Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import static; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.core.KeywordAnalyzer; import org.apache.lucene.document.Document; import org.apache.lucene.document.Field; import org.apache.lucene.document.Field.Store; import org.apache.lucene.document.IntField; import org.apache.lucene.document.StoredField; import org.apache.lucene.document.StringField; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriterConfig; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriterConfig.OpenMode; import; import; import org.apache.lucene.util.Version; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * * @author Steffen Remus */ public class GenerateNgramIndex implements Runnable { private static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GenerateNgramIndex.class); private final static String USAGE_HEADER = "Options:"; private static File py_src = new File(Properties.pythonBinariesDirectory()); public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { new GenerateNgramIndex(args).run(); } /** * */ public GenerateNgramIndex() { /* default constructor, pass options via new Ngrams(){{ param=value; ... }} */ } @SuppressWarnings("static-access") public GenerateNgramIndex(String[] args) { Options opts = new Options(); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("help").withDescription("Display help message.").create("?")); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("mincount").withArgName("int").hasArg().withDescription( "specify the number of times an ngram must occur to be considered in further calculations. Ngrams with counts below mincount are filtered. (default: 1).") .create("m")); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("overwrite").hasOptionalArg().withArgName("{true|false}") .withDescription("Overwrite existing index (default: false).").create("w")); // options parsed and passed to Ngrams app opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("ptype").withArgName("class").hasArg().withDescription( "specify the instance of the language model provider that you want to use: {LtSegProvider, BreakIteratorStringProvider, UimaStringProvider, PreTokenizedStringProvider} (default: LtSegProvider)") .create("p")); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("cardinality").withArgName("ngram-order").hasArg().withDescription( "Specify the cardinality of the ngrams (min. 1). Specify a range using 'from-to'. (Examples: 5 = extract 5grams; 1-5 = extract 1grams, 2grams, ..., 5grams; default: 1-5).") .create("n")); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("file").withArgName("filename").hasArg().withDescription( "Specify the file or directory that contains '.txt' file to read from. Specify '-' to read from stdin. (Note: when no output directory is provided this parameter must refer to a directory!)") .isRequired().create("f")); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("dest").withArgName("directory").hasArg().withDescription( "Specify the index directory for the related language model files. (default: <srcdir>/.lmindex)") .create("d")); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("accross_sentences").hasOptionalArg().withArgName("{true|false}") .withDescription("Generate Ngrams across sentence boundaries.").create("a")); try { CommandLine cmd = new ExtendedGnuParser(true).parse(opts, args); if (cmd.hasOption("help")) CliUtils.print_usage_quit(System.err, Ngrams.class.getSimpleName(), opts, USAGE_HEADER, null, 0); _provider_type_ = cmd.getOptionValue("ptype", LtSegProvider.class.getSimpleName()); _file_ = cmd.getOptionValue("file", "-"); _out_ = cmd.getOptionValue("dest"); if (_out_ != null) _index_dir = new File(_out_); else { if ("-".equals(_file_)) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Output directory must be provided when generating ngrams from stdin. Please provide a destination directory or generate ngrams from directory."); File f_or_dir = new File(_file_); if (!f_or_dir.exists()) throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Input