Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of the ContentServer project. * Visit the websites for more information. * - * - * - * * Copyright 2009, Center for Retrospective Digitization, Gttingen (GDZ), * intranda software * * This is the extended version updated by intranda * Copyright 2012, intranda GmbH * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package de.unigoettingen.sub.commons.contentlib.pdflib; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.xml.sax.EntityResolver; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import com.lowagie.text.Chunk; import com.lowagie.text.DocumentException; import com.lowagie.text.Font; import com.lowagie.text.FontFactory; import com.lowagie.text.Image; import com.lowagie.text.Paragraph; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.BaseFont; import de.unigoettingen.sub.commons.contentlib.exceptions.PDFManagerException; /************************************************************************************ * PDFTitlePage for customizing the front page of a pdf file * * @version 06.01.2009 * @author Markus Enders ************************************************************************************/ public class PDFTitlePage implements Cloneable { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(PDFTitlePage.class); // these string contain the contents of the 4 lines List<PDFTitlePageLine> allTitleLines = new LinkedList<PDFTitlePageLine>(); List<PDFTitlePageParagraph> allParagraphs = new LinkedList<PDFTitlePageParagraph>(); List<PDFTitlePageImage> allImages = new LinkedList<PDFTitlePageImage>(); String ttffontpath = null; // filepath to truetype font(s) String termsandconditionstitle = null; String structuretype = null; private int left = 36; private int right = 72; private int top = 108; private int bottom = 180; /************************************************************************************ * public empty constructor ************************************************************************************/ public PDFTitlePage() { // May be used for sublassing } /************************************************************************************ * read xml for TitlePage via http * * @param url Url as String * @throws IOException , PDFManagerException ************************************************************************************/ private String readXMLviaHTTP(URI url) throws IOException, PDFManagerException { String response = ""; URL myURL = url.toURL(); URLConnection urlConn = myURL.openConnection(); // open connection if (urlConn instanceof HttpURLConnection) { HttpURLConnection httpConnection = (HttpURLConnection) urlConn; // cast // the // class, int code = httpConnection.getResponseCode(); if (code != 200) { PDFManagerException pdfe = new PDFManagerException( "Can't read configuration file for PDF Title Page; http return code != 200"); throw pdfe; } BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(httpConnection.getInputStream(), "UTF8")); String input; StringBuffer response_buf = new StringBuffer(); while ((input = in.readLine()) != null) { for (int i = 0; i < input.length(); i++) { if ((input.length() > (i + 4)) && (input.substring(i, i + 4)).equals("<")) { // nothing should happen } else if ((input.length() > (i + 5)) && (input.substring(i, i + 5)).equals("&")) { // nothing should happen } else if ((input.length() > (i + 4)) && (input.substring(i, i + 5)).equals(">")) { // nothing should happen } if ((input.length() > (i + 1)) && (input.substring(i, i + 1)).equals("&")) { // convert the ampersand to "& String b = input.substring(0, i - 1); String c = input.substring(i + 1, input.length()); input = b + "&" + c; } } response_buf.append(input); } response = response_buf.toString(); } return response; } /************************************************************************************ * read configuration for title page from xml of url * * @param inUrl Url of xml file for configuration * @throws PDFManagerException ************************************************************************************/ public void readConfiguration(URI inUrl) throws PDFManagerException { // first we read the configuration file via http // then we parse this file and correct the XML. // This is necessary thanks to bloody GDZ data, which contains invalid // XML (the ampersand is not always stored as an appropriate entity) // Document xmldoc = null; try { DocumentBuilderFactory docBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); docBuilderFactory.setValidating(false); DocumentBuilder docBuilder = docBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); docBuilder.setEntityResolver(new EntityResolver() { @Override public InputSource resolveEntity(String publicId, String systemId) throws SAXException, IOException { if (systemId.contains("pdftitlepage.dtd")) { return new InputSource(new StringReader("")); } else { return null; } } }); if (inUrl.getScheme().equals("http")) { // read via HTTP String response = readXMLviaHTTP(inUrl); xmldoc = docBuilder.