Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2014 Team GRIT * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <>. */ package; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import; import; import; import; import; import org.junit.runner.notification.Failure; import de.teamgrit.grit.checking.CheckingResult; import de.teamgrit.grit.checking.TestOutput; import de.teamgrit.grit.preprocess.tokenize.Submission; /** * This class supplies the static method generateCard to generate a .tex file * out of a SubmissionObj. * * @author <a href="">Thomas Schmidt</a> * */ class TexGenerator { private TexGenerator() { // prevent initialisation } /** * This method creates a TeX file from a Submission instance. * * @param submission * A SubmissionObj containing the information that the content * gets generated from. * @param outdir * the output directory * @param courseName * the name of the course the exercise belongs to * @param exerciseName * the name of the exercise * @return The Path to the created TeX file. * @throws IOException * If something goes wrong when writing. */ public static Path generateTex(final Submission submission, final Path outdir, final String courseName, final String exerciseName) throws IOException { final File location = outdir.toFile(); File file = new File(location, submission.getStudent().getName() + ".report.tex"); if (Files.exists(file.toPath())) { Files.delete(file.toPath()); } file.createNewFile(); writePreamble(file); writeHeader(file, submission, courseName, exerciseName); writeOverview(file, submission); writeTestResult(file, submission); // if there are compile errors, put these in the .tex file instead of // JUnit Test result CheckingResult checkingResult = submission.getCheckingResult(); if (!(checkingResult.getCompilerOutput().isCleanCompile())) { writeCompilerErrors(file, submission); } else { TestOutput testResults = checkingResult.getTestResults(); if ((testResults.getPassedTestCount() < testResults.getTestCount()) && testResults.getDidTest()) { writeFailedTests(file, submission); } } writeCompilerOutput(file, submission); writeSourceCode(file, submission); writeClosing(file); return file.toPath(); } /** * Writes the closing into the TeX file. * * @param file * File the closing gets written into. * @throws IOException * If something goes wrong when writing. */ private static void writeClosing(File file) throws IOException { FileWriterWithEncoding writer = new FileWriterWithEncoding(file, "UTF-8", true); writer.append("\\end{student}\n"); writer.append("\\label{lastpage}"); writer.append("\\end{document}\n"); writer.close(); } /** * Writes the compiler errors into the TeX file. * * @param file * File the compiler errors get written into. * @param submission * SubmissionObj the needed information gets taken from. * @throws IOException * If something goes wrong when writing. */ private static void writeCompilerErrors(File file, Submission submission) throws IOException { FileWriterWithEncoding writer = new FileWriterWithEncoding(file, "UTF-8", true); writer.append("\\paragraph{Compilerfehler}~\\\\\n"); writer.append("\\begin{lstlisting}[language=bash, breaklines=true, " + "basicstyle=\\color{black}\\footnotesize\\ttfamily,numberstyle" + "=\\tiny\\color{black}]\n"); for (String error : submission.getCheckingResult().getCompilerOutput().getCompilerErrors()) { writer.append(error + "\n"); } writer.append("\\end{lstlisting}\n"); writer.close(); } /** * Writes the compiler output into the TeX file. * * @param file * File the compiler output gets written into. * @param submission * SubmissionObj the needed information gets taken from. * @throws IOException * If something goes wrong when writing. */ private static void writeCompilerOutput(File file, Submission submission) throws IOException { FileWriterWithEncoding writer = new FileWriterWithEncoding(file, "UTF-8", true); writer.append("\\paragraph{Compilerausgabe}~\\\\\n"); writer.append("\\color{black}\n"); writer.append("\\begin{lstlisting}[language=bash, " + "breaklines=true]{Warnings}\n"); for (String warning : submission.getCheckingResult().getCompilerOutput().getCompilerWarnings()) { writer.append(warning + "\n"); } writer.append("\\end{lstlisting}\n"); writer.append("\\begin{lstlisting}[language=bash, " + "breaklines=true]{Infos}\n"); for (String info : submission.getCheckingResult().getCompilerOutput().getCompilerInfos()) { writer.append(info + "\n"); } writer.append("\\end{lstlisting}\n"); writer.close(); } /** * Writes the failed tests into the TeX file. * * @param file * File the failed tests get written into. * @param submission * SubmissionObj the needed information gets taken from. * @throws IOException * If something goes wrong when writing. */ private static void writeFailedTests(File file, Submission submission) throws IOException { FileWriterWithEncoding writer = new FileWriterWithEncoding(file, "UTF-8", true); if (submission.getCheckingResult().getTestResults().getDidTest()) { writer.append("\\paragraph{Fehlerhafte Tests}~\\\\\n"); writer.append("\\begin{itemize}\n"); for (int i = 0; i < submission.getCheckingResult().getTestResults().getResults().size(); i++) { if (!