file or directory '%s' does not exist.", f_or_dir.getAbsolutePath())); if (f_or_dir.isFile()) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Output directory must be provided when generating ngrams from file. Please provide a destination directory or generate ngrams from directory."); if (f_or_dir.isDirectory()) _index_dir = new File(f_or_dir, ".lmindex"); } String order = cmd.getOptionValue("cardinality", "1-5"); _accross_sentences_ = cmd.hasOption("accross_sentences"); if (_accross_sentences_ && cmd.getOptionValue("accross_sentences") != null) _accross_sentences_ = Boolean.parseBoolean(cmd.getOptionValue("accross_sentences")); int dash_index = order.indexOf('-'); _order_to_ = Integer.parseInt(order.substring(dash_index + 1, order.length()).trim()); _order_from_ = _order_to_; if (dash_index == 0) _order_from_ = 1; if (dash_index > 0) _order_from_ = Math.max(1, Integer.parseInt(order.substring(0, dash_index).trim())); _overwrite = cmd.hasOption("overwrite"); if (_overwrite && cmd.getOptionValue("overwrite") != null) _overwrite = Boolean.parseBoolean(cmd.getOptionValue("overwrite")); _mincount = Integer.parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue("mincount", "1")); } catch (Exception e) { CliUtils.print_usage_quit(System.err, Ngrams.class.getSimpleName(), opts, USAGE_HEADER, String.format("%s: %s%n", e.getClass().getSimpleName(), e.getMessage()), 1); } } boolean _overwrite; int _mincount; File _ngram_file; String _provider_type_; AbstractStringProvider _provider; String _file_; String _out_; File _index_dir; int _order_to_; int _order_from_; boolean _accross_sentences_; /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Runnable#run() */ @Override public void run() { if (!_index_dir.exists()) _index_dir.mkdir(); _ngram_file = new File(_index_dir, "ngram.raw.txt.gz"); if (_overwrite && _ngram_file.exists()) _ngram_file.delete(); if (!_ngram_file.exists()) { new Ngrams() { { _provider_type = _provider_type_; _prvdr = _provider; _file = _file_; _out = _ngram_file.getAbsolutePath(); _order_from = _order_from_; _order_to = _order_to_; _accross_sentences = _accross_sentences_; } }.run(); } try { generate_index(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Could not generate Ngram index on file '{}'. {}: {}", _file_, e.getClass().getName(), e.getMessage()); } } public static File generate_index(File src_dir, AbstractStringProvider prvdr, int order_from, int order_to, int mincount, boolean overwrite_existing_index) throws IOException { if (!src_dir.exists()) throw new IOException(String.format("Input dir '%s' does not exist.", src_dir.getAbsolutePath())); GenerateNgramIndex g = new GenerateNgramIndex() { { _file_ = src_dir.getAbsolutePath(); _index_dir = new File(src_dir, ".lmindex"); _provider = prvdr; _order_from_ = order_from; _order_to_ = order_to; _mincount = mincount; _overwrite = overwrite_existing_index; } };; return g._index_dir; } public File generate_index() throws IOException { if (!_index_dir.exists()) _index_dir.mkdirs();"Creating count files ...")); count_ngrams();"Creating ngram index from count files ..."));"Adding ngrams to index ...")); File ngram_joined_counts_file = new File(_index_dir, "ngram.counts.joined.txt.gz"); create_ngram_index(ngram_joined_counts_file);"Adding vocabulary to index ...")); File vocab_file = new File(_index_dir, "ngram.vocabulary.txt.gz"); create_vocabulary_index(vocab_file);"Finished.")); return _index_dir; } public void count_ngrams() { String sort_extra_param = ""; if (Properties.additionalSortParam() != null && !Properties.additionalSortParam().isEmpty()) { sort_extra_param = Properties.additionalSortParam(); sort_extra_param = sort_extra_param.replace("${indexdir}", _index_dir.getAbsolutePath());"Sort extra parameter = '{}'", sort_extra_param); }"Current directory: '{}'", new File("").getAbsolutePath()); String command = null;"Counting ngrams.")); File ngram_count_file = new File(_index_dir, "ngram.counts.txt.gz"); if (ngram_count_file.exists() && !_overwrite)"File '{}' already exists.", ngram_count_file); else { command = String.format( "(export LC_ALL=C; cat %s | gzip -c -d | python -m | sort %s | python -r %d | gzip -c > %s)", _ngram_file.getAbsolutePath(), sort_extra_param, _mincount, ngram_count_file.getAbsolutePath()); run_process(command, py_src, true); }"Extracting vocabulary.")); File ngram_vocabulary = new File(_index_dir, "ngram.vocabulary.txt.gz"); if (ngram_vocabulary.exists() && !_overwrite)"File '{}' already exists.", ngram_vocabulary.getAbsolutePath()); else { command = String.format( "(export LC_ALL=C; cat %s | gzip -c -d | python -m | sort %s | python -r | gzip -c > %s)", ngram_count_file.getAbsolutePath(), sort_extra_param, ngram_vocabulary.getAbsolutePath()); run_process(command, py_src, true); }"Counting N_follow = N(w,x).")); File words_following_ngram_count_file = new File(_index_dir, "ngram.counts.nfollow.txt.gz"); if (words_following_ngram_count_file.exists() && !_overwrite)"File '{}' already exists.", words_following_ngram_count_file.getAbsolutePath()); else { command = String.format( "(export LC_ALL=C; cat %s | gzip -c -d | python -m | sort -k1,1 -t$'\t' %s | python -r | gzip -c > %s)", // just sort is ok too ngram_count_file.getAbsolutePath(), sort_extra_param, words_following_ngram_count_file.getAbsolutePath()); run_process(command, py_src, true); }"Counting N_precede = N(x,w).")); File words_preceding_ngram_count_file = new File(_index_dir, "ngram.counts.nprecede.txt.gz"); if (words_preceding_ngram_count_file.exists() && !_overwrite)"File '{}' already exists.", words_preceding_ngram_count_file.getAbsolutePath()); else { command = String.format( "(export LC_ALL=C; cat %s | gzip -c -d | python -m | sort -k1,1 -t$'\t' %s | python -r | gzip -c > %s)", //-k1,1 -k2,2 -t $'\t' ngram_count_file.getAbsolutePath(), sort_extra_param, words_preceding_ngram_count_file.getAbsolutePath()); run_process(command, py_src, true); }"Counting N_follower_precede = N(x,ngram,x).")); File follower_preceding_count_file = new File(_index_dir, "ngram.counts.nfollowerprecede.txt.gz"); if (follower_preceding_count_file.exists() && !_overwrite)"File '{}' already exists.", follower_preceding_count_file.getAbsolutePath()); else { command = String.format( "(export LC_ALL=C; cat %s | gzip -c -d | python -m | sort -k1,1 -t$'\t' %s | python -r | gzip -c > %s)", //-k1,1 -k2,2 -t $'\t' ngram_count_file.getAbsolutePath(), sort_extra_param, follower_preceding_count_file.getAbsolutePath()); run_process(command, py_src, true); }"Joining ngram counts.")); File ngram_joined_counts_file = new File(_index_dir, "ngram.counts.joined.txt.gz"); if (ngram_joined_counts_file.exists() && !_overwrite)"File '{}' already exists.", ngram_joined_counts_file.getAbsolutePath()); else { command = String.format( "(export LC_ALL=C; join -a1 -e '' -1 1 -2 1 -t $'\t' <(cat %s | gzip -c -d) <(cat %s | gzip -c -d) | join -a1 -e '' -1 1 -2 1 -t $'\t' - <(cat %s | gzip -c -d) | join -a1 -e '' -1 1 -2 1 -t $'\t' - <(cat %s | gzip -c -d) | gzip -c > %s)", ngram_count_file.getAbsolutePath(), words_preceding_ngram_count_file.getAbsolutePath(), words_following_ngram_count_file.getAbsolutePath(), follower_preceding_count_file.getAbsolutePath(), ngram_joined_counts_file.getAbsolutePath()); run_process(command, new File("."), true); } } public void create_ngram_index(File ngram_joined_counts_file) throws IOException { File index_dir = new File(_index_dir, "ngram"); if (index_dir.exists()) {"Ngram index already exists in directory '{}'.", index_dir.getAbsolutePath()); if (_overwrite) {"Overwriting index '{}',", index_dir); index_dir.delete(); } else return; } index_dir.mkdirs(); Analyzer analyzer = new KeywordAnalyzer(); IndexWriterConfig iwc = new IndexWriterConfig(Version.LUCENE_4_9, analyzer); iwc.setOpenMode(OpenMode.CREATE); // use 80 percent of the available total memory double total_mem_mb = (double) Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() / 1e6; double percentage_ram_buffer = Properties.ramBufferPercentage(); if (percentage_ram_buffer > 0) { double percentage_ram_buffer_mb = total_mem_mb * percentage_ram_buffer;"Setting ram buffer size to %.2f MB (%.2f%% from %.2f MB)", percentage_ram_buffer_mb, percentage_ram_buffer * 100, total_mem_mb)); iwc.setRAMBufferSizeMB(percentage_ram_buffer_mb); } Directory directory = new MMapDirectory(index_dir); IndexWriter writer_ngram = new IndexWriter(directory, iwc); InputStream in = new FileInputStream(ngram_joined_counts_file); if (ngram_joined_counts_file.getName().endsWith(".gz")) in = new GZIPInputStream(in); LineIterator iter = new LineIterator(new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in, "UTF-8"))); Document doc = new Document(); Field f_ngram = new StringField("ngram", "", Store.YES); doc.add(f_ngram); Field f_n = new IntField("cardinality", 0, Store.YES); doc.add(f_n); Field f_word = new StringField("word", "", Store.YES); doc.add(f_word); Field f_hist = new StringField("history", "", Store.YES); doc.add(f_hist); Field f_lower = new StringField("lower", "", Store.YES); doc.add(f_lower); Field f_count = new StoredField("num", 0L); doc.add(f_count); Field[] f_follow = new Field[4]; f_follow[0] = new StoredField("nf_s", 0L); doc.add(f_follow[0]); f_follow[1] = new StoredField("nf_N1", 0L); doc.add(f_follow[1]); f_follow[2] = new StoredField("nf_N2", 0L); doc.add(f_follow[2]); f_follow[3] = new StoredField("nf_N3", 0L); doc.add(f_follow[3]); Field[] f_precede = new Field[4]; f_precede[0] = new StoredField("np_s", 0L); doc.add(f_precede[0]); f_precede[1] = new StoredField("np_N1", 0L); doc.add(f_precede[1]); f_precede[2] = new StoredField("np_N2", 0L); doc.add(f_precede[2]); f_precede[3] = new StoredField("np_N3", 0L); doc.add(f_precede[3]); Field[] f_followerprecede = new Field[4]; f_followerprecede[0] = new StoredField("nfp_s", 0L); doc.add(f_followerprecede[0]); f_followerprecede[1] = new StoredField("nfp_N1", 0L); doc.add(f_followerprecede[1]); f_followerprecede[2] = new StoredField("nfp_N2", 0L); doc.add(f_followerprecede[2]); f_followerprecede[3] = new StoredField("nfp_N3", 0L); doc.add(f_followerprecede[3]); Long[][] N = new Long[][] { { 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L } }; Long[] S = new Long[] { 0L }; long c = 0; while (iter.hasNext()) { if (++c % 100000 == 0)"Adding {}'th ngram.", c); String line =; try { String[] splits ="\t"); String ngram_str = splits[0]; if ( { LOG.warn("Ngram is empty, skipping line {}: '{}' (file '{}').", c, line, ngram_joined_counts_file); continue; } List<String> ngram = Arrays.asList(ngram_str.split(" ")); long num = Long.parseLong(splits[1]); int n = ngram.size(); f_ngram.setStringValue(ngram_str); f_n.setIntValue(n); f_word.setStringValue(ngram.get(ngram.size() - 1)); f_hist.setStringValue(StringUtils.join(ngram.subList(0, ngram.size() - 1), " ")); f_lower.setStringValue(StringUtils.join(ngram.subList(1, ngram.size()), " ")); f_count.setLongValue(num); for (int j = 0; j < f_follow.length; j++) { f_follow[j].setLongValue(0L); f_precede[j].setLongValue(0L); f_followerprecede[j].setLongValue(0L); } if (splits.length > 2 && !splits[2].isEmpty()) { // precede or follow or followerprecede String[] splits_ = splits[2].split(":"); String type = splits_[0]; String[] count_values = splits_[1].split(","); if (count_values.length > 0) { if ("n_f".equals(type)) f_follow[0].setLongValue(Long.parseLong(count_values[0])); else if ("n_p".equals(type)) f_precede[0].setLongValue(Long.parseLong(count_values[0])); else if ("n_fp".equals(type)) f_followerprecede[0].setLongValue(Long.parseLong(count_values[0])); } for (int i = 1; i < count_values.length; i++) { if ("n_f".equals(type)) f_follow[i].setLongValue(Long.parseLong(count_values[i])); else if ("n_p".equals(type)) f_precede[i].setLongValue(Long.parseLong(count_values[i])); else if ("n_fp".equals(type)) f_followerprecede[i].setLongValue(Long.parseLong(count_values[i])); } } if (splits.length > 3 && !splits[3].isEmpty()) { // should be follow or followerprecede String[] splits_ = splits[3].split(":"); String type = splits_[0]; String[] count_values = splits_[1].split(","); if (count_values.length > 0) { if ("n_f".equals(type)) f_follow[0].setLongValue(Long.parseLong(count_values[0])); else if ("n_p".equals(type)) f_precede[0].setLongValue(Long.parseLong(count_values[0])); else if ("n_fp".equals(type)) f_followerprecede[0].setLongValue(Long.parseLong(count_values[0])); } for (int i = 1; i < count_values.length; i++) { if ("n_f".equals(type)) f_follow[i].setLongValue(Long.parseLong(count_values[i])); else if ("n_p".equals(type)) f_precede[i].setLongValue(Long.parseLong(count_values[i])); else if ("n_fp".equals(type)) f_followerprecede[i].setLongValue(Long.parseLong(count_values[i])); } } if (splits.length > 4 && !splits[4].isEmpty()) { // should be followerprecede String[] splits_ = splits[4].split(":"); String type = splits_[0]; String[] count_values = splits_[1].split(","); if (count_values.length > 0) { if ("n_f".equals(type)) f_follow[0].setLongValue(Long.parseLong(count_values[0])); else if ("n_p".equals(type)) f_precede[0].setLongValue(Long.parseLong(count_values[0])); else if ("n_fp".equals(type)) f_followerprecede[0].setLongValue(Long.parseLong(count_values[0])); } for (int i = 1; i < count_values.length; i++) { if ("n_f".equals(type)) f_follow[i].setLongValue(Long.parseLong(count_values[i])); else if ("n_p".equals(type)) f_precede[i].setLongValue(Long.parseLong(count_values[i])); else if ("n_fp".equals(type)) f_followerprecede[i].setLongValue(Long.parseLong(count_values[i])); } } writer_ngram.addDocument(doc); while (N.length <= n) { N = ArrayUtils.getConcatinatedArray(N, new Long[][] { { 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L } }); S = ArrayUtils.getConcatinatedArray(S, new Long[] { 0L }); } if (num == 1L) N[n][1]++; else if (num == 2L) N[n][2]++; else if (num == 3L) N[n][3]++; else if (num == 4L) N[n][4]++; else N[n][5]++; N[n][0]++; S[n] += num; } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Could not process line '{}' in file '{}:{}', malformed line.", line, ngram_joined_counts_file, c, e); } } writer_ngram.forceMergeDeletes(); writer_ngram.commit(); writer_ngram.close(); StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(String.format( "#%n# Number of times where an ngram occurred: %n# at_least_once, exactly_once, exactly_twice, exactly_three_times, exactly_four_times, five_times_or_more.%n#%nmax_n=%d%nmax_c=6%n", N.length - 1)); for (int n = 1; n < N.length; n++) b.append(String.format("n%d=%s%n", n, StringUtils.join(N[n], ','))); for (int n = 1; n < S.length; n++) b.append(String.format("s%d=%d%n", n, S[n])); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(new File(_index_dir, "__sum_ngrams__"), b.toString()); } public void create_vocabulary_index(File vocabulary_file) throws IOException { File index_dir = new File(_index_dir, "vocab"); if (index_dir.exists()) {"Vocabulary index already exists in directory '{}'.", index_dir.getAbsolutePath()); if (_overwrite) {"Overwriting index '{}',", index_dir); index_dir.delete(); } else return; } index_dir.mkdirs(); Analyzer analyzer = new KeywordAnalyzer(); IndexWriterConfig iwc = new IndexWriterConfig(Version.LUCENE_4_9, analyzer); iwc.setOpenMode(OpenMode.CREATE); iwc.setRAMBufferSizeMB(1024.0); Directory directory = new MMapDirectory(index_dir); IndexWriter writer_vocab = new IndexWriter(directory, iwc); InputStream in = new FileInputStream(vocabulary_file); if (vocabulary_file.getName().endsWith(".gz")) in = new GZIPInputStream(in); LineIterator iter = new LineIterator(new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in, "UTF-8"))); Document doc = new Document(); Field f_word = new StringField("word", "", Field.Store.YES); doc.add(f_word); long c = 0; while (iter.hasNext()) { if (++c % 10000 == 0)"Adding {}'th word.", c); String line =; try { String word = line.trim(); f_word.setStringValue(word); writer_vocab.addDocument(doc); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Could not process line '{}' in file '{}', malformed line.", line, vocabulary_file, e); } } writer_vocab.forceMergeDeletes(); writer_vocab.commit(); writer_vocab.close(); } }