Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

import de.unioninvestment.eai.portal.portlet.crud.config.*;
import de.unioninvestment.eai.portal.portlet.crud.config.SelectConfig.Dynamic;
import de.unioninvestment.eai.portal.portlet.crud.domain.exception.BusinessException;
import de.unioninvestment.eai.portal.portlet.crud.domain.util.Util;
import groovy.lang.Script;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

import java.util.List;

 * Diese Klasse dient der Kompilierung aller Groovy-Scripte, die in der
 * XML-Konfiguration hinterlegt sind. Entsprechende Stellen im JAXB-Modell der
 * Konfiguration verwenden einen Konverter in die Klasse {@link GroovyScript},
 * so dass die Kompilate im Modell gespeichert und gecached werden knnen.
 * @author carsten.mjartan
public class ConfigurationScriptsCompiler {
    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ConfigurationScriptsCompiler.class);

    private final ScriptCompiler compiler;

     * @param compiler
     *            an den fr die eigentliche Kompilierung delegiert wird.
    public ConfigurationScriptsCompiler(ScriptCompiler compiler) {
        this.compiler = compiler;

     * Traversiert den JAXB-Objektbaum und kompiliert alle Scripte.
     * @param config
     *            das Haupt-Objekt des JAXB-Konfigurationsmodells
    public void compileAllScripts(PortletConfig config) {
        if (!compileScripts(config.getScript(), "/portlet/script")) {

    private void compileAllClosureScripts(PortletConfig config) {
        compileClosure(config.getOnLoad(), "/onLoad");
        compileClosure(config.getOnReload(), "/onReload");
        compileClosure(config.getOnRefresh(), "/onRefresh");

        if (config.getTabs() != null) {
            compileAllClosureScripts(config.getTabs(), "");
        } else {
            compileAllClosureScripts(config.getPage(), "");
        List<DialogConfig> dialogConfigList = config.getDialog();
        if (dialogConfigList != null) {
            for (DialogConfig dialogConfig : dialogConfigList) {
                compileAllClosureScripts(dialogConfig, "");

    private void compileAllClosureScripts(TabsConfig tabs, String location) {
        compileClosure(tabs.getOnChange(), location + "/onChange");
        int i = 0;
        for (PanelConfig panel : tabs.getTab()) {
            compileAllClosureScripts(panel, location + "/tab[" + i++ + "]");

    private void compileAllClosureScripts(PanelConfig panel, String location) {
        if (panel instanceof TabConfig) {
            TabConfig tab = (TabConfig) panel;
            compileClosure(tab.getOnShow(), location + "/onShow");
            compileClosure(tab.getOnHide(), location + "/onHide");
        } else if (panel instanceof RegionConfig) {
            RegionConfig region = (RegionConfig) panel;
            compileClosure(region.getOnExpand(), location + "/onExpand");
            compileClosure(region.getOnCollapse(), location + "/onCollapse");

        int i = 0;
        for (ComponentConfig component : panel.getElements()) {
            if (component instanceof CompoundSearchConfig) {
                CompoundSearchDetailsConfig details = ((CompoundSearchConfig) component).getDetails();
                if (details != null) {
                    compileAllClosureScripts(details, location + "/elements[" + i++ + "]/details");
            } else if (component instanceof TableConfig) {
                compileAllClosureScripts((TableConfig) component, location + "/elements[" + i++ + "]");
            } else if (component instanceof FormConfig) {
                compileAllClosureScripts((FormConfig) component, location + "/elements[" + i++ + "]");
            } else if (component instanceof TabsConfig) {
                compileAllClosureScripts((TabsConfig) component, location + "/elements[" + i++ + "]");
            } else if (component instanceof ScriptComponentConfig) {
                compileComponentGeneratorScript((ScriptComponentConfig) component,
                        location + "/elements[" + i++ + "]");
            } else if (component instanceof RegionConfig) {
                compileAllClosureScripts((RegionConfig) component, location + "/elements[" + i++ + "]");

    private void compileComponentGeneratorScript(ScriptComponentConfig component, String location) {
        compileClosure(component.getGenerator(), "builder", location + "/generator");

