Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2012 * Ubiquitous Knowledge Processing (UKP) Lab and FG Language Technology * Technische Universitt Darmstadt * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. ******************************************************************************/ package de.tudarmstadt.ukp.clarin.webanno.crowdflower; import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml; import static; import static; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Vector; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.uima.jcas.JCas; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonNode; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonProcessingException; import; import; import de.tudarmstadt.ukp.dkpro.core.api.ner.type.NamedEntity; import de.tudarmstadt.ukp.dkpro.core.api.segmentation.type.Sentence; import de.tudarmstadt.ukp.dkpro.core.api.segmentation.type.Token; /** * Class to manage data generation for German Named Entity tasks on Crowdflower. * Uses Crowdclient to upload and create jobs. * @author Benjamin Milde */ public class NamedEntityTaskManager implements Serializable { private static final String JSON_VALUE_NONE2 = "\"none\""; private static final String JSON_VALUE_NONE1 = "none"; private static final String JSON_VALUE_HIDDEN_GOLD = "hidden_gold"; private static final String JSON_VALUE_GOLDEN = "golden"; private static final String JSON_FIELD_JUDGMENTS = "judgments"; private static final String HTML_OPEN_SPAN = "<span "; private static final String HTML_SPAN_TOKEN_CLOSE = "\">"; private static final String HTML_SPAN_CLOSE = "</span>"; private static final String HTML_SPAN_TOKEN_START = "<span id=\"token="; private static final String JSON_SOURCEDOC_SHORTFORM = "S"; private static final String JSON_VALUE_EMPTY_ARRAY = "[]"; private static final String JSON_VALUE_NONE_MARKER = "[\"none\"]"; private static final String JSON_GOLDDOC_SHORTFORM = "G"; private static final String JSON_TRUE = "TRUE"; private static final String COUNTRY_CODE_CH = "CH"; private static final String COUNTRY_CODE_AT = "AT"; private static final String COUNTRY_CODE_DE = "DE"; private static final String JSON_FIELD_STATUS_NEEDED_JUDGMENTS = "needed_judgments"; private static final String JSON_FIELD_STATUS_ALL_JUDGMENTS = "all_judgments"; private static final String JSON_FIELD_DONE = "done"; private static final String JSON_FIELD_COUNT = "count"; private static final String JSON_FIELD_ERROR = "error"; //JSON field constant private static final String JSON_FIELD_END_MARKER = "e"; private static final String JSON_FIELD_START_MARKER = "s"; private static final String JSON_FIELD_RESULTS = "results"; private static final String JSON_FIELD_AGGREGATED = "agg"; private static final String JSON_FIELD_FINALIZED = "finalized"; private static final String JSON_FIELD_STATE = "state"; private static final String JSON_FIELD_DOCUMENT = "document"; private static final String JSON_FIELD_DATA = "data"; private static final String malformedStatusErrorMsg = "error retrieving status: malformed response from Crowdflower"; private static final long serialVersionUID = -166689748276508297L; private CrowdClient crowdclient; private static final String noGoldNER1Reason = "Dieser Textabschnitt beinhaltet keine Named Entities (in solchen Fällen müssen sie auf den dafür vorgesehen Button klicken. Es reicht nicht aus nichts zu makieren). Sie können diese Meinung anfechten und uns erklären warum Sie meinen das dies falsch ist.\n"; private static final String goldNER1ReasonHints = "\n <br/> Tipps: Wenn eine Named Entity länger als ein Wort lang ist, müssen sie beim ersten Wort anfangen zu makieren und beim letzten Wort loslassen. Falsch ist: Klicken Sie stattdessen auf die Wörter einzeln, erzeugt dies mehrere einzelne Makierungen! Sie können auch nur bis z.B. zu der Hälfte eines Wortes makieren, dies erfasst trotzdem das ganze Wort. \n"; private static final String bogusNER2Reason = "Wenn sie anderer Meinung sind, können Sie unsere Meinung anfechten."; private static Map<String, String> task2NeMap; private int lastGoldOffset = 0; //omitted sentences in the last run because of errors private int omittedSentences = 0; //omitted entites in the last run because of errors private int omittedEntities = 0; public int