Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2013 * * This file is part of JBOP (Java Bytecode OPtimizer). * * JBOP is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * JBOP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with JBOP. If not, see <>. */ package de.tuberlin.uebb.jbop.optimizer.array; import static org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes.ACC_FINAL; import static org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes.ARRAYLENGTH; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.objectweb.asm.Type; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.AnnotationNode; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.ClassNode; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.FieldInsnNode; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.FieldNode; import de.tuberlin.uebb.jbop.access.ClassAccessor; import de.tuberlin.uebb.jbop.exception.JBOPClassException; import de.tuberlin.uebb.jbop.optimizer.utils.NodeHelper; import de.tuberlin.uebb.jbop.optimizer.utils.predicates.Predicates; /** * Simple Helper for common patterns of {@link FieldArrayLengthInliner} and {@link FieldArrayValueInliner}. * * @author Christopher Ewest */ class ArrayHelper { private final List<AbstractInsnNode> indexes = new ArrayList<>(3); private final List<AbstractInsnNode> arrayloads = new ArrayList<>(3); private AbstractInsnNode fieldNode; private AbstractInsnNode array; private static FieldNode getFieldNode(final ClassNode classNode, final AbstractInsnNode node) { if (!(node instanceof FieldInsnNode)) { return null; } final FieldInsnNode field = (FieldInsnNode) node; if (! { return null; } for (final FieldNode fieldNode : classNode.fields) { if ( { return fieldNode; } } return null; } private static boolean hasAnnotation(final FieldNode fieldNode, final Class<?> annotationClass) { if (fieldNode == null) { return false; } if (fieldNode.visibleAnnotations == null) { return false; } final String annotationDesc = "L" + Type.getInternalName(annotationClass) + ";"; for (final AnnotationNode annotation : fieldNode.visibleAnnotations) { if (annotation.desc.equals(annotationDesc)) { return true; } } return false; } private static boolean hasAnnotation(final ClassNode classNode, final AbstractInsnNode fieldNode, final Class<?> annotationClass) { if (annotationClass == null) { return false; } return hasAnnotation(getFieldNode(classNode, fieldNode), annotationClass); } private static boolean isFinal(final ClassNode classNode, final AbstractInsnNode fieldNode) { return isFinal(getFieldNode(classNode, fieldNode)); } private static boolean isFinal(final FieldNode fieldNode) { if (fieldNode == null) { return false; } return (fieldNode.access & ACC_FINAL) != 0; } /** * Checks if is array instruction. * * @param classNode * the class node * @param node * the node * @param annotationClass * the annotation class * @return true, if is array instruction */ boolean isArrayInstruction(final ClassNode classNode, final AbstractInsnNode node, final Class<?> annotationClass) { if (!Predicates.IS_ALOAD.evaluate(node)) { return false; } fieldNode = NodeHelper.getNext(node); if (!isArray(fieldNode)) { return false; } if ((annotationClass == null) && !isFinal(classNode, fieldNode)) { return false; } if ((annotationClass != null) && !hasAnnotation(classNode, fieldNode, annotationClass)) { return false; } indexes.clear(); arrayloads.clear(); findIndexes(); return true; } private static boolean isArray(final AbstractInsnNode fieldNode) { if (!(fieldNode instanceof FieldInsnNode)) { return false; } return StringUtils.startsWith(((FieldInsnNode) fieldNode).desc, "["); } private void findIndexes() { AbstractInsnNode index = NodeHelper.getNext(fieldNode); array = NodeHelper.getNext(index); do { if (!Predicates.IS_NUMBER_VALUE.evaluate(index)) { array = index; break; } if (!Predicates.IS_XALOAD.evaluate(array)) { break; } indexes.add(index); arrayloads.add(array); index = NodeHelper.getNext(array); array = NodeHelper.getNext(index); } while (true); } /** * Gets the indexes. * * @return the indexes */ List<AbstractInsnNode> getIndexes() { return indexes; } /** * Gets the arrayloads. * * @return the arrayloads */ List<AbstractInsnNode> getArrayloads() { return arrayloads; } /** * Gets the field node. * * @return the field node */ AbstractInsnNode getFieldNode() { return fieldNode; } /** * Gets the index array. * * @return the index array */ int[] getIndexArray() { final int[] indexArr = new int[indexes.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < indexes.size(); ++i) { final int indexOf = NodeHelper.getNumberValue(indexes.get(i)).intValue(); indexArr[i] = indexOf; } return indexArr; } /** * Gets the value. * * @param instance * the instance * @return the value * @throws JBOPClassException * the jBOP class exception */ Object getValue(final Object instance) throws JBOPClassException { return ClassAccessor.getCurrentValue(instance, NodeHelper.getFieldname(fieldNode), getIndexArray()); } /** * Gets the length. * * @param instance * the instance * @return the length * @throws JBOPClassException * the jBOP class exception */ int getLength(final Object instance) throws JBOPClassException { try { return Array.getLength(getValue(instance)); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw new JBOPClassException("Arraylength could not be determined.", iae); } } /** * Gets the last load. * * @return the last load */ AbstractInsnNode getLastLoad() { return arrayloads.get(arrayloads.size() - 1); } /** * Adds the last node as array load. */ void addArrayLoad() { arrayloads.add(array); } /** * Gets the last Node. * * @return the last Node */ AbstractInsnNode getLastNode() { return array; } /** * Checks if the indexlist is empty. * * @return true, if is index empty */ boolean isIndexEmpty() { return indexes.isEmpty(); } /** * Checks if the last Node is array length. * * @return true, if is array length */ boolean isArrayLength() { return array.getOpcode() == ARRAYLENGTH; } }