Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Poor Man's CMS (pmcms) - A very basic CMS generating static html pages. * * Copyright (C) 2004-2013 by Thilo Schwarz * * == BEGIN LICENSE == * * Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your * choice: * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL") * * * - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL") * * * == END LICENSE == ******************************************************************************/ package de.thischwa.pmcms.view.renderer; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.velocity.VelocityContext; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value; import org.springframework.beans.factory.config.BeanDefinition; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Scope; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import de.thischwa.pmcms.Constants; import de.thischwa.pmcms.conf.InitializationManager; import de.thischwa.pmcms.exception.FatalException; import de.thischwa.pmcms.exception.RenderingException; import de.thischwa.pmcms.livecycle.PojoHelper; import de.thischwa.pmcms.livecycle.SiteHolder; import de.thischwa.pmcms.model.IRenderable; import de.thischwa.pmcms.model.InstanceUtil; import de.thischwa.pmcms.model.domain.PoInfo; import de.thischwa.pmcms.model.domain.pojo.APoormansObject; import de.thischwa.pmcms.model.domain.pojo.ASiteResource; import de.thischwa.pmcms.model.domain.pojo.Site; import de.thischwa.pmcms.view.ViewMode; import de.thischwa.pmcms.view.context.ContextObjectManager; import de.thischwa.pmcms.view.context.object.ContextTool; import de.thischwa.pmcms.view.context.object.Utils; import de.thischwa.pmcms.view.context.object.admin.AdminTool; /** * The velocity rendering methods. * * TODO rewrite exception handling. all methods should throw just the RenderingException */ @Service() @Scope(BeanDefinition.SCOPE_PROTOTYPE) public class VelocityRenderer { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(VelocityRenderer.class); @Autowired private SiteHolder siteHolder; @Value("${baseurl}") private String baseUrl; /** * The main render method. It renders a string with respect of possible context objects. * * @param writer * Contains the rendered string. It has to be flushed and closed by the caller! * @param stringToRender * A string to render. * @param contextObjects * Contains the context objects. It could be null or empty too. */ public void renderString(Writer writer, final String stringToRender, final Map<String, Object> contextObjects) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(stringToRender)) return; VelocityContext ctx = new VelocityContext(contextObjects); try { siteHolder.getVelocityEngine().evaluate(ctx, writer, "StaticRenderfield", stringToRender); } catch (Exception e) { throw new FatalException("While string rendering: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * Renders a string with respect of possible context objects. * * @param stringToRender * A string to render. * @param contextObjects * Context object. It could be null or empty too. * @return The rendered string. */ public String renderString(final String stringToRender, final Map<String, Object> contextObjects) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(stringToRender)) return ""; StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(); renderString(stringWriter, stringToRender, contextObjects); stringWriter.flush(); IOUtils.closeQuietly(stringWriter); return stringWriter.toString(); } /** * Renders an {@link IRenderable} with respect of the {@link ViewMode} and possible context objects into <code>writer</code>. * * @param writer * Contains the rendered string. It has to be flushed and closed by the caller! * @param renderable * The {@link IRenderable} to render. * @param viewMode * The {@link ViewMode} to respect. * @param additionalContextObjects * Contains the context objects. It could be null or empty. * @throws RenderingException */ public void render(Writer writer, final IRenderable renderable, final ViewMode viewMode, final Map<String, Object> additionalContextObjects) throws RenderingException { logger.debug("Try to render: " + renderable); PojoHelper pojoHelper = new PojoHelper(); pojoHelper.putpo((APoormansObject<?>) renderable); Site site = pojoHelper.getSite(); Map<String, Object> contextObjects = ContextObjectManager.get(pojoHelper, viewMode); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("context objects:"); for (String objName : contextObjects.keySet()) { logger.debug(" - Object class: " + objName + " - " + contextObjects.get(objName).getClass()); } } if (additionalContextObjects != null && !additionalContextObjects.isEmpty()) contextObjects.putAll(additionalContextObjects); try { String templateContent = PoInfo.getTemplateContent(renderable); StringWriter contentWriter = new StringWriter(); renderString(contentWriter, templateContent, contextObjects); String layoutContent = site.getLayoutTemplate().getText(); if (layoutContent != null) { contentWriter.flush(); contextObjects.put("content", contentWriter.toString()); renderString(writer, layoutContent, contextObjects); } else writer.write(contentWriter.toString()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RenderingException(e); } } /** * Renders a {@link ASiteResource}. * * @param writer Writer where to write out the rendered result. * @param siteResource * Must be pre-configured, shouldn't be null! * @throws IOException */ public void render(Writer writer, final ASiteResource siteResource) throws IOException { logger.debug("Try to render a SiteResource."); File editorDir = new File(InitializationManager.getSourceEditorPath()); Map<String, Object> contextObjects = new HashMap<String, Object>(); contextObjects.put("admintool", new AdminTool(siteResource)); contextObjects.put("sr", siteResource); contextObjects.put("utils", new Utils()); contextObjects.put("contexttool", new ContextTool()); if (siteResource.getId() != APoormansObject.UNSET_VALUE) { String link = String.format("%s?id=%d", Constants.LINK_IDENTICATOR_SAVE, siteResource.getId()); contextObjects.put("link", link); } if (InstanceUtil.isMacro(siteResource)) { contextObjects.put("type", Constants.LINK_TYPE_MACRO); } else if (InstanceUtil.isTemplate(siteResource)) { contextObjects.put("type", Constants.LINK_TYPE_TEMPLATE); } else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown type of siteresource!"); File editor; editor = new File(editorDir, "editor.html"); if (!editor.exists()) throw new IOException("Didn't find the main source editor file!"); String templateContent = IOUtils.toString(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(editor))); renderString(writer, templateContent, contextObjects); } /** * A wrapper to {@link #render(Writer, ASiteResource)}. */ public String render(final ASiteResource siteResource) throws RenderingException { StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); try { render(writer, siteResource); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RenderingException(e); } return writer.toString(); } /** * A wrapper to {@link #render(Writer, IRenderable, ViewMode, Map)}. */ public void render(Writer writer, final IRenderable renderable, final ViewMode viewMode) throws RenderingException { render(writer, renderable, viewMode, null); } /** * A wrapper to {@link #render(Writer, IRenderable, ViewMode)} */ public String render(final IRenderable renderable, final ViewMode viewMode) throws RenderingException { StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); render(writer, renderable, viewMode); return writer.toString(); } }