Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2016 * Ubiquitous Knowledge Processing (UKP) Lab * Technische Universitt Darmstadt * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package de.tudarmstadt.ukp.experiments.argumentation.convincingness.graph; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.DescriptiveStatistics; import org.graphstream.algorithm.BellmanFord; import org.graphstream.graph.Edge; import org.graphstream.graph.Graph; import org.graphstream.graph.Node; import org.graphstream.graph.Path; import org.graphstream.graph.implementations.DefaultGraph; import; import; import org.graphstream.ui.swingViewer.ViewPanel; import org.graphstream.ui.view.Viewer; import de.tudarmstadt.ukp.experiments.argumentation.convincingness.sampling.Step6GraphTransitivityCleaner; import; import; import java.util.*; /** * @author Ivan Habernal */ public class VisualizationTest { private static final String WEIGHT = "weight"; public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { DefaultGraph g = new DefaultGraph("my beautiful graph"); // DGSParser parser = new DGSParser(new FileSourceDGS(), new FileReader(new File("/tmp/graph.dgs"))); // Parser p = fileSourceDGS.getNewParserFactory() // .newParser(new FileReader("/tmp/graph.dgs")); FileSourceDGS fileSourceDGS = new FileSourceDGS(); Graph graph = new DefaultGraph("g"); fileSourceDGS.addSink(graph); // fileSourceDGS.readAll( // "/tmp/if-your-spouse-committed-murder-and-he-or-she-confided-in-you-would-you-turn-them-in-_no.xml.dgs"); fileSourceDGS.readAll( // "~/data2/convincingness/step6-graph-cleaning/is-it-better-to-have-a-lousy-father-or-to-be-fatherless-_fatherless.xml.dgs"); "/home/user-ukp/data2/convincingness/step6-clean-graphs/no-eq_AscendingScoreArgumentPairListSorterchristianity-or-atheism-_atheism.xml.dgs"); File graphFile = new File("/tmp/out.png"); showGraph(graph, graphFile); } public static void showGraph(Graph graph, File outputFile) throws IOException { graph.addAttribute("ui.antialias", true); graph.addAttribute("ui.stylesheet", "edge {fill-color:grey; shape: cubic-curve;} "); // min and max ratio int minRatio = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int maxRatio = Integer.MIN_VALUE; for (Node node : graph) { // get ratio int ratio = node.getOutDegree() - node.getInDegree() + 100; minRatio = Math.min(ratio, minRatio); maxRatio = Math.max(ratio, maxRatio); } for (Node node : graph) { // parse cluster node IDs back to sorted set SortedSet<String> clusterNodesIDs = new TreeSet<>( Arrays.asList(node.getAttribute(Step6GraphTransitivityCleaner.NODE_ATTR_CLUSTERED_ARGS) .toString().replaceAll("^\\[", "").replaceAll("\\]$", "").split(", "))); // get longest out-coming transition path // get ratio int ratio = node.getOutDegree() - node.getInDegree() + 100; String color = mapValueToColor(minRatio, maxRatio, ratio); int size = (node.getOutDegree() + 10) * 2; int maxTransitivityScore = computeMaxTransitivityScore(graph, node); node.addAttribute("", String.format("fill-color: %s; size: %dpx;", color, size)); node.addAttribute("ui.label", String.format("%d/%d/%d", node.getInDegree(), node.getOutDegree(), maxTransitivityScore)); } final int RES = 450; Viewer viewer = graph.display(); ViewPanel panel = viewer.getDefaultView(); panel.setSize(RES, RES); FileSinkImages pic = new FileSinkImages(FileSinkImages.OutputType.PNG, FileSinkImages.Resolutions.HD720); pic.setLayoutPolicy(FileSinkImages.LayoutPolicy.COMPUTED_FULLY_AT_NEW_IMAGE); pic.setResolution(RES, RES); pic.writeAll(graph, outputFile.getAbsolutePath()); } /** * Computes max. transitivity score for the given node (as described in the paper) * <p/> * It uses Bellman-Ford algorithm to compute the shortest and longest paths * * @param graph graph (must be DAG) * @return statistics */ private static int computeMaxTransitivityScore(Graph graph, Node sourceNode) { if (sourceNode.getOutDegree() == 0) { return 0; } // find all out-degree > 1 nodes Set<Node> targetNodes = new HashSet<>(); for (Node n : graph) { if (n.getInDegree() > 1) { targetNodes.add(n); } } FileSourceDGS source = new FileSourceDGS(); source.addSink(graph); DescriptiveStatistics result = new DescriptiveStatistics(); // set positive weight first for (Edge e : graph.getEdgeSet()) { e.setAttribute(WEIGHT, 1.0); } BellmanFord bfShortest = new BellmanFord(WEIGHT, sourceNode.getId()); bfShortest.init(graph); bfShortest.compute(); // now negative weight for longest-path for (Edge e : graph.getEdgeSet()) { e.setAttribute(WEIGHT, -1.0); } BellmanFord bfLongest = new BellmanFord(WEIGHT, sourceNode.getId()); bfLongest.init(graph); bfLongest.compute(); int maxTransitivityScore = Integer.MIN_VALUE; for (Node targetNode : targetNodes) { Path shortestPath = bfShortest.getShortestPath(targetNode); Path longestPath = bfLongest.getShortestPath(targetNode); int shortestPathLength = shortestPath.getEdgeCount(); int longestPathLength = longestPath.getEdgeCount(); if (shortestPathLength == 1 && longestPathLength > 1) { // update statistics maxTransitivityScore = Math.max(maxTransitivityScore, longestPathLength); } } // none found maxTransitivityScore = Math.max(maxTransitivityScore, 0); return maxTransitivityScore; } public static String mapValueToColor(int min, int max, int value) { String[] palette = { "#ffffe0", "#ffdeb8", "#ffbc94", "#ff9777", "#ff6a62", "#ed4256", "#d22047", "#af062c", "#8b0000" }; double a = value - min; double b = max - min; // System.out.println(a + ", " + b); int index = palette.length - 1 - (int) ((a / b) * (palette.length - 1.0)); // System.out.println(index); // System.out.println("---------------"); return palette[index] + "88"; } }