user.getWorkspaceId()) == false) { history.getRecentWorkspaces().add(user.getWorkspace()); LOGGER.debug("Added shared workspace to history. Wasn't added yet."); } history.setCurrentWorkspace(user.getWorkspaceId());"Set current workspace id to ", user.getWorkspaceId(), " from ", oldUserPath); if (oldUserPath != null && !oldUserPath.isEmpty() && history.containsWorkspace(oldUserPath) == false) { Workspace workspace = WorkspaceManager.getInstance().getWorkspace(oldUserPath); if (workspace != null) { history.getRecentWorkspaces().add(workspace); LOGGER.debug("Added old workspace to history ", oldUserPath); } } historyCookie = history.toCookieJson(); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.error(e, "Error parsing workspace history cookie ", historyCookie); return buildErrorResponse(500, user, "Error parsing workspace history cookie ", historyCookie, e.getMessage()); } String result = "setted " + user.getWorkspaceId(); URI newLocation = null; try { if (requestContext != null) { String uri = requestContext.getRequestURL().toString(); // String uri = requestContext.getRequestURI(); uri = uri.substring(0, uri.indexOf("rest/"));"redirect sharing link ", requestContext.getRequestURL(), " to ", uri); newLocation = new URI(uri); // newLocation = new URI(requestContext.getScheme(), null, requestContext.getServerName(), // requestContext.getServerPort(), uri, requestContext.getQueryString(), null); } else newLocation = new URI("../"); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { LOGGER.error(e, "Cannot generate relative URL to main app"); return null; } return buildResponse(302, user).cookie(new NewCookie(Fields.COOKIE_WORKSPACE_HISTORY, historyCookie, "/", null, null, Fields.COOKIE_AGE, false)).entity(result).location(newLocation).build(); } @GET @Path("/history/{history}") @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) public Response setWorkspaceHistory(@CookieParam(Fields.COOKIE_PATH) String oldUserPath, @PathParam("history") String historyListString, @CookieParam(Fields.COOKIE_WORKSPACE_HISTORY) String historyCookie, @Context HttpServletRequest requestContext) { if (Fields.ALLOW_SHARING_HISTORY == false) { // this endpoint is not activated LOGGER.warn( "Attempted access to the share history endpoint declined, because ALLOW_SHARING_HISTORY is not set to true"); return buildTextErrorResponse(400, null, "This endpoint is not enabled. Please set ALLOW_SHARING_HISTORY to true."); } // clean up String historyListString = historyListString.trim(); String[] historyList = historyListString.split(","); if (historyList.length == 0) { // not a single entry was passed return buildTextErrorResponse(500, null, "No history entry was passed."); } // user stuff // current active workspace does not get changed UserManager user = null; try { user = new UserManager(oldUserPath); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.error(e, "Cannot create user"); return buildErrorResponse(500, null, "user not creatable!", e.getMessage()); } WorkspaceHistory history = null; int migration_count = 0; try { if (historyCookie != null && !historyCookie.isEmpty()) { history = WorkspaceHistory.fromCookieJson(historyCookie); } if (history == null) history = new WorkspaceHistory(); for (String historyEntry : historyList) { // put workspace into history cookie if (historyEntry == null || historyEntry.isEmpty()) continue; // first checks, if the workspace actually exists, so we do not pollute the history with empty workspaces if (WorkspaceManager.getInstance().hasWorkspace(historyEntry)) { Workspace workspace = WorkspaceManager.getInstance().getWorkspace(historyEntry); if (history.containsWorkspace(workspace.getWorkspaceId()) == false) { history.getRecentWorkspaces().add(workspace); LOGGER.debug("Added shared workspace ", workspace.getWorkspaceId(), " to history. Wasn't added yet."); } migration_count++; } } if (oldUserPath != null && !oldUserPath.isEmpty() && history.containsWorkspace(oldUserPath) == false) { Workspace workspace = WorkspaceManager.getInstance().getWorkspace(oldUserPath); if (workspace != null) { history.getRecentWorkspaces().add(workspace); LOGGER.debug("Added old workspace to history ", oldUserPath); } } historyCookie = history.toCookieJson(); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.error(e, "Error parsing workspace history cookie ", historyCookie); return buildErrorResponse(500, user, "Error parsing workspace history cookie ", historyCookie, e.getMessage()); } String result = MessageFormat.format( "{0,choice,0#Failed,|0<Successfully} migrated {0,choice,0#no workspace|1#one workspace|1<{0,number,integer} workspaces}.", migration_count); return buildResponse(302, user).cookie(new NewCookie(Fields.COOKIE_WORKSPACE_HISTORY, historyCookie, "/", null, null, Fields.COOKIE_AGE, false)).entity(result).build(); } @GET @Path("/import") @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) public Response downloadRemoteArchive(@CookieParam(Fields.COOKIE_PATH) String userPath, @Context HttpServletRequest requestContext, @DefaultValue("http") @QueryParam("remote") String remoteUrl, @QueryParam("name") String archiveName, @QueryParam("type") String remoteType) { // user stuff UserManager user = null; try { user = new UserManager(userPath); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.error(e, "Cannot create user"); return buildTextErrorResponse(500, null, "user not creatable!", e.getMessage()); }"got import request for: ", remoteUrl); if (remoteUrl == null || remoteUrl.isEmpty()) { LOGGER.warn("empty remote url provided"); return buildTextErrorResponse(400, user, "empty remote url provided"); } // check maximum archives if (Tools.checkQuota(user.getWorkspace().getArchives().size(), Fields.QUOTA_ARCHIVE_LIMIT) == false) { LOGGER.warn("QUOTA_ARCHIVE_LIMIT reached in workspace ", user.getWorkspaceId()); return buildTextErrorResponse(507, user, "Maximum number of archives in one workspace reached!"); } if (remoteType == null || remoteType.isEmpty()) remoteType = Importer.IMPORT_HTTP; else remoteType = remoteType.toLowerCase(); String archiveId = null; Importer importer = null; try { importer = Importer.getImporter(remoteType, remoteUrl, user); importer.importRepo(); if (archiveName == null || archiveName.isEmpty()) archiveName = importer.getSuggestedName(); // add archive to workspace archiveId = user.createArchive(archiveName, importer.getTempFile()); } catch (ImporterException e) { LOGGER.warn(e, "Cannot import remote archive!"); return buildTextErrorResponse(400, user, e.getMessage(), "URL: " + remoteUrl); } catch (IOException | JDOMException | ParseException | CombineArchiveException | TransformerException e) { LOGGER.error(e, "Cannot read downloaded archive"); return buildTextErrorResponse(400, user, "Cannot read/parse downloaded archive", e.getMessage(), "URL: " + remoteUrl); } finally { if (importer != null && importer.getTempFile() != null && importer.getTempFile().exists()) importer.getTempFile().delete(); importer.close(); } // redirect to workspace ImportRequest req = new ImportRequest(); req.setArchiveName(archiveName); return buildSuccesResponse(user, req, archiveId, requestContext); } @POST @Path("/import") @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response importRemoteArchive(@CookieParam(Fields.COOKIE_PATH) String userPath, @CookieParam(Fields.COOKIE_USER) String userJson, ImportRequest request, @Context HttpServletRequest requestContext) { // user stuff UserManager user = null; try { user = new UserManager(userPath); if (userJson != null && !userJson.isEmpty()) user.setData(UserData.fromJson(userJson)); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.error(e, "Cannot create user"); return buildTextErrorResponse(500, null, "user not creatable!", e.getMessage()); } if (request == null || request.isValid() == false) return buildTextErrorResponse(400, user, "import request is not set properly"); // check maximum archives if (Tools.checkQuota(user.getWorkspace().getArchives().size(), Fields.QUOTA_ARCHIVE_LIMIT) == false) { LOGGER.warn("QUOTA_ARCHIVE_LIMIT reached in workspace ", user.getWorkspaceId()); return buildTextErrorResponse(507, user, "Maximum number of archives in one workspace reached!"); } String archiveId = null; try { archiveId = importOrCreateArchive(user, request, null); } catch (ImporterException e) { return buildTextErrorResponse(400, user, e.getMessage(), e.getCause().getMessage()); } try (Archive archive = user.getArchive(archiveId)) { // set own VCard if (request.isOwnVCard()) setOwnVCard(user, request, archive); try { // import additional files if (request.getAdditionalFiles() != null && request.getAdditionalFiles().size() > 0) { addAdditionalFiles(user, request, archive, null); } } catch (ImporterException e) { // catch quota-exceeding-exception (Logging already done) user.deleteArchiveSilent(archiveId); return buildTextErrorResponse(507, user, e.getMessage(), e.getCause() != null ? e.getCause().getMessage() : null); } archive.getArchive().pack(); } catch (IOException | CombineArchiveWebException e) { LOGGER.error(e, "Cannot open/pack newly created archive"); user.deleteArchiveSilent(archiveId); return buildTextErrorResponse(500, user, "Cannot open newly created archive: ", e.getMessage()); } catch (ImporterException e) { LOGGER.error(e, "Something went wrong with the extended import"); user.deleteArchiveSilent(archiveId); return buildTextErrorResponse(500, user, "Error while applying additional data to the archive"); } catch (TransformerException e) { LOGGER.error(e, "Something went wrong while packing the archive"); user.deleteArchiveSilent(archiveId); return buildTextErrorResponse(500, user, "Something went wrong while packing the archive"); } // redirect to workspace return buildSuccesResponse(user, request, archiveId, requestContext); } @POST @Path("/import") @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) @Consumes(MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA) public Response uploadArchive(@CookieParam(Fields.COOKIE_PATH) String userPath, @CookieParam(Fields.COOKIE_USER) String userJson, @Context HttpServletRequest requestContext, @FormDataParam("request") String serializedRequest, @FormDataParam("archive") FormDataBodyPart archiveFile, @FormDataParam("additionalFile") List<FormDataBodyPart> additionalFiles) { // user stuff UserManager user = null; try { user = new UserManager(userPath); if (userJson != null && !userJson.isEmpty()) user.setData(UserData.fromJson(userJson)); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.error(e, "Cannot create user"); return buildTextErrorResponse(500, null, "user not creatable!", e.getMessage()); } ImportRequest request = null; ObjectMapper mapper = null; try { mapper = ((ObjectMapperProvider) providers.getContextResolver(ObjectMapper.class, MediaType.WILDCARD_TYPE)).getContext(null); request = mapper.readValue(serializedRequest, ImportRequest.class); if (request == null) { LOGGER.error("Cannot deserialize import request"); return buildTextErrorResponse(500, user, "Cannot deserialize import request"); } else if (request.isValid() == false) return buildTextErrorResponse(400, user, "import request is not set properly"); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.error(e, "Cannot deserialize import request"); return buildTextErrorResponse(500, user, "Cannot deserialize import request", e.getMessage()); } // check maximum archives if (Tools.checkQuota(user.getWorkspace().getArchives().size(), Fields.QUOTA_ARCHIVE_LIMIT) == false) { LOGGER.warn("QUOTA_ARCHIVE_LIMIT reached in workspace ", user.getWorkspaceId()); return buildTextErrorResponse(507, user, "Maximum