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// Copyright 2013 Michel Kraemer
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package de.undercouch.citeproc.bibtex;

import java.text.DateFormatSymbols;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;

import de.undercouch.citeproc.csl.CSLDate;
import de.undercouch.citeproc.csl.CSLDateBuilder;

 * Parses dates
 * @author Michel Kraemer
public class DateParser {
     * A cache for month names
     * @see #getMonthNames(Locale)
    private static Map<Locale, Map<String, Integer>> MONTH_NAMES_CACHE = new ConcurrentHashMap<Locale, Map<String, Integer>>();

     * Converts a given date string to a {@link CSLDate} object. Does
     * not parse the string but saves it in the CSLDate's raw field.
     * @param dateString the string
     * @return the {@link CSLDate} object
    public static CSLDate toDate(String dateString) {
        return new CSLDateBuilder().raw(dateString).build();

     * Parses the given year and month to a {@link CSLDate} object. Handles
     * date ranges such as <code>xx-xx</code> or <code>xx/xx</code> and even
     * <code>xx-xx/yy-yy</code>.
     * @param year the year to parse. Should be a four-digit number or a String
     * whose last four characters are digits.
     * @param month the month to parse. May be a number (<code>1-12</code>),
     * a short month name (<code>Jan</code> to <code>Dec</code>), or a
     * long month name (<code>January</code> to </code>December</code>). This
     * method is also able to recognize month names in several locales.
     * @return the {@link CSLDate} object or null if both, the year and the
     * month, could not be parsed
    public static CSLDate toDate(String year, String month) {
        //check if there are several dates, parse each of them
        //individually and merge them afterwards
        String[] ms = null;
        if (month != null) {
            ms = month.split("/");
        String[] ys = null;
        if (year != null) {
            ys = year.split("/");

        if (ys != null && ys.length > 1) {
            //even if there is a month parse year only to avoid ambiguities
            CSLDate d1 = toDateRange(ys[0], null);
            CSLDate d2 = toDateRange(ys[ys.length - 1], null);

            //only merge if the difference between the years is not greater than 1
            if (d1.getDateParts() != null && d2.getDateParts() != null && d1.getDateParts().length > 0
                    && d2.getDateParts().length > 0 && d1.getDateParts()[0].length > 0
                    && d2.getDateParts()[d2.getDateParts().length - 1].length > 0 && Math.abs(
                            d2.getDateParts()[0][0] - d1.getDateParts()[d2.getDateParts().length - 1][0]) <= 1) {
                return merge(d1, d2);
        } else if (ms != null && ms.length > 1) {
            CSLDate d1 = toDateRange(year, ms[0]);
            CSLDate d2 = toDateRange(year, ms[1]);

            //only merge if the difference between the months is not greater than 1
            if (d1.getDateParts() != null && d2.getDateParts() != null && d1.getDateParts().length > 0
                    && d2.getDateParts().length > 0 && d1.getDateParts()[0].length > 1
                    && d2.getDateParts()[d2.getDateParts().length - 1].length > 1 && Math.abs(
                            d2.getDateParts()[0][1] - d1.getDateParts()[d2.getDateParts().length - 1][1]) <= 1) {
                return merge(d1, d2);

        return toDateRange(year, month);

     * Parses the given year and month to a {@link CSLDate} object. Handles
     * date ranges such as <code>xx-xx</code>.
     * @param year the year to parse. Should be a four-digit number or a String
     * whose last four characters are digits.
     * @param month the month to parse. May be a number (<code>1-12</code>),
     * a short month name (<code>Jan</code> to <code>Dec</code>), or a
     * long month name (<code>January</code> to </code>December</code>). This
     * method is also able to recognize month names in several locales.
     * @return the {@link CSLDate} object or null if both, the year and the
     * month, could not be parsed
    public static CSLDate toDateRange(String year, String month) {
        //check if there's a date range, parse elements
        //individually and merge them afterwards
        String[] ms = null;
        if (month != null) {
            ms = month.split("-+|\u2013+");
        String[] ys = null;
        if (year != null) {
            ys = year.split("-+|\u2013+");

        if (ys != null && ys.length > 1) {
            //even if there is a month parse year only to avoid ambiguities
            CSLDate d1 = toDateSingle(ys[0], null);
            CSLDate d2 = toDateSingle(ys[ys.length - 1], null);
            return merge(d1, d2);
        } else if (ms != null && ms.length > 1) {
            CSLDate d1 = toDateSingle(year, ms[0]);
            CSLDate d2 = toDateSingle(year, ms[1]);
            return merge(d1, d2);

        return toDateSingle(year, month);

