Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package de.unibi.cebitec.bibiserv.web.beans.runinthecloud; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.Client; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientHandlerException; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.UniformInterfaceException; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.WebResource; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.config.DefaultClientConfig; import de.unibi.techfak.bibiserv.BiBiTools; import de.unibi.cebitec.bibiserv.web.beans.session.UserBean; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import javax.faces.application.FacesMessage; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.primefaces.context.RequestContext; import org.primefaces.event.FlowEvent; import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean; /** * * @author Johannes Steiner <> */ public class BashExecutor implements InitializingBean { /** * Static Variables. */ private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(BashExecutor.class); private static final String bibigridPropertiesFile = ""; private static final String gridPropertiesFile = ""; /** * Injected Beans. */ private UserBean user; private DatabaseConnect dc; private Ec2InstanceWizard ec2InstanceWizard; /** * Private Variables. */ private boolean keypairFound = false; private boolean keypairForSelectedRegion = false; private String keypairName; private Path tempDirectoryPath; private final StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); private final StringBuffer redirectAddress = new StringBuffer(); private Process process; private final String toolID = getToolID(); private final String rootPath = BiBiTools.getProperties().getProperty("tmpdir.base") + "/"; private int progressBarValue = 0; /** * Streaming indicator variables. */ private boolean readCompletely; private boolean active; /** * Receive and create the uniqueFolderDirectory in bibiserv/spool/tmp/. * * @return Path to UniqueFolder */ private Path getUniqueFolderDirectory() { try { return Files.createTempDirectory(Paths.get(rootPath), "ritc_"); } catch (IOException iex) { log.error(iex.getMessage(), iex); return null; } } /** * Parse toolID from RequestHeader. * * @return toolID */ private String getToolID() { /** * Get Tool-ID. */ URI requestURL = null; FacesContext ctx; HttpServletRequest req; try { ctx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); req = (HttpServletRequest) ctx.getExternalContext().getRequest(); requestURL = new URI(req.getHeader("referer")); /** * referer e.g. http://localhost:9080/dialign?id=ritc */ return requestURL.getPath().substring(1); // getPath()=='/dialign' } catch (URISyntaxException ue) { log.error(ue.getMessage(), ue); return "error"; } } /** * Executed from PF-remoteCommand on confirmation.xhtml. */ public void onload() { RequestContext rc = RequestContext.getCurrentInstance(); rc.execute("PF('progressBar').start()"); } public BashExecutor() { } /** * Manual scrolling of primefaces-scrollpanel. The -1000 is an optimistic * value. It describes how 'deep' the scroll should be. While each poll * takes 2 sec a value of -50 should reach, but cause i'm using a listener * on poll, the function scroll() needs to be executed and takes ~ 1 more * sec. So -1000 should reach to scroll each time to the bottom. (If the * value should not reach...tune it up to 10000?) */ public void scroll() { RequestContext rc = RequestContext.getCurrentInstance(); rc.execute("PF('scroller').scrollY(1000)"); } /** * Creates the needed file which will configure the * bibigrid binaries to start correctly. * * @param tempDirectoryPath - The resolved unique folder id * @param isr - inputstream reader * @param out - outputStream * @param execScript - filediscriptor of execScript * @param sourceProperties - filediscriptor to the now building * */ private void createBiBiGridPropertiesFile(final Path tempDirectoryPath, final InputStreamReader isr, final OutputStream out, final File execScript, final Properties sourceProperties) { /** * Get selected values from wizard. */ final Integer numberOfSlaves = ec2InstanceWizard.getNumberOfSlaves(); final String masterInstanceType = ec2InstanceWizard.getSelectedEc2MasterInstance().getInstanceName(); final String slaveInstanceType = ec2InstanceWizard.getSelectedEc2SlaveInstance().getInstanceName(); final String region = ec2InstanceWizard.getSelectedRegion(); /** * Get identitiyfile from SSH-Keychain Module. */ final File identityfile = new File(tempDirectoryPath.toFile(), user.getId() + "_identityfile.pem"); final StringBuffer keypairname = new StringBuffer(); try (PrintWriter id_pw = new PrintWriter(identityfile)) { ArrayList<SshKeyPair> foundKeyPairs = new ArrayList(dc.retrieveSshKeyFile(user)); for (SshKeyPair kp : foundKeyPairs) { /** * If there is one active keypair we can quit searching and take * this keypair. The active keypair can be set in the * KeyChainModule. */ if (kp.isActive()) { id_pw.println(kp.getIdentityFile()); keypairname.append(kp.getKeypairName()); break; } } id_pw.