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(response))); } else if (inUrl.getScheme().equals("file")) { // read from file system File file = new File(inUrl); if (!file.exists() || !file.canRead()) { throw new PDFManagerException( "File for pdf title page configuration can not be read: " + inUrl.toString()); } xmldoc = docBuilder.parse(file); } else { // unknown, throw exception throw new PDFManagerException("Invalid URI for reading PDF's title page configuration"); } // iterate through thee DOM tree Node topmostelement = xmldoc.getDocumentElement(); // get uppermost // element if (!topmostelement.getNodeName().equals("pdftitlepage")) { LOGGER.error("Don't get correct xml response via HTTP system"); PDFManagerException pdfe = new PDFManagerException( "Response received for PDF's title page configuration file doesn't start with <pdftitlepage>."); throw pdfe; } NodeList children = topmostelement.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node singlenode = children.item(i); if ((singlenode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) && (singlenode.getNodeName().startsWith("pagemargins"))) { NamedNodeMap map = singlenode.getAttributes(); if (map != null) { Node marginLeft = map.getNamedItem("marginLeft"); if (marginLeft != null) { String s = marginLeft.getNodeValue(); if (s.matches("\\d*")) { left = Integer.getInteger(s); } } Node marginRight = map.getNamedItem("marginRight"); if (marginRight != null) { String s = marginRight.getNodeValue(); if (s.matches("\\d*")) { right = Integer.getInteger(s); } } Node marginTop = map.getNamedItem("marginTop"); if (marginTop != null) { String s = marginTop.getNodeValue(); if (s.matches("\\d*")) { top = Integer.getInteger(s); } } Node marginBottom = map.getNamedItem("marginBottom"); if (marginBottom != null) { String s = marginBottom.getNodeValue(); if (s.matches("\\d*")) { bottom = Integer.getInteger(s); } } } } // read <parenttype> element if ((singlenode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) && (singlenode.getNodeName().startsWith("parenttype"))) { structuretype = getValueOfElement(singlenode); } // read all the title lines; there is an unlimited number // the just need to begin with <line....> if ((singlenode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) && (singlenode.getNodeName().startsWith("line"))) { // new line detected PDFTitlePageLine pdftpl = new PDFTitlePageLine(); // parse the <line> element String content = getValueOfElement(singlenode); pdftpl.setContent(content); NamedNodeMap nnm = singlenode.getAttributes(); if (nnm != null) { Node maxlinelengthnode = nnm.getNamedItem("maxlinelength"); if (maxlinelengthnode != null) { String linewrap_str = maxlinelengthnode.getNodeValue(); // string needs to be converted to integer try { int linewrap = Integer.parseInt(linewrap_str); pdftpl.setLinewrap(linewrap); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.warn( "maxlinelength attribute in PDF's title page configuration file has not an integer value"); pdftpl.setLinewrap(50); } } Node maxlinetotalhnode = nnm.getNamedItem("maxtotallength"); if (maxlinetotalhnode != null) { String linetotallength_str = maxlinetotalhnode.getNodeValue(); try { int linetotallength = Integer.parseInt(linetotallength_str); pdftpl.setShortentextlength(linetotallength); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.warn( "maxtotallength attribute in PDF's title page configuration file has not an integer value"); pdftpl.setShortentextlength(100); } } Node fontsizenode = nnm.getNamedItem("size"); if (fontsizenode != null) { String fontsize_str = fontsizenode.getNodeValue(); try { int fontsize = Integer.parseInt(fontsize_str); pdftpl.setFontsize(fontsize); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.warn( "size attribute in PDF's title page configuration file has not an integer value"); pdftpl.setFontsize(12); } } Node fonttypenode = nnm.getNamedItem("fonttype"); if (fonttypenode != null) { String fonttype = fonttypenode.getNodeValue(); pdftpl.setFonttype(fonttype); } } // adding the line to the LinkedList if (pdftpl.getContent() != null) { ((LinkedList<PDFTitlePageLine>) allTitleLines).addLast(pdftpl); } else { LOGGER.warn("Line configuration in PDF's title configuration has NO content"); } } // end of iteration over DOM elements if ((singlenode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) && (singlenode.getNodeName().equals("termsconditions"))) { // get terms and conditions title NamedNodeMap nnm = singlenode.getAttributes(); if (nnm != null) { Node tactitle = nnm.getNamedItem("title"); // get title // attribute // in // termsandconditions // element if (tactitle != null) { termsandconditionstitle = tactitle.getNodeValue(); } } // get all paragraphs within terms and conditions // this.getParagraphs(singlenode); } // get all images // if ((singlenode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) && (singlenode.getNodeName().equals("image"))) { this.readPDFTitlePageImageConfig(singlenode); } } // catch all the exception which may occur during XML parsing } catch (MalformedURLException mue) { LOGGER.error("This seems to be a funny URL - it is invalid:" + mue.toString()); throw new PDFManagerException("Invalid URL for PDF's title page configuration", mue); } catch (IOException ioe) { LOGGER.error("ERROR: IOException occured while accessing PDF's title page configuration file", ioe); throw new PDFManagerException("IOException occured while accessing PDF's title page configuration file", ioe); } catch (javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException pce) { LOGGER.error("ERROR: couldn't parse XML file ", pce); throw new PDFManagerException("couldn't parse PDF's title page configuration XML file ", pce); } catch (org.xml.sax.SAXException saxe) { LOGGER.error("ERROR: SAX exception ", saxe); throw new PDFManagerException(" SAX exception while parsing PDF's title page configuration file ", saxe); } } /************************************************************************************ * Retrieves the value of the textnode which must be child of an Element node in the DOM tree * * @return Value of given Element as String ************************************************************************************/ private String getValueOfElement(Node inNode) { NodeList childnodes = inNode.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < childnodes.getLength(); i++) { Node singlenode = childnodes.item(i); if (singlenode.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE) { String value = singlenode.getNodeValue(); return value; } } return null; } /************************************************************************************ * Retrieves the configuration for all paragraphs. For each paragraph a PDFTitlePageParagraph object is intantiated and added to the allParagraphs * LinkedList. * * @param inNode ************************************************************************************/ private void getParagraphs(Node inNode) { NodeList childnodes = inNode.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < childnodes.getLength(); i++) { Node singlenode = childnodes.item(i); if ((singlenode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) && (singlenode.getNodeName().equals("p"))) { String value = getValueOfElement(singlenode); // paragraph found, create new PDFTitlePageParagraph instance PDFTitlePageParagraph p = new PDFTitlePageParagraph(); p.setContent(value); NamedNodeMap nnm = singlenode.getAttributes(); if (nnm != null) { Node node_style = nnm.getNamedItem("style"); Node node_size = nnm.getNamedItem("size"); if (node_style != null) { String style = node_style.getNodeValue(); p.setFonttype(style); } if (node_size != null) { String size_str = node_size.getNodeValue(); try { int size = Integer.parseInt(size_str); p.setFontsize(size); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.warn("DocumentConverter: paragraph doesn't contain integer for font-size"); p.setFontsize(12); } } } allParagraphs.add(p); } } } /************************************************************************************ * retrieves Configuration for a single image on PDFTitlePage * * @param inNode the domnode to parse ************************************************************************************/ private void readPDFTitlePageImageConfig(Node inNode) { String filename = null; float xpos = 0; float ypos = 0; int scaling = 0; String x_str = null; String y_str = null; String scaling_str = null; filename = getValueOfElement(inNode); NamedNodeMap nnm = inNode.getAttributes(); if (nnm != null) { Node node_x = nnm.getNamedItem("x"); Node node_y = nnm.getNamedItem("y"); Node node_scale = nnm.getNamedItem("scale"); if ((node_x != null) && (node_y != null)) { x_str = node_x.getNodeValue(); y_str = node_y.getNodeValue(); scaling_str = node_scale.getNodeValue(); } else { LOGGER.error("No coordinates given for PDFTitlePageImage"); return; } try { ypos = Float.parseFloat(y_str); xpos = Float.parseFloat(x_str); if (scaling_str != null) { scaling = Integer.parseInt(scaling_str); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("DocumentConverter.getImageItem: value for coordinates are not in float format"); return; } } // all necessary values are available // create the instance of PDFTitlePageImage // and add it if ((filename != null) && (xpos != 0) && (ypos != 0)) { PDFTitlePageImage pdftpi = new PDFTitlePageImage(); pdftpi.setFilename(filename); pdftpi.setXCoordinate(xpos); pdftpi.setYCoordinate(ypos); if (scaling != 0) { pdftpi.setScalefactor(scaling); } allImages.add(pdftpi); } else { LOGGER.error("DocumentConverter.getImageItem: no filename given"); } } /************************************************************************************ * renders the title page according to its setting * * @param pdfDoc the given pdf document to render * @throws PDFManagerException ************************************************************************************/ public void render(com.lowagie.text.Document pdfDoc) throws PDFManagerException { // set margins pdfDoc.setMargins(left, right, top, bottom); try { // set fonts Font smallFont = getPDFFont(8); // Font myFont = getPDFFont("Helvetica", 12); // write <parenttype> element if (this.structuretype != null) { PDFTitlePageLine structureLine = new PDFTitlePageLine(); structureLine.setContent(this.structuretype); renderTextLine(structureLine, smallFont, pdfDoc); } // iterate over all lines Iterator<PDFTitlePageLine> it = allTitleLines.