number of archives in one workspace reached!"); } String archiveId = null; try { archiveId = importOrCreateArchive(user, request, archiveFile); } catch (ImporterException e) { return buildTextErrorResponse(400, user, e.getMessage(), e.getCause().getMessage()); } try (Archive archive = user.getArchive(archiveId)) { // set own VCard if (request.isOwnVCard()) setOwnVCard(user, request, archive); try { // import additional files if (request.getAdditionalFiles() != null && request.getAdditionalFiles().size() > 0) { addAdditionalFiles(user, request, archive, additionalFiles); } } catch (ImporterException e) { // catch quota-exceeding-exception (Logging already done) user.deleteArchiveSilent(archiveId); return buildTextErrorResponse(507, user, e.getMessage(), e.getCause() != null ? e.getCause().getMessage() : null); } archive.getArchive().pack(); } catch (IOException | CombineArchiveWebException e) { LOGGER.error(e, "Cannot open/pack newly created archive"); user.deleteArchiveSilent(archiveId); return buildTextErrorResponse(500, user, "Cannot open newly created archive: ", e.getMessage()); } catch (ImporterException e) { LOGGER.error(e, "Something went wrong with the extended import"); user.deleteArchiveSilent(archiveId); return buildTextErrorResponse(500, user, "Error while applying additional data to the archive"); } catch (TransformerException e) { LOGGER.error(e, "Something went wrong while packing the archive"); user.deleteArchiveSilent(archiveId); return buildTextErrorResponse(500, user, "Something went wrong while packing the archive"); } // redirect to workspace return buildSuccesResponse(user, request, archiveId, requestContext); } private String importOrCreateArchive(UserManager user, ImportRequest request, FormDataBodyPart archiveFile) throws ImporterException { String archiveId = null; if (archiveFile != null) { // import via post data java.nio.file.Path temp = null; try { // write uploaded file to temp // copy the stream to a temp file temp = Files.createTempFile(Fields.TEMP_FILE_PREFIX, archiveFile.getFormDataContentDisposition().getFileName()); // write file to disk OutputStream output = new FileOutputStream(temp.toFile()); InputStream input = archiveFile.getEntityAs(InputStream.class); long uploadedFileSize = IOUtils.copy(input, output); output.flush(); output.close(); input.close(); // quota stuff // max size for upload if (Fields.QUOTA_UPLOAD_SIZE != Fields.QUOTA_UNLIMITED && Tools.checkQuota(uploadedFileSize, Fields.QUOTA_UPLOAD_SIZE) == false) { LOGGER.warn("QUOTA_UPLOAD_SIZE reached in workspace ", user.getWorkspaceId()); throw new ImporterException("The new archive is to big."); } // max workspace size if (user != null && Fields.QUOTA_WORKSPACE_SIZE != Fields.QUOTA_UNLIMITED && Tools.checkQuota( QuotaManager.getInstance().getWorkspaceSize(user.getWorkspace()) + uploadedFileSize, Fields.QUOTA_WORKSPACE_SIZE) == false) { LOGGER.warn("QUOTA_WORKSPACE_SIZE reached in workspace ", user.getWorkspaceId()); throw new ImporterException( "The maximum size of the workspace is reached, while importing new archive."); } // max total size if (user != null && Fields.QUOTA_TOTAL_SIZE != Fields.QUOTA_UNLIMITED && Tools.checkQuota(QuotaManager.getInstance().getTotalSize() + uploadedFileSize, Fields.QUOTA_TOTAL_SIZE) == false) { LOGGER.warn("QUOTA_TOTAL_SIZE reached in workspace ", user.getWorkspaceId()); throw new ImporterException("The maximum size is reached, while importing new archive."); } // set default name, if necessary if (request.getArchiveName() == null || request.getArchiveName().isEmpty()) request.setArchiveName(Fields.NEW_ARCHIVE_NAME); archiveId = user.createArchive(request.getArchiveName(), temp.toFile()); } catch (IOException e) { } catch (JDOMException | ParseException | CombineArchiveException | TransformerException e) { } finally { if (temp != null && temp.toFile().exists()) temp.toFile().delete(); } } else