getOmittedSentences() { return omittedSentences; } public void setOmittedSentences(int omittedSentences) { this.omittedSentences = omittedSentences; } public int getOmittedEntities() { return omittedEntities; } public void setOmittedEntities(int omittedEntities) { this.omittedEntities = omittedEntities; } //Static mapping of WebAnno short forms to user displayed types in Crowdflower //used for gold //this could be made configurable to allow more flexibility static { task2NeMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); task2NeMap.put("PER", "Person"); task2NeMap.put("PERderiv", "Indirekte Person"); task2NeMap.put("PERpart", "Person"); task2NeMap.put("ORG", "Organisation"); task2NeMap.put("ORGderiv", "Organisation"); task2NeMap.put("ORGpart", "Partielle Organisation"); task2NeMap.put("LOC", "Ort"); task2NeMap.put("LOCderiv", "Indirekter Ort"); task2NeMap.put("LOCpart", "Ort"); task2NeMap.put("OTH", "Etwas anderes"); task2NeMap.put("OTHderiv", "Etwas anderes"); task2NeMap.put("OTHpart", "Etwas anderes"); } private static Map<String, String> ne2TaskMap; // static mapping of user displayed types in Crowdflower to WebAnno short forms static { ne2TaskMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); ne2TaskMap.put("Person", "PER"); ne2TaskMap.put("Indirekte Person", "PERderiv"); ne2TaskMap.put("Organisation", "ORG"); ne2TaskMap.put("Partielle Organisation", "ORGpart"); ne2TaskMap.put("Ort", "LOC"); ne2TaskMap.put("Indirekter Ort", "LOCderiv"); ne2TaskMap.put("Etwas anderes", "OTH"); } /** * Default constructor */ public NamedEntityTaskManager() { crowdclient = new CrowdClient(); } /** * Generates a new job on based on the supplied template string. The new job * won't have any data items * * @param template - template as JSON string to use for the new job * @return the job. * @throws JsonProcessingException hum? * @throws IOException hum?s */ public CrowdJob createJob(String template) throws JsonProcessingException, IOException { ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); JsonNode jsonTemplate = mapper.readTree(template); CrowdJob job = new CrowdJob(jsonTemplate); return crowdclient.createNewJob(job); } /** * Helper function to concatenate a list of strings with the supplied separator * {"item","item3","test"} -> "item,item3,test" * * @param words the words. * @param separator the separator. * @return string the result. */ private static String concatWithSeparator(Collection<String> words, String separator) { StringBuilder wordList = new StringBuilder(); for (String word : words) { wordList.append(new String(word) + separator); } return new String(wordList.deleteCharAt(wordList.length() - 1)); } /** * Generate data for NER task1. This is a quite specific function exclusively for German NER, * but a more general version could one day replace this. * * You usually call this function twice, one time to generate gold data (generateGold=true) and one time to generate normal data * * @param documentsJCas * List of Cas containing either the documents to be annotated or gold documents * @param goldOffset * This is an offset to the token number that is send to Crowdflower, so that (i - * goldOffset) = real token offset in webanno. This is needed so that continuous * token numbers can be send to Crowdflower * @param generateGold - whether gold data should be produced or normal data * @param limit - limit number of data items to this number * @return {@code List<NamedEntityTask1Data>}, representing a crowdflower task1 data upload. It can be directly mapped to JSON. * @throws CrowdException hum? */ public List<NamedEntityTask1Data> generateTask1Data(List<JCas> documentsJCas, int goldOffset, boolean generateGold, int limit) throws CrowdException { Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(getClass()); List<NamedEntityTask1Data> data = new ArrayList<NamedEntityTask1Data>(); int i = goldOffset; StringBuilder textBuilder = new StringBuilder(); int docNo = 0; jcasloop: for (JCas documentJCas : documentsJCas) { int offset = i; int sentenceNo = 0;"Generating data for document: " + docNo + "/" + documentsJCas.size()); for (Sentence sentence : select(documentJCas, Sentence.class)) { // if global limit of sentences reached, abort whole iteration if (limit != -1 && sentenceNo >= limit) { break