    private void compileAllClosureScripts(TableConfig table, String location) {
        compileTableOnModeChangeScript(table, location);
        compileTableOnSelectionChangeScript(table, location);
        compileTableOnDoubleClickScript(table, location);
        compileTableOnInitializeScript(table, location);
        compileTableActionScripts(table, location);
        compileContainerScript(table, location);
        compileRowStyleScript(table, location);
        compileTableOnRowChangeScript(table, location);
        compileClosure(table.getRowValidator(), "it,row", location + "/row-validator");

        compileColumnScripts(table, location);
        compileRowEditableClosure(table, location);

    private void compileColumnScripts(TableConfig table, String location) {
        if (table.getColumns() != null) {
            for (ColumnConfig column : table.getColumns().getColumn()) {
                compileClosure(column.getStyle(), "row, columnName", location + "/columns/column/style");

                if (column.getSelect() != null && column.getSelect().getDynamic() != null) {
                            location + "/columns/" + column.getName() + "/select/dynamic");
                compileGString(column.getDefault(), "now", location + "/columns/column/default");

                GroovyScript editableClosure = column.getEditable();
                if (editableClosure != null && !Util.isPlainBoolean(editableClosure)) {
                    compileClosure(editableClosure, "table, columnName, row",
                            location + "/columns/column/editable");

                compileClosure(column.getValidator(), "it,value", location + "/columns/column/validator");
                compileClosure(column.getGenerator(), "row,builder", location + "/columns/column/generator");
                compileClosure(column.getGeneratedValue(), "row", location + "/columns/column/generated-value");

    private void compileRowStyleScript(TableConfig table, String location) {
        if (table.getRowStyle() != null) {
            compileClosure(table.getRowStyle(), "row", location + "/rowStyle");

    private void compileContainerScript(TableConfig table, String location) {
        if (table.getDatabaseQuery() != null) {
            compileAllClosureScripts(table.getDatabaseQuery(), location + "/databaseQuery");
        } else if (table.getDatabaseTable() != null) {
            compileAllClosureScripts(table.getDatabaseTable(), location + "/databaseTable");
        } else if (table.getScriptContainer() != null) {
            compileAllClosureScripts(table.getScriptContainer(), location + "/scriptContainer");
        } else if (table.getRestContainer() != null) {
            compileAllClosureScripts(table.getRestContainer(), location + "/scriptContainer");

    private void compileTableActionScripts(TableConfig table, String location) {
        int i = 0;
        for (TableActionConfig action : table.getAction()) {
            compileClosure(action.getOnExecution(), location + "/action[" + i++ + "]/onExecution");
            if (action.getExport() != null) {
                compileClosure(action.getExport().getFilename(), "it",
                        location + "/action[" + i + "]/export/filename");
            if (action.getDownload() != null) {
                // "export" for backwards compatibility (deprecated)
                compileClosure(action.getDownload().getGenerator(), "it,factory,export",
                        location + "/action[" + i + "]/download/generator");

    private void compileTableOnSelectionChangeScript(TableConfig table, String location) {
        compileClosure(table.getOnSelectionChange(), "it,selection", location + "/onSelectionChange");

    private void compileTableOnInitializeScript(TableConfig table, String location) {
        compileClosure(table.getOnInitialize(), "it", location + "/onInitialize");

    private void compileTableOnDoubleClickScript(TableConfig table, String location) {
        compileClosure(table.getOnDoubleClick(), "it,row", location + "/onDoubleClick");

    private void compileTableOnModeChangeScript(TableConfig table, String location) {
        compileClosure(table.getOnModeChange(), "it,mode", location + "/onModeChange");

    private void compileTableOnRowChangeScript(TableConfig table, String location) {
        compileClosure(table.getOnRowChange(), "it,row,changedValues", location + "/onRowChange");

    private void compileRowEditableClosure(TableConfig table, String location) {
        compileClosure(table.getRowEditable(), "it,row", location + "/row-editable");
        compileClosure(table.getRowDeletable(), "it,row", location + "/row-deletable");

    private void compileAllClosureScripts(Dynamic dynamicSelect, String location) {
        compileClosure(dynamicSelect.getOptions(), "row,columnName", location + "/options");