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) { log.error(fnfe.getMessage(), fnfe); } /** * Start new Thread for creating and writing new */ Thread bibiGridPropertiesCreatorThread = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { sourceProperties.load(isr); sourceProperties.setProperty("accessKey", ec2InstanceWizard.getAwsbean().getAccessKey()); sourceProperties.setProperty("secretKey", ec2InstanceWizard.getAwsbean().getSecretKey()); sourceProperties.setProperty("region", region); sourceProperties.setProperty("keypair", keypairname.toString()); /** * The availability zones are HARD CODED! I've at this point * no idea how to parse the available * endpoints/availability-zones. */ sourceProperties.setProperty("availability-zone", region + "a"); sourceProperties.setProperty("master-instance-type", masterInstanceType); sourceProperties.setProperty("master-image", ec2InstanceWizard.getIMAGE_ID_HVM_MASTER()); sourceProperties.setProperty("slave-instance-type", slaveInstanceType); sourceProperties.setProperty("slave-instance-min", "1"); sourceProperties.setProperty("slave-instance-start", String.valueOf(numberOfSlaves)); sourceProperties.setProperty("slave-instance-max", String.valueOf(numberOfSlaves)); sourceProperties.setProperty("slave-image", ec2InstanceWizard.getIMAGE_ID_HVM_SLAVE()); sourceProperties.setProperty("ports", "8080,8081"); sourceProperties.setProperty("execute-script", execScript.getName()); sourceProperties.setProperty("use-master-as-compute", "no"); sourceProperties.setProperty("grid-properties-file", gridPropertiesFile); sourceProperties.setProperty("identity-file", identityfile.getName());, null); } catch (IOException | NullPointerException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { try { isr.close(); out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } } }); bibiGridPropertiesCreatorThread.start(); } /** * Creates execScript which will be only executed on the EC2 instance to * install the base environment to use and install the bibiserv-clone. It * also installs the parsed tool on the BiBiServ. * * @param execScript */ private void createExecScript(final File execScript) { // e.g. toolID = 'dialign' Thread execScriptCreatorThread = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { try (BufferedWriter output = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(execScript))) { output.write("#!/bin/bash \n"); output.write("#if run as early shell script we have to set some things manually \n"); output.write("export SGE_ROOT=/var/lib/gridengine \n"); output.write("# change into instantbibi base dir \n"); output.write("cd /home/ubuntu/instantbibi \n"); output.write("# init .antlibs \n"); output.write("/usr/bin/ant install.antlib \n"); output.write("# check for updates \n"); output.write("/usr/bin/ant .get \n"); output.write("# setup and configure domain, deploy bibimainapp \n"); output.write("mkdir -p /vol/spool/bibiserv \n"); output.write( "/usr/bin/ant -Dbase.dir=/vol/spool/bibiserv -Dglassfish4=true -Duse.min.module.set=true -Denable.docker=true -Dconfig.64=true -Dconfig.oge=true -Ddrmaa.jar=/usr/share/java/drmaa.jar -Ddrmaa.library.path=/usr/lib/ instant \n"); output.write("# deploy application \n"); // parsd toolID output.write("/usr/bin/ant -Dapp=" + toolID + "\n"); output.write("# finished"); output.write("/usr/bin/date"); output.close(); } Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime(); /** * Modify Script to be executeable. */ r.exec("chmod u+x " + execScript.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (IOException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } }); execScriptCreatorThread.start(); } /** * Creates the bibigrid-starter-script which is needed to execute the * bibigrid binaries correctly. * * @param tempDirectoryPath * @param bashFile */ private void createGridStartScript(final Path tempDirectoryPath, final File bashFile) { final String username = user.getId(); Thread gridCreatorThread = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { try (BufferedWriter output = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(bashFile))) { output.write("#!" + BiBiTools.getProperties().getProperty("") + " \n"); // set classpath output.write("CLASSPATH=" + BiBiTools.getProperties().getProperty("bibigrid.bin") + " "); // added -gpf to obtain the file at the end output.write(BiBiTools.getProperties().getProperty("bibigrid.bin") + "bibigrid -o " + bibigridPropertiesFile + " -gpf " + gridPropertiesFile + " -c "); output.close(); } Runtime rr = Runtime.getRuntime(); // setting access rr.exec("chmod u+x " + bashFile.