if (request.isArchiveImport()) { // try to import (if requested) Importer importer = null; try { importer = Importer.getImporter(request.getType(), request.getRemoteUrl(), user); importer.importRepo(); if (request.getArchiveName() == null || request.getArchiveName().isEmpty()) request.setArchiveName(importer.getSuggestedName()); // add archive to workspace archiveId = user.createArchive(request.getArchiveName(), importer.getTempFile()); } catch (ImporterException e) { LOGGER.warn(e, "Cannot import remote archive!"); throw new ImporterException("Cannot import remote archive", e); } catch (IOException | JDOMException | ParseException | CombineArchiveException | TransformerException e) { LOGGER.error(e, "Cannot read downloaded archive"); throw new ImporterException("Cannot read downlaoded archive. URL: " + request.getRemoteUrl(), e); } finally { if (importer != null && importer.getTempFile() != null && importer.getTempFile().exists()) importer.getTempFile().delete(); importer.close(); } } else { // just create an empty archive // set default name, if necessary if (request.getArchiveName() == null || request.getArchiveName().isEmpty()) request.setArchiveName(Fields.NEW_ARCHIVE_NAME); try { archiveId = user.createArchive(request.getArchiveName()); } catch (IOException | JDOMException | ParseException | CombineArchiveException | TransformerException e) { LOGGER.error(e, "Cannot create new archive"); throw new ImporterException("Cannot create new archive.", e); } } return archiveId; } private void setOwnVCard(UserManager user, ImportRequest request, Archive archive) throws ImporterException { VCard vcard = request.getVcard(); // check if any VCard info is available // (either from cookies of from the request it self) if (vcard == null) { if (user.getData() != null) vcard = user.getData().getVCard(); else throw new ImporterException("No vcard information provided for archive annotation"); } // get root element ArchiveEntryDataholder root = archive.getEntries().get("/"); if (root != null) { // look for existing omex meta information OmexMetaObjectDataholder omexMeta = null; for (MetaObjectDataholder meta : root.getMeta()) if (meta instanceof OmexMetaObjectDataholder) { omexMeta = (OmexMetaObjectDataholder) meta; break; } if (omexMeta != null) { // if there is already an omex entry, // just add our VCard and add a modified date omexMeta.getCreators().add(vcard); omexMeta.getModified().add(new Date()); } else { // create a new dataholder and fill it with some information omexMeta = new OmexMetaObjectDataholder(); omexMeta.setCreators(new ArrayList<VCard>(1)); omexMeta.setModified(new ArrayList<Date>(1)); omexMeta.setCreated(new Date()); omexMeta.getCreators().add(vcard); omexMeta.getModified().add(new Date()); root.addMetaEntry(omexMeta); } } } private void addAdditionalFiles(UserManager user, ImportRequest request, Archive archive, List<FormDataBodyPart> uploadedFiles) throws ImporterException { for (ImportRequest.AdditionalFile addFile : request.getAdditionalFiles()) { java.nio.file.Path temp = null; try { URI remoteUri = new URI(addFile.getRemoteUrl()); // copy the stream to a temp file temp = Files.createTempFile(Fields.TEMP_FILE_PREFIX, FilenameUtils.getBaseName(remoteUri.toString())); // write file to disk OutputStream output = new FileOutputStream(temp.toFile()); InputStream input = null; String protocol = remoteUri.getScheme().toLowerCase(); if (protocol.equals("http") || protocol.equals("https")) { input = remoteUri.toURL().openStream(); } else if (protocol.equals("post") && uploadedFiles != null && uploadedFiles.size() > 0) { // use a file from the post String fileName = remoteUri.getAuthority(); for (FormDataBodyPart file : uploadedFiles) { if (file.getFormDataContentDisposition().getFileName().equals(fileName)) { input = file.getEntityAs(InputStream.class); break; } } } else { output.close(); throw new ImporterException( "Unknown protocol " + protocol + " while adding " + remoteUri.toString()); } if (input == null) { output.close(); throw new ImporterException("Cannot open stream to import file: " + remoteUri.toString()); } long downloadedFileSize = IOUtils.copy(input, output); output.flush(); output.close(); input.close(); // quota stuff // max size for upload if (Fields.QUOTA_UPLOAD_SIZE != Fields.QUOTA_UNLIMITED && Tools.checkQuota(downloadedFileSize, Fields.QUOTA_UPLOAD_SIZE) == false) { LOGGER.warn("QUOTA_UPLOAD_SIZE reached in workspace ", user.getWorkspaceId()); throw new ImporterException("The additional file is to big: " + addFile.getRemoteUrl()); } // max archive size if (user != null && Fields.QUOTA_ARCHIVE_SIZE != Fields.QUOTA_UNLIMITED && Tools.checkQuota( user.getWorkspace().getArchiveSize(archive.getId()) + downloadedFileSize, Fields.QUOTA_ARCHIVE_SIZE) == false) { LOGGER.warn("QUOTA_ARCHIVE_SIZE reached in workspace ", user.getWorkspaceId(), " while trying to adv import archive"); throw new ImporterException( "The maximum size of the archive is reached, while adding " + addFile.getRemoteUrl()); } // max workspace size if (user != null && Fields.QUOTA_WORKSPACE_SIZE != Fields.QUOTA_UNLIMITED && Tools.checkQuota( QuotaManager.getInstance().getWorkspaceSize(user.getWorkspace()) + downloadedFileSize, Fields.QUOTA_WORKSPACE_SIZE) == false) { LOGGER.warn("QUOTA_WORKSPACE_SIZE reached in workspace ", user.getWorkspaceId()); throw new ImporterException( "The maximum size of the workspace is reached, while adding " + addFile.getRemoteUrl()); } // max total size if (user != null && Fields.QUOTA_TOTAL_SIZE != Fields.QUOTA_UNLIMITED && Tools.checkQuota(QuotaManager.getInstance().getTotalSize() + downloadedFileSize, Fields.QUOTA_TOTAL_SIZE) == false) { LOGGER.warn("QUOTA_TOTAL_SIZE reached in workspace ", user.getWorkspaceId()); throw new ImporterException( "The maximum size is reached, while adding " + addFile.getRemoteUrl()); } String path = addFile.getArchivePath(); if (path == null || path.isEmpty()) path = FilenameUtils.getBaseName(remoteUri.toString()); // remove leading slash if (path.startsWith("/")) path = path.substring(1); // add it ArchiveEntry entry = archive.addArchiveEntry(path, temp, ReplaceStrategy.RENAME); // set file format uri if (addFile.getFileFormat() != null) entry.setFormat(addFile.getFileFormat()); // add all meta data objects if (addFile.getMetaData() != null) for (MetaObjectDataholder meta : addFile.getMetaData()) { entry.addDescription(meta.getCombineArchiveMetaObject()); } } catch (URISyntaxException e) { LOGGER.error(e, "Wrong defined remoteUrl"); throw new ImporterException("Cannot parse remote URL: " + addFile.getRemoteUrl(), e); } catch (IOException | CombineArchiveWebException e) { LOGGER.error(e, "Cannot download an additional file. ", addFile.getRemoteUrl()); throw new ImporterException("Cannot download and add an additional file: " + addFile.getRemoteUrl(), e); } finally { if (temp != null && temp.toFile().exists()) temp.toFile().delete(); } } } private Response buildSuccesResponse(UserManager user, ImportRequest request, String archiveId, HttpServletRequest requestContext) { Map<String, String> response = new HashMap<String, String>(); response.put("workspaceId", user.getWorkspaceId()); response.put("shareLink", Tools.generateWorkspaceRedirectUri(requestContext, user.getWorkspaceId()).toString()); response.put("archiveId", archiveId); response.put("archiveName", request.getArchiveName()); StringBuilder respString = new StringBuilder(); for (String key : response.keySet()) { respString.append(key); respString.append(": "); respString.append(response.get(key)); respString.append("\n"); } return buildResponse(302, user).entity(respString.toString()) .location(Tools.generateArchiveRedirectUri(requestContext, archiveId)).build(); } }