    private void compileAllClosureScripts(ContainerConfig container, String location) {
        compileClosure(container.getOnCommit(), location + "/onCommit");
        compileClosure(container.getOnCreate(), "it,row", location + "/onCreate");
        compileClosure(container.getOnInsert(), "it,row", location + "/onInsert");
        compileClosure(container.getOnDelete(), "it,row", location + "/onDelete");
        compileClosure(container.getOnUpdate(), "it,row", location + "/onUpdate");
        if (container instanceof DatabaseQueryConfig) {
            DatabaseQueryConfig config = (DatabaseQueryConfig) container;
            compileDatabaseQueryScripts(config, location);
        } else if (container instanceof ScriptContainerConfig) {
            ScriptContainerConfig config = (ScriptContainerConfig) container;
            compileScriptContainerScripts(config, location);
        } else if (container instanceof ReSTContainerConfig) {
            ReSTContainerConfig config = (ReSTContainerConfig) container;
            compileReSTContainerScripts(config, location);

    private void compileReSTContainerScripts(ReSTContainerConfig config, String location) {
        compileClosure(config.getQuery().getCollection(), location + "/query/collection");
        compileReSTAttributeScripts(config.getQuery().getAttribute(), location + "/query/attributes");
        compileGString(config.getBaseUrl(), "", location + "/baseUrl");
        compileGString(config.getQuery().getUrl(), "", location + "/query/url");
        if (config.getInsert() != null) {
            compileGString(config.getInsert().getUrl(), "row", location + "/insert/url");
            compileClosure(config.getInsert().getValue(), "row", location + "/insert/value");
        if (config.getUpdate() != null) {
            compileGString(config.getUpdate().getUrl(), "row", location + "/update/url");
            compileClosure(config.getUpdate().getValue(), "row", location + "/update/value");
        if (config.getDelete() != null) {
            compileGString(config.getDelete().getUrl(), "row", location + "/delete/url");

    private void compileReSTAttributeScripts(List<ReSTAttributeConfig> attributes, String location) {
        for (ReSTAttributeConfig attribute : attributes) {
            if (attribute.getPath() == null || attribute.getPath().getSource() == null) {
                attribute.setPath(new GroovyScript(attribute.getName()));
            compileClosure(attribute.getPath(), location + "[" + attribute.getName() + "]");

    private void compileScriptContainerScripts(ScriptContainerConfig scriptContainerConfig, String location) {
        compileClosure(scriptContainerConfig.getDelegate(), "", location + "/delegate");

    private void compileDatabaseQueryScripts(DatabaseQueryConfig container, String location) {
        if (container.getInsert() != null) {
            // compileStatementScripts(container.getInsert(), location);
            compileStatementScriptsWithParameter(container.getInsert(), location, "container,row,connection",
        if (container.getUpdate() != null) {
            // compileStatementScripts(container.getUpdate(), location);
            compileStatementScriptsWithParameter(container.getUpdate(), location, "container,row,connection",
        if (container.getDelete() != null) {
            compileStatementScriptsWithParameter(container.getDelete(), location, "container,row,connection",

    private void compileStatementScriptsWithParameter(StatementConfig statement, String location, String parameters,
            String generatorScript) {
        switch (statement.getType()) {
        case SQL:
            if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(statement.getStatement().getSource())) {
                compileClosure(statement.getStatement(), parameters, location, generatorScript, false);
            } else {
                compileGString(statement.getStatement(), parameters, location);
        case SCRIPT:
            compileClosure(statement.getStatement(), parameters, location);
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unbekannter Statement-Typ: " + statement.getType());

    private void compileAllClosureScripts(FormConfig form, String location) {
        int i = 0;
        for (FormActionConfig action : form.getAction()) {
            String actionLocation = location + "/action[" + (i++) + "]";
            compileClosure(action.getOnExecution(), actionLocation + "/onExecution");
            if (action.getSearch() != null && action.getSearch().getApplyFilters() != null) {
                        actionLocation + "/search/apply-filters");

        i = 0;
        for (FormFieldConfig formFieldConfig : form.getField()) {
            String fieldLocation = location + "/field[" + i++ + "]";
            compileClosure(formFieldConfig.getOnValueChange(), fieldLocation + "/onValueChange");