jcasloop; } textBuilder.setLength(0); // Maps our own token offsets (needed by JS in the crowdflower task) to Jcas offsets Map<Integer, Integer> charOffsetStartMapping = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); Map<Integer, Integer> charOffsetEndMapping = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); for (Token token : selectCovered(Token.class, sentence)) { // check that token offsets match to (i - goldOffset) //String tokenString = ; textBuilder.append(HTML_SPAN_TOKEN_START); textBuilder.append(String.valueOf(i)); textBuilder.append(HTML_SPAN_TOKEN_CLOSE); textBuilder.append(escapeHtml(token.getCoveredText())); textBuilder.append(" "); textBuilder.append(HTML_SPAN_CLOSE); charOffsetStartMapping.put(token.getBegin(), i); charOffsetEndMapping.put(token.getEnd(), i); i++; } String text = textBuilder.toString(); // clear string builder textBuilder.setLength(0); NamedEntityTask1Data task1Data = new NamedEntityTask1Data(text); task1Data.setOffset(offset); task1Data.setDocument(JSON_SOURCEDOC_SHORTFORM + String.valueOf(docNo)); if (generateGold) { List<String> goldElems = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> goldTokens = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> goldTypes = new ArrayList<String>(); int lastNeBegin = -1; int lastNeEnd = -1; for (NamedEntity namedEntity : selectCovered(NamedEntity.class, sentence)) { List<Token> tokens = selectCovered(documentJCas, Token.class, namedEntity.getBegin(), namedEntity.getEnd()); List<String> strTokens = new ArrayList<String>(); // transform List<Tokens> to List<Strings> for (Token t : tokens) { strTokens.add(new String(t.getCoveredText())); } String strToken = concatWithSeparator(strTokens, " "); String type = namedEntity.getValue(); int neBegin = namedEntity.getBegin(); int neEnd = namedEntity.getEnd(); String strElem = buildTask1TokenJSON(textBuilder, namedEntity, charOffsetStartMapping, charOffsetEndMapping); // handling of nested NEs if (lastNeEnd != -1 && neBegin <= lastNeEnd) { // this NE is bigger = better if ((neEnd - neBegin) > (lastNeEnd - lastNeBegin)) { // remove last NE goldElems.remove(goldElems.size() - 1); goldTokens.remove(goldElems.size() - 1); goldTypes.remove(goldElems.size() - 1); // add new NE goldElems.add(strElem); goldTokens.add(strToken); goldTypes.add(type); lastNeBegin = neBegin; lastNeEnd = neEnd; } // else ignore this NE, keep last one } else { // standard case, no nested NE, or first NE of nested NEs goldElems.add(strElem); goldTokens.add(strToken); goldTypes.add(type); lastNeBegin = neBegin; lastNeEnd = neEnd; } } String strTypes = JSON_VALUE_EMPTY_ARRAY; String strGold = JSON_VALUE_NONE_MARKER; String strGoldReason = noGoldNER1Reason; int difficulty = 1; // Case where we have gold elements and want to give feedback to the crowd user if (goldElems.size() > 0) { strGold = buildTask1GoldElem(textBuilder, goldElems); // Difficulty is used to hint Crowdflower that more difficult sentences (the // ones // where users must mark many NEs) are displayed with less probability. difficulty = goldElems.size(); strTypes = buildTask1GoldElem(textBuilder, goldTypes); strGoldReason = buildTask1GoldElemReason(textBuilder, goldTokens); } task1Data.set_difficulty(difficulty); task1Data.setMarkertext_gold(strGold); task1Data.setMarkertext_gold_reason(strGoldReason); task1Data.setTypes(strTypes); task1Data.setDocument(JSON_GOLDDOC_SHORTFORM + String.valueOf(docNo)); // Marker flag for crowdflower that this data is gold data. // Note: Users still need to click on "convert uploaded gold" manually in the // interface. task1Data.set_golden(JSON_TRUE); } data.add(task1Data); sentenceNo++; } docNo++; } if (generateGold) { lastGoldOffset = i; } return data; } /** * Helper method for generateTask1Data, builds a string that explains to the user which named * entities he had to select * * @param textBuilder * @param goldTokens * @return a string that explains to the user which named * entities he had to select to get the answer right */ private String buildTask1GoldElemReason(StringBuilder textBuilder, List<String> goldTokens) { String strGoldReason; textBuilder.setLength(0); textBuilder.append("Der Text beinhaltet "); textBuilder.append(goldTokens.size()); textBuilder.append(" Named