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (IOException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } }); gridCreatorThread.start(); } /** * executeGridStarterScript starts the whole grid creation-procedure. One * the one hand it executes the just created, scans in its * output and brings it to the JSF result-panel on confirmation.xhtml. On * the other side, at the end, it reads in the file which * contains e.g. the public-dns of the EC2 instance which is needed to * redirect to the instance. All important informations from the * will get stored to the db and can be easily looked up at * the BiBiServ-KeyChainModule. */ private void executeGridStarterScript() { final File bashFile = new File(tempDirectoryPath.toFile(), ""); final String username = user.getId(); Thread executeAndReadThread = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime(); /** * Start script as process. */ process = r.exec("/bin/bash", null, bashFile.getAbsoluteFile()); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream())); /** * Errorstream scanning. */ // BufferedReader error = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getErrorStream())); String inputLine; while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) { result.append(inputLine); result.append("\n"); } in.close(); /** * Read to redirect to Ec2-instance. */ File gridInformation = new File(tempDirectoryPath.toFile(), gridPropertiesFile); InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(gridInformation.toURI().toURL().openStream()); Properties gridJobInfo = new Properties(); gridJobInfo.load(isr); String masterNodeDNS = gridJobInfo.getProperty("BIBIGRID_MASTER"); String clusterId = gridJobInfo.getProperty("clusterId"); redirectAddress.delete(0, redirectAddress.length()); redirectAddress.append("http://"); redirectAddress.append(masterNodeDNS); redirectAddress.append(":8080/"); redirectAddress.append(toolID); dc.insertUniqueFolderID(username, tempDirectoryPath.getFileName().toString(), true); dc.insertJobIdAndRedirectToUniqueFolder(clusterId, redirectAddress.toString(), tempDirectoryPath); readCompletely = true; active = false; } catch (IOException iex) { log.error(iex.getMessage(), iex); } } }); executeAndReadThread.start(); } /** * Indicator if instance-access is ready. */ private boolean accessReady = false; /** * CheckInstanceAccess tests wheather the started EC2 is already up and in * which state of starting the instance is. Furthermore it controls the * progressBar on the confirmation.xhtml. Each exception increments the * value 'progressBarValue'. Because I tested the instanceAccess so often I * noticed that there are ca. 15 ClientHandlerExecptions and ca. 4 * UniformInterfaceExecptions before the 'alive' command comes from the * server REST-service. So each CHE increments the progressBarValue with 2 * points and each UIE increments the value with 17. So the value will stop * at round about 97% and the successfull 'alive' increments it finally to * 99% and the redirection starts. */ public void checkInstanceAccess() { String url = redirectAddress.substring(0, redirectAddress.lastIndexOf("/")) + "/rest"; Client client = Client.create(new DefaultClientConfig()); WebResource res = client.resource(url); String answer; while (true) { try { answer = res.path("manager").type(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN).get(String.class); if (answer.equals("alive")) { progressBarValue = 99; accessReady = true; break; } } catch (ClientHandlerException e) { /** * Hier reicht ein und kein break, da die einzige * mgliche exception erwartet wird: * Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt = akzeptiert; * Die Wartezeit fr die Verbindung * ist abgelaufen = falsche dns. */ // es fallen ca 15 CLEs ... log.error(e.getMessage(), e); if (progressBarValue + 2 >= 98) { } else { progressBarValue += 2; } try { Thread.sleep(10000); } catch (InterruptedException ie) {, ie); break; } } catch (UniformInterfaceException e) { // ... und ca 4 UFEs log.error(e.getMessage(), e); if (progressBarValue + 17 >= 98) { } else { progressBarValue += 17; } try { Thread.sleep(10000); } catch (InterruptedException ie) {; break; } } } connectToInstance(); } /** * PrepareGrid gets executed on the switch from grid_settings.xhtml to * confirmation.xhtml to ensure a fully generated base where from the grid * can be started. The function creates 4 file: * <ul> * <li> * (on demand from user configuration) * </li> * <li> * identityfile (from db) * </li> * <li> * * </li> * <li> * execScript * </li> * </ul> */ public void prepareGrid() { progressBarValue = 5; tempDirectoryPath = getUniqueFolderDirectory(); try { final URL srcPropFileName = new URL( ""); final File destFile = new File(tempDirectoryPath.toFile(), bibigridPropertiesFile); /** * Create new Exec-Script file. */ final File execScript = new File(tempDirectoryPath.toFile(), "execScript"); createExecScript(execScript); /** * Create new