Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2016 arxes-tolina GmbH ( * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package de.tolina.common.validation; import static org.springframework.core.annotation.AnnotationUtils.findAnnotation; import static org.springframework.core.annotation.AnnotationUtils.getAnnotations; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ClassUtils; import org.assertj.core.api.SoftAssertionError; import org.assertj.core.api.SoftAssertions; import org.assertj.core.util.Lists; import org.assertj.core.util.VisibleForTesting; import org.springframework.core.annotation.AliasFor; import org.springframework.core.annotation.AnnotationUtils; import org.springframework.util.CollectionUtils; import org.springframework.util.ReflectionUtils; /** * API for {@link AnnotationValidator} */ public class AnnotationValidation { @VisibleForTesting HashSet<String> paramBlacklist; private List<AnnotationDefinition> annotationDefinitions; private boolean strictValidation; AnnotationValidation(@Nonnull final HashSet<String> parametersBlacklist) { strictValidation = false; paramBlacklist = parametersBlacklist; annotationDefinitions = new ArrayList<>(); } /** * Adds an {@link AnnotationDefinition} to the Validator * * @param annotationDefinition the Annotation * @return the AnnotationValidator */ @Nonnull public AnnotationValidation annotation(@Nonnull final AnnotationDefinition annotationDefinition) { annotationDefinitions.add(annotationDefinition); return this; } /** * Validates that no other Annotations are defined * * @return the AnnotationValidator */ @Nonnull public AnnotationValidation exactly() { strictValidation = true; return this; } /** * Validates Annotations of the given Class and checks that: * <br> - all given Annotations are found * <br> - no other Annotations are on the given Class * <br> - Annotations are in correct order * * @param annotatedClass Class to be validated */ public void forClass(@Nonnull final Class<?> annotatedClass) { forClassOrMethodOrField(annotatedClass); } /** * Validates Annotations of the given Method and checks that: * <br> - all given Annotations are found * <br> - no other Annotations are on the given Method * <br> - Annotations are in correct order * * @param annotatedMethod Method to be validated */ public void forMethod(@Nonnull final Method annotatedMethod) { forClassOrMethodOrField(annotatedMethod); } /** * Validates Annotations of the given Field and checks that: * <br> - all given Annotations are found * <br> - no other Annotations are on the given Filed * <br> - Annotations are in correct order * * @param annotatedField Field to be validated */ public void forField(@Nonnull final Field annotatedField) { forClassOrMethodOrField(annotatedField); } /** * Validates the configured Annotations * * @param annotatedObject can be a Class, a Method or a Field */ private void forClassOrMethodOrField(@Nonnull final Object annotatedObject) { final SoftAssertions softly = new SoftAssertions(); final List<String> annotationsList = new ArrayList<>(); for (final AnnotationDefinition annotationDefinition : annotationDefinitions) { // check if annotation is present final Annotation annotation = findAnnotationFor(annotatedObject, annotationDefinition.getAnnotation()); softly.assertThat(annotation) .as("Expected Annotation %s not found", annotationDefinition.getAnnotation().getName()) .isNotNull(); if (annotation == null) { continue; } annotationsList.add(annotation.annotationType().getName()); // check all methods defined in annotation definition against current annotation's methods final List<String> validatedMethods = validateAllMethodsOfAnnotationDefinition(softly, annotationDefinition, annotation); // check if there are undefined methods in annotation definition present in annotation checkForUndefinedMethodsInAnnotation(softly, annotation, validatedMethods); } softly.assertThat(!strictValidation && CollectionUtils.isEmpty(annotationDefinitions)) .as("Please add at least one Annotation to assert or enable strict validation.").isFalse(); if (strictValidation) { final Annotation[] allAnnotations = getAllAnnotationsFor(annotatedObject); softly.assertThat(allAnnotations).extracting(annotation -> annotation.annotationType().getName()) .containsExactlyElementsOf(annotationsList); } try { softly.assertAll(); } catch (final SoftAssertionError sae) { throw new SoftAssertionErrorWithObjectDetails(sae.getErrors(), annotatedObject); } } private void addIfNotPresent(@Nonnull final Collection<Annotation> collection, @Nonnull final Annotation[] annotations) { for (final Annotation annotation : annotations) { if (!collection.contains(annotation)) { collection.add(annotation); } } } private void checkForUndefinedMethodsInAnnotation(@Nonnull final SoftAssertions softly, @Nonnull final Annotation annotation, @Nonnull final List<String> validatedMethods) { final Method[] allMethods = annotation.getClass().getDeclaredMethods(); for (final Method declaredMethod : allMethods) { // we do not want these to be checked final boolean isBlacklisted = paramBlacklist.contains(declaredMethod.getName()); // skip already validated methods final boolean isAlreadyValidated = validatedMethods.contains(declaredMethod.getName()); if (isBlacklisted || isAlreadyValidated) { continue; } // all methods in current annotation which are not defined in annotation definition or blacklist are to be reported as error final Object methodResult = ReflectionUtils.invokeMethod(declaredMethod, annotation); if (Object[].class.isInstance(methodResult)) { softly.assertThat((Object[]) methodResult) .as("Unexpected values for %s found.", declaredMethod.getName()).isNullOrEmpty(); } else { final String description = "Unexpected value for Method '%s' found."; if (methodResult instanceof String) { softly.assertThat((String) methodResult).as(description, declaredMethod.getName()) .isNullOrEmpty(); } else { softly.assertThat(methodResult).as(description, declaredMethod.getName()).isNull(); } } } } private boolean equalParamTypes(@Nonnull final Class<?