(submission.getCheckingResult().getTestResults().getResults().get(i).wasSuccessful())) { writer.append("\\item{Test" + i + "}\\\n"); writer.append("\\begin{lstlisting}[language=bash, " + "breaklines=true, basicstyle=\\color{red}" + "\\footnotesize\\ttfamily,numberstyle" + "=\\tiny\\color{black}]{Fehler}\n"); for (Failure fail : submission.getCheckingResult().getTestResults().getResults().get(i) .getFailures()) { writer.append(fail.toString() + "\n"); } writer.append("\\end{lstlisting}\n"); } } } writer.close(); } /** * Writes the header into the TeX file. * * @param file * File the overhead gets written into. * @param submission * SubmissionObj the needed information gets taken from. * @param courseName * the name of the course the exercise belongs to * @param exerciseName * the name of the exercise * @throws IOException * Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ private static void writeHeader(File file, Submission submission, final String courseName, final String exerciseName) throws IOException { FileWriterWithEncoding writer = new FileWriterWithEncoding(file, "UTF-8", true); writer.append("\\newcommand{\\studycourse}{" + courseName + "}\n"); writer.append("\\newcommand{\\assignmentnumber}{" + exerciseName + "}\n"); writer.append("\\begin{document}\n"); writer.append("\\begin{student}{" + submission.getStudent().getName() + "}\n"); writer.close(); } /** * Writes the Overview into the .tex file. * * @param file * File the overview gets written into. * @param submission * SubmissionObj the needed information gets taken from. * @throws IOException * If something goes wrong when writing. */ private static void writeOverview(File file, Submission submission) throws IOException { FileWriterWithEncoding writer = new FileWriterWithEncoding(file, "UTF-8", true); writer.append("\\paragraph{bersicht}~\\\\\n"); CheckingResult checkingResult = submission.getCheckingResult(); if (checkingResult.getCompilerOutput().isCleanCompile()) { writer.append("Abgabe kompiliert \\hfill \\textcolor{green}{JA}\\\\"); } else { writer.append("Abgabe kompiliert \\hfill \\textcolor{red}{NEIN}\\\\ \n"); } writer.append("Testergebnis \\hfill " + checkingResult.getTestResults().getPassedTestCount() + " von " + checkingResult.getTestResults().getTestCount() + " Tests bestanden\n"); writer.close(); } /** * Writes the Preamble into the .tex file. * * @param file * File the Preamble gets written into. * @throws IOException * If something goes wrong when writing. */ private static void writePreamble(File file) throws IOException { final File preamble = new File( Paths.get(System.getProperty("user.dir"), "res", "tex", "report_preamble.tex").toUri()); String preambleToString = FileUtils.readFileToString(preamble, "UTF-8"); FileWriterWithEncoding writer = new FileWriterWithEncoding(file, "UTF-8", true); writer.append(preambleToString); writer.append("\n\n"); writer.close(); } /** * Writes the source code into the .tex file. * * @param file * File the source code gets written into. * @param submission * SubmissionObj the needed information gets taken from. * @throws IOException * If something goes wrong when writing. */ private static void writeSourceCode(File file, Submission submission) throws IOException { FileWriterWithEncoding writer = new FileWriterWithEncoding(file, "UTF-8", true); writer.append("\\paragraph{Code}~\\\\\n"); for (File f : FileUtils.listFiles(submission.getSourceCodeLocation().toFile(), FileFilterUtils.fileFileFilter(), TrueFileFilter.INSTANCE)) { // determines programming language of the file and adjusts the // lstlisting according to it String language = "no valid file"; String fileExtension = FilenameUtils.getExtension(f.toString()); if (fileExtension.matches("[Jj][Aa][Vv][Aa]")) { language = "Java"; } else if (fileExtension.matches("([Ll])?[Hh][Ss]")) { language = "Haskell"; } else if (fileExtension.matches("[Cc]|[Hh]")) { language = "C"; } else if (fileExtension.matches("[Cc][Pp][Pp]")) { language = "C++"; } else { // file is not a valid source file continue; } writer.append("\\lstinputlisting[language=" + language); writer.append(", breaklines=true]{" + FilenameUtils.separatorsToUnix((f.getAbsolutePath())) + "}\n"); } writer.close(); } /** * Writes the test result into the .tex file. * * @param file * File the test results get written into. * @param submission * SubmissionObj the needed information gets taken from. * @throws IOException * If something goes wrong when writing. */ private static void writeTestResult(File file, Submission submission) throws IOException { FileWriterWithEncoding writer = new FileWriterWithEncoding(file, "UTF-8", true); writer.append("\\paragraph{Testergebnis}~\\\\\n"); TestOutput testResults = submission.getCheckingResult().getTestResults(); if (testResults.getDidTest() && (testResults.getTestCount() > 0)) { writer.append("Bestandene Tests \\hfill\\progressbar[subdivisions=" + testResults.getTestCount() + ", ticksheight=1, emptycolor=red, filledcolor=green]{" + (testResults.getPassedTestCount() / testResults.getTestCount()) + "} \\\\\n"); for (int i = 0; i < testResults.getResults().size(); i++) { if (testResults.getResults().get(i).wasSuccessful()) { writer.append("Test " + i + "\\hfill \\checkedbox \\\\\n"); } else { writer.append("\\textcolor{red}{Test " + i + "\\hfill \\XBox} \\ \\\n"); } } writer.append("\\pagebreak\n"); } else { writer.append("Keine Tests vorhanden.\n"); } writer.close(); } }