Entiti(es): "); textBuilder.append(escapeHtml(concatWithSeparator(goldTokens, ", "))); textBuilder.append(goldNER1ReasonHints); strGoldReason = new String(textBuilder); return strGoldReason; } /** * Helper method for generateTask1Data, concatenates all JSON formatted tokens (sorted by * position) which is then the gold solution and contains markers to all NE in the text * fragment. * * This same format is produced by the JS in the task1. * * @param textBuilder - reuse this textbuilder * @param goldElems - string gold elements (JSON), should be sorted * @return JSON string containing list of gold item marker positions */ private String buildTask1GoldElem(StringBuilder textBuilder, List<String> goldElems) { String strGold; textBuilder.setLength(0); // strGold = "["+concatWithSeperator(goldElems,",")+"]"; textBuilder.append("["); textBuilder.append(concatWithSeparator(goldElems, ",")); textBuilder.append("]"); strGold = new String(textBuilder); return strGold; } /** * Helper method for generateTask1Data, builds a single JSON formatted element describing start * and end position of a named entity. * * @param textBuilder - reuse this textbuilder * @param namedEntity - namedEntity which should mapped to positions formatted to JSON * @charOffsetStartMapping - mapping for start positions to use for WebAnno offset to Crowdflower token offset * @charOffsetEndMapping - mapping for end positions to use for WebAnno offset to Crowdflower token offset * @return JSON formatted string describing positions of single marker * @throws CrowdException */ private String buildTask1TokenJSON(StringBuilder textBuilder, NamedEntity namedEntity, Map<Integer, Integer> charOffsetStartMapping, Map<Integer, Integer> charOffsetEndMapping) throws CrowdException { // JSON named enitity marker for the gold data. The JSON here gets enclosed into the data // JSON that is uploaded // "{\"s\":"+begin+",\"e\":"+end+"}" if (!charOffsetStartMapping.containsKey(namedEntity.getBegin()) || !charOffsetEndMapping.containsKey(namedEntity.getEnd())) { throw new CrowdException( "Data generation error: char offset to token mapping is inconsistent. Contact developpers!"); } int start = charOffsetStartMapping.get(namedEntity.getBegin()); int end = charOffsetEndMapping.get(namedEntity.getEnd()); textBuilder.setLength(0); textBuilder.append("{\"s\":"); textBuilder.append(start); textBuilder.append(",\"e\":"); textBuilder.append(end); textBuilder.append("}"); return new String(textBuilder); } /** * Set apiKey to the underlying Crowdclient which manages the REST-protocol * * @param key - API key as string */ public void setAPIKey(String key) { Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());"Using apiKey:" + key); crowdclient.setApiKey(key); } public String uploadNewNERTask1(String template, List<JCas> documentsJCas, List<JCas> goldsJCas) throws JsonProcessingException, IOException, Exception { return uploadNewNERTask1(template, documentsJCas, goldsJCas, -1, -1); } /** * Upload a new NER task1 (German) to This method is called from the crowd page * and is the starting point for a new task1 upload. * * @param template - template as string to be used to upload the job * @param documentsJCas - list of source documents to be annotated * @param goldsJCas - gold data which should be used * @param useSents - number of sentences to use * @param useGoldSents - number of gold sentences to use * @return the job ID. * @throws JsonProcessingException hum? * @throws IOException hum? * @throws Exception hum? */ public String uploadNewNERTask1(String template, List<JCas> documentsJCas, List<JCas> goldsJCas, int useSents, int useGoldSents) throws JsonProcessingException, IOException, Exception { Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());"Creating new Job for Ner task 1."); CrowdJob job = createJob(template);"Done, new job id is: " + job.getId() + ". Now generating data for NER task 1"); setAllowedCountries(job); crowdclient.updateAllowedCountries(job); int goldOffset = 0; List<NamedEntityTask1Data> goldData = new ArrayList<NamedEntityTask1Data>(); // If we have gold data, than generate data for it if (goldsJCas != null && goldsJCas.size() > 0) {"Gold data available, generating gold data first."); goldData = generateTask1Data(goldsJCas, 0, true, useGoldSents); //Gold offset is measured in tokens goldOffset = this.lastGoldOffset; }"Generate normal task data."); List<NamedEntityTask1Data> data = generateTask1Data(documentsJCas, goldOffset, false, useSents); List<NamedEntityTask1Data> mergedData = new ArrayList<NamedEntityTask1Data>(); if (goldsJCas != null && goldsJCas.size() > 0) { mergedData.addAll(goldData); } mergedData.addAll(data);"Job data prepared, starting upload.");"Uploading data to job #" + job.getId()); crowdclient.uploadData(job, mergedData);"Done, finished uploading data to #" + job.getId()); return job.getId(); } /** * Sets the default countries * @param job */ private void setAllowedCountries(CrowdJob job) { // by default, allow only German speaking countries // would be better to make this configurable Vector<String> includedCountries = new Vector<String>(); includedCountries.add(COUNTRY_CODE_DE); includedCountries.add(COUNTRY_CODE_AT); includedCountries.add(COUNTRY_CODE_CH); job.setIncludedCountries(includedCountries); } /** * Describe the current status, given two job IDs. They can also be the empty string, which means * @param jobID1 - Job ID or empty string * @param jobID2 - Job ID or empty string * @return status string for both job IDs */ public String getStatusString(String jobID1, String jobID2) { String line; // first case: no job ids if (jobID1.equals("") && jobID2.equals("")) { return "No jobs uploaded."; } // second case, got first job id else if (!jobID1.equals("") && jobID2.equals("")) { line = "Job1: " + getStatusString(jobID1); } else if (!jobID1.equals("") && !jobID2.equals("")) { line = "Job2: " + getStatusString(jobID2); } else { line = "error retrieving status"; } return line; } /** * Get status string for just one job id * @param jobId - Crowdflower job ID * @return status string describing the current status on crowdflower */ private String getStatusString(String jobId) { Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(getClass()); JsonNode uploadStatus; try { uploadStatus = crowdclient.getUploadStatus(jobId); } catch (Exception e) { return "Error while trying to connect to Crowdflower: " + e.getMessage(); } String line; int uploadedUnits = -1; boolean finsishedUpload = false; int judgments = 0; int neededJudgments = 0; //Crowdflower reported an error in its JSON output if (uploadStatus != null && uploadStatus.has(JSON_FIELD_ERROR)) { return "error retrieving status: " + uploadStatus.path(JSON_FIELD_ERROR).getTextValue(); } //No error and JSON has required fields if (uploadStatus != null && uploadStatus.has(JSON_FIELD_COUNT) && uploadStatus.has(JSON_FIELD_DONE)) { uploadedUnits = uploadStatus.path(JSON_FIELD_COUNT).getIntValue();"status job1:" + uploadStatus.toString()); finsishedUpload = uploadStatus.path(JSON_FIELD_DONE).getBooleanValue(); if (finsishedUpload) { JsonNode status; //retrieve judgment stats try { status = crowdclient.getStatus(jobId); } catch (Exception e) { return "Error while trying to connect to Crowdflower: " + e.getMessage(); } if (status != null && status.has(JSON_FIELD_STATUS_ALL_JUDGMENTS) && status.has(JSON_FIELD_STATUS_NEEDED_JUDGMENTS)) { judgments = status.path(JSON_FIELD_STATUS_ALL_JUDGMENTS).getIntValue(); neededJudgments = status.path(JSON_FIELD_STATUS_NEEDED_JUDGMENTS).getIntValue(); } else { return malformedStatusErrorMsg; } } } else { return malformedStatusErrorMsg; } line = "is uploaded and has " + uploadedUnits + " uploaded units. " + (finsishedUpload ? "There are " + judgments + " judgments. Needed to complete job: " + neededJudgments + ")" : "Crowdflower is still processing the upload."); return line; } /** * Helper function for uploadNewNERTask2: Get the string char position of the i-th span from the * HTML token spans that the Crowdflower job task1 uses to display a textfragment. * * @param spans - HTML span string * @param spannumber - the span number to extract the position for * @return index in spans string for the n-th occurence of a span * @throws Exception */ private int getSpanPos(String spans, int spannumber) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException { // find all occurrences <span> forward int count = 0; for (int i = -1; (i = spans.indexOf(HTML_OPEN_SPAN, i + 1)) != -1;) { if (spannumber == count) { return i; } count++; } throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException( "Token