Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2009 FhG FOKUS, Institute for Open Communication Systems * * This file is part of the FOKUS XDMS - an XML Document Management Server * * The FOKUS XDMS is proprietary software that is licensed * under the FhG FOKUS "SOURCE CODE LICENSE for FOKUS Open IMS COMPONENTS". * You should have received a copy of the license along with this * program; if not, write to Fraunhofer Institute FOKUS, Kaiserin- * Augusta Allee 31, 10589 Berlin, GERMANY * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * It has to be noted that this software is not intended to become * or act as a product in a commercial context! It is a PROTOTYPE * IMPLEMENTATION for IMS technology testing and IMS application * development for research purposes, typically performed in IMS * test-beds. See the attached license for more details. * * For a license to use this software under conditions * other than those described here, please contact Fraunhofer FOKUS * via e-mail at the following address: * * */ package; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; public class XCAPResultFactory { private static final String ERROR_DOCUMENT_PREFIX = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><xcap-error xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xcap-error'>"; private static final String ERROR_DOCUMENT_SUFFIX = "</xcap-error>"; private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(XCAPResult.class); public static XCAPResult newResultForConflict(int index, String reason) { XCAPResult result; switch (index) { case XDMSConstants.CANNOT_DELETE_INDEX: result = conflictDelete(); break; case XDMSConstants.CANNOT_INSERT_INDEX: result = conflictInsert(); break; case XDMSConstants.CONSTRAINT_FAILURE_INDEX: result = conflictConstraintFailure(); break; case XDMSConstants.EXTENSION_INDEX: result = conflictExtension(); break; case XDMSConstants.NO_PARENT_INDEX: result = conflictNoParent(); break; case XDMSConstants.NO_WELL_FORMED_INDEX: result = conflictNoWellFormed(); break; case XDMSConstants.NOT_XML_ATT_VALUE_INDEX: result = conflictNOTXmlAttValue(); break; case XDMSConstants.NOT_XML_FRAG_INDEX: result = conflictNOTXmlFrag(); break; case XDMSConstants.SCHEMA_VALIDATION_ERROR_INDEX: result = conflictSchemaValidation(reason); break; case XDMSConstants.UNIQUENESS_FAILURE_INDEX: result = conflictUniquenessFailure(); break; case XDMSConstants.NOT_UTF_8_INDEX: result = conflictNOTUTF8(); break; default: log.debug("because of a not correct index, reply with internal server error"); result = new XCAPResult(); result.setStatusCode(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); break; } return result; } public static XCAPResult newResultForOtherError(int statusCode) { XCAPResult result; result = new XCAPResult(); result.setStatusCode(statusCode); return result; } public static XCAPResult newResultForMethodNotAllowed() { XCAPResult result = new XCAPResult(); result.setStatusCode(HttpServletResponse.SC_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED); result.addHeader(XDMSConstants.HEADER_ALLOW, XDMSConstants.REQUEST_METHOD_GET); return result; } private static XCAPResult conflictUniquenessFailure() { XCAPResult result = new XCAPResult(); result.setStatusCode(HttpServletResponse.SC_CONFLICT); StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder(ERROR_DOCUMENT_PREFIX); content.append("<" + XDMSConstants.UNIQUENESS_FAILURE + "/>"); content.append(ERROR_DOCUMENT_SUFFIX); result.setBody(content.toString()); result.setMimeType(XDMSConstants.MIME_TYPE_CONFLICT); return result; } private static XCAPResult conflictSchemaValidation(String reason) { XCAPResult result = new XCAPResult(); result.setStatusCode(HttpServletResponse.SC_CONFLICT); StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder(ERROR_DOCUMENT_PREFIX); content.append("<" + XDMSConstants.SCHEMA_VALIDATION_ERROR + ">"); content.append(reason); content.append("</" + XDMSConstants.SCHEMA_VALIDATION_ERROR + ">"); content.append(ERROR_DOCUMENT_SUFFIX); result.setBody(content.toString()); result.setMimeType(XDMSConstants.MIME_TYPE_CONFLICT); return result; } private static XCAPResult conflictNOTXmlFrag() { XCAPResult result = new XCAPResult(); result.setStatusCode(HttpServletResponse.SC_CONFLICT); StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder(ERROR_DOCUMENT_PREFIX); content.append("<" + XDMSConstants.NOT_XML_FRAG + "/>"); content.append(ERROR_DOCUMENT_SUFFIX); result.setBody(content.toString()); result.setMimeType(XDMSConstants.MIME_TYPE_CONFLICT); return result; } private static XCAPResult conflictNOTXmlAttValue() { XCAPResult result = new XCAPResult(); result.setStatusCode(HttpServletResponse.SC_CONFLICT); StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder(ERROR_DOCUMENT_PREFIX); content.append("<" + XDMSConstants.NOT_XML_ATT_VALUE + "/>"); content.append(ERROR_DOCUMENT_SUFFIX); result.setBody(content.toString()); result.setMimeType(XDMSConstants.MIME_TYPE_CONFLICT); return result; } private static XCAPResult conflictNoWellFormed() { XCAPResult result = new XCAPResult(); result.setStatusCode(HttpServletResponse.SC_CONFLICT); StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder(ERROR_DOCUMENT_PREFIX); content.append("<" + XDMSConstants.NO_WELL_FORMED + "/>"); content.append(ERROR_DOCUMENT_SUFFIX); result.setBody(content.toString()); result.setMimeType(XDMSConstants.MIME_TYPE_CONFLICT); return result; } private static XCAPResult conflictNoParent() { XCAPResult result = new XCAPResult(); result.setStatusCode(HttpServletResponse.SC_CONFLICT); StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder(ERROR_DOCUMENT_PREFIX); content.append("<" + XDMSConstants.NO_PARENT + "/>"); content.append(ERROR_DOCUMENT_SUFFIX); result.setBody(content.toString()); result.setMimeType(XDMSConstants.MIME_TYPE_CONFLICT); return result; //To change body of created methods use File | Settings | File Templates. } private static XCAPResult conflictExtension() { return null; //To change body of created methods use File | Settings | File Templates. } private static XCAPResult conflictConstraintFailure() { XCAPResult result = new XCAPResult(); result.setStatusCode(HttpServletResponse.SC_CONFLICT); StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder(ERROR_DOCUMENT_PREFIX); content.append("<" + XDMSConstants.CONSTRAINT_FAILURE + "/>"); content.append(ERROR_DOCUMENT_SUFFIX); result.setBody(content.toString()); result.setMimeType(XDMSConstants.MIME_TYPE_CONFLICT); return result; } private static XCAPResult conflictInsert() { XCAPResult result = new XCAPResult(); result.setStatusCode(HttpServletResponse.SC_CONFLICT); StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder(ERROR_DOCUMENT_PREFIX); content.append("<" + XDMSConstants.CANNOT_INSERT + "/>"); content.append(ERROR_DOCUMENT_SUFFIX); result.setBody(content.toString()); result.setMimeType(XDMSConstants.MIME_TYPE_CONFLICT); return result; } private static XCAPResult conflictDelete() { XCAPResult result = new XCAPResult(); result.setStatusCode(HttpServletResponse.SC_CONFLICT); StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder(ERROR_DOCUMENT_PREFIX); content.append("<" + XDMSConstants.CANNOT_DELETE + "/>"); content.append(ERROR_DOCUMENT_SUFFIX); result.setBody(content.toString()); result.setMimeType(XDMSConstants.MIME_TYPE_CONFLICT); return result; } private static XCAPResult conflictNOTUTF8() { XCAPResult result = new XCAPResult(); result.setStatusCode(HttpServletResponse.SC_CONFLICT); StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder(ERROR_DOCUMENT_PREFIX); content.append("<" + XDMSConstants.NOT_UTF_8 + "/>"); content.append(ERROR_DOCUMENT_SUFFIX); result.setBody(content.toString()); result.setMimeType(XDMSConstants.MIME_TYPE_CONFLICT); return result; } /* * Create Response for successful request processing. * The statuscode should be 2XX. E.g. 200, 201 */ public static XCAPResult newResultForOK(int statuscode) { XCAPResult result = new XCAPResult(); result.setStatusCode(statuscode); return result; } public static XCAPResult newResultForOK(int statuscode, String eTag) { XCAPResult result = new XCAPResult(); result.setStatusCode(statuscode); result.addHeader(XDMSConstants.HEADER_ETAG, eTag); return result; } public static XCAPResult newResultForGetOK(Resource resource, String eTag) { XCAPResult result = new XCAPResult(); try { result.setStatusCode(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); result.setMimeType(resource.getMimetype()); result.setBody(resource.toXML()); result.addHeader(XDMSConstants.HEADER_ETAG, eTag); } catch (Throwable t) { log.error("newResultForGetOK ERROR: " + t); return result; } return result; } public static XCAPResult newResultForGetOK(Resource resource) { XCAPResult result = new XCAPResult(); try { result.setStatusCode(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); result.setMimeType(resource.getMimetype()); result.setBody(resource.toXML()); } catch (Throwable t) { log.error("newResultForGetOK ERROR: " + t); return result; } return result; } // creates an XCAPResult with a statuscode and a error message // these are no standard xcap-errors! public static XCAPResult newResultForOtherError(int statuscode, String error) { XCAPResult result = new XCAPResult(); result.setStatusCode(statuscode); StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder("<error>" + "\n"); content.append("< " + error + " />" + "\n"); content.append("</error>"); result.setBody(content.toString()); result.setMimeType(XDMSConstants.MIME_TYPE_CONFLICT); return result; } }