Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2013 - 2014 DIMA Research Group, TU Berlin ( * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. ******************************************************************************/ package de.tu_berlin.dima.oligos; import; import; import de.tu_berlin.dima.oligos.cli.CommandLineInterface; import de.tu_berlin.dima.oligos.db.*; import de.tu_berlin.dima.oligos.db.db2.Db2ColumnConnector; import de.tu_berlin.dima.oligos.db.db2.Db2MetaConnector; import de.tu_berlin.dima.oligos.db.db2.Db2SchemaConnector; import de.tu_berlin.dima.oligos.db.db2.Db2TableConnector; import*; import de.tu_berlin.dima.oligos.exception.TypeNotSupportedException; import de.tu_berlin.dima.oligos.exception.UnsupportedTypeException; import; import de.tu_berlin.dima.oligos.profiler.ColumnProfiler; import de.tu_berlin.dima.oligos.profiler.PseudoColumnProfiler; import de.tu_berlin.dima.oligos.profiler.SchemaProfiler; import de.tu_berlin.dima.oligos.profiler.TableProfiler; import de.tu_berlin.dima.oligos.stat.Schema; import de.tu_berlin.dima.oligos.type.util.ColumnId; import de.tu_berlin.dima.oligos.type.util.Constraint; import de.tu_berlin.dima.oligos.type.util.TypeInfo; import de.tu_berlin.dima.oligos.type.util.operator.CharOperator; import de.tu_berlin.dima.oligos.type.util.operator.Operator; import de.tu_berlin.dima.oligos.type.util.operator.StringOperator; import; import; import; import de.tu_berlin.dima.oligos.type.util.operator.numerical.*; import de.tu_berlin.dima.oligos.type.util.parser.*; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import org.apache.commons.lang3.exception.ExceptionUtils; import org.apache.log4j.BasicConfigurator; import org.apache.log4j.Level; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.sql.*; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; public class Oligos { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(Oligos.class); public static ColumnProfiler<?> getProfiler(final ColumnId columnId, final TypeInfo type, final JdbcConnector jdbcConnector, final MetaConnector metaConnector) throws SQLException { String schema = columnId.getSchema(); String table = columnId.getTable(); String column = columnId.getColumn(); return getProfiler(schema, table, column, type, jdbcConnector, metaConnector); } //TODO public static ColumnProfiler<?> getProfiler(final String schema, final String table, final String column, final TypeInfo type, final JdbcConnector jdbcConnector, final MetaConnector metaConnector) throws SQLException { ColumnProfiler<?> profiler = null; LOGGER.trace("type = " + type.toString()); String typeName = type.getTypeName().toLowerCase(); boolean isEnum = metaConnector.isEnumerated(schema, table, column); if (typeName.equals("smallint")) { Parser<Short> p = new ShortParser(); Operator<Short> op = new ShortOperator(); ColumnConnector<Short> connector = new Db2ColumnConnector<Short>(jdbcConnector, schema, table, column, p); profiler = new ColumnProfiler<Short>(schema, table, column, type, isEnum, connector, op, p); } else if (typeName.equals("integer")) { Parser<Integer> p = new IntegerParser(); Operator<Integer> op = new IntegerOperator(); ColumnConnector<Integer> connector = new Db2ColumnConnector<Integer>(jdbcConnector, schema, table, column, p); profiler = new ColumnProfiler<Integer>(schema, table, column, type, isEnum, connector, op, p); } else if (typeName.equals("bigint")) { Parser<Long> p = new LongParser(); Operator<Long> op = new LongOperator(); ColumnConnector<Long> connector = new Db2ColumnConnector<Long>(jdbcConnector, schema, table, column, p); profiler = new ColumnProfiler<Long>(schema, table, column, type, isEnum, connector, op, p); } else if (typeName.equals("decimal")) { Parser<BigDecimal> p = new BigDecimalParser(); Operator<BigDecimal> op = new BigDecimalOperator(); ColumnConnector<BigDecimal> connector = new Db2ColumnConnector<BigDecimal>(jdbcConnector, schema, table, column, p); profiler = new ColumnProfiler<BigDecimal>(schema, table, column, type, isEnum, connector, op, p); } else if (typeName.equals("float")) { Parser<Float> p = new FloatParser(); Operator<Float> op = new FloatOperator(); ColumnConnector<Float> connector = new Db2ColumnConnector<Float>(jdbcConnector, schema, table, column, p); profiler = new ColumnProfiler<Float>(schema, table, column, type, isEnum, connector, op, p); } else if (typeName.equals("double")) { Parser<Double> p = new DoubleParser(); Operator<Double> op = new DoubleOperator(); ColumnConnector<Double> connector = new Db2ColumnConnector<Double>(jdbcConnector, schema, table, column, p); profiler = new