index not found in getSpanPos:" + spannumber + " in span: " + spans); } /** * Helper function for uploadNewNERTask2: Extract certain token spans from the HTML token spans that * the Crowdflower job task1 uses to display a text fragment. It is used to cut out a named entity from HTML token spans. * * @param spans - HTML span string * @param start - token number * @param end - token number * @return Substring of spans containing the tokens starting at start token and ending at end token * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException */ private String extractSpan(String spans, int start, int end) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException { int offset = getFirstSpanOffset(spans); assert (start >= offset); assert (end >= offset); // so that the text has a span beyond the last one spans += HTML_OPEN_SPAN; int substart = getSpanPos(spans, start - offset); int subend = getSpanPos(spans, end - offset + 1); return spans.substring(substart, subend); } /** * Helper function that retrieves the first token number in a task1 html span * @param spans * @return first number in span offset string */ private int getFirstSpanOffset(String spans) { String firstNum = "0"; boolean foundDigit = false; // span beginn will look like: "<span id='token=num'>", so will just search the first number // in the string /* * regex for this would be: * Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(^|\\s)([0-9]+)($|\\s)"); * Matcher m = p.matcher(s); * if (m.find()) { String num =; } */ // but hey, extractSpan gets called a lot, this is faster: for (int i = 0; i < spans.length(); i++) { if (Character.isDigit(spans.charAt(i))) { foundDigit = true; firstNum = firstNum + Character.toString(spans.charAt(i)); } else if (foundDigit && !Character.isDigit(spans.charAt(i))) { break; } } int offset = Integer.valueOf(firstNum); return offset; } /** * Uploads a new task2 to Crowdflower, producing all data entirely of the raw judgments file * retrieved from a task1 ID. * * @param template the template. * @param jobID1 the job ID. * @param documentsJCas the documents. * @param goldsJCas the gold documents. * @return Crowdflower ID as string of the new task * @throws JsonProcessingException hum? * @throws IOException hum? * @throws CrowdException hum? */ public String uploadNewNERTask2(String template, String jobID1, List<JCas> documentsJCas, List<JCas> goldsJCas) throws JsonProcessingException, IOException, CrowdException { Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(getClass()); omittedSentences = 0; // Reader that also downloades the raw judgments for the supplied job id BufferedReader br = getReaderForRawJudgments(jobID1); String line; // JSON object mapper ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); ObjectWriter writer = mapper.writer(); // Used to represent task2 data that is send as JSON to crowdflower Vector<NamedEntityTask2Data> uploadData = new Vector<NamedEntityTask2Data>(); // Judgments come in as a quite exotic multiline-json, we need to parse every line of it // separately while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { // try to process each line, omit data if an error occurs (but inform user) try { JsonNode elem = mapper.readTree(line); String text = elem.path(JSON_FIELD_DATA).path(NamedEntityTask1Data.FIELD_TEXT).getTextValue(); String state = elem.path(JSON_FIELD_STATE).getTextValue(); // omit hidden gold items if (state.equals(JSON_VALUE_HIDDEN_GOLD)) { continue; } String document = elem.path(JSON_FIELD_DATA).path(JSON_FIELD_DOCUMENT).getTextValue(); int offset = elem.path(JSON_FIELD_DATA).path(NamedEntityTask1Data.FIELD_OFFSET).getIntValue(); if (state.equals(JSON_VALUE_GOLDEN)) { // produce gold data String markertext_gold = elem.path(JSON_FIELD_DATA) .path(NamedEntityTask1Data.FIELD_MARKERTEXT_GOLD).getTextValue(); String types = elem.path(JSON_FIELD_DATA).path(NamedEntityTask1Data.FIELD_TYPES).getTextValue(); if (!types.equals(JSON_VALUE_EMPTY_ARRAY)) { // sentence has atleast one NE List<String> NEtypes = Arrays.asList(types.substring(1, types.length() - 1).split(",")); JsonNode markers = mapper.readTree(markertext_gold); if (NEtypes.size() != markers.size()) { LOG.warn( "Warning, skipping ill formated gold item in task1! (NEtypes.size() != markers.size())"); continue; } int