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { PDFTitlePageLine pdftpl =; Font tplFont = getPDFFont(pdftpl.getFontsize()); renderTextLine(pdftpl, tplFont, pdfDoc); } // render terms and conditions title if (this.getTermsandconditionstitle() != null) { PDFTitlePageParagraph tacparagraph = new PDFTitlePageParagraph(); tacparagraph.setContent(this.getTermsandconditionstitle()); tacparagraph.setFontsize(14); tacparagraph.setFonttype("underline"); renderParagraph(tacparagraph, pdfDoc); } // iterate over all paragraphs Iterator<PDFTitlePageParagraph> it_paragraph = allParagraphs.iterator(); while (it_paragraph.hasNext()) { PDFTitlePageParagraph pdftpp =; renderParagraph(pdftpp, pdfDoc); } // iterate over all images Iterator<PDFTitlePageImage> it_image = allImages.iterator(); while (it_image.hasNext()) { PDFTitlePageImage pdftpi =; renderImage(pdftpi, pdfDoc); } // other, additional PDF settings for the page pdfDoc.setMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); // delete all margins } catch (DocumentException de) { // something went wrong while adding data to the PDF LOGGER.error("ERROR: Something serious went wrong while adding data to the PDF title page", de); throw new PDFManagerException( "ERROR: Something serious went wrong while adding data to the PDF title page", de); } } /************************************************************************************ * get font as {@link Font} from given font name and size * * @param fontname name of font * @param fontsize size of font * * @throws PDFManagerException ************************************************************************************/ private Font getPDFFont(int fontsize) throws PDFManagerException { Font resultfont = null; // set the base font try { if (this.ttffontpath == null) { // don't use TTF LOGGER.debug("Do not use TrueType Font... instead standard Arial is used"); resultfont = FontFactory.getFont("Arial", BaseFont.CP1252, BaseFont.EMBEDDED, fontsize); // String[] codePages = basefont.getCodePagesSupported(); // System.out.println("All available encodings for font:\n\n"); // for (int i = 0; i < codePages.length; i++) { // System.out.println(codePages[i]); // } } else { // load font, embedd it - use unicode LOGGER.debug("Use TrueType Font... at:" + this.ttffontpath); BaseFont bf = BaseFont.createFont(this.ttffontpath, BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, BaseFont.EMBEDDED); resultfont = new Font(bf, fontsize); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("DocumentException while creating title page for PDF", e); throw new PDFManagerException("Exception while creating Titlepage for PDF", e); } return resultfont; } private void renderTextLine(PDFTitlePageLine inTextLine, Font pdffont, com.lowagie.text.Document pdfdoc) throws DocumentException { String content = inTextLine.getContent(); if (content == null) { return; } if ((content != null) && (content.length() > inTextLine.getShortentextlength())) { content = content.substring(0, inTextLine.getShortentextlength()) + "..."; } // show first line Paragraph p1 = new Paragraph(); // check, if content needs to be wrapped if (content.length() > inTextLine.getLinewrap()) { String allwords[] = content.split(" "); int numberofwords = allwords.length; int charsinline = 0; // counter for characters per line StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < numberofwords; i++) { if ((charsinline + (allwords[i].length()) + 1) < inTextLine.getLinewrap()) { // word does fit in line, so add it to paragraph // ch1 = ch1 + allwords[i] + " "; charsinline = charsinline + (allwords[i].length()) + 1; } else { // word does not fit in line; p1 = new Paragraph(stringBuilder.toString(), pdffont); // create a new // paragraph pdfdoc.add(p1); // finally add the current paragraph to the // document stringBuilder.setLength(0); charsinline = (allwords[i].length()); // counter for // characters } stringBuilder.append(allwords[i]); stringBuilder.append(' '); } p1 = new Paragraph(stringBuilder.toString(), pdffont); // create a new paragraph pdfdoc.add(p1); // finally add the current paragraph to the document } else { // content doesn't need to be wrapped p1 = new Paragraph(new Chunk(content, pdffont)); pdfdoc.add(p1); } } /************************************************************************************ * render paragraph into title page * * @param pdftpp given {@link PDFTitlePageParagraph} to render * @param pdfdoc given {@link com.lowagie.text.Document} where to render * @throws DocumentException ************************************************************************************/ private void renderParagraph(PDFTitlePageParagraph pdftpp, com.lowagie.text.Document pdfdoc) throws DocumentException { String text = pdftpp.getContent(); if (text == null) { text = ""; } int fontstyle = Font.NORMAL; if (pdftpp.getFonttype().equals("bold")) { fontstyle = Font.BOLD; } if (pdftpp.getFonttype().equals("italic")) { fontstyle = Font.ITALIC; } if (pdftpp.getFonttype().equals("bolditalic")) { fontstyle = Font.BOLDITALIC; } if (pdftpp.getFonttype().equals("underline")) { fontstyle = Font.UNDERLINE; } if (pdftpp.getFonttype().equals("strikethru")) { fontstyle = Font.STRIKETHRU; } // create BaseFont for embedding try { Font font = FontFactory.getFont("Arial", BaseFont.CP1252, BaseFont.EMBEDDED, pdftpp.getFontsize(), fontstyle); Paragraph p2 = new Paragraph(new Chunk(text, font)); // Paragraph p2=new Paragraph(text, // FontFactory.getFont(FontFactory.TIMES_ROMAN, 12)); pdfdoc.add(p2); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("error occured while generating paragraph for titlepage", e); } } /************************************************************************************ * render image for titlepage * * @param pdftpi the {@link PDFTitlePageImage} which shoud be renderd * @param pdfdoc the {@link com.lowagie.text.Document} where the titlepage shoud be rendered ************************************************************************************/ private void renderImage(PDFTitlePageImage pdftpi, com.lowagie.text.Document pdfdoc) throws DocumentException { try { Image img = Image.getInstance(pdftpi.getFilename()); // calculate the absolute position float absposx = pdftpi.getXCoordinate() * 72f / 2.54f; float absposy = pdftpi.getYCoordinate() * 72f / 2.54f; img.setAbsolutePosition(absposx, absposy); if (pdftpi.getScalefactor() != 0) { img.scalePercent(pdftpi.getScalefactor()); // scale image (in // percent) } pdfdoc.add(img); } catch (MalformedURLException mue) { LOGGER.error("WARNING: Can't read image " + pdftpi.getFilename() + " for PDF title page, invalid URL"); } catch (IOException ioe) { LOGGER.error( "WARNING: Can't read image:" + pdftpi.getFilename() + " for PDF title page - IO Exception"); } } /************************************************************************************ * add a {@link PDFTitlePageLine} to this {@link PDFTitlePage} * * @param pdftpl the given {@link PDFTitlePageLine} to add ************************************************************************************/ public void addPDFTitlePageLine(PDFTitlePageLine pdftpl) { allTitleLines.add(pdftpl); } /************************************************************************************ * add a {@link PDFTitlePageParagraph} to this {@link PDFTitlePage} * * @param pdftpp the given {@link PDFTitlePageParagraph} to add ************************************************************************************/ public void addPDFTitlePageParagraph(PDFTitlePageParagraph pdftpp) { allParagraphs.add(pdftpp); } /************************************************************************************ * add a {@link PDFTitlePageImage} to this {@link PDFTitlePage} * * @param pdftpi the given {@link PDFTitlePageImage} to add ************************************************************************************/ public void addPDFTitlePageImage(PDFTitlePageImage pdftpi) { allImages.add(pdftpi); } /** * @return the termsandconditionstitle */ protected String getTermsandconditionstitle() { return termsandconditionstitle; } /** * @param termsandconditionstitle the termsandconditionstitle to set */ public void setTermsandconditionstitle(String termsandconditionstitle) { this.termsandconditionstitle = termsandconditionstitle; } /** * @return the divtype */ public String getStructuretype() { return structuretype; } /** * @param divtype the divtype to set */ public void setStructuretype(String structuretype) { this.structuretype = structuretype; } /** * clones the current PDFTitlePage * * @return */ @Override public PDFTitlePage clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { PDFTitlePage newtitlepage = new PDFTitlePage(); newtitlepage.allImages = this.allImages; newtitlepage.allParagraphs = this.allParagraphs; newtitlepage.allTitleLines = this.allTitleLines; newtitlepage.termsandconditionstitle = this.termsandconditionstitle; newtitlepage.ttffontpath = this.ttffontpath; newtitlepage.structuretype = this.structuretype; return newtitlepage; } public void deleteTitleLines() { allTitleLines = new LinkedList<PDFTitlePageLine>(); } public int getLeftMargin() { return left; } public int getRightMargin() { return right; } public int getTopMargin() { return top; } public int getBottomMargin() { return bottom; } }