ColumnProfiler<Double>(schema, table, column, type, isEnum, connector, op, p); } else if (typeName.equals("timestamp")) { Parser<Timestamp> p = new TimestampParser(); Operator<Timestamp> op = new TimestampOperator(); ColumnConnector<Timestamp> connector = new Db2ColumnConnector<Timestamp>(jdbcConnector, schema, table, column, p); profiler = new ColumnProfiler<Timestamp>(schema, table, column, type, isEnum, connector, op, p); } else if (typeName.equals("time")) { Parser<Time> p = new TimeParser(); Operator<Time> op = new TimeOperator(); ColumnConnector<Time> connector = new Db2ColumnConnector<Time>(jdbcConnector, schema, table, column, p); profiler = new ColumnProfiler<Time>(schema, table, column, type, isEnum, connector, op, p); } else if (typeName.equals("date")) { Parser<Date> p = new DateParser(); Operator<Date> op = new DateOperator(); ColumnConnector<Date> connector = new Db2ColumnConnector<Date>(jdbcConnector, schema, table, column, p); profiler = new ColumnProfiler<Date>(schema, table, column, type, isEnum, connector, op, p); } else if ((typeName.equals("char") || typeName.equals("varchar")) && (type.getLength() == 1)) { Parser<Character> p = new CharParser(); Operator<Character> op = new CharOperator(); ColumnConnector<Character> connector = new Db2ColumnConnector<Character>(jdbcConnector, schema, table, column, p); profiler = new ColumnProfiler<Character>(schema, table, column, type, isEnum, connector, op, p); } else { Parser<String> p = new StringParser(); ColumnConnector<String> connector = new Db2ColumnConnector<String>(jdbcConnector, schema, table, column, p); Set<Constraint> constraints = connector.getConstraints(); if (constraints.contains(Constraint.UNIQUE) || constraints.contains(Constraint.PRIMARY_KEY)) { throw new UnsupportedTypeException(typeName, Constraint.UNIQUE); } profiler = new PseudoColumnProfiler(schema, table, column, type, isEnum, connector); LOGGER.warn(schema + "." + table + "." + column + " is not supported using pseudo profiler instead!"); } return profiler; } public static ColumnProfiler<?> getProfilerOracle(final String schema, final String table, final String column, final TypeInfo type, final JdbcConnector jdbcConnector, final MetaConnector metaConnector) throws SQLException { ColumnProfiler<?> profiler = null; String typeName = type.getTypeName().toLowerCase(); boolean isEnum = metaConnector.isEnumerated(schema, table, column); if (typeName.equals("number")) { if (type.getScale() == 0) { Parser<BigInteger> p = new BigIntegerParser(); Operator<BigInteger> op = new BigIntegerOperator(); ColumnConnector<BigInteger> connector = new OracleColumnConnector<>(jdbcConnector, schema, table, column, p); profiler = new ColumnProfiler<BigInteger>(schema, table, column, type, isEnum, connector, op, p); } else { Parser<BigDecimal> p = new BigDecimalParser(); Operator<BigDecimal> op = new BigDecimalOperator(); ColumnConnector<BigDecimal> connector = new OracleColumnConnector<>(jdbcConnector, schema, table, column, p); profiler = new ColumnProfiler<BigDecimal>(schema, table, column, type, isEnum, connector, op, p); } } else if (typeName.equals("date")) { Parser<Date> p = new DateParser(); Operator<Date> op = new DateOperator(); ColumnConnector<Date> connector = new OracleColumnConnector<>(jdbcConnector, schema, table, column, p); profiler = new ColumnProfiler<Date>(schema, table, column, type, isEnum, connector, op, p); } else if (typeName.equals("time")) { Parser<Time> p = new TimeParser(); Operator<Time> op = new TimeOperator(); ColumnConnector<Time> connector = new OracleColumnConnector<>(jdbcConnector, schema, table, column, p); profiler = new ColumnProfiler<Time>(schema, table, column, type, isEnum, connector, op, p); } else if (typeName.equals("timestamp")) { Parser<Timestamp> p = new TimestampParser(); Operator<Timestamp> op = new TimestampOperator(); ColumnConnector<Timestamp> connector = new OracleColumnConnector<>(jdbcConnector, schema, table, column, p); profiler = new ColumnProfiler<Timestamp>(schema, table, column, type, isEnum, connector, op, p); } // treat char as strings, due to Oracle's conversion to numbers no trimming is allowed else if (typeName.equals("varchar2") || typeName.equals("nvarchar2") || typeName.equals("char") || typeName.equals("nchar") || typeName.equals("varchar") || typeName.equals("nvarchar")) { if (type.getLength() == 1) { Parser<Character> p = new CharParser(); Operator<Character> op = new CharOperator(); ColumnConnector<Character> connector = new OracleColumnConnector<>(jdbcConnector, schema, table, column, p); profiler = new ColumnProfiler<Character>(schema, table, column, type, isEnum, connector, op, p); } else { Parser<String> p = new StringParser(); Operator<String> op = new StringOperator(); ColumnConnector<String> connector = new OracleColumnConnector<>(jdbcConnector, schema, table, column, p); Set<Constraint> constraints = connector.getConstraints(); if (constraints.contains(Constraint.UNIQUE) || constraints.contains(Constraint.PRIMARY_KEY)) throw new UnsupportedTypeException(typeName, Constraint.UNIQUE); profiler = new PseudoColumnProfiler(schema, table, column, type, isEnum, connector); } } else { LOGGER.fatal("unsupported column type: " + typeName); } return profiler; } public static void main(String[] args) throws TypeNotSupportedException { BasicConfigurator.configure(); // TODO create cmdline option for setting logger level Logger.getRootLogger().setLevel(Level.INFO); CommandLineInterface cli = new CommandLineInterface(args); try { // TODO hard exit if the parsing fails! // better catch exceptions and log them if (!cli.parse()) { System.exit(2); } Properties props = new Properties(); props.setProperty("user", cli.getUsername()); props.setProperty("password", cli.getPassword()); Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(cli.getConnectionString(), props); JdbcConnector jdbcConnector = new JdbcConnector(connection); MetaConnector metaConnector = null; Driver dbDriver = cli.dbDriver; switch (dbDriver.driverName) { case db2: LOGGER.trace("metaConnector = Db2MetaConnector"); metaConnector = new Db2MetaConnector(jdbcConnector); break; case oracle: metaConnector = new OracleMetaConnector(jdbcConnector); break; default: LOGGER.error("Unknown database driver. Supported drivers are: " + DriverName.values()); } // validating schema"Validating input schema ..."); SparseSchema sparseSchema = cli.getInputSchema(); LOGGER.trace("User specified schema " + sparseSchema); DenseSchema inputSchema = DbUtils.populateSchema(sparseSchema, jdbcConnector, metaConnector); LOGGER.trace("Populated and validated schema " + inputSchema); // obtaining type information/ column meta data"Retrieving column meta data ..."); Map<ColumnId, TypeInfo> columnTypes = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); for (ColumnId columnId : inputSchema) { TypeInfo type = metaConnector.getColumnType(columnId); columnTypes.put(columnId, type); } // creating connectors and profilers"Establashing database connection ..."); SchemaConnector schemaConnector = null; TableConnector tableConnector = null; switch (dbDriver.driverName) { case db2: schemaConnector = new Db2SchemaConnector(jdbcConnector); tableConnector = new Db2TableConnector(jdbcConnector); break; case oracle: schemaConnector = new OracleSchemaConnector(jdbcConnector); tableConnector = new OracleTableConnector(jdbcConnector); } Set<SchemaProfiler> profilers = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); for (String schema : inputSchema.schemas()) { SchemaProfiler schemaProfiler = new SchemaProfiler(schema, schemaConnector); profilers.add(schemaProfiler); for (String table : inputSchema.tablesIn(schema)) { TableProfiler tableProfiler = new TableProfiler(schema, table, tableConnector); schemaProfiler.add(tableProfiler); for (String column : inputSchema.columnsIn(schema, table)) { ColumnId columnId = new ColumnId(schema, table, column); TypeInfo type = columnTypes.get(columnId); ColumnProfiler<?> columnProfiler = null; switch (dbDriver.driverName) { case db2: columnProfiler = getProfiler(schema, table, column, type, jdbcConnector, metaConnector); break; case oracle: columnProfiler = getProfilerOracle(schema, table, column, type, jdbcConnector, metaConnector); } tableProfiler.addColumnProfiler(columnProfiler); } } } // profiling statistical data"Profiling schema ..."); Set<Schema> profiledSchemas = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); for (SchemaProfiler schemaProfiler : profilers) { Schema profiledSchema = schemaProfiler.profile(); profiledSchemas.add(profiledSchema); }"Generating generator specification ..."); File outputDir = cli.getOutputDirectory(); String generatorName = cli.getGeneratorName();"Writing generator specification ..."); for (Schema schema : profiledSchemas) { MyriadWriter writer = new MyriadWriter(schema, outputDir, generatorName); writer.write(); }"Closing database connection ..."); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { LOGGER.error(e.getLocalizedMessage()); LOGGER.debug(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.error(e.getLocalizedMessage()); LOGGER.debug(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); } catch (ParseException e) { LOGGER.error(e.getMessage()); cli.printHelpMessage(); } } }