Java tutorial
/* * JGraLab - The Java Graph Laboratory * * Copyright (C) 2006-2014 Institute for Software Technology * University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany * * * For bug reports, documentation and further information, visit * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General * Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, see <>. * * Additional permission under GNU GPL version 3 section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining * it with Eclipse (or a modified version of that program or an Eclipse * plugin), containing parts covered by the terms of the Eclipse Public * License (EPL), the licensors of this Program grant you additional * permission to convey the resulting work. Corresponding Source for a * non-source form of such a combination shall include the source code for * the parts of JGraLab used as well as that of the covered work. */ package de.uni_koblenz.jgralab.gretl; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.logging.Level; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.Option; import; import de.uni_koblenz.jgralab.Graph; import de.uni_koblenz.jgralab.GraphIO; import de.uni_koblenz.jgralab.ImplementationType; import de.uni_koblenz.jgralab.JGraLab; import de.uni_koblenz.jgralab.exception.GraphIOException; import de.uni_koblenz.jgralab.greql.GreqlQuery; import de.uni_koblenz.jgralab.greql.schema.GreqlSchema; import de.uni_koblenz.jgralab.gretl.template.TemplateSchema; import de.uni_koblenz.jgralab.impl.ConsoleProgressFunction; import de.uni_koblenz.jgralab.schema.Schema; import de.uni_koblenz.jgralab.utilities.tg2dot.Tg2Dot; import; public class GReTLRunner { static final int MAX_VISUALIZATION_SIZE = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("GretlMaxVizSize", "400")); static { JGraLab.setLogLevel(Level.OFF); // Load the greql schema so that the class loading time doesn't count // for the transformation time. GreqlSchema.instance().createGraph(ImplementationType.STANDARD); // Also load the greql machinery GreqlQuery.createQuery("from x: list(1..10) with x = 5 reportSet x end").evaluate(); // Ditto for the template schema TemplateSchema.instance().createGraph(ImplementationType.STANDARD); } private OptionHandler oh = null; public GReTLRunner() { String toolString = "java " + GReTLRunner.class.getName(); String versionString = JGraLab.getInfo(false); oh = new OptionHandler(toolString, versionString); Option transform = new Option("t", "transformation", true, "(required) The GReTL transformation that should be executed."); transform.setArgName("gretl-file"); transform.setRequired(true); oh.addOption(transform); Option schema = new Option("s", "schema", true, "(optional) The name of the target schema. " + "Defaults to"); schema.setArgName("schema-name"); schema.setRequired(false); oh.addOption(schema); Option graphclass = new Option("g", "graphclass", true, "(optional) The name of the target graph class. " + "Defaults to BazGraph."); graphclass.setArgName("graphclass"); graphclass.setRequired(false); oh.addOption(graphclass); Option viz = new Option("z", "visualize", false, "(optional) Additionally create a PDF viz of the output graph."); viz.setRequired(false); oh.addOption(viz); Option reverseViz = new Option("r", "reverse-edges", false, "(optional) When -z is given, print edges pointing bottom-up."); reverseViz.setRequired(false); oh.addOption(reverseViz); Option debugExecution = new Option("d", "debug", false, "(optional) Print the target graph after each transformation op."); debugExecution.setRequired(false); oh.addOption(debugExecution); Option output = new Option("o", "output", true, "(optional) The file to store the target graph to. If many input " + "models are to be transformed, this has no effect."); output.setRequired(false); debugExecution.setArgName("target-graph-file"); oh.addOption(output); // TODO: Basically, -u should exclude the usage of -s/-g. Option useSourceSchema = new Option("u", "use-source-schema", false, "(optional) Use the source schema as target schema. " + "In that case, no schema modifications may be performed by the transformation."); useSourceSchema.setRequired(false); oh.addOption(useSourceSchema); // TODO: Basically, -i should exclude the usage of -s/-g. Option inPlace = new Option("i", "in-place", false, "(optional) Use the source graph as target graph. " + "In that case, no schema modifications may be performed by the transformation."); inPlace.setRequired(false); oh.addOption(inPlace); oh.setArgumentCount(Option.UNLIMITED_VALUES); oh.setArgumentName("input-graph"); oh.setOptionalArgument(false); } public void exec(String[] args) throws GraphIOException, IOException { CommandLine cli = oh.parse(args); if (cli.hasOption('d')) { Transformation.DEBUG_EXECUTION = true; Transformation.DEBUG_REVERSE_EDGES = cli.hasOption('r'); } String schema, graphclass; if (cli.hasOption('s')) { schema = cli.getOptionValue('s'); } else { schema = ""; } if (cli.hasOption('g')) { graphclass = cli.getOptionValue('g'); } else { graphclass = "BazGraph"; } Schema targetSchema = getExistingSchema(schema); Context c; if (targetSchema != null) { c = new Context(targetSchema); } else { c = new Context(schema, graphclass); } if (cli.getArgs().length == 0) { if (cli.hasOption('u') || cli.hasOption('i')) { System.err.println("Options -u and -i cannot be used if no source graph is given."); oh.printHelpAndExit(1); } Graph outGraph = executeTransformation(c, new File(cli.getOptionValue('t'))); String outFileName = null; if (cli.hasOption('o')) { outFileName = cli.getOptionValue('o'); } else { outFileName = ""; } saveTargetGraph(outGraph, outFileName, cli); } else { for (String in : cli.getArgs()) { Graph inGraph = GraphIO.loadGraphFromFile(in, ImplementationType.GENERIC, new ConsoleProgressFunction("Loading")); if (cli.hasOption('u')) { c = new Context(inGraph.getSchema()); } else if (cli.hasOption('i')) { c = new Context(inGraph.getSchema()); c.setTargetGraph(inGraph); } c.setSourceGraph(inGraph); Graph outGraph = executeTransformation(c, new File(cli.getOptionValue('t'))); String outFileName = null; if (cli.hasOption('o') && (cli.getArgs().length == 1)) { outFileName = cli.getOptionValue('o'); } else { File inFile = new File(in); outFileName = inFile.getParent() + File.separator + "target_" + inFile.getName(); } saveTargetGraph(outGraph, outFileName, cli); } } System.out.println("Fini."); } private Graph executeTransformation(Context c, File transFormFile) { ExecuteTransformation t = new ExecuteTransformation(c, transFormFile); boolean outermost = c.outermost; if (outermost) { System.out.print("Executing transformation " + t.getName() + "... "); } long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Graph outGraph = t.execute(); if (outermost) { System.out.println("Finished (" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + "ms)"); } return outGraph; } private Schema getExistingSchema(String qname) { try { Class<?> schemaClass = Class.forName(qname); Method m = schemaClass.getMethod("instance"); return (Schema) m.invoke(null); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } private void saveTargetGraph(Graph outGraph, String outFileName, CommandLine cli) throws GraphIOException, IOException { GraphIO.saveGraphToFile(outGraph, outFileName, new ConsoleProgressFunction("Saving")); if (cli.hasOption('z')) { if ((outGraph.getVCount() + outGraph.getECount()) > MAX_VISUALIZATION_SIZE) { System.err.println("Sorry, graph is too big to be dotted."); } else { String pdf = outFileName.replaceFirst("\\.tg(\\.gz)?$", ".pdf"); Tg2Dot.convertGraph(outGraph, pdf, cli.hasOption('r'), GraphVizOutputFormat.PDF); } } } public static void main(String[] args) throws GraphIOException, IOException { GReTLRunner runner = new GReTLRunner(); runner.exec(args); } }