Java tutorial
// Copyright 2016 Sebastian Kuerten // // This file is part of osm4j. // // osm4j is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // osm4j is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with osm4j. If not, see <>. package de.topobyte.osm4j.extra.extracts.query; import; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import com.slimjars.dist.gnu.trove.set.TLongSet; import de.topobyte.jts.utils.predicate.PredicateEvaluator; import de.topobyte.osm4j.core.dataset.InMemoryListDataSet; import de.topobyte.osm4j.core.model.iface.OsmRelation; import de.topobyte.osm4j.core.resolve.EntityFinder; import de.topobyte.osm4j.core.resolve.EntityFinders; import de.topobyte.osm4j.core.resolve.EntityNotFoundException; import de.topobyte.osm4j.core.resolve.EntityNotFoundStrategy; import de.topobyte.osm4j.extra.MissingEntityCounter; import de.topobyte.osm4j.extra.QueryUtil; import de.topobyte.osm4j.extra.relations.Group; import de.topobyte.osm4j.extra.relations.RelationGraph; public class ComplexRelationsQuery extends AbstractRelationsQuery { final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ComplexRelationsQuery.class); public ComplexRelationsQuery(InMemoryListDataSet dataNodes, InMemoryListDataSet dataWays, InMemoryListDataSet dataRelations, PredicateEvaluator test, boolean fastRelationTests) { super(dataNodes, dataWays, dataRelations, test, fastRelationTests); } public void execute(RelationQueryBag queryBag) throws IOException { RelationGraph relationGraph = new RelationGraph(true, true);; List<Group> groups = relationGraph.buildGroups(); logger.debug(String.format("This batch has %d groups and %d simple relations", groups.size(), relationGraph.getIdsSimpleRelations().size())); Set<OsmRelation> foundSimple = new HashSet<>(); Set<OsmRelation> foundComplex = new HashSet<>(); if (!relationGraph.getIdsSimpleRelations().isEmpty()) { executeSimple(queryBag, relationGraph.getIdsSimpleRelations(), foundSimple); } if (!groups.isEmpty()) { executeGroups(queryBag, groups, foundComplex); } SetView<OsmRelation> found = Sets.union(foundSimple, foundComplex); TLongObjectMap<OsmRelation> relations = new TLongObjectHashMap<>(); for (OsmRelation relation : found) { relations.put(relation.getId(), relation); } logger.debug(String.format("writing %d relations", relations.size())); QueryUtil.writeRelations(relations, queryBag.outRelations.getOsmOutput()); } private void executeSimple(RelationQueryBag queryBag, TLongSet simpleRelationIds, Set<OsmRelation> found) throws IOException { EntityFinder finder = EntityFinders.create(provider, EntityNotFoundStrategy.IGNORE); for (OsmRelation relation : dataRelations.getRelations()) { if (!simpleRelationIds.contains(relation.getId())) { continue; } if (!intersects(relation, queryBag, finder)) { continue; } found.add(relation); queryBag.nSimple++; MissingEntityCounter counter = new MissingEntityCounter(); QueryUtil.putNodes(relation, queryBag.additionalNodes, dataNodes, queryBag.nodeIds, counter); QueryUtil.putWaysAndWayNodes(relation, queryBag.additionalNodes, queryBag.additionalWays, provider, queryBag.wayIds, counter); if (counter.nonZero()) { System.out.println( String.format("relation %d: unable to find %s", relation.getId(), counter.toMessage())); } } } private void executeGroups(RelationQueryBag queryBag, List<Group> groups, Set<OsmRelation> found) throws IOException { EntityFinder finder = EntityFinders.create(provider, EntityNotFoundStrategy.IGNORE); for (Group group : groups) { TLongSet ids = group.getRelationIds(); logger.debug(String.format("group with %d relations", ids.size())); List<OsmRelation> groupRelations; try { groupRelations = finder.findRelations(ids); } catch (EntityNotFoundException e) { // Can't happen, using the IGNORE strategy continue; } RelationGraph groupGraph = new RelationGraph(true, false);; List<Group> groupGroups = groupGraph.buildGroups(); logger.debug("subgroups: " + groupGroups.size()); for (Group subGroup : groupGroups) { OsmRelation start; List<OsmRelation> subRelations; try { start = dataRelations.getRelation(subGroup.getStart()); subRelations = finder.findRelations(subGroup.getRelationIds()); } catch (EntityNotFoundException e) { // Can't happen, using the IGNORE strategy continue; } if (intersects(start, subRelations, queryBag, finder)) { found.addAll(subRelations); } } } queryBag.nComplex += found.size(); for (OsmRelation relation : found) { MissingEntityCounter counter = new MissingEntityCounter(); QueryUtil.putNodes(relation, queryBag.additionalNodes, dataNodes, queryBag.nodeIds, counter); QueryUtil.putWaysAndWayNodes(relation, queryBag.additionalNodes, queryBag.additionalWays, provider, queryBag.wayIds, counter); if (counter.nonZero()) { System.out.println( String.format("relation %d: unable to find %s", relation.getId(), counter.toMessage())); } } } }