i = 0; for (JsonNode marker : markers) { int start = marker.path(JSON_FIELD_START_MARKER).getIntValue(); int end = marker.path(JSON_FIELD_END_MARKER).getIntValue(); NamedEntityTask2Data task2_gold_datum = new NamedEntityTask2Data(text, extractSpan(text, start, end), writer.writeValueAsString(marker), String.valueOf(getFirstSpanOffset(text)), document, task2NeMap.get(NEtypes.get(i)), bogusNER2Reason); task2_gold_datum.setDocOffset(offset); uploadData.add(task2_gold_datum); i++; } } // else ignore this sentence } else // normal data entry { if (!elem.path(JSON_FIELD_RESULTS).path(JSON_FIELD_JUDGMENTS).isMissingNode()) { Map<String, Integer> votings = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); // Majority voting for each marker in all judgments for (JsonNode judgment : elem.path(JSON_FIELD_RESULTS).path(JSON_FIELD_JUDGMENTS)) { if (!judgment.path(JSON_FIELD_DATA).path(NamedEntityTask1Data.FIELD_MARKERTEXT) .isMissingNode()) { String markertext = judgment.path(JSON_FIELD_DATA) .path(NamedEntityTask1Data.FIELD_MARKERTEXT).getTextValue(); JsonNode markers = mapper.readTree(markertext); // iterate over votes for (JsonNode marker : markers) { String voteText = writer.writeValueAsString(marker); // first case: add entry for this voting position if (!votings.containsKey(voteText)) { votings.put(voteText, 1); } // second case: increment voting else { votings.put(voteText, votings.get(voteText) + 1); } } } else { LOG.warn( "Warning, missing path in JSON result file from crowdflower: results/judgments"); } } // Consider any marked span which has at least two votes. Bogus spans can still be filtered out by task2 int votes_needed = 2; List<String> majorityMarkers = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String vote : votings.keySet()) { if (votings.get(vote) >= votes_needed) { majorityMarkers.add(vote); } } // process majority markers for (String strMarker : majorityMarkers) { if (!strMarker.equals(JSON_VALUE_NONE1) && !strMarker.equals(JSON_VALUE_NONE2)) { JsonNode marker = mapper.readTree(strMarker); int start = marker.path(JSON_FIELD_START_MARKER).getIntValue(); int end = marker.path(JSON_FIELD_END_MARKER).getIntValue(); NamedEntityTask2Data task2_datum = new NamedEntityTask2Data(text, extractSpan(text, start, end), strMarker, String.valueOf(getFirstSpanOffset(text)), document); task2_datum.setDocOffset(offset); uploadData.add(task2_datum); } } } else { LOG.warn("Warning, missing path in JSON result file from crowdflower: data/markertext"); } } } catch (Exception e) { omittedSentences++; LOG.warn("Warning, omitted a sentence from task2 upload because of an error in processing it: " + e.getMessage()); } }"Data generation complete. Creating new Job for Ner task 2."); CrowdJob job = createJob(template); setAllowedCountries(job); crowdclient.updateAllowedCountries(job);"Done, new job id is: " + job.getId() + ". Now generating data for NER task 2"); crowdclient.uploadData(job, uploadData);"Done uploading data to task2 #" + job.getId() + "."); return job.getId(); } /** * Helper function for uploadNewNERTask2 and retrieveAggJudgmentsTask2 that retrieves the raw * judgments for the supplied ID and returns a buffered reader for it. * * @param jobID * @return Buffered reader for raw judgment data (unzipped) * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException * @throws IOException * @throws CrowdException */ private BufferedReader getReaderForRawJudgments(String jobID) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException, CrowdException { Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());"Retrieving data for job: " + jobID); // Retrieve job data CrowdJob job = crowdclient.retrieveJob(jobID);"Retrieving raw judgments for job: " + jobID); // Rawdata is a multiline JSON file String rawdata = crowdclient.retrieveRawJudgments(job); // This may happen if the server didn't have enough time to prepare the data. // (Usually the case for anything else than toy datasets) if (rawdata == null || rawdata.equals("")) { throw new CrowdException("No data retrieved for task1 at #" + jobID + ". Crowdflower might need more time to prepare your data, try again in one minute."); }"Got " + rawdata.length() + " chars"); StringReader reader = new