Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2016 * Ubiquitous Knowledge Processing (UKP) Lab * Technische Universitt Darmstadt * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package de.tudarmstadt.ukp.experiments.argumentation.convincingness.sampling; import com.github.habernal.confusionmatrix.ConfusionMatrix; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.DescriptiveStatistics; import; import java.util.*; /** * Run this class against estimated gold data from 01-pilot.task.results.tsv * to obtain the average rank of the best-ranked worker per argument pair and her performance * towards gold data. * <p/> * Section 'Quality control' in the article. * * @author Ivan Habernal */ public class Step5bAgreementMeasures { private static final int TOP_K_VOTES = 1; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String inputDir = args[0]; // all annotations List<AnnotatedArgumentPair> allArgumentPairs = new ArrayList<>(); Collection<File> files = IOHelper.listXmlFiles(new File(inputDir)); for (File file : files) { allArgumentPairs.addAll((List<AnnotatedArgumentPair>) XStreamTools.getXStream().fromXML(file)); } // for collecting the rank of n-th best worker per HIT SortedMap<Integer, DescriptiveStatistics> nThWorkerOnHITRank = new TreeMap<>(); // confusion matrix wrt. gold data for each n-th best worker on HIT SortedMap<Integer, ConfusionMatrix> nThWorkerOnHITConfusionMatrix = new TreeMap<>(); // initialize maps for (int i = 0; i < TOP_K_VOTES; i++) { nThWorkerOnHITRank.put(i, new DescriptiveStatistics()); nThWorkerOnHITConfusionMatrix.put(i, new ConfusionMatrix()); } for (AnnotatedArgumentPair argumentPair : allArgumentPairs) { // sort turker rank and their vote SortedMap<Integer, String> rankAndVote = new TreeMap<>(); System.out.println(argumentPair.mTurkAssignments.size()); for (AnnotatedArgumentPair.MTurkAssignment assignment : argumentPair.mTurkAssignments) { rankAndVote.put(assignment.getTurkRank(), assignment.getValue()); } String goldLabel = argumentPair.getGoldLabel(); System.out.println(rankAndVote); // top K workers for the HIT List<String> topKVotes = new ArrayList<>(rankAndVote.values()).subList(0, TOP_K_VOTES); // rank of top K workers List<Integer> topKRanks = new ArrayList<>(rankAndVote.keySet()).subList(0, TOP_K_VOTES); System.out.println("Top K votes: " + topKVotes); System.out.println("Top K ranks: " + topKRanks); // extract only category (a1, a2, or equal) List<String> topKVotesOnlyCategory = new ArrayList<>(); for (String vote : topKVotes) { String category = vote.split("_")[2]; topKVotesOnlyCategory.add(category); } System.out.println("Top " + TOP_K_VOTES + " workers' decisions: " + topKVotesOnlyCategory); if (goldLabel == null) { System.out.println("No gold label estimate for " + argumentPair.getId()); } else { // update statistics for (int i = 0; i < TOP_K_VOTES; i++) { nThWorkerOnHITConfusionMatrix.get(i).increaseValue(goldLabel, topKVotesOnlyCategory.get(i)); // rank is +1 (we don't start ranking from zero) nThWorkerOnHITRank.get(i).addValue(topKRanks.get(i) + 1); } } } for (int i = 0; i < TOP_K_VOTES; i++) { System.out.println("n-th worker : " + (i + 1) + " -----------"); System.out.println(nThWorkerOnHITConfusionMatrix.get(i).printNiceResults()); System.out.println(nThWorkerOnHITConfusionMatrix.get(i)); System.out.println("Average rank: " + nThWorkerOnHITRank.get(i).getMean() + ", stddev " + nThWorkerOnHITRank.get(i).getStandardDeviation()); } } }