            if (formFieldConfig.getSelect() != null && formFieldConfig.getSelect().getDynamic() != null) {
                compileClosure(formFieldConfig.getSelect().getDynamic().getOptions(), "it",
                        fieldLocation + "/select/dynamic");

    private void compileAllFilterClosureScripts(List<FilterConfig> filters, String actionLocation) {
        int j = 0;
        for (FilterConfig filter : filters) {
            String filterLocation = actionLocation + "[" + (j++) + "]";
            compileAllClosureScripts(filter, filterLocation);

    private void compileAllClosureScripts(FilterConfig filter, String location) {
        if (filter instanceof CustomFilterConfig) {
            compileClosure(((CustomFilterConfig) filter).getFilter(), "row", location + "/filter");

        } else if (filter instanceof FilterListConfig) {
            FilterListConfig filterListConfig = (FilterListConfig) filter;
            compileAllFilterClosureScripts(filterListConfig.getFilters(), "/filters");

    private void compileNoopScriptClass(PortletConfig config) {
        ScriptConfig noopScript = new ScriptConfig();
        noopScript.setValue(new GroovyScript(""));
        try {
            Class<Script> script = compiler.compileScript("");

        } catch (ScriptingException e) {
            LOG.error("Error compiling main script", e);
            throw new BusinessException("portlet.crud.error.compilingScript", "/portlet/script");

    private boolean compileScripts(List<ScriptConfig> scripts, String location) {
        boolean hasMainScript = false;
        for (ScriptConfig config : scripts) {
            if (config.getProperty() == null) {
                hasMainScript = true;

            String scriptName;
            if (config.getSrc() != null) {
                scriptName = new File(config.getSrc()).getName();
            } else {
                String name = config.getProperty();
                if (name == null) {
                    name = "main";
                scriptName = StringUtils.capitalize(name) + "PortletScript.groovy";
            compileScript(scriptName, config.getValue(), location);
        return hasMainScript;

    private boolean compileClosure(GroovyScript groovyScript, String location) {
        return compileClosure(groovyScript, "it", location, null, false);

    private boolean compileClosure(GroovyScript groovyScript, String parameterNames, String location) {
        return compileClosure(groovyScript, parameterNames, location, null, false);

    private boolean compileGString(GroovyScript groovyScript, String parameterNames, String location) {
        return compileClosure(groovyScript, parameterNames, location, null, true);

    private boolean compileClosure(GroovyScript groovyScript, String parameterNames, String location,
            String defaultSource, boolean wrapSourceAsGString) {
        if (groovyScript != null && (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(groovyScript.getSource()) || defaultSource != null)) {
            String source = groovyScript.getSource();
            if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(source)) {
                source = defaultSource;

            String code;
            if (!wrapSourceAsGString) {
                // { row -> code }
                code = "{ " + parameterNames + " -> " + source + " }";
            } else {
                // { row -> """code""" }
                code = "{ " + parameterNames + " -> " + multilineGStringExpression(source) + " }";
            try {
                Class<Script> script = compiler.compileScript(code);
                return true;

            } catch (ScriptingException e) {
                LOG.error("Error compiling script at '" + location + "'", e);
                throw new BusinessException("portlet.crud.error.compilingScript", location);
        return false;

    private static String multilineGStringExpression(String sqlString) {
        return sqlString == null ? null : "\"\"\"" + sqlString.replace("\"\"\"", "\\\"\\\"\\\"") + "\"\"\"";

    private boolean compileScript(String name, GroovyScript groovyScript, String location) {
        if (groovyScript != null && groovyScript.getSource() != null) {
            String source = groovyScript.getSource();
            try {
                String sourceWithLogAtEnd = source + //
                        "\nlog.debug '" + name + " execution finished...'";
                Class<Script> script = compiler.compileScript(sourceWithLogAtEnd, name);
                return true;

            } catch (ScriptingException e) {
                LOG.error("Error compiling script at '" + location + "'", e);
                throw new BusinessException("portlet.crud.error.compilingScript", location);
        return false;