>[] typesOne, @Nonnull final Class<?>[] typesTwo) { if (typesOne.length == typesTwo.length) { for (int i = 0; i < typesOne.length; i++) { if (typesOne[i] != typesTwo[i]) { return false; } } return true; } return false; } /** * Calls dependent on the type of the given Object: * <br> - {@link AnnotationUtils#findAnnotation(Method, Class)} or * <br> - {@link AnnotationUtils#findAnnotation(java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement, Class)} or * <br> - {@link AnnotationUtils#findAnnotation(Class, Class)} */ @Nullable private Annotation findAnnotationFor(@Nonnull final Object annotated, @Nonnull final Class<? extends Annotation> annotation) { if (annotated instanceof Method) { return findAnnotation((Method) annotated, annotation); } if (annotated instanceof Field) { return findAnnotation((Field) annotated, annotation); } return findAnnotation((Class<?>) annotated, annotation); } /** * Calls dependent on the type of the given Object: * <br> - {@link AnnotationUtils#getAnnotations(Method)} or * <br> - {@link AnnotationUtils#getAnnotations(java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement)} */ @Nullable private Annotation[] getAllAnnotationsFor(@Nonnull final Object annotated) { if (annotated instanceof Field) { return getAnnotations((Field) annotated); } if (annotated instanceof Method) { final Method annotatedMethod = (Method) annotated; final Class<?> declaringClass = annotatedMethod.getDeclaringClass(); final List<Class<?>> allClasses = new ArrayList<>(); allClasses.add(declaringClass); allClasses.addAll(ClassUtils.getAllSuperclasses(declaringClass)); final ArrayList<Annotation> allAnnotations = new ArrayList<>(); for (final Class<?> aClass : allClasses) { final ArrayList<Method> allMethods = new ArrayList<>(); allMethods.addAll(Arrays.asList(aClass.getDeclaredMethods())); final List<Class<?>> interfaces = ClassUtils.getAllInterfaces(aClass); for (final Class<?> anInterface : interfaces) { allMethods.addAll(Arrays.asList(anInterface.getDeclaredMethods())); } -> isSameMethod(method, annotatedMethod)) .forEachOrdered(method -> addIfNotPresent(allAnnotations, getAnnotations(method))); } return allAnnotations.toArray(new Annotation[] {}); } final Class<?> annotatedClass = (Class<?>) annotated; final List<Class<?>> allClasses = new ArrayList<>(); allClasses.add(annotatedClass); allClasses.addAll(ClassUtils.getAllSuperclasses(annotatedClass)); final ArrayList<Annotation> allAnnotations = new ArrayList<>(); for (final Class<?> aClass : allClasses) { addIfNotPresent(allAnnotations, getAnnotations(aClass)); final List<Class<?>> interfaces = ClassUtils.getAllInterfaces(aClass); for (final Class<?> anInterface : interfaces) { addIfNotPresent(allAnnotations, getAnnotations(anInterface)); } } return allAnnotations.toArray(new Annotation[] {}); } private boolean isSameMethod(@Nonnull final Method one, @Nonnull final Method two) { return Objects.equals(one.getName(), two.getName()) && equalParamTypes(one.getParameterTypes(), two.getParameterTypes()); } private List<String> validateAllMethodsOfAnnotationDefinition(@Nonnull final SoftAssertions softly, @Nonnull final AnnotationDefinition annotationDefinition, @Nonnull final Annotation annotation) { final List<String> validatedMethods = Lists.newArrayList(); // check all methods defined in annotation definition for (final AnnotationDefinition.AnnotationMethodDefinition annotationMethodDefinition : annotationDefinition .getAnnotationMethodDefinitions()) { final String methodName = annotationMethodDefinition.getMethod(); final Object[] values = annotationMethodDefinition.getValues(); Method method = null; try { method = annotation.annotationType().getMethod(methodName); } catch (final NoSuchMethodException e) { // noop } // check that defined method is present in annotation softly.assertThat(method).as("Method %s not found.", methodName).isNotNull(); if (method == null) { continue; } // check that actual method in annotation has defined return types final Object methodResult = ReflectionUtils.invokeMethod(method, annotation); if (Object[].class.isInstance(methodResult)) { // this produces readable descriptions on its own // all and only defined values must be returned in defined order softly.assertThat((Object[]) methodResult).containsExactlyElementsOf(Arrays.asList(values)); } else { // this produces readable descriptions on its own softly.assertThat(methodResult).isEqualTo(values[0]); } validatedMethods.add(method.getName()); // check if this annotation's method is an alias final AliasFor alias = AnnotationUtils.findAnnotation(method, AliasFor.class); if (alias != null) { // mark the aliased method as validated validatedMethods.add(alias.value()); } } return validatedMethods; } }