BibiGrid-properties file. */ final InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(srcPropFileName.openStream()); final OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(destFile); createBiBiGridPropertiesFile(tempDirectoryPath, isr, out, execScript, new Properties()); /** * Create new GridStarter-Script. */ final File bashFile = new File(tempDirectoryPath.toFile(), ""); createGridStartScript(tempDirectoryPath, bashFile); } catch (IOException iex) { log.error(iex.getMessage(), iex); } } /** * Pass-through function. Can be removed in future. active needs to be set * somewhere outside any thread. */ public void createGrid() { active = true; /** * Execute GridStarterScript. */ executeGridStarterScript(); } /** * Redirect to started Ec2Instance. There must be an 10sec delay to wait * until the tool got depoyed. * * @return */ public void connectToInstance() { try { Thread.sleep(10000); FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().redirect(redirectAddress.toString()); } catch (IOException | InterruptedException iox) { log.error(iox.getMessage(), iox); } } public String getResult() { return result.toString(); } public boolean isReadCompletely() { return readCompletely; } public boolean isActive() { return active; } public boolean isAccessReady() { return accessReady; } public void setAccessReady(boolean accessReady) { this.accessReady = accessReady; } public Ec2InstanceWizard getEc2InstanceWizard() { return ec2InstanceWizard; } public void setEc2InstanceWizard(Ec2InstanceWizard ec2InstanceWizard) { this.ec2InstanceWizard = ec2InstanceWizard; } private String keypairRegion; public String getKeypairRegion() { return keypairRegion; } /** * Function needed for restting the wizard. Executed on the first * 'welcome'-tag If this function would not be called, the confirmation-tab * would stay at the 'finished'-state. It also checks if the keypairs got * set already. */ public void reset() { active = false; readCompletely = false; result.delete(0, result.length()); ec2InstanceWizard.getAwsbean().reloadCredentials(); List<SshKeyPair> keypairs = dc.retrieveSshKeyFile(user); if (!keypairs.isEmpty()) { for (SshKeyPair kp : keypairs) { if (kp.isActive()) { keypairFound = true; keypairName = kp.getKeypairName(); keypairRegion = kp.getRegion(); break; } } if (keypairRegion.equals(ec2InstanceWizard.getSelectedRegion())) { keypairForSelectedRegion = true; } else { keypairForSelectedRegion = false; } } else { keypairFound = false; } } /** * For an non-executed grid creation the temporary created unique folder * will not be used any further. So we can delete it safely. */ public void deleteUniqueFolder() { try { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(tempDirectoryPath.toFile()); dc.deleteUniqueFolderID( new UniqueFolderID(user, tempDirectoryPath.getFileName().toString(), null, null, false, null)); } catch (IOException io) { log.error(io.getMessage(), io); } } /** * Wizard onFlowProcess. * * @param event * @return */ public String onFlowProcess(FlowEvent event) { // Disclaimer accepted if (("welcome").equals(event.getOldStep()) && ec2InstanceWizard.isDisclaimerAccepted() == false) { FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); fc.addMessage(null, new FacesMessage("Disclaimer not accepted!", "To continue you have to accept the disclaimer!")); RequestContext rc = RequestContext.getCurrentInstance(); rc.execute("PF('spot').show()"); return event.getOldStep(); } // Delete UFI-Folder on 'back' from confirmation. if ("confirmation".equals(event.getOldStep())) { deleteUniqueFolder(); } // prepare unique folder if 'next' is confirmation. if ("confirmation".equals(event.getNewStep())) { prepareGrid(); } // No 'next' if credentials not ready if ("credentials".equals(event.getNewStep())) { reset(); } return event.getNewStep(); } public void hideNavigation() { RequestContext rc = RequestContext.getCurrentInstance(); rc.execute("PF('wiz').hideNextNav()"); rc.execute("PF('wiz').showBackNav()"); } public DatabaseConnect getDc() { return dc; } public void setDc(DatabaseConnect dc) { this.dc = dc; } public UserBean getUser() { return user; } public String getKeypairName() { return keypairName; } public void setKeypairName(String keypairName) { this.keypairName = keypairName; } public void setUser(UserBean user) { this.user = user; } public int getProgressBarValue() { return progressBarValue; } public void setProgressBarValue(int progressBarValue) { this.progressBarValue = progressBarValue; } public boolean isKeypairFound() { return keypairFound; } public void setKeypairFound(boolean keypairFound) { this.keypairFound = keypairFound; } public boolean isKeypairForSelectedRegion() { return keypairForSelectedRegion; } @Override public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception { active = false; readCompletely = false; result.delete(0, result.length()); } }