     * Parses the given year and month to a {@link CSLDate} object. Does not
     * handle ranges.
     * @param year the year to parse. Should be a four-digit number or a String
     * whose last four characters are digits.
     * @param month the month to parse. May be a number (<code>1-12</code>),
     * a short month name (<code>Jan</code> to <code>Dec</code>), or a
     * long month name (<code>January</code> to </code>December</code>). This
     * method is also able to recognize month names in several locales.
     * @return the {@link CSLDate} object or null if both, the year and the
     * month, could not be parsed
    public static CSLDate toDateSingle(String year, String month) {
        int m = toMonth(month);

        //parse year
        int y = -1;
        Boolean circa = null;
        if (year != null && year.length() >= 4) {
            if (StringUtils.isNumeric(year)) {
                y = Integer.parseInt(year);
            } else {
                String fourDigit = year.substring(year.length() - 4);
                if (StringUtils.isNumeric(fourDigit)) {
                    y = Integer.parseInt(fourDigit);
                    if (year.length() > 4) {
                        circa = Boolean.TRUE;

        //create result
        CSLDateBuilder builder = new CSLDateBuilder();
        if (y < 0) {
            return null;
        if (m < 0) {
            return builder.dateParts(y).circa(circa).build();
        return builder.dateParts(y, m).circa(circa).build();

     * Merges two dates
     * @param d1 the first date
     * @param d2 the second date
     * @return the merged date
    private static CSLDate merge(CSLDate d1, CSLDate d2) {
        if (d1 == null) {
            return d2;
        } else if (d2 == null) {
            return d1;

        CSLDateBuilder builder = new CSLDateBuilder();

        //handle date parts
        builder.dateParts(d1.getDateParts()[0], d2.getDateParts()[d2.getDateParts().length - 1]);

        //handle circa
        if (d1.getCirca() != null) {
        if (d2.getCirca() != null && (d1.getCirca() == null || d2.getCirca().booleanValue())) {

        //handle literal strings
        if (d1.getLiteral() != null) {
        if (d2.getLiteral() != null) {
            if (d1.getLiteral() != null) {
                builder.literal(d1.getLiteral() + "-" + d2.getLiteral());
            } else {

        //handle seasons
        if (d1.getSeason() != null) {
        if (d2.getSeason() != null) {
            if (d1.getSeason() != null) {
                builder.season(d1.getSeason() + "-" + d2.getSeason());
            } else {

        //handle raw strings
        if (d1.getRaw() != null) {
        if (d2.getRaw() != null) {
            if (d1.getRaw() != null) {
                builder.raw(d1.getRaw() + "-" + d2.getRaw());
            } else {


     * Parses the given month string
     * @param month the month to parse. May be a number (<code>1-12</code>),
     * a short month name (<code>Jan</code> to <code>Dec</code>), or a
     * long month name (<code>January</code> to </code>December</code>). This
     * method is also able to recognize month names in several locales.
     * @return the month's number (<code>1-12</code>) or <code>-1</code> if
     * the string could not be parsed
    public static int toMonth(String month) {
        int m = -1;
        if (month != null && !month.isEmpty()) {
            if (StringUtils.isNumeric(month)) {
                m = Integer.parseInt(month);
            } else {
                m = tryParseMonth(month, Locale.ENGLISH);
                if (m <= 0) {
                    m = tryParseMonth(month, Locale.getDefault());
                    if (m <= 0) {
                        for (Locale l : Locale.getAvailableLocales()) {
                            m = tryParseMonth(month, l);
                            if (m > 0) {
        return m;

     * Retrieves and caches a list of month names for a given locale
     * @param locale the locale
     * @return the list of month names (short and long). All names are
     * converted to upper case
    private static Map<String, Integer> getMonthNames(Locale locale) {
        Map<String, Integer> r = MONTH_NAMES_CACHE.get(locale);
        if (r == null) {
            DateFormatSymbols symbols = DateFormatSymbols.getInstance(locale);
            r = new HashMap<String, Integer>(24);

            //insert long month names
            String[] months = symbols.getMonths();
            for (int i = 0; i < months.length; ++i) {
                String m = months[i];
                if (!m.isEmpty()) {
                    r.put(m.toUpperCase(), i + 1);

            //insert short month names
            String[] shortMonths = symbols.getShortMonths();
            for (int i = 0; i < shortMonths.length; ++i) {
                String m = shortMonths[i];
                if (!m.isEmpty()) {
                    r.put(m.toUpperCase(), i + 1);
            MONTH_NAMES_CACHE.put(locale, r);

        return r;

     * Tries to parse the given month string using the month names
     * of the given locale
     * @param month the month string
     * @param locale the locale
     * @return the month's number (<code>1-12</code>) or <code>-1</code> if
     * the string could not be parsed
    private static int tryParseMonth(String month, Locale locale) {
        Map<String, Integer> names = getMonthNames(locale);
        Integer r = names.get(month.toUpperCase());
        if (r != null) {
            return r;
        return -1;