Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2014 Team GRIT * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <>. */ package; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.LinkOption; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import; import de.teamgrit.grit.preprocess.Student; /** * The PdfConcatinator is an utility class to merge the pdfs generated by the * {@link TexGenerator} . * * @author <a href="">Gabriel * Einsdorf</a> */ public class PdfConcatenator { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger("systemlog"); private PdfConcatenator() { // prevent instantiation } /** * Concatinates pdfs generated {@link TexGenerator}. * * @param folderWithPdfs * the folder with pdfs * @param outPath * the out path * @param exerciseName * the context * @param studentsWithoutSubmissions * list of students who did not submit any solution * @return the path to the created PDF * @throws IOException * Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ protected static Path concatPDFS(Path folderWithPdfs, Path outPath, String exerciseName, List<Student> studentsWithoutSubmissions) throws IOException { if ((folderWithPdfs == null) || !Files.isDirectory(folderWithPdfs)) { throw new IOException("The Path doesn't point to a Folder"); } File file = new File(outPath.toFile(), "report.tex"); if (Files.exists(file.toPath(), LinkOption.NOFOLLOW_LINKS)) { Files.delete(file.toPath()); } file.createNewFile(); writePreamble(file, exerciseName); writeMissingStudents(file, studentsWithoutSubmissions); writeFiles(file, folderWithPdfs); writeClosing(file); PdfCreator.createPdfFromPath(file.toPath(), outPath); return file.toPath(); } /** * Writes the preamble and title to the file. * * @param file * the file * @param exerciseName * the name of the exercise * @throws IOException * Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ private static void writePreamble(File file, String exerciseName) throws IOException { FileWriterWithEncoding writer = new FileWriterWithEncoding(file, "UTF-8", true); writer.append("\\documentclass[a4paper,10pt,ngerman]{scrartcl} \n"); writer.append("\\usepackage[ngerman]{babel}\n"); writer.append("\\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}"); writer.append("\\usepackage{pdfpages} \n"); writer.append("\\usepackage{grffile} \n"); writer.append("\\begin{document} \n"); writer.append("\\begin{titlepage}\n"); writer.append("\\begin{center}\n"); writer.append("\\textsc{\\LARGE Universitt Konstanz}\\\\[1.5cm]\n\n"); writer.append("{\\large Korrektur\n\n"); writer.append("\\rule{\\linewidth}{0.5mm}\\\\[0.4cm]\n"); writer.append("{\\fontfamily{qhv}\\huge\\bfseries ").append(exerciseName).append(" \\\\[0.4cm]}\n\n"); writer.append("\\rule{\\linewidth}{0.5mm}\\\\[0.5cm]\n\n"); writer.append("\\vfill\n"); writer.append("{\\large\\today\n"); writer.append("\\end{center}\n"); writer.append("\\end{titlepage}\n"); writer.close(); } /** * Write the pdfs to the file. * * @param outFile * the out file * @param folderWithPdfs * the folder with pdfs * @throws IOException * Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ private static void writeFiles(File outFile, Path folderWithPdfs) throws IOException { FileWriterWithEncoding writer = new FileWriterWithEncoding(outFile, "UTF-8", true); File[] files = folderWithPdfs.toFile().listFiles(); if (files.length > 0) { for (File file : files) { // We only want the the PDFs as input if ("pdf".equals(FilenameUtils.getExtension(file.getName()))) { writer.append("\\includepdf[pages={1-}]{").append(file.getAbsolutePath()).append("} \n"); } } } else { LOGGER.warning("No Reports available in the specified folder: " + folderWithPdfs.toString()); } writer.close(); } /** * Writes the closing part of the file. * * @param file * the file * @throws IOException * Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ private static void writeClosing(File file) throws IOException { FileWriterWithEncoding writer = new FileWriterWithEncoding(file, "UTF-8", true); writer.append("\\label{lastpage}"); writer.append("\\end{document}\n"); writer.close(); } /** * Writes the names of the students that didn't hand in a submission. * * @param file * the file that gets written into. * @param studentWithoutSubmissions * a list with students who did not submit any solution. * @throws IOException * If something goes wrong when writing. */ private static void writeMissingStudents(File file, List<Student> studentWithoutSubmissions) throws IOException { // // the list of students who didn't hand in a submission // List<Student> missing = context.getPreprocessor() // .getStudentsWithoutSubmission(); // only write if there are any missing submissions if (!(studentWithoutSubmissions == null) && !(studentWithoutSubmissions.isEmpty())) { FileWriterWithEncoding writer = new FileWriterWithEncoding(file, "UTF-8", true); writer.append("{\\LARGE\\bf Studenten welche nicht abgegeben haben:}\\\\\n\\\\"); writer.append("\\begin{minipage}{.5\\textwidth}\n"); writer.append("\\begin{itemize}\n"); for (int i = 0; i < studentWithoutSubmissions.size(); i += 2) { writer.append("\\item ").append(studentWithoutSubmissions.get(i).getName()).append("\n"); } writer.append("\\end{itemize}\n"); writer.append("\\end{minipage}"); writer.append("\\begin{minipage}{.5\\textwidth}\\raggedright\n"); writer.append("\\begin{itemize}\n"); for (int i = 1; i < studentWithoutSubmissions.size(); i += 2) { writer.append("\\item ").append(studentWithoutSubmissions.get(i).getName()).append("\n"); } writer.append("\\end{itemize}\n"); writer.append("\\end{minipage}\n"); writer.close(); } } }