StringReader(rawdata); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(reader); return br; } /** * Aggregates and sets final judgments in the JCases provided by documentsJCas. * * @param jobID2 the job ID. * @param documentsJCas the documents. * @throws IOException hum? * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException hum? * @throws CrowdException hum? */ public void setCrowdJobAnnotationsInDocs(String jobID2, List<JCas> documentsJCas) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException, CrowdException { omittedEntities = 0; Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(getClass()); BufferedReader br = getReaderForRawJudgments(jobID2); String line; // Jackson JSON object mapper ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); // Maps our own token offsets (needed by JS in the crowdflower task) to Jcas offsets // One map for start and end offset conversion each and new mappings for each document (to be able to use multiple documents) // Array position is token number List<List<Integer>> charStartMappings = new ArrayList<List<Integer>>(); List<List<Integer>> charEndMappings = new ArrayList<List<Integer>>(); for (JCas cas : documentsJCas) { List<Integer> charStartMapping = new ArrayList<Integer>(); List<Integer> charEndMapping = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (Sentence sentence : select(cas, Sentence.class)) { for (Token token : selectCovered(Token.class, sentence)) { charStartMapping.add(token.getBegin()); charEndMapping.add(token.getEnd()); } } charStartMappings.add(charStartMapping); charEndMappings.add(charEndMapping); } while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { // Try to process each line, omit data if an error occurs try { JsonNode elem = mapper.readTree(line); // Document string contains one char to specify type (golden vs. not golden) // and a new number starting at 0 for each new document int documentNo = Integer .valueOf(elem.path(JSON_FIELD_DATA).path(JSON_FIELD_DOCUMENT).getTextValue().substring(1)); if (documentNo >= documentsJCas.size()) { throw new CrowdException( "Error, number of documents changed from first upload! Tried to access document: " + documentNo); } //Only process elements that are finalized, i.e. elements that don't have missing judgments String state = elem.path(JSON_FIELD_STATE).getTextValue(); if (state.equals(JSON_FIELD_FINALIZED)) { JCas cas = documentsJCas.get(documentNo); String typeExplicit = elem.path(JSON_FIELD_RESULTS) .path(NamedEntityTask2Data.FIELD_TODECIDE_RESULT).path(JSON_FIELD_AGGREGATED) .getTextValue(); String type = ne2TaskMap.get(typeExplicit); //Type is null when it is not in ne2TaskMap. //These are usually difficult cases where workers are unsure or where a wrong word has been marked in task1 if (type == null) { //We can simply skip any such cases continue; } String posText = elem.path(JSON_FIELD_DATA).path(NamedEntityTask2Data.FIELD_POSTEXT) .getTextValue(); int offset = 0; // Element numbering in Crowdflower judgments can be different than token numbering in the Cas, // to support an always incrementing numbering in a multi-document setting for displayed spans (task1) // docOffset is the diff of the marker (saved from task1 and also present in task2 data) // to token numbering of the Cas for the current document if (!elem.path(JSON_FIELD_DATA).path(NamedEntityTask2Data.FIELD_DOCOFFSET).isMissingNode()) { offset = elem.path(JSON_FIELD_DATA).path(NamedEntityTask2Data.FIELD_DOCOFFSET) .getIntValue(); } JsonNode marker = mapper.readTree(posText); int start = marker.path(JSON_FIELD_START_MARKER).getIntValue(); int end = marker.path(JSON_FIELD_END_MARKER).getIntValue(); //Map named entity to character offsets and add it to the Cas NamedEntity newEntity = new NamedEntity(cas, charStartMappings.get(documentNo).get(start - offset), charEndMappings.get(documentNo).get(end - offset)); newEntity.setValue(type); newEntity.addToIndexes(); } } //We catch all exceptions here, in order to guarantee best effort in processing the data. //That is, we try to assign to every sentence and don't stop if there is a problem and inform the user afterwards. catch (Exception e) { omittedEntities++; LOG.warn("Warning, omitted a sentence